Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why are the deceased bad guys including Tai Lung, Lord Shen, and Kai in the Spirit Realm with the good warriors? Shouldn't the good and the bad be in separate realms like Heaven and Hell?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: Holmes says he realised that Inspector McDonald was an impostor because he supposedly knows the 'real' Inspector McDonald of the Edinburgh police. As shown in the other movies and Conan Doyle's original stories, there are several Inspectors working for Scotland Yard in London (another British city), which begs the question: does this resolution Holmes mentioned about two British Inspectors having the same surname make sense and, if so, why?

Big Game

Answer: If you're comparing the film to Arthur Conan Doyle's original Sherlock Holmes stories, then any discrepancy does not really apply. The Basil Rathbone films were loose adaptions of Doyle's work, often incorporating plot elements from multiple stories or were original screenplays with new characters. There was little regard to details or plot consistencies. "Terror by Night" was an entirely original story. The original Sherlock Holmes stories were set in the late Victorian era while the 12 Universal Studio films mostly took place during World War II, with Holmes often fighting Nazis and enemy spies. The first two Sherlock Holmes films by 20th Cent. Fox studio were generally faithful to the original stories.


Actually, my question is related to the movies themselves and it's not a comparison. There are still several inspectors working for Scotland Yard in the Basil Rathbone saga too (I've made an entry edition to include this).

Big Game

Thanks for clarifying, though you stated, "as shown in the other movies 'and' Doyle's original stories." Much of my previous answer still applies. The Basil Rathbone movies were not a definitive interpretation of Sherlock Holmes. The first two by 20th Century Fox were mostly faithful to the original stories. The 12 later Universal Studios films were lower-budget, cranked out in rapid succession for profit, and shifted the time period to the mid-20th century for cheaper production costs. The studio's mandate was the films were, "to simply be entertaining B pictures." There was little regard for historical accuracy or plot continuity from film to film. Scripts were simultaneously developed by different writing teams. The 12 films had multiple directors and screenwriters who were focused on their individual projects.


Actually, almost all the movies were directed by Roy William Neill (11 of 14).

Big Game

That's true, but many different screenwriters were simultaneously working on the various movies. It's also typical in Hollywood for uncredited "script doctors" to revise scripts, further adding to small inconsistencies. Universal Studios had a seven-year contract with the Doyle estate to make the Sherlock Holmes films. They produced them quickly, releasing three movies per year. Under the contract, Universal was allowed to make plot revisions, create some original stories, and modernise the setting (making it more topical and cheaper to produce).


Justice - S4-E3

Question: When Rimmer is jailed for killing everyone on Red Dwarf, why did they go down the route of getting Rimmer a retrial? Wouldn't it be faster and easier to simply turn Rimmer off and then reboot him?

Answer: They could do that after they left the planet, sure. But if they tried it while they were there, the Justice Zones would punish them for it. Best to play along until you can get away.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Purely speculation, but perhaps the Justice computer took over Rimmer's light bee and blocked a shutdown. Even if they did a hard reboot on Red Dwarf, the original Rimmer would still be trapped on Justice World.

Brian Katcher

Question: When Jack Stevens was being introduced as the pilot to smuggle the cocaine into the United States, Diego's fiancée was talking in Spanish - does anyone know what she was saying (in English)?

Question: When they finally break the code, Turing reads the decrypted message. Wouldn't it have been in German, which he earlier in the film admitted he did not read?

Answer: It is in German; you can see it as it's being written down. Afterwards, Turing doesn't read it out; Cairncross hands it to Alexander, who reads it aloud (in English).

Answer: Regarding "Risky Business" and "Halloween," they are not the same house. "Risky Business" was filmed in the Chicago area, while "Halloween" used California locations. If there's information about it being used in "Fresh Prince," I'll update this.


Question: What happened to the woman talking about Sam's girlfriend's infection? When Dad arrives, she is not shown or in helicopter scenes.

Answer: The woman was the librarian and library receptionist. She lives to die another day. She gets rescued with the other library survivors. The actress just isn't Jake Gyllenhaal or Dennis Quaid. So the focus in the end is not on her, but rather on the big-name stars.


Answer: If you mean Sheila McCarthy, she is on the helicopter. They show her smiling at the man who saved and carried the large Bible.

