
9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Factual error: The internet cafe Vers visits runs a piece of software even more cutting edge than the brand new, still beta version of Windows 95; Netscape Navigator 4, a release from 1997 - certainly not 1995, when it still had very squared highly recognizable buttons and icons of a different color than those portrayed here. (00:35:15)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Other mistake: One already wonders how fast can SHIELD possibly get to the facility itself once Fury pages them, but when Fury and Vers get into the archive, the clock shows it's 2 PM. After a few minutes browsing, he gets a message on his pager from Keller simply saying the message has been received. He leaves 'for a minute' apparently to go greet them (already?) and comes back; when he walks into the archive the clock shows it's 3 PM. (00:46:15 - 00:51:00)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Other mistake: It's a common narrative device, but through the black box recording, Vers/Carol "remembers" things that extend past the point when she was knocked out unconscious. The black box can't have recorded Yon-Rogg and Minn-erva's conversation after a crash and an explosion of a device that disrupts electronics, or SHIELD would have known everything about the aliens already in 1989.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Continuity mistake: Fury pets Goose when he first meets it; his right hand has a habit of being in inconsistent positions between shots (Goose paws his hand down but it's still up after the cut; Vers calls him by name and in the close-up he has both hands on the furry neck of the critter, only to be shown with the right hand down at the cut). (00:45:48)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Stupidity: For being a ruthless race of conquerors, every Kree in this movie is awfully cautious when pulling the trigger. From the kree soldiers who don't shoot the prisoners who were already set to be "ejected into space" (instead of being shot on the spot) nor the space monster attacking them with tentacles, to Yon-Rogg and Minn-erva who do not shoot Carol when she is about to destroy the engine (Minn-erva especially should have no problems doing that and it's the whole purpose of a sniper). The best bit about the shooting idiocy happens when "Just a girl" starts playing, and Minn-erva with 2 soldiers armed with rifles from an elevated position do not shoot their precision rifles but rather jump down on the same level as Carol for absolutely no reason. Which soldier with a rifle would get closer to the enemy?


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Stupidity: Carol enters the Imperial Cruiser that doubles as a secret laboratory, uncloaking it. She does not cloak it back, so the villains just find it immediately. But blood-thirsty Ronan, despite having multiple ships, does not target it or acknowledge it, despite fully knowing that Earth has no defenses and is not a threat, while a Kree vessel would necessitate countermeasures.


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Suggested correction: The Kree wanted what was on the ship. Destroying it would not achieve their goals. Additionally, since Carol was able to decloak it using her suit, so could any other Kree soldiers.

If to decloak it they need to know the location, it had to be visible to begin with? Going by the movie, Ronan has not even been informed about Mar-Vell's project. If the movie still remembers there is any (no indication is given), he suddenly finds a ship not part of his fleet and does not question it, simply going by what the plot wants him to do. Which, actually, could be fully intentional, since he obviously just cares about blowing stuff up and does not care even if any of his fellow Krees is still on the planet (not that the movie implies it, as movies normally would, but he's such a one-note character that it could be possible).


Earth doesn't have defenses and is not a threat, the Kree cruiser is obviously not part of Earth's defenses but is one of their own. He just didn't realise it is a target instead. Besides, Kree are on board, why would he target it?


That's exactly the point of what I originally said: Earth is not a threat, but he, fresh off his jump, right away gets in bombing mode without checking where the other Krees are (Yon-Rogg is on Earth at that exact moment, right the spot he is dropping the bombs at, even!) or batting an eye at the cruiser that happens to be already there, not target it but ask "what is going on here?", hail them or receive a report about the situation and where he is supposed to blow his load (would have been a single line of dialogue, here it seems an issue entirely ignored because plot moves from A to B): as a member of the military he is supposed to coordinate his attacks (like he did earlier on the first meeting with the Skrulls, where he bombed a specific part of the planet). Here all his instructions have been "Come at once, Earth has been infiltrated!", but he launches the bombs right away, seconds after jumping close to Earth.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Stupidity: The whole sequence when Fury and Vers have to "prove to each other" that they are not Skrull is pure nonsense for the sake of 'comedy'; neither knows the first thing about each other and their culture (the protagonist remembers nothing about Earth and obviously Fury has never been exposed to aliens) so they can't verify the reciprocal information this procedure is based on.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: When Vers arrives at the bar, Nick Fury is already there. She went straight to the bar after stealing the bike, while Fury needed still to learn about the theft, link it to the case, with investigations taking place to maybe (only possibility that would not depend on the vehicle being reported) figure out that Pancho's was the destination from examining the search history of the browser. Fury went there by car. His boss also explicitly says to work on the case alone. Amazing he could be there with such timing.


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Suggested correction: Vers probably got lost and had to wander around to find the place.

