Question: What is the name of the song they put on the radio in Regina's bedroom when they ask Cady who sings the song?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: In the scene where the nuns are singing 'How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria', one nun says 'I even heard her singing in the abbey.' This is used as though Maria was doing something bad, but throughout this song, aren't the nuns in the abbey, and aren't they singing? If it was so wrong for Maria to do this, why is it okay for them?
Answer: Postulants/Novices, such as Maria, were forbidden from singing in the Abbey. However, these rules did not necessarily apply to the sisters who are singing. In addition, it's a musical, and the nuns weren't "really" singing. Their complaints about Maria are simply put into a song.
Question: Is it true that the episode about scientology was made at Penn Jillette's insistence?
Answer: I'm guessing you're referring to the episode "Trapped in the Closet" (ep. 9-12). While it is true that Jillette had a part in the decision to make the episode, Matt Stone and Trey Parker had parodied scientology before, and had been thinking of doing a full episode for some time. Jillette only convinced them to stand up for what they believed in, which is poking fun at anything and anyone.
Question: Why is there a 4 in place of an 'a' on the title? It says "L4yer Cake".
Answer: Because the logo's a car registration plate and a number fits that structure better than just letters.
Answer: I think the 4 stands for the drug Ecstasy.
Question: Are all the characters in the crowd at the Basketball game from the TV shows or were some made just for the movie?
Answer: These were all actual characters from Looney Tunes.
Question: How is it that Superman was able to survive in the emergency room when his heart was not beating? The doctors and nurses could do nothing for him, yet he lived. Also, how is it that a couple of scenes later, he woke up from what I deduce was a coma?
Answer: Since he doesn't look like one, people often forget that Superman is an alien. His physiology is completely different from ours and therefore there is no saying what his body can and cannot do. The simplest explanation is that his body shut down in order to repair itself and then woke up when he was better, after the final shard of kryptonite was removed.
Question: At Omaha Beach, there were large metal things strewn along the water line (they sort of resembled gigantic jacks). First, what are those? Second, were they at the actual Omaha Beach on D-Day?
Answer: Nicknamed "Czech Hedgehogs", they're designed to damage incoming landing craft or to stop tanks making their way up the beach. They were indeed present on D-Day.
Question: How did the Jackal originally die? I can tell how the other ghosts died (e.g. the newborn baby having an arrow through the head, etc) but how did the Jackal die?
Answer: According to the special features on the DVD, after being committed due to his violence against women, The Jackal went completely insane in the asylum, crying out and attacking any thing and everyone until he was locked in solitary with his now signature cage on his head. When a fire broke out in the asylum, he chose to stay behind and meet his fate,.
Question: Why wouldn't Charles' brother be his best man? Or is that not traditional in England the way it is in America? It's not mandatory but is certainly expected, unless the brothers are not close (which Charles and his brother are) or the groom's father serves as best man.
Answer: A groom can choose whoever he wants as best man. As you say yourself, it's by no means mandatory for it to be the groom's brother, even if they are close. In this particular case, it's possible that David felt that he ought not to be the best man, due to the difficulty that he'd have in making a speech, but, really, Charles was under no obligation to choose him.
Question: At the bar after Bob hits Azreal, Serendipity tells Bethany to "blast the sinks." Bethany slides down the bar, makes a hand gesture and the sinks fill with water. I didn't see her hit a switch or anything else that could make water come out so what happened?
Answer: Serendipity says "Bless the sinks." Bethany's hand gesture is the sign of the cross.
Question: Is there any significance to the code '1288' Sydney uses at her mountain hideaway?
Answer: Not expressly, though it could have been the date of some significant event (December of 1988) but someone as security-conscious as Sydney now is wouldn't be stupid enough to have her code be something that could be guessed.
Question: When the crew are in the two cages hanging down and then start climbing up the side, Will is talking about getting to the black pearl. Someone in the other cage says something like, "actually it can be done with six", followed by "oh dear". All the men in both cages suddenly start climbing frantically. What was said exactly and what was the joke?
Answer: Will says that once they escape and get back to the Black Pearl, it will take all of them to sail the ship. Leech, the pirate in the other cage, corrects him, saying that, actually, a minimum of six men could crew it. Leech's, "Oh dear," comment is when he and everyone simultaneously realise that whoever escapes first will take control of the ship. Will, Gibbs, and the rest of Jack's crew know that Leech and the other pirates have no loyalty to Sparrow, and if they commandeer the Black Pearl, they'll strand everyone else on the island. It then becomes a race to reach the cliff top first.
Answer: Will says "we'll need all the men to launch the pearl" Leech corrects him saying they'd only need about six. Both cages realise that they only need one cage, and can leave the others to die. This is why Leech says "oh, dear." And why he tries to continue to climb up after the tribesmen appears on the bridge. Will, most likely wouldn't have left the others though.
Question: Can anyone tell me what Kenny actual sings during the opening credits? I know it changes through the series, but I don't know what he sings in any of the versions.
Answer: In Series 1 and 2: "I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas." In Series 3-5: "I have got a ten inch penis, use your mouth if you want to clean it". Kenny doesn't appear in Series 6. From Series 7 onwards, he says, "Someday I'll be old enough to stick my dick in Britney's butt."
Question: One of the other questions about season seven mentions Sarah Michelle Gellar leaving the show, so they had to change the storyline and not look at Dawn's key-ness, or lack of. Was Sarah Michelle Gellar's leaving the reason they had to end it at season 7 or was there only 7 seasons planned? If it was ended prematurely, how many more seasons were they planning/hoping for?
Answer: Sarah leaving the show was one of many reasons it finished at the end of season seven, Joss did want to carry on with one of the other characters kind of like a spin off but he has as yet unable to get funding for it. Season 8 is going to be released but in comic book form, the title and date of release is not available yet but Joss is writing it.
Question: How was Cloud able to survive being shot in the head in the opening chase sequence? Did the bullet just graze his forhead, or did it bounce off of his protective goggles?
Answer: The bullet bounced off and thereby did not directly hit him. As Kadaj's gang were after their "mother", you can be sure Yazoo did not intend to kill Cloud yet, so he must have aimed for the goggles. It's impossible for the bullet to graze his forehead in that angle, even though Yazoo could have calculated that, too.
Question: I've always been led to believe that the suit is as impervious as Superman, hence the bullets bouncing off his chest with no marks on the suit. Yet at the end of the movie, the doctors and nurses cut the suit and tear it off of him. Is the suit affected by kryptonite as well?
Answer: There are two stories: a) the suit was made by Martha Kent from the blankets which came with Superman when he was a child and these blankets got superstrenght from the sun too. b) Superman generates an aura which protects him and his suit against such forces. Both stories can be true: either the suit itself is weakend by the kryptonite or Superman's aura was weakend by it. Currently it is said that the blanket-story is the correct one. Also, they don't actually cut it off him - it appears to open along a predefined line (coupled with someone exclaiming "got it!"), presumably the method Superman uses to get into the suit himself.
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Answer: "Overdrive," by Katy Rose and Kim Bullard.
Hamster ★