Question: Why does Manolo prefer to be a musician instead of a bullfighter like his family?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: After meeting Douglas at the gay bar, The Jackal heads out and walks up to a car while putting gloves on. He fakes a cough and presses something to the driver window and it shatters with a bang. What exactly did he use and how did he break the window so easily with whatever that was? It appeared he simple just pressed a knife lightly to the window. What did he do? (00:43:20)
Answer: He probably used a window punch. It's a small device used for breaking a car window in the event of an emergency. A recessed metal pin is within a plastic housing. When pressed against the window, the pin's pointed end pushes into the window, shattering it. I carry such a device on my key chain.
Question: Why did Hip and his two nieces leave Bond behind at the karate school? Didn't the nieces let him know that Bond was running behind?
Answer: Hip gets in the front and the two nieces get in the back and Bond slams the door shut as he passes to get in the other side, Hip naturally thinks Bond got in the car after hearing the door shut so drives off. The two nieces are shouting at him and for some reason ignores their pleas at this point Bond has to make his own escape.
Answer: Simple misunderstanding. The two nieces were attempting to tell Hip but he thought that Bond had gotten in the back with his nieces. That, or he wanted to spare the innocent parties harm, so he split up from them.
Question: At the end of Bride of Chucky, the Tiffany doll has a stitched scar on her forehead from being hit with an axe by Chucky. In the end of Cult of Chucky, the Tiffany doll is revealed and does not have the scar she had previously. What happened to it?
Answer: It's been years since the injury. Maybe she transferred her soul to another doll? Maybe she repaired her head? Maybe she copied her soul into another pristine doll as she can now inhabit multiple hosts at once? Take your pick, as it's a relatively insignificant matter.
Question: Why did Eddie smile when he received the Symbiote? I mean he seemed terrified at first but when he was on the ground he smiled.
Answer: The symbiote is shown to have an influence over its host, demonstrated by the change in Peter's personality after he bonded with it. Eddie, who was already bitter and angry by this point, could feel the symbiote taking over him, and while initially terrified, he quickly began to understand, accept and enjoy the change occurring within himself.
Party's Over - S2-E5
Question: Does the pharmacist that Longmire talks to violate any sort of confidentiality laws? Walt doesn't come in with a warrant, but the pharmacist is giving Walt information pertaining to other people still alive, not just the victim. I could see the law allowing him to tell Walt "no" that someone didn't pick up any prescriptions, but to mention she picked up antibiotics or that Gerry had back surgery seems unethical.
Question: Why does Logan cave in to Xavier's request to stop and stay with the Munsons when he knows they are being tracked by deadly mercenaries?
Answer: Logan likely assumed that they were in the clear. The mercenaries were able to keep finding them because they were forcing Caliban to track them, but Logan thought that they had killed him. He had no idea that Caliban was still alive and was tracking them, so he guessed that they were out of their reach.
How would that account for the Reavers finding them earlier at the casino hotel, though? Wouldn't Logan have been under the assumption at that time as well that Caliban was dead?
Logan may have questioned how the Reavers found them in the casino hotel, but probably not too much to think of which methods specifically were used to find them, since he was mainly focused on getting out of the Reavers' reach. As the casino hotel was a more populated location, he likely took a gamble and guessed that the Munson household was a far safer place to lay low since the house was in a secluded location.
Question: The scene after Daniel and his mother are given bonsai trees by Mr. Miyagi, Daniel tries to avoid talking to Ali. But why?
Answer: He thought that she was getting back together with her ex, and Daniel's chief tormentor, Johnny. (I could be wrong it's been a long time since I've seen the film).
Answer: Remember the scene where they had an argument about Ali saying Daniel can't always run away from his problems (meaning the Cobra Kai). Daniel didn't appreciate the lecture, so snapped back at her and then avoided her until the Halloween party, when Miyagi convinced him to make up with her (young bee needs young flower, not old prune).