I can't realistically say it's impossible (it is not shown, after all), but nothing in the movie implies it, and it's the exact opposite. She is shown, driving, fast, on the Sierra Highway, which is where the bar is. Not stopping to ask for directions or at crossroads (something it takes 1 second of movie to show). In perfect Star Trek tradition she can speak the language, she reads the maps just fine, in fact she already looked the place up on the map, that was next to her and she already knew how to use without help, before taking off on her fast bike not hindered by traffic. And again, the head start she has is huge since Fury can begin investigating only once he hears about the stolen bike. Fury is at his HQ and a long time seems to have passed, since he is patched up and a whole autopsy has been done. Vers started searching right away.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Carol asks "Arm wrestle for the tesseract?" Minn-erva in the background is holding her gun at a different angle than the previous shot. Following that, Bron-Char (the big white bearded Kree) assumes battle stance at least 3 times in different shots, at first reacting to Carol flipping on her feet (but looking composed in the next shot), then shown with his fist stretched out, then shown in the process of stretching said fist out. (01:33:33)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: Talos under the guise of Director Keller orders his men to stay where they are as he wants to interrogate the suspect alone. Fury exits the elevator before him and we see Keller realise only when he is already at the inferior level in some boiler room that he has been tricked. Despite the headstart of 5 floors, mysteriously the agents of SHIELD (headed by Keller) are already swarming the archive when Fury calls Vers by name.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Factual error: In the internet cafe, Vers searches for the name of the bar conveniently seen on the piece of machinery conveniently dropped by the Skrull. She can't google it, being 1995, so she uses Altavista. Props to the prop department for using the original logo of Altavista, but the URL appearing as result for the search is etc, while it should have been, since Altavista in its early years did not own the domain name.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Stupidity: Mar-Vell's laboratory is a spaceship that the captions identify as an imperial cruiser, not exactly the kind of thing that can go missing unnoticed. Since the Kree were so determined in finding Mar-Vell's work and are so attached to it that they keep Carol around, how is it possible that in 1989 or ever since they haven't looked for her cruiser? Carol manages to uncloak it without using any secret code (that she wouldn't know since Mar-Vell told her about the whole alien thing just barely before dying and was not privy to any security measure).


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Suggested correction: Decloaking the ship still necessitated knowing its location. The Kree didn't know where it was, so couldn't decloak it.

But they don't even look for it. He literally goes "oh, well, the engine is gone, let's go home", without any attempt to look for Mar-Vell's project or, again, the big cruiser thingy. Something so important, and yet the empire does not care about it to probe around for it.


In your other entry you suggest Ronan doesn't even know about Mar-Vell's project. More likely he doesn't care, since he is a fanatic who worships the old ways. Its logical he will ignore it, especially when his interests have been turned towards Carol flying around blasting through his ships. Which he later forgets for whatever reason as well.


No, no, I am referring to Yon-Rogg in the past, and the empire as a whole: they are after whatever work Mar-Vell was doing, to the point of keeping around with a very flawed brainwashing plan an incredibly dangerous being created with that technology, but don't look for her ship or evidence of her work, at all. 6 years with the knowledge that somewhere around (or on) Earth there's the key to unlimited destroying power and/or a hyperfast engine, and everyone is like "Meh, whatever" for no reason.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Factual error: Everyone is gathered in front of Maria's computer waiting for the audio CD to load. Maria's computer is actually from the future, since it has installed not Windows 95 (beta or not) like in the internet cafe, but the even later Windows 2000 (telltale detail; the CD player program and the icon of the recycle bin). (01:05:45)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: The closest jump point to "C-53" aka Earth is 22 hours, a plot device needed for the Kree to catch up with Vers only for the third act. Yon-Rogg does not tell Ronan anything about the target (Earth), but Ronan still when called shows up with his fleet of battleships in mere minutes.


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Suggested correction: We don't hear Yon-Rogg telling Ronan anything about the target but it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. We do see them doing many things (eg eating) but we can assume it takes place). It's reasonable to assume they've had a conversation about where they're going.

9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Continuity mistake: The Supreme Intelligence has a worried expression when Carol gets close, and drops the energy beam that was not working. However, inexplicably she's smiling once Carol rips the control device from her neck, before switching back to the kind of "Oh no" face she had before. (01:31:45)


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Plot hole: Mar-Vell's achievement, what makes her work so coveted by both Kree and Skrull, is the "lightspeed" engine equipped on the jet. This "lightspeed" engine is unable to outrun the Kree fighter sent after it. It's hard to imagine how Carol being the test pilot for this technology has failed to ever realise that this is what was being studied and how she is a test pilot for an engine that is never used at a fraction of its capabilities.


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Suggested correction: Clearly the engine was not being run at its full potential at that point. It was experimental and would never fly at FTL speeds in the atmosphere of a planet.

Absolutely! But what sort of "tests" have they been doing on it for all those months or years?


Can't simply start using an FTL to outrun a bogey. You probably could wind up inside a planet or destroy the atmosphere. She probably has her reasons not to use it. Who knows what Mar-vell was really testing, maybe that was just a ruse and all she was doing was buying time to come up with a plan to use the engine to help the Skrulls without the Kree finding them. There is no plothole if you simply can't imagine what the motives are.