Show generally

Question: Atwater is always going undercover as a drug dealer; after all these years, how does he get away with not being recognised?

Radio Days - S6-E4

Question: When Joey and Jesse try the DJ spot, you can see a sign on Julie's desk that says NO CHECKS CASHED. Would people try to get checks cashed at a radio station?

Question: Why doesn't anyone from the Afterlife try to stop Lydia from doing her TV series? In the first movie, Juno said that the living must not discover evidence of the Afterlife.

Answer: My guess would be that it's a combination of a few factors. The first is that she's far from the only one doing that sort of program. There are hundreds of paranormal shows, YouTube channels, etc. It would start to look very suspicious if suddenly things started happening to everyone who makes that type of content. Second, a lot of people just flat-out don't believe in things like ghosts and the afterlife. And a lot of those shows are faked, anyway. So while Lydia is earnest and honest, a lot of people won't believe it. Therefore, her show isn't exactly super risky for the afterlife. And finally, the original movie really doesn't dwell on that idea; it's basically given a few brief lines of dialogue in like one scene, and that's it. So you could also make the argument that this movie just sort of ret-conned or is ignoring that idea due to it being such a minor, unimportant element of the original.


Answer: I agree with Ted Stixon - many people have similar shows/online channels, and many people don't believe in the content. So, the afterlife officials are probably not concerned about all of them. There are people in real life who claim to be in contact with the deceased, as well as psychics and people with various religious beliefs.

Question: Why was Oliver so quick to believe Annie's friends when he was told she was in danger?

Answer: Think of the circumstances. A group of obvious orphans shows up at your house at night, saying they are friends of Annie. Warbucks knows how far the orphanage is from his home since he went there earlier. Annie believed her parents were already dead, as so many people showed up claiming to be them but didn't have the locket. Annie was very hesitant and unreceptive toward the ones who showed up to bring her home. Warbucks also caught a bad vibe from the fake parents when it came to giving them the reward check. It's not hard to believe that he would instantly realise that he was scammed and Annie is in trouble.

Question: Ruth wrote "GONE BACK 2RV.XR" on Graeme's forehead in the forest scene. I can see she means she went back to the RV. What about the "XR" at the end? What does it mean? (01:05:00 - 01:05:50)

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: X" in a written letter typically represents "kiss," or a way to say with love (or some variation of that). R is her initial. She's just signing the note "Love, Ruth.


Question: When Rooster and Lily went to Oliver Warbucks to claim Annie as their "daughter," why were they wearing a disguise? No one who lives in the mansion even knows what Annie's parents looked like.

Answer: They are disguised because they are committing a crime by falsely claiming the reward.


Show generally

Question: According to the last Doctor Strange movie, possessing a dead body is forbidden by the souls of the damned, as it's trespassing, and Dr. Strange was quickly attacked and forced out. If that is the case, however, isn't Billy trespassing by possessing the dead body of William Kaplan? Where are the souls of the damned?


Answer: Wanda's children were created through hex magic, so perhaps that rule only applies to humans who are conceived through conventional means.


Question: Did Jane have any legal right to sell Adam and Barbara's house after they died? Both of them had no interest in selling the house at all and even told Jane as such.

Answer: Given they had no known next-of-kin, whoever was appointed the executor of their estate likely just had Jane sell the house since she was friendly with Adam and Barbara and expressed interest in selling it even before they died.


Question: Where are the other members of the Warriors? When they get back to Coney Island, it's just them, the ones who went to Bronx. Was their gang that small? 10 guys.

Answer: How would the rest of the Warriors know where to show up? The members on the run all night couldn't exactly stop to make a phone call.

Answer: As mentioned in an answer to a different question: In a deleted scene, Cleon mentions there are over 100 members in the Warriors.


Answer: That's the entire gang. They are a small gang but well-respected due to their toughness.


Question: Before the Jackal makes an impression of the Paris apartment key, he deliberately rubs the key against his chin. Why?

Answer: Chins have sebaceous glands (natural oils). He rubs the key on his chin to lightly coat the metal key as a lubricant, so it does not stick to the mould. It will make a perfect impression in the mould to create a flawless cast.

Super Grover

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