Answer: She was with her friends and her friends don't like him. So he probably just wasn't in the mood to deal with that. He also had some battle wounds from getting "pushed" down a hill on his bike and wasn't ready to face her yet.
Question: I loaded the film up on Netflix, and it seems that the dialogue in one scene was edited. In the standard cut of the film, Jeebs says "You insensitive prick!" to K, but in the version I saw on Netflix, Jeebs says "You insensitive jerk!" What's the deal with the Netflix version changing this one single line? The original "prick" line appears to be on both the VHS and Blu-Ray edition I own.
Answer: After a little research, I discovered that the line was changed in the UK release from "prick" to "jerk." So the most likely explanation I can find is that the Netflix version is taken from a UK master of the film. As mentioned in other comments, Netflix doesn't censor their films, so the other answer regarding the film being edited like movies shown on airplanes isn't accurate. (Not to mention, it'd make no sense for Netflix to edit this one profanity while leaving all the others intact if they were editing it for content).
I agree it's the UK version. I don't know if it's a licensing thing or cheaper, but I've notice Netflix will use the UK release version on a number of films. I'm not familiar with "prick" as a UK slang but I believe it's more graphic than US slang, similar to the word "fanny", and edited for the UK release.
Answer: In fact, it's done twice. When talking about Frank the pug, the standard edit has K saying "I just hope the little prick hasn't skipped town." The streaming version doesn't. I say streaming version because I just discovered that the Amazon version of this film edited out the word "prick," and I didn't realise the Netflix version had too. I'm in the US, so what's going on here?
Generally the changes people notice in films when watching Netflix or other services come from the fact that they're airing the UK release version (for whatever reason). I remember the first time people really noticed this was when Scooby-Doo 2 changed the product placement from Burger King to KFC (which I commented on).
Answer: As more films become available online and are accessible to a wider audience, the studios edit mature content that is unacceptable to under-aged viewers. It's the same as movies that are shown on airplanes where the adult content is edited or removed altogether.
Netflix doesn't censor their movies, though... So this explanation makes no sense.
It just seems odd, as Netflix basically never censors content in other films they host (since they're supposed to be hosting the officially released versions anyways), and the rest of the profanity/violence in this particular film is unedited.
Question: During the car chase scene, why does James Bond need to press the roof in order to get his vehicle up?
Answer: That was the ejector seat. Triggering it with the car upside down flipped the car over.
Question: I know that nowadays, the F.B.I. does have operations abroad. However when this film was made 20 years ago showing the F.B.I. operating in Moscow... did the F.B.I. conduct operations outside of the country as depicted? I was under the impression that was the CIA's job.
Answer: It is stated that the FBI is working with their Russian equivalent, the MVD on a joint operation. The FBI primarily focuses on domestic issues but does on occasion engage in operations outside of the United States with the assistance and in the aid of foreign governments. The CIA would not be the appropriate government agency to handle the operation in the movie because that mission is a law enforcement operation. The CIA is strictly an intelligence gathering organization with no law enforcement authority.
Answer: Since 1940 (prior to the CIA being established), the FBI have been stationed in various foreign countries. Usually agent don't have the authority to make arrests, however, they can if Congress has granted the FBI extraterritorial jurisdiction and the host country agrees. The FBI establishes attaché offices, commonly known as legats, in foreign cities. In 1993 there were 21 of these offices and the new FBI director, Louis Freeh, wanted more and by 1997 there were 32. So, yes, 20 years ago the FBI conducted operations in foreign countries. I know currently there's a legat in Moscow, although I don't know when it was established. However, given the nature of the film, it's not unreasonable to think the FBI could quickly set up operations in Moscow, if they were not already established there, with no explanations needed since it's already something the FBI does.
Answer: It is the C.I.A's job to conduct foreign investigations. You're right in that respect. Why the FBI is involved is either unexplained or not mentioned.
