
26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 12: The Siege - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: When the Mythrol says "Look, it's a mint Trexler Marauder", look at the stormtrooper closest to him. His hand is inches away from the blaster, but it's closer in the previous and following shot. (00:15:25)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 12: The Siege - S2-E4

Continuity mistake: Greef Targa tells the mechanics to fix the Mandalorian's ship "as good as new." The red skinned one in the first shot has nothing in hand, in the second he is holding a wrench vertically on the toolbox. (00:07:25)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 12: The Siege - S2-E4

Other mistake: Greef Karga mentions that the Mythrol was his accountant before running off, but when Mando captured him in the first episode, he had no idea who Mando was nor had ever seen his ship before.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 11: The Heiress - S2-E3

Stupidity: Stormtroopers absolutely do not care about bombs being thrown at them, do nothing to avoid them, in fact run towards them, and do not react (not kicking them back, but not even trying to step away a little) when they literally poke them in the toes.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 11: The Heiress - S2-E3

Other mistake: Mando's ship is completely devastated, gaping holes in the hull, patched up fuel lines, engines malfunctioning, and on top of that entirely flooded. The Mon Calamari repairs it for 1,000 credits and the protagonist acts like he's been ripped off. When Mando in season 1 turned down the bounty for the guy who missed bail, Greef Karga offered him 5,000 and Mando replied that it does not even cover fuel. As exaggerated as it could have been as a statement (he was complaining and perhaps haggling a bit), and as bad as the repairs prove to be, 1,000 sounds disproportionately small for repairs on massive structural damage AND refuel.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: The giant spider punches at least two holes in the cockpit glass, the legs going through it all the way, but there are no holes visible in the rest of the episode, nor when the camera is inside the cockpit, nor when he 's talking with Dave Filoni and his buddy and the spider queen is slumped dead, just by the spot she was assaulting. (00:31:50)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2

Other mistake: When the Razor Crest is beginning to fall, a shot shows the interior of the ship; the cargo is entirely unsecured and the eggs inside tumble all over the canister with no dampening to their inertia. The motion shown was just a mild tilt of the ship from one side to the other as the ship was about to fall. To imagine the cargo staying intact in those conditions during the manoeuvres shown before, which were tossing the frog lady in the cockpit all over the place, is inconceivable. (00:16:50)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2

Factual error: The premise of the episode is that Mando needs to travel at sublight speed or else the fragile eggs will die. They need to travel to a nearby star system, though, not just a planet. Stars can't be too close together, so Mando is in for a trip that would take him literally years, which is not reflected at all by what is shown in the episode. (00:08:00)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 10: The Passenger - S2-E2

Continuity mistake: When Mando disposes of the idiot bounty hunter who tried to leave with his jetpack, he is holding the Child with his left hand, but the height / position of his right hand changes depending on the angle of the shot. (00:04:30)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 9: The Marshal - S2-E1

Other mistake: The acid the dragon spits is purported as highly corrosive, literally melting people, however Mando is unaffected by it despite being bathed in it. His armor might be Beskar, but there are plenty of spots (those that his enemies constantly seem to miss) that are not. He should be at least in some discomfort and in need to change, and not carry around his neck a cape soaked in venomous dragon vomit.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 9: The Marshal - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: The villagers and the raiders united just got near the cave. One of the Tusken raiders is by the cave checking for vibrations. He has his rifle in the right hand, then after a cut to the Child he's got the rifle in the left. (00:37:35)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 9: The Marshal - S2-E1

Plot hole: The Tusken raiders offer a Bantha to the dragon to make it sleep longer. To do, so they wake it up, which seems to defeat the point, but let's assume they know what they are doing and the dragon catches up on sleep later. Regardless, the dragon already ate one the day before. If it does not stay put even after just eating a Bantha a day before, it's hard to imagine how feeding it can be productive, considering that they all live in a desert and have just a literal handful of large mammals. The dragon should have eaten them all in a week, at that rate.


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

Chapter 9: The Marshal - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: The Tusken raider that was herding the sacrificial Bantha is eaten by the tapeworm dragon and the others look at the scene through Toro Calican's binoculars. The straps on the binoculars are dropping straight in one shot, tangled above it in the next. (00:30:30)


26th Jan 2021

The Mandalorian (2019)

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