Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I heard that only one of all the prophecies is the correct one am I right? How is it they find it so fast?


Chosen answer: Yes, only one is the correct one, but they're all organized and marked (by subject, I believe) so it was relatively simple to track the proper one down.


Answer: Also remember that Neville saw the globe and it had Harry's name on it. They also knew what section it was in because of Harry's dreams. These are how they were found correctly.


Question: There are numerous instances where animals seem to like or be attracted to Theo, the dogs at the farm being the most prominent. Is this supposed to show or imply anything to us? Or is there any reason given for this phenomenon in the film?

Answer: Alfonso Cuaron compared the character of Theo to biblical characters like Moses, so I would assume that the animals' attraction to Theo is a reference to Noah and the Ark, which represents several themes in the film.


Question: In the scene near the end of the movie at the boat, there is a shot of a box and there is some 'Hitler' sign burning into it (this scene has some 'knocking' music). Does anyone knows what's the meaning of this scene?

Answer: Actually, the Hitler sign isn't being burned into the box, it's being burned off. The Ark of the Covenant would not allow Hitler's symbol to be placed on it, and as such burned it off.


Chosen answer: Roman Polanski has been a fugitive from the US Government since 1978 after fleeing to France to avoid a rape conviction. Marge probably told Homer this and he decided to punish "his little Roman Polanski" for the real one's crimes.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: They didn't know. Hermione's call distracted the werewolf when they first saw him, true enough, but that was before they had time jumped, so the Harry and Hermione that were scared of the werewolf were unaware that their future selves were around to save them.


Question: In the beginning only Lydia can see Adam and Barbra, but everyone can see Betelgeuse. How come the Deetze's can see Betelgeuse but not Adam and Barbra?


Chosen answer: He's got more experience interacting with the living. Adam and Barbara are capable of making themselves seen by the others, they just don't know how yet.


Answer: They could see him because Adam and Barbara's parlor display gave them reason to believe in supernatural entities.

Question: While Dutch was crawling up onto the mud, and then up into that brush pile, it looked as if he was missing the huge knife that had been on his left thigh, yet later he was using the knife. Did I just miss it?

Answer: He is going for his gun. His bowie knife is on his back left hip and is still there.

Chosen answer: After framing her for the killing at the hotel her and Morgan were staying in he must have known that she would not rest until the quest was over because it was a personal insult to her. He could have known her attitude while studying her as he did the rest of the team. His studies would also show him that Aaron would send her home to rest because he needed her mind fresh. He puts what he knows of the two team mates from studying them and comes to the assumption she was going to be sent home to rest.

oddy knocky

Question: When Fred and George were in possession of the Marauders Map, before giving it to Harry, how come they never wondered why Ron was always hanging around with a person called Peter Pettigrew? He shows up on the Map even whilst disguised as Scabbers, as we know from when Harry spots him.


Chosen answer: Fred and George used the map to aid them in their mischievous activities at Hogwarts, and probably had little interest in what their little brother was doing or who he might be with at any given time.


Question: WWhen the boggart changes into something in the classroom scene, can everybody see it then? Are all people seeing the same, or do they see the object that frightens them the most?


Chosen answer: The all see it the same; it turns into the thing that most frightens whoever has the boggart's attention at the time.


Question: At the end where Caroline makes a circle around herself that she can't leave, how come at the ending she just nicely steps over the circle without trouble?


Chosen answer: It's because, at that point, she is Mama Cecile in Caroline's body. Had it still been Caroline, she wouldn't have been able to step over the line. Or, so the spell says.

Question: Why do Rose, Cal, and Ruth seem to get special treatment concerning being able to interact with Ismay and Andrews by dining with them and getting a special tour of the ship? Even though Ismay was really treated like a passenger, he obviously had an important role as being the one who came up with the idea for Titanic and Andrews, of course, took part in building the ship. The trio have a brief interaction with Captain Smith as well.

Answer: In the movie it is mentioned that the ship was built using Hockley steel. Cal's father was a steel tycoon, therefore got special privileges as in a way his family helped build the ship.

Where in the movie do they say that unless it's a deleted scene.

It's mentioned during a conversation with Old Rose and Lovett. Nathan Hockley was making an insurance claim on behalf of his son Cal in regards to the Necklace claiming it went down with the ship. It was his steel that went into building the ship Lovett: I tracked it down through insurance records. An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy. Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose? Old Rose: I should imagine someone named Hockley. Lovett: Nathan Hockley, that's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon.

It's in the scene where Jack joins them for dinner. While Cal and Ruth are walking down the staircase, he mentions that Hockley steel was used in some parts of the ship. She asks which parts, and he replies, "The best parts." She then quips, "Well, I know who to hold responsible if there's a problem."

Answer: First class passengers, some of the richest people existing back in 1912, mingled with persons of elite positions just as they do nowadays, for eg: celebrities mingle with politicians, etc.


Question: At the end when Dobby is stabbed, Harry says he wants Hermione to get something from her bag and she doesn't do anything. Why would she not get anything from her bag. It's unlikely she wouldn't have her bag since she had it at the beginning of Part 2?

Chosen answer: Because she knows that she hasn't got anything in there that'll do any good. Harry's clutching at straws, begging her to pull out something that'll fix Dobby and save his life. She hasn't got anything that'll work, so she doesn't do it.


Question: At the very end where Lou is visited by the cops and Joyce, couldn't one of them smell the gasoline everywhere? Lou drenched the entire house before they arrived.


Answer: They most certainly should have. Even a small amount would be detectable. This seems to be a "plot hole".


Question: In the wedding scene, why is Carolina wearing two different types of shoes? One is white the other is badge and strapped another way.


Chosen answer: The wedding takes place almost immediately after they escaped from General Marquez. She did not grab a matching pair.


Question: When Barbossa was explaining to Jack how the Pearl was taken and not lost. What does Barbossa mean when he says the sea beneath the Pearl began to roil?


Chosen answer: The sea got very choppy and wavy directly beneath the Black Pearl.


Chosen answer: It's stated in the film that Wesker had departed Umbrella and that the red queen has control now.

Anastasios Anastasatos

Question: Does the majority of this movie takes place in 2012, meaning that Mavis was born in 1894?

Answer: Yes.


Question: If the children's souls were transferred into the servants and saw they were about to be hanged, why didn't one of them simply say something like "Mom, Dad it's me. Please don't do this!"


Answer: In that particular scene with the servants and the kids, you'll notice that the servants' eyes are rolled back into their heads and they're shaking uncontrollably. I think this is because they were drugged. You'll also notice they never try to fight being hung, never cry out or anything. They just keep shaking with their eyes rolled upward.

They weren't drugged, they were in a possessed state.

Answer: Actually it's the opposite The servants (in the kids bodies) are watching the kids getting burned (in the servants bodies) they already switched bodies.

Chosen answer: They most assuredly did, but the adults were in a drunken frenzy and not inclined to take the time to listen to the unbelievable tale these two objects of extreme racism were trying to tell.


Question: What exactly was happening when Harry casted red sparks with his wand in the maze? All things just seemed to get more aggressive. Did Dumbledore say to Harry that he can use red sparks if he want to give up?


Answer: Harry was not giving up. Harry saw that Fleur needed help, and cast red sparks to bring attention to her.

Chosen answer: In the book, the finalists were told to shoot off sparks out of their wands if they got lost or got into trouble in the maze - sort of a distress flare. As to why things get nasty at that moment, most likely it's because Mad Eye has rigged the maze to make sure that Harry wins and touches the cup first, which wouldn't happen if Harry had to give up.


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