Question: Why is it necessary for Commodus to order the deaths of Maximus and his wife and son? Why and how is Maximus a threat?
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Answer: Emperor Marcus Aurelius told his son, Commodus, that Maximus would be his successor and the next Emperor instead of his son. This angered Commodus and he killed his father before the Emperor could name his successor. Commodus then ordered for Maximus to be executed, partly out of hatred and fear that Maximus may have already been told that Marcus was going to name him as his successor. Out of jealousy, hatred, and anger, Commodus also ordered Maximus' wife and son to be killed. In real life, Marcus granted Commodus the rank of Imperator and made him co-Emperor before his death and there was never a question who the successor would be, plus General Maximus is a completely made up character and never existed in real life. So this hatred of Maximus and fear of not being Emperor was made up just for the movie, so it's hard to say exactly what threat Maximus may have been if left alive.
Question: Why did Jonas steal Bill and Jo's idea? I remember the movie very fondly and I don't think it ever explained why he did.
Answer: I don't think Jonas stole the their idea. In some scenes, Jo gives Jonas information on the weather. Without Bill around, it's quite possible Jo shared information with Jonas on how to build Dorothy. She didn't care about copyright because all she wanted to do/cared about was getting those things inside the tornado. Think of it like a surprise gift to all of meteorology.
First, Jo and Jonas aren't seen sharing information. Jonas had offered her info hoping to get some intel in return, but she denied sharing any. The most likely thing is that Jonas probably got word that Jo's team was developing this instrument pack and used his corporate resources to build a better version. If you look at Dorothy compared to DOT3, Dorothy looks like the type of pack that was built from scratch using random parts whereas DOT3 is a more refined version.
Question: When the brothers make their big entrance at the concert, why are the crowd silent - is that explained anywhere?
Answer: Because they were enjoying the show already-Cab Calloway just brought down the house with Minnie the Moocher, and they have no idea who these two are. So they have no reaction, and wait to see if the brothers are any good. And as we see, they quickly get back into it.
Question: Would the plan John used to help Laura escape really have worked? If not, then please explain why?
Answer: John's plan to help Laura escape would not have worked, because he would not have been able to plan ahead like he does in the movie. He would to know where Laura would be transported, and when and if she would be transported there. He would not have know any of that as the information is kept secret from the prisoners, and the public.
Even if he did find out Lara was in hospital, Lara would have been transferred to another hospital.
The movie attempts to cover this up by having him send fake diabetic results to the jail. This would not work because jails and prisons do not accept diabetic results from outside labs.
Question: I don't understand this, if Donkey's true love is the dragon, why did he turn into a steed instead?
Answer: He turned into a steed. The director said that she turned into a Pegasus.
Answer: The potion says that both the one who drinks the potion and their true love will "be fine" So Donkey and Dragon were both changed. Although we don't see her until the end It is said that she turned in to a Pegasus.
Question: In real life, can you really get away with anything if you have diplomatic immunity?
Answer: In short, diplomatic immunity would prevent a host country (such as the United States) from charging a diplomatic agent or diplomatic staff member with any crime (if they've been granted immunity). However, the agent's home country may waive immunity if the crime is deemed serious enough or the home country can prosecute the agent themselves. However, the host country can still expel a person with diplomatic immunity from the country and ban them from returning. And while diplomatically immuned people have committed serious crimes in the past, diplomats are usually seasoned and respected civil servants in their countries and can damage their careers if they cause any embarrassment while visiting a host county and tend to comply with local laws and customs out of respect.
The host country can also ask the Diplomat to leave, and the Diplomat's country may also recall them. Https://
Question: At Thunder Road, how old is the woman that starts the race? She looks about 50.
Answer: I believe you are asking about Cha Cha, who was played by Annette Charles. Annette was 30 (or about to turn 30 if her scene was shot before her birthday in March). It could have just been the make-up she was wearing that made her look older. And if it seems weird to use someone that old to play a high school girl, Olivia Newton-John was also 29 at the time of filming.
Question: What is the significance of the birds?
Answer: Peace.
Question: What was Conker's reason for killing the baby dinosaur? The little guy did nothing to him.
Answer: The baby dino was just a sacrifice to the Dino god statue and had to be killed. Although in the game Conker seems to know the slab will kill the baby dino but didn't know he was sacrificing him for a reason. And the player only performs the sacrifice because of the in-game clues given about what to do, but no explanation seems to be given why Conker apparently kills him without knowing why.
Question: What does Thomas mean by "There are some children who are pillars of flame that burn everything they touch and there are some children who are just pillars of ash that fall apart when you touch them. Me and Victor, we were children born of flame and ash."
Answer: He's basically saying that Victor is strong and standoffish and he is weak and sensitive.
Grandpa Jack - S9-E4
Question: This is a question without a knowable answer. But I wonder if anyone has thoughts as to why we hear nothing of Elliot's mother? Jack and Elliot are estranged. Elliot's mother, Bonnie (originally played by Rosie O'Donnell), acknowledged to Jack that she is a lesbian in the original run of the series. So, when Elliot marries a conservative woman, moves to Texas, and makes plans to send his gay son to a gay conversion camp, where is Bonnie in all of this?
Children of the Gods (1) - S1-E1
Question: I thought that you could only travel one way through the gate, but in the pilot, the Bad Guys come through, kill the military guys, then go back though without dialing a new wormhole.
Answer: You can only travel that way. The wormhole closed after Apophis forces came through (as can be seen during various scenes). Probably they also brought a mobile version of a DHD got get back (this indeed can't be seen).
They have been various times where the stargate has been dialled without use of the DHD of the dialing computer.
Question: When SG-1 travels to alien planets they always experience earth like gravity. Shouldn't they be experiencing different gravity on different planets?
Answer: Basically, if a planet has the same mass and size, it will have the same gravity. Since the Stargates were placed on habitable planets, it's likely they placed them on planets with the same gravity. Even if the planet's varied in mass or size, a planet's gravity in relations to Earth can be calculated as m/r^2where m is the planet's mass compared to Earth's mass and r2 is the planet's radius (compared to Earth's) squared. So if a planet had 50% the mass and 70% radius of Earth, gravity would be 0.5/0.7^2 which would be 1.02 times the gravity of Earth (or roughly the same).
Answer: Goldilock zone.
What does this answer have to do with the question?
Nothing, just someone trying to be clever.
Brian's Got a Brand New Bag - S8-E4
Question: "That's the number, Brian. Just dial 0 and read it to Sarah." I don't understand what's going on here and who is Sarah?
Answer: It's a joke about how Rita's so old the number on her bracelet wasn't a 7-digit number. In the early 20th century to place a call you could call "Central" and tell the operator "Murray Hill 4185" and she would connect you. Rita is telling Brian to call the operator (dial "0") and read "Murray Hill 4185" to Sarah, the operator.
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Answer: After Commodus murdered his father, he demanded Maximus' loyalty, which the latter refused. This I think made Commodus realise Maximus was aware of his late father's wish. So he decided to get rid of the threat by ordering for Maximus execution including his family.