Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What kind of medicine was Nana bringing into the nursery to give to the children?

Answer: They never officially confirmed; but it was likely castor oil or morphine. Both were used around this time period as a common "medicine" for children.

Cocaine, heroin, and alcohol-based elixirs were also commonplace at that time and considered "safe and effective" for children.


Cyrano de Tripper - S2-E8

Question: In this episode, Chrissy's Date Michael asks her (while eating a salad) "How did you introduce the dressing?" Chrissy responds, "I just said salad meet the dressing, dressing meet the salad." Although the response made for a very funny scene, my question is what did Michael actually mean by "introduce the dressing"?

Answer: Michael, being a chef who thinks Chrissy made everything, I think he's basically asking how she prepared the salad. Did she fold the salad into the dressing, drizzle it over the salad, etc.


Answer: Lord Farquaad said "The ogre has fallen in love with the princess!", meaning Shrek is in love with Fiona. To which she asks if that's true.


Question: Why can't the kids at the back of the school bus just tell the driver to stop for Tommy instead of letting him chasing it?


Answer: He was the fat kid. I was teased in school for being the nerd who wore glasses and read books.

Answer: Because they're being mean and wanted to watch Tommy chase the bus.


Why were they so mean to Tommy?


He's an overweight doofus, which makes him a prime target for bullying.


Question: Why wouldn't Miss Hannigan sign the papers to have Annie adopted by Warbucks? I get she wanted Warbucks to like her but I'm still confused.

Answer: Because she was a mean and unhappy woman, if she can't be happy why should everyone else.

Question: I've heard that, because the film was shot in sequential order, some of the actors were unaware who the spy is until the last three days of filming. When they were offered their roles, wouldn't they have received a copy of the script to read in advance to learn their lines?

Cubs Fan

Answer: The cast would have received copies of the script but with parts of the last scene omitted. They would be given the missing pages during the last days of the shoot, in which time they learn their lines, rehearse, then film the ending. Considering the time involved in filming a movie, actors do not necessarily memorize the entire script beforehand, but do so as each scene is shot. Also, it's questionable as to whether or not any of the cast did not know the ending as the movie was based on the Broadway play.


Question: In the original, Andy slides toys down banisters, crashes them into stuff using RC, use a reclining chair to fire them across the room... Not forgetting Molly repeatedly whacking Mr Potato Head on her crib loads of times. Yet in this film, when other kids "play" with them they seem to have an issue with it. Why?

Answer: The kids at the day care center are overly rough to them because they don't love the toys like someone who owns them would.


Question: The Connors and Dyson go to great lengths to make sure the original T-800's chip and severed arm are destroyed so that it can never be rebuilt by CyberDyne. However, the "good" T-800's arm was also severed and left inside the heavy cog machinery during the fight against the T-1000 at the steel mill. Surely this leaves a plot hole, in that someone could retrieve THIS arm and still use the technology to recreate the T-800 one day? (albeit without the chip).


Answer: The chip was the main reason they could replicate the technology, the arm an added bonus. The first arm was intact too, this one is crushed, probably beyond recognition. When the factory gets remodeled, they will probably simply break it all out of the machinery and throw it away without knowing what it is.


Answer: From a real world perspective, the film was pretty long with a dense plot. Besides a lot of changes occurring, a lot was left out and the decision to show what Sarah and John ultimately did to the crushed arm may have just been left out. However, in Randall Frakes' novelization of the film, it mentions that John remembers the crushed arm and retrieves it and throws it in. As an audience, it seems we are to assume it being crushed was the same as it being destroyed.


Question: Why is the secretary was so rude to Howard when he tried to find the job?


Answer: As she said to Howard, she believed that he was using his "outlandish" appearance to be unable to find work and collect money through unemployment. She's probably dealt with people who did the same thing and was eventually sick of it.

Question: What could Isabel Lahiri say to Matsui during the interrogation? Why he was so "upset" suddenly?

Answer: We have no idea, nor are we meant to. It's a joke.

It is a joke :) and it's good :) but what could it be? What could she say to his ear :) I'm asking just for curiosity and for mind exercise :).

She is good at her job and knows Matsui enough to have something on him that would make him talk and drop the act. Something personal.


If I had to make my absolute best guess, I'd say it had something to do with that niece of his.

Question: A technical question about the movie. How exactly did they film the scene where the camera keep circling around the car Ray and his kids are fleeing the city with? There're no cuts or any visible sign of a camera platform or other classic filming tricks. It looks awesome.


Answer: The corridor crew on youtube talked about this: Timestamp is 15:35 to skip to the scene you want.


