Question: Obi-Wan says to Anakin- "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Isn't this line an "absolute" as well?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: I'm confused. Is Pam really having a baby or not 'cause when the credits were rolling gaylord said Pam wasn't really having a baby. Then when he noticed the camera he said he was joking. So is Pam having a baby or not?
Answer: Pam is pregnant. This scene echoes one in Meet the Parents where Ben Stiller talks into a picture frame, revealing that he did smoke hash, did flush the toilet and all the other stuff he said he didn't do. Except this time, he knows the camera is there and plays up to it.
Question: What was with the dear attacking Rachel's car? Was is something to do with the pile of antlers in the Morgan's basement? If it was, why were the dear attacking HER?
Answer: The deer were attacking the car because Aiden was in the car. Aiden was possed by Samara at the time and Samara makes animals go crazy.
Question: What was the true sole purpose of the Predator killing people? Was it for sport, some kind of training, or was he sent to earth to do it? Most of all, at the end of the movie, why did he kill himself. He still had some weapons on him so why didn't he use one of them to kill Dutch instead of using his self-destruct device to take them both out?
Answer: The entire culture of the Predators, a species called the Yautja, revolves around hunting for honor and glory. In expanded universe material, humans are considered one of the top two species to hunt, the other being Xenomorphs (AKA Aliens), and that human hunts must be granted instead of being open to all. As for the self-destruction, it is three-fold. First, it is used as a ritual suicide similar to defeated samurai. Second, it is a last chance to kill an enemy who has bested them. Third, it destroys all Yautja technology and erases evidence of the Yautja being there.
Answer: Predators appear to be drawn to conflict (as well as heat, which is why it's in a Jungle in the first film and during a heatwave in the second), and they seek out the most challenging prey. Obviously to a predator, a lion or something isn't going to be much trouble, but a heavily armed group of highly trained commandos is a hunt worthy of honour. They are honourable hunters, not just bloodthirsty killers, which is shown when it actively avoids the woman because she is unarmed (and is also shown in Predator 2 ignoring a woman as she is pregnant). It kills itself at the end because it's dying, and it can't do anything else, so go out with a bang, basically. If he had used another weapon to kill Dutch, he'd have died eventually anyway.
Question: How did they locate David Penrod the second time?
Question: What does the "M.D" stand for in the title of this show?
Answer: Medicinae Doctor in Latin which is Doctor of Medicine in English.
Question: How long did Darth Sidious keep Darth Maul, Tyrannus, and Vader on as apprentices?
Chosen answer: We have no particularly accurate way of telling how long Maul was his apprentice, although it's stated that Maul was trained as a Sith from a very young age, so it was probably some considerable time. As far as we know, Tyranus became the apprentice after Maul's death, so he held the position for roughly thirteen years. Vader then took over, holding the position until the events of Return of the Jedi, a period of about twenty-two years.
Question: When the ship where Dorie Miller is serving gets torpedoed and the captain is about to die, Dorie tells him "You trained us well". This line has always confused me. Does he mean the captain has trained each of the crew members?
Chosen answer: More of a "you have been a great role model and taught/showed us the proper way to act". He was reassuring the Captain.
Question: What exactly was the purpose of the cigarettes? It seems like in order to kill Adam, Lawrence would have to give Adam a "blood soaked" cigarette. If this was how Lawrence was going to kill Adam, then what was the point of the saws and bullets? Also, wouldn't Lawrence be skeptical as a Doctor that something like a blood soaked cigarette would kill Adam while a normal unsoaked one wouldn't kill him? The whole part with the cigarette's leaves many unanswered questions.
Chosen answer: The killer knows that, in this early stage, Lawrence is unlikely to really try to kill Adam, and also that he is likely to try and pretend to do so to get out (hence the electrical shock administered to Adam). Thus, the saws and gun are for use later in the game, when things really heat up; the cigarette is there specifically for the ruse Lawrence attempts. Also, the deadly effect of the cigarette is not just the blood, but the fact that the blood is poisoned (or so they are led to believe); hence, if Adam put the poisoned blood in his system, it could very well have killed him if it really were poisoned. Smoking an unsoaked one might kill him with cancer, but that would have taken far too long to do Lawrence any good.
Question: Which hotel is used for filming the one where Marissa works?
Chosen answer: Two hotels were using during filming, The Roosevelt Hotel and The Waldorf-Astoria, both located in New York City.
Question: What language is Ken Watanabe speaking at the beginning of "Batman Begins"?
