
10th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

10th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Episode #1.4 - S1-E4

Stupidity: Richard is hellbent on proving what really happened, but he sits for more than a whole day on a vital piece of evidence (the phone), does not check it, and despite the fact that the victim was reported being in heated arguments with someone on the phone, he asked for no record of the calls (nor checked whose phone was it, which would have required simply inspecting the SIM card), which would have cracked the case instantly.


10th Apr 2020

Hotel Artemis (2018)

Stupidity: The building is supposed to be without power - at all since the generator has been destroyed - and life support machines are not powered up, but the 3D printers in every room are powered up - so that the good guy can squish the bad guy's head in it, and the elevators, so that the good guys can escape. What sort of hospital has its electric grid rigged in a way that the elevators keep working but critical surgical equipment goes dead the moment the power fails? (01:12:00)


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Of Sound Mind - S3-E12

Stupidity: The whole episode has heavy farce tones and shouldn't be taken seriously, because the main plot point does not make sense; unless somehow he was able to produce remains of a body in the plane wreckage, Mr. MacLeish would have never been legally declared dead.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Heal Thyself - S3-E11

Stupidity: The villain of this episode has absolutely no business being at the final showdown, and Magnum has no evidence against him (just the rumor that he cheated on his wife!), nor to desculp Karen. He just shows up for no reason and with no explanation whatsoever, and shoots at them.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

Bad Day to Be a Hero - S1-E10

Stupidity: With automatic weapons at the ready, doing a hit that takes less than 5 minutes (going by the hotel security footage), somehow one of the two robbers found time to give constant unnecessary update whatsapps to the guy in the car, with things like "Almost at the door" and"Keep the engine running" and "About to breach", all stuff that he didn't need at all for his job. Absolutely fantastic the "Meet you in garage" bit. To the getaway guy with his engine running in the garage. How logorrheic can you get? And those are trained Navy SEALs.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

The Ties That Bind - S1-E9

Stupidity: One of the bad guys reveals himself to Sako to make sure he does not talk to the police, but that makes no sense; he has to presume that the police will absolutely shoot him dead after he kills his target, which is not something he can bank on.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Foiled Again - S3-E7

Stupidity: Magnum hears from Carol that she's "sorry" and turning to the left he witnesses Higgins getting dragged in court. The two policemen who are escorting him stop at distance from the building, no obstacle or pressure, no reason other than providing a dramatic shot. (00:23:50)


10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

Die He Said - S1-E8

Stupidity: With an hour to spare and nothing to do en route to the airport, Magnum asks only once they arrived and had their rendezvous with Rick what the person they are looking for looks like and if Bobby has any picture of him.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

The Woman Who Never Died - S1-E3

Stupidity: The detective Magnum is with does not call reinforcements because they "might spook" the criminal, but he arrives on the scene making a lot of noise and with the emergency lights on. Even if the reinforcements arrived in police cars, they could have easily kept out of sight of the house and lurk around the block.


10th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Episode #2.4 - S2-E4

Stupidity: It's pure film logic, that a geologist would make a note (to himself, even) and write down together with the element, also its atomic number (not the mass number identifying the isotope, but just the common atomic number, who is always the same regardless).


10th Apr 2020

Death in Paradise (2011)

Season 1 generally

Revealing mistake: In most episodes of the season, the computers at the station lack the power cable. It might make sense in the very first episode when it is mentioned that they aren't in a working state, but under Richard's guidance they routinely use it afterwards. For instance in episode 3 Camille during Tom Hilton's interview, Camille is looking at an active computer screen despite it being unplugged.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Mr. White Death - S3-E8

Stupidity: Earl Gianelli is a man on the run and can't ever show up as himself or the Mafia is gonna try and kill him, so he fights as a masked wrestler. However, for being a masked wrestler he removes his mask very casually backstage with no particular problem, unlike many masked wrestlers of his era who merely needed to keep their character and kayfabe, much less stringent reasons for them to do so than a permanent mafia death sentence pending upon them.


10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

Nowhere to Hide - S1-E11

Stupidity: With one humongous stretch of luck (Magnum loses the guy he is looking for but TC who just happens to be generally 'in the air' is close for him enough to just be able to do air recon for him, and spot the guy who is still running because he must have gotten take-away food from half a city away on foot), Magnum arrives so close to him that they are in the same street maybe 10 meters apart. Yet Magnum needs another tip from TC and his passengers to spot him getting inside a house, something he could have never missed. (00:16:00)


10th Apr 2020

Magnum P.I. (2018)

The Ties That Bind - S1-E9

Stupidity: On his own in his helicopter, TC earlier in the episode spots a very hard to catch area of vegetation where supposedly the color of the leaves is different from what's expected. However for the ending, with 4 people in the helicopter, everyone but Magnum misses a giant clearing with a bright red excavator in the open.


10th Apr 2020

A Simple Favor (2018)

Stupidity: Stephanie empties Emily's large closet, but when she comes back with the movers, lo and behold, all of the dead person's belongings are back. They are back though exactly as they were with superhuman inch-perfect precision. Since this movie does not have a supernatural element, that appears really silly. (01:00:30)


10th Apr 2020

Magnum, P.I. (1980)

Ki'is Don't Lie - S3-E2

Stupidity: Magnum saves Higgins from a scheme that was amazingly poorly planned to begin with; forgetting for a moment that as estate manager, Higgins should be very well aware of the closing time of 'the bank' (as if there were just one in Hawaii) even more than Magnum, Catherine could have not just relied on Higgins being this ignorant.


10th Apr 2020

Star Trek: Picard (2020)

The End Is the Beginning - S1-E3

Stupidity: The Chateau is stormed by the Zhat Vash commandos. The two trusty housekeepers prepare to fight the aggressors armed to the teeth by grabbing... a bread knife and a wine bottle. All is good, since the bottle is super-effective, knocking down a Romulan wearing a helmet. This absurdity aside, moments later during the fight it turns out that the valets had weapons stashed everywhere in the room, even strapped underneath tables! Why would they start off with such ineffectual weapons instead of reaching for the guns, other than of course for dramatic purpose?


10th Apr 2020

Star Trek: Picard (2020)

Stardust City Rag - S1-E5

Plot hole: Mr. Vup is a Beta Annari, and they can, as it is stated (and for comedy purpose stated again) literally "smell" lies. However, Raffi gives Rios a unique concoction that camouflages lies, and it is made of drugs (beta blockers, anxiolytics, benzos). At least two things don't make sense here. First, Picard gets no shot and his whole flamboyant performance is one big lie from beginning to end, but he is not sniffed out - you'd also assume they could easily tell he has both eyes, since they have various detectors. Second, when the substances kick in as Rios is forced to lie openly, even us the audience, as olfactory-impaired as we are, can see he is getting high as a kite from him making a funny face; a species that can detect subtle changes in a metabolism over a simple lie, surely would detect when someone has such a dramatic alteration in front of their eyes - and see that as a telltale sign of something fishy going on.


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