Question: When Shifu uses the Wuxi Finger Hold on Po, he says that the hardest part is cleaning up afterward. What exactly would there be to clean up? In the third Kung Fu Panda movie, when Po uses the Wuxi Finger hold on himself to send him and Kai to the spirit realm, they simply vanish from sight leaving nothing behind.

Answer: It's a funny but extreme threat. Po has heard of the move but doesn't know how it works yet, so Shifu is messing with him, to make him imagine the effects are hideously explosive.

Question: After Kevin finds out he is in New York why doesn't he say anything to the lady behind the counter? He could have very easily told her where his family was so that they could have been notified, but he doesn't. Why doesn't he say anything?

Answer: He very openly stated to his mom earlier that he wanted to have his own vacation away from the rest of the family, so he got exactly what he wanted.


Question: When Dr. Strange separates Peter's spirit from his body how is Peter still able to make his arm move?

Answer: His spider-sense is probably somewhat aware that his astral form has been separated from his physical body, so it is taking over and controlling his movements.


I concur with your answer because while he is separated from his suit you can see the aurora of his spider tingle all around his head.

Answer: I guess I missed something because I thought that suit was made with Stark tech and has nanotech in it. I figured it was the suit keeping the box away and Doctor Strange thought it was Peter.


That's a possibility I didn't think of, and it admittedly makes more sense than my answer.


Question: Did the Guccis ever own a Klimt painting, were they not in the Netherlands until 1998? Were they not Nazi plunder?

Answer: No.

Question: When Cappy and Rodney are in Bigweld's house, Cappy said that there was something Rodney needed to know. What did she want to tell Rodney?

Question: Mythbusters never tested this so does anyone know if filling a hollow point bullet with cyanide and sealing it with candle wax would actually work? Or would the wax melt/disintegrate and the liquid cyanide disperse in the air while the bullet flies through to the target?

Answer: I have no doubt it would work with a small sub-sonic round such as .22 calibre pistol. There's no way the wax would survive the heat generated by the cartridge and aerodynamic force of anything much bigger.


Question: When Sarah and Drover have left the ball, they appear in front of the hotel kissing in the rain and walking up steps. Then she is at the bottom of the hotel steps closing the door of a car while Drover stands on the top step. Why is she closing the car door as Drover stands on the top step?

Question: What were David and his friends doing with the dogs? What was their crime?

Answer: Not enough information was revealed in the short scene to make any conclusions and there was no concrete evidence that a (dog-related) crime was being committed. There was not even any indication that a dog was present. One might GUESS that David and his friends prepared dogs for illegal dog-fighting or trained dogs to be dangerous, aggressive watch (or "attack") dogs, but there is no proof. "We're here to see a man about a dog" may sound suspicious or shady, but could mean something as innocent as looking for a lost pet. [00:38:36]. There is a second "clue" much later in the movie when Mr. Walker is talking on the phone: "They're running their own cartel and you can't do a goddamn thing about it"? Mr. Walker probably saw some evidence when he broke into their house. While it might be assumed he means a drug cartel, not all cartels are drug-related. But, relating this scene to the earlier one, it appears "We're here to see a man about a dog" is the code for wanting to buy drugs. (The man who answered the door replied, "Does this look like a kennel?") David and his friends/gang appear to have been selling drugs out of their home. [01:15:55].


Question: When Scott starts slowly turning into Santa, everybody believes he's dressing up as Santa on purpose. Why didn't Scott simply tell people, "I don't think I'm Santa Claus. I'm not pretending to be Santa Claus. I know I'm not Santa Claus. I'm not even trying to look like him." Granted he could never tell anybody how it happened but if he simply said that he isn't pretending to be somebody he's not people might ease up a bit?

Answer: If he told people he was not deliberately trying to look like Santa Claus, that would cause them to be even more suspicious of Scott Calvin having a mental disorder, not a physical one. Remember, Scott went to see his family doctor, Pete, and Pete tried to explain to Scott his physical changes as a matter of changing his diet from milk and cookies, and Scott suffering from a hormone imbalance. Scott tried, but not even Doctor Pete, a professional in the medical field, could help him.


This question is about his mental state. Not his physical transformation. In other words, he could say "There's nothing mentally wrong with me that would make me think for one second I am Santa." His physical transformation could be explained by people thinking he's overeating, growing facial hair and his hair turning white.

Except, Doctor Pete was incompetent. Nobody has the drastic physiological changes that Scott had, and Dr. Pete seems committed to blaming them on 'routine' aging and diet factors. In real life, a competent doctor would be submitting Scott to a continuous battery of tests, cancer screenings, CT scans, etc.

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