Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did V even need Evy to help him kill the priest? If it was just a regular girl instead of Evy in the bedroom, V was gonna barge in through the window anyway. Was he just trying to show her how he does things or something?

Answer: She tells the priest that she opened a window while she was waiting to be seen, to let V get in.

Question: At the end of the movie, when you see Mike in the corner, as Heather gets knocked down, the camera starts to go blurry. During the last few seconds, it almost looks as though there is another person, laying in front of the camera. Is this Josh, or is it just the film being affected by the light/blur?

Answer: Yes, that is Josh after he has been killed, he fell to the ground, slumped in front of Heather.

Question: When Robin and Azeem are catapulted into the castle near the end, Will says something just after the go. I thought he said "Well BLOW me, they made it", but another site says that he swears, if he did the film wouldn't be a PG would it? And when the film was shown on the television, he didn't say anything. So does anyone know the actual line?

Answer: He says "Fuck me, he cleared it". However, this was most likely changed for other formats (TV, airline showings etc) to make it more family-friendly. The original is here:


Question: What happens to Tommy and Trish's mom? We never see what happens to her after something startles her outside.

Answer: Jason killed her. There was a scene shot but never shown where Trish discovers her mom's body.


Question: Just wondering, what is the Stephen King book that the teenage boy is reading?

Answer: "A Bag of Bones"


Question: In the scene in the library, where Elle gets turned away from Vivian and Warner's study group, she and Enid get into an argument, where Enid remarks, "Like when you called me a d*ke and then voted against me?" to which Elle then accuses Vivian of saying it. What scene are they talking about?

Answer: Enid is accusing Elle of being a stereotypical, snooty sorority girl, like the ones who had obviously been cruel to her in the past.

Brian Katcher

Answer: It's not a scene in the movie, and presumably didn't actually happen as Elle protests her innocence.

Question: What exactly happens to Ronny Cox? Does he get shot by the sniper, does he fall out of the canoe and drown, or does he commit suicide?

Answer: No wound. Shook his head and dove from the canoe. Refused his life jacket. Just ridden with guilt as he was dead set against burying the hillbilly.

It's ambiguous. In an unused shot from that scene, Drew does grab at his head before falling overboard. Still, I too think he simply passes out from the stress.

Answer: Just like Burt Reynolds says. He clearly yells out "he was shot."


Question: At the meeting, what did Mother Nature mean when she said "Don't mess with me Santa. I'm pre-el niño." or something like that. What does pre-el niño mean and why did she think Santa was messing with her?

Answer: By "pre-El Niño", she meant what to a mortal woman would be pre-menstrual. El Niño is "an oscillation of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe. Among these consequences are increased rainfall across the southern tier of the US and in Peru, which has caused destructive flooding, and drought in the West Pacific, sometimes associated with devastating brush fires in Australia."

Jeff Swanson

So she was saying she's PMSing?

Yep, that's exactly what she's saying.


I'm not sure she means that because she holds up and shows her wedding ring when she says that.

Answer: "El Niño" means "the child" so she probably meant to say "don't mess with me, I've been here since Jesus".

El Niño in the context of the line is referring to the weather event in the Pacific Ocean.


Question: Is that a tissue stuck in Miss Honey's watch band? And if it is, why is it there?

Answer: That's where a proper lady keeps her tissue/handkerchief by rules of etiquette.


Answer: As stated above it is a tissue and kept there as etiquette. You actually see her use and replace the tissue on a couple of occasions.


Question: What is the meaning of the sign that Bugs pulls out after he's been told about Area 52 (the sign with the ball and the screw)?

Answer: It is the cartoon indication of implying someone is a screwball; i.e., a nutcase, or in some other way crazy or out of their mind.

Cubs Fan

Day 2: 7:00 A.M.-8:00 A.M. - S2-E24

Question: At the end of the episode is the famous scene where the woman shakes hands with Palmer and gives him some kind of poison. When the camera first pans onto her it zooms in and suspenseful music plays. This indicates to me that we are supposed to be surprised who she is. Did I miss something? Was she on the show before and her appearance as the assassin supposed to be a surprise? Or was everything just for dramatic effect?


Chosen answer: She was in the first season. She was the woman who destroys and then parachutes out of the airplane in the first episode of the series.

JC Fernandez

Chosen answer: It's a Chinese water dragon.

Chosen answer: As revealed in 24: The Game, Max was a weapons dealer with ties to terrorist organizations. It is further revealed in the game that his weapons dealings with terrorists were interfered with by American authorites. which caused the deals to go sour. His terrorist clients retaliated by murdering his family before his eyes. Presumably, he was primarily motivated by revenge against the American Government, with a secondary goal of driving up oil prices to make himself rich. To this end, he masterminded the plot to start a war between the US and three Middle Eastern countries.

Season 3 generally

Question: At the end of season 2, President Palmer relieves Mike of his duties. However in season 3 Mike is back working with Palmer. Did I miss something?


Chosen answer: Season 3 takes place three years after Season 2. Palmer could've forgiven and moved on in that time.

JC Fernandez

Answer: She divorces him.

Chosen answer: No.


Chosen answer: As with most "he-said she-said" situations, we might never know. USA Network spokesman said the show was already planning on going a different direction with some characters. That said, Schram was trying to renegotiate her contract terms, but USA Network did not give in. For more of the story; here's an older news story

Question: Right after you find out Oogie Boogie is just a bag full of bugs he falls into the lava, or at least what looks like lava. It looks as if this is not an animated shot, is it a shot from a real camera?


Chosen answer: Yes, it was shot "real time" as opposed to stop-motion animation as the rest of the film was.


Chosen answer: We don't know. This will probably be covered in an upcoming sequel.


Show generally

Question: In the very first episode of Transformers, you see them on Cybertron, millions of years before they crash land on Earth. Why is it that Optimus already resembles a semi truck? The truck parts are visible, the windows, doors, and tires and such. They don't scan Earth to look like vehicles till millions of years later. I never understood that.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The toys came first, the cartoon and the movies came later, they were hardly going to let a small detail like that get in the way of business. So basically it's a deliberate mistake.

Chosen answer: Currently there is still no release date as of yet but my guess would be early 2008 it will likely be released in Australia.


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