The engine had to be important, otherwise the whole ruse of Mar-Vell being Dr. Lawson would have been pointless: she already had the Tesseract itself aboard her ship, where the Earthlings could never find it if she chose to disappear overnight, so it had to be work related to the engine itself and its implications, how to actually handle it. It is implied that the engine works (she instructs Carol before dying to "save them without me" and Talos says that now they can reassemble the "thousands scattered around the galaxy"), so again, it seems absurd that the engine cannot give the slightest extra punch to her ship, which already was headed towards space, the laboratory, and that she can't fly up out of atmosphere - or that she tested something dealing with lightspeed or close to it, for all that time, to the point of making a somewhat working prototype, but never figured it out.


I submitted a text change request and I hope the entry has a chance to be reinstated some time. As I said in the other comments, it makes no sense that Carol is the test pilot of a lightspeed engine, the lightspeed engine is completed and works, but the test pilot herself has no idea the engine works and can't produce any ever significant boost. They are already in 'space' when the scene begins, it's not like they would risk to crash into Earth.


Will wait for the rewording then but right now the entry is rightfully corrected. More reasons could in fact be given. Carol is the test pilot for a spacecraft that happens to have a FTL engine (which I turns out is what it was all about). The FTL isn't active when they are being chased and doesn't provide extra boost to the spacecraft's regular engines. Wouldn't help either as there can be several simple reasons why one can not use it at that time.


The FTL engine then has been developed and finished without Carol having any input on it and she flew with it for no reason. What has Mar-vell been doing all this time and why has she bothered with Carol at all? Does not even need Pegasus project since the Tesseract is aboard her own cloaked ship and not in the research facility downstairs. If the engine is off, why is it on the plane at all? Looks very active later when the plan crashes and Carol makes it explode with a single blast, etc.


9th Oct 2019

Captain Marvel (2019)

Factual error: In her second encounter with the Supreme Intelligence, Carol's memories 'jogged' by the Earth's sojourn include a record of "Come as you are" by Nirvana. A memory that Carol couldn't possibly have, having become Vers in 1989, and with the song being part of Nirvana's ultra-famous "Nevermind" album which came out in 1991. (01:27:30)


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Suggested correction: She could have heard it since she spent a little time in 1995 in the bar and at Rambeau's house. Even in the car it could have been on the radio (then Fury turns it off). Just because we didn't see her hear it doesn't mean she didn't, there definitely was opportunity.

Yes, I heard that objection before, but the song should have some sort of meaning or relevance in a scene that is all about "the old memory" getting "jogged back", not just be something she perhaps listened to, off-screen, randomly.


Or it was the most recent song she heard and therefore at the top of her mind.

This isn't relevant If the scene is random or not it doesn't matter. The mistake was that she couldn't have heard it, but she could have heard it.

jon snow

No, the mistake is that the song is part of a scene based on an old memory of a specific timeframe explicitly referenced as such, of which Nirvana is not a part of. The Supreme Intelligence explicitly references the 1989 memory and its cool jacket she gets to wear thanks to it, and the music, "nice touch."


The original mistake said that she couldn't possibly have that memory. But according to the correction she could have heard it in the bar on with fury or in the Rambeaus' house. So it doesn't matter if it's random or not It's a memory she could have had.

jon snow

I am sorry if the text is unclear, but I wrote the original mistake phrasing it that way ("Carol's memories 'jogged' by the Earth's sojourn") exactly because that is what the mistake is about, those specific memories the whole scene is built upon, Dr. Lawson cosplay and all. Sure a song you just heard on the radio 5 minutes ago is technically a "memory' being in the past, but it is not what they are talking about, even complimenting the music as being a "nice touch." If an evil mastermind were to take the shape of my Grandpa who died 10 years ago and play Daft's punk "Get Lucky" as he meets me in front of the family scrapbook dressed with his favourite smoking jacket, the song would be out of place, even moreso if he remarked about it being a nice touch.


Technically she could have "recognized" the song but maybe thought it was some new version of Killing Joke's "Eighties" which was released in 1984, since the riffs are so similar. And no I'm not serious about that.

Continuity mistake: Second part of the conversation when Emma right away spills the 'secret' to Lissy; forgetting the fact that they both have refills for their drink (we just assume they had one off-camera not shown), the wine in Lissy's glass changes level from shot to shot several times (for instance when she listens to Emma once she answered about the dead guy it empties in mid-air, or when she suggests to "do it at work", the glass is refilled in the reverse shot). (00:23:50)


Continuity mistake: During the business meeting with Emma's boyfriend talking about Millenials, when he says "Your Grandpa is not our target demographic", keep an eye on the woman with the shaven head; she is playing with her pen in Emma's reaction shot but her hands are perfectly calm and flat on the table in the shots before and after. (00:33:55)


9th Oct 2019

Baby's Day Out (1994)

Continuity mistake: Eddie falls from the roof and breaks his fall on a window-mounted air conditioner. In the close-up through the window, no cable can be seen behind Joe Mantegna's head (supposed to be there as he took it down with his crotch earlier), but it is there in other shots. (00:27:00)


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