Question: When Major Koslova confronts Ghazzi in the club, he speaks first with a joke or line of some sort. "What, no kick back this week?" What is that supposed to mean? A google search revealed nothing to me. (00:05:55)
Answer: Kick back means bribe. He's insinuating that he can bribe anyone to look the other way whilst he continues his dealings.
Answer: A "kickback" (one word) could be considered a type of bribe, but more commonly it is an arranged pay-off for some type of business transaction. Someone does something to make money, either legally or illegally, and someone who aids or is in someway useful to them is paid a percentage of the profits.
Question: Was the spinosaurus following the group, if so how? Or were they merely bumping into each other?
Answer: Being a predator, it would probably have a defined territory that it roamed looking for prey. The group is always traveling on foot and in the time frame they have been on the island, they likely were always in close proximity to where the spinosaurus hunted. It could possibly have detected them by sight, sound, or smell, or a combination of those factors.
Answer: Probably by smell.
Mr. Monk and the Election - S3-E15
Question: Mr. Monk, given all his quirks, is apprehensive to enter the voting booth and even comes back out due to his anxiety. My question is; do you have to be in the booth to vote? He had a paper ballot and there was no voting machine inside the booth. I saw a table and chairs in the background, so if Monk chose to, could he (or anyone) fill out the ballot at the table, in the open?
Answer: Yes, with a paper ballot, Monk (or anyone) can choose to fill it out at the table as long as they are not concerned about the lack of privacy.
Question: Why is losing such a big deal for Kreese?
Answer: Because Kreese never loses. Ever. Period. He's not a loser. Especially considering his opponent.
Question: Who was the dwarf in the castle scene when the children arrive at the castle in the child catcher cage?
Answer: Dennis Waterman.
Question: When VEGA starts giving Doomguy the report on the facility casualties after Dr Hayden tells him to, I picked up on a couple number references in what he says. His lines are thus... "61,337 UAC members deceased, 81% of the facility is on lockdown, demonic presence through the Mars installation is critical. According to the records, Dr. Hayden, the invasion originated in the Lazarus Facility. It seems that a Hellwave was activated transforming 64% of all UAC employees into the creatures you see roaming through the facility. The rest were killed by the demons released from cells by Olivia Pierce." 61,1337 seems to be a reference/joke to the number 1337 being Leet, or elite with the 6 as a demonic figure. Demon Elite. And then the 64% seems to be a reference to doom 64. So what's the significance of the 81% number then? Or are these numbers all just a coincidence?
Answer: Another thing I've noticed is that if you add up all the individual numbers in 61,337 and then reverse the two letters you get 20 and 16. Both together is 2016, the year the film was released. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
Answer: The original "Castle Wolfenstein" was released in 1981. The popular "Wolfenstein 3D" was released in 1992 by Id Software, and gained them significant credibility.
Question: What was the purpose of Channing Tatum preventing the gate from opening?
Answer: Jamming the gate by blocking the sensor delayed Joe Bang's brothers long enough for Mellie to come and collect some bags full of cash. Jimmy specifically did not trust them to know his entire plan. This part of the ruse allowed them to steal a separate stash of money so they could pretend to return the stolen money, whilst secretly keeping some to distribute later.
Question: What blew the door to Mike's workshop off its hinges?
Answer: That was the initial gas blow-out, prior to the explosion. Pressurized gas was coming out of the drill pipe with sufficient force to tear the place apart, even before it ignited.
What caused the gases to ignite?
Gas blowouts are notorious for igniting themselves. The vast quantity of gas and particulates, expelled under high pressure, create an electrostatic charge in the gas cloud that arcs to the nearest grounding point. It's like shuffling across a carpet and then touching a metal doorknob: a tiny electrostatic spark is created. Such a tiny spark is all that is necessary to ignite a cloud of petroleum gas.
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Answer: He has a natural talent that he wants to pursue instead of following family tradition. Being an artist and writer, I knew from the earliest age this was something I wanted to pursue more than anything else.
raywest ★