Answer: The language Ken Watanabe speaks is absolutely not Urdu. For some insane, unknown reason, the subtitles show the mysterious language to be Urdu, but this couldn't be further from the truth. When questioned about the language used in the film, Ken Watanabe said that he used a self-invented gibberish. It sounded like someone pretending to speak Japanese, but it wasn't any real language.
Question: What are some of the plot points that are covered between Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions within the "Enter the Matrix" video game?
Chosen answer: The game covers the retrieval from a post office of the information about the sentinels digging (information we see dropped at a post box in the Animatrix), the escape from the ambush at the start (ie. what's happening inside while Neo fights the agents), Ghost and Niobe getting into the matrix and ending up in a car behind Morpheus, further exploration of the mansion the Keymaker's held in (including more details on the type of program Persephone kills, ie. vampire-like), the destruction of the power plant, and Niobe's arrival at the end in her ship. In terms of specific plot, from memory there's nothing particularly significant - the game fleshes out minor events not seen in the film, but there's no particularly new information.
Question: This may sound like an odd question, but why do Trinity and Neo seem so desperate to see each other alone once they get back to Zion. They seem to have enough time for private moments while they are on the ship. Is sex on the Nebuchadnezzar forbidden?
Chosen answer: I doubt it is but from what we gather from the reaction of Link's girlfriend/wife, the Neb seems to see far more action than any other hovercraft in the fleet. It's likely that they spend most of their time jacked in rescuing people, or fleeing from sentinels. The neb's crew is also small, compared to its usual size (only four people compared to its original eight) so they'd all be involved in the piloting and gunning of the craft.
Question: Why does Andy go to Norton (warden) about the information that Tommy provides him rather than see his lawyer? While he may not think Norton would go to the lengths he did to keep him there, what advantage would seeing the warden before a lawyer do?
Chosen answer: You're right--it's a character mistake, but an explainable one. Andy probably figured that because he was doing so much work for the Warden (accounting for dirty money, kickbacks, tax compliance, etc.), that the Warden would use his power to get Andy a new trial. Sounds like a fair trade--Andy makes sure there's no way for anyone to disover the illegality of the laundering, and the Warden gets Andy pardoned. What Andy didn't realize, however, was that the Warden didn't want to risk having Andy, after his pardon & release, reveal the details of the illegal schemes that were going on. So to make sure Andy got the message that he was going nowhere and would reveal nothing, he was give the two months in solitary confinement (as you know from the movie, of course).
Answer: It was the 1940's to 1960's. Prisoners did not have the same rights and access to the legal system as they do today. Look what happened when a new prisoner cried...In those days all they had to say was "he got out of line and we had to beat him and he died." Prisons were not scrutinized - they were there to hold "bad" people and no one really cared what went on in them.
Question: At the end of the film, how does the ship carrying the adult and the juvenile T-rexes get from San Diego back to the island off Costa Rica without a pilot and crew? It seems to just sail away on its own. Did I miss something?
Chosen answer: Once Sarah and Ian trap the T-rex back into the "cargo hold", we never see the ship sail away on its own. It couldn't do so. The ship crashed into the dock, it would have taken days for them to free the ship - plenty of time to get a new crew. Notice how when they are watching the TV at the end, how clean everyone is?
Question: What is the name of the episode where the people in Springfield get a record for the fattest town and Marge wants to ban sugar?
Chosen answer: The episode is called "Sweets and Sour Marge" from Season 13, Episode 8.
Question: How was it possible for Vader to survive when his ship was dashed out into space from the Death Star before it was destroyed? When the TIE fighter crosses Millennium Falcon Obi-Van says "A fighter that size couldn't get this deep into space on its own" and "It would be as well to let it go, it's too far out of range" and Vader's ship is about the same size. Could we assume his ship was some sort of special long-range fighter, or that he was lucky enough to reach an imperial base or catch up with a convoy?
Chosen answer: Vader's ship was a prototype of the TIE-Advanced, an enhanced model that ultimately proved too expensive to be mass-produced. Part of the reason for that expense was that the fighter was equipped with a hyperdrive, allowing Vader to reach safety with little trouble.
Question: Is that stimulator thing that Jack Nicholson uses on his head when he comes out of the shower a real gadget that you can buy somewhere or was it just made for the movie? If you it is real does anyone know where I could buy one?
Chosen answer: It's called a Violet Wand, and MANY years ago they were claimed to be an electrical cure-all for any ailment (along with Coca Cola extending your life-span etc). These days they're used for other purposes, I am sure any decent Adult retailer can supply you with one. Probably get one on ebay.
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Answer: Not really - it's just a factual statement. The term 'absolute' tends to mean things like good and evil, life and death, that sort of thing, rather than simple facts like what Obi-wan says.
Tailkinker ★