Question: Why did all the police officers destroy the shantytown? And why did they beat the blind priest to death?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What happened to the other 20 kids that were running in the field?
Answer: The Creeper only selected a handful of the kids, not all of them. Therefore it's safe to assume the rest made it out alive.
Answer: They got away, presumably.
Question: Did the argument on whether or not to make the bombers' photos public really take place?
Answer: In short, no it likely did not. In real life the FBI voluntarily released the photos of the suspects to the press with a message to the public to help identify the suspects. The FBI statement also claimed they were doing this to help protect people wrongly identified as suspects on social media. While it is possible there could have been some back and forth privately regarding the photo release, it is also relatively common for law enforcement to release photos of suspects to the public for the same reasons as were done in the Boston Marathon bombings.
According to history vs. Hollywood there really was a debate on whether or not to release the photos.
Question: Can anyone tell me the translated piano notes of the original soundtrack?
Answer: Back to the future 1 Yes he was sent back to 1955 thereby he accidently interacted with his parents he didn't know they were from the beginning and when he did it was too late he already interacted with them thereby altering 1985 thankfully with the help of his friend Emmett Brown he was able to fix the timeline and go back to the future Back to the future 2 Emmett Brown went 30 years into the future thereby discovering Marty's son altering the future so Emmet Brown had go back to 1985 to take Marty back to the future to repair the future which they did unfortunately Marty obtained Greys Sport Almanac Biff from the future obtained it& the DeLorean sending himself back to Nov 5th 1955 handing to his younger self what he obtained from the future which created 1985a the reason why 2015 wasn't altered by old Biff future because Emmet Brown and Marty McFly repaired that timeline n the timeline old Biff collapsed in pain and slowing faded away in 1985a both Emmett and Marty discover both Emmett and Marty decide go back to Nov 5th 1955 to repair that timeline meaning that timeline never really existed meaning Biff from the future is alive and well Back to the future 3 On Nov 12 1955 the lightning struck the clock tower and the DeLorean sending Emmett Brown into existence Emmett wrote a letter what had happened 6 days before he was shot in the back by Biff's great grandfather realising this Marty raced back to 1955 to get help so he could go into the past so he could rescue his friend and get him get him back to the future this brought timeline 8 into existence that's where Emmett fell in love with Clara later the marry and to have a family unfortunately when Marty goes into the past so he could rescue his friend and get him get him back to the future Back to the future 4 Marty learns he' not in 1885A he's in 1885B similar to timeline 4 with Emmet Brown's help Marty goes back to January 1st 1885 10 minutes before Emmet brown arrives Marty explains 6 days after you sent me that letter which Marty shows who get shot in the back by Buford Tannen over 80 dollars both Emmet and Marty head back to 1985 Marty wakes up believing he's now back in 1985 only he discovers he's not n 1985 he's in 1955B similar to timeline 4 Marty writes a letter to his friend 30 years into the future Emmett arrives and collects Marty and arrives back to Nov 12 1955 at 6am unfortunately the clock tower hasn't changed its still at 10:04pm Emmett then remembers 4 hours ago he did sent himself back into the past his did damage the clock tower and it's because of that the clock still reeds 10:04pm.
This is an answer for the wrong film.
Question: Does anyone know why Zulu, who played Kono, left the show?
Answer: He was fired. He never really appreciated his character. He felt Kono was portrayed as a big dumb Hawaiian and that the stereotype was racist. He also felt underutilized. He was fired after a heated argument with the show's publicist regarding his character. It seems there's not much details given regarding the incident or the firing, so it's seems possible he upset the show's producers as well.
No he said something derogatory about one of the Jewish producers that's why he was fired.
Answer: He was asked to speak at a local organization event but the producer insisted that Jack Lord be also there. It was an event in honor of Hawaiians and that set him off. He used a derogatory name for the Jewish producer and that pretty much ended his stint on the show.
Question: We are told that Dave Jones and his crew were ‘fishified' (by Calypso?) because they stopped ferrying souls, because Davy Jones was mad when his girlfriend, Calypso, didn't show up after he had been ferrying souls for ten years. So was Davy Jones just pirating after that and always trying to staff up the ship? Why would he need to recruit if they were undead? And what was happening to the souls, before Will became Captain of the Flying Dutchman and fulfilled the duties?
Answer: The souls were just drifting around, not finding peace as we see when the black pearl sails away from Davey Jones locker. Davey Jones was just having fun killing shipwrecked people and recruiting anyone who feared death. The crews members don't stay on the ship indefinitely, some get off eventually and Davey needs to resupply the ranks.
Question: There is a red flag behind Obadiah while he was "freezing" Reza, and the same flag appears in the video watched by Pepper on Tony's desktop. The same flag / logo was used by Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Was it the same "enemy platform", being manipulated by the bad guys?
Answer: The flag has the symbol of "The Ten Rings" the terrorist group that captured Stark. Which is a real in universe terrorist group in the MCU. Aldrich Killian used the flag for his Mandarin videos to add some credibility to his scheme.
Question: Some told me Stuck On You was based on a true story - is this true?
Question: After R2-D2 helps fix the escaping ship, Queen Amidala thanks the droid in front of Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and her handmaidens, but Amidala's decoy refers to her handmaiden as Padme. Why doesn't she refer to her as Sabe? Doesn't everyone know that Queen Amidala's first name is Padme?
Answer: Padme was impersonating a handmaid, using her real name. Sabe was playing her role of Queen Amidala. This was unknown to Qui-Gon.
But the point is that using the queen's real name seems like it's giving the game away a bit.
Question: If Venom knew everything Peter knew while he wore the black suit (symbiote), why didn't he try to recruit Harry (The New Goblin) into him and Sandman's alliance against Spider-Man? He obviously knew Harry did not like Peter based on their second fight which consisted of Peter wearing the black suit.
Answer: Well, Peter did sort-of hurl a grenade into Harry's face, which puts him at a disadvantage. Why recruit someone whose already been badly injured and thus possibly more a liability than a help? Plus, it's likely that Venom saw Harry (who is still a person, albeit enhanced) as being less of a benefit than Sandman or too much of a wildcard given his past with Peter.
Question: Mike and Sulley are able to activate the door when stuck at the kids camp by harnessing enough screams to activate it. If laughter is 10 times more powerful than screams, then why wouldn't child laughter (especially if there is a Birthday party, etc.) not activate doors from the "human world" allowing kids to go into the factory (monster world) all the time?
Answer: Well a door first needs to be activated from the monster side. See the doors of the human world lack the receiver for the energy they need to open the doorway between worlds (the red light on top). That's why in the monster world they hook a door up to a machine to activate it allowing the passage between worlds before any scream or laugh is made. It costs power to activate a door to allow a monster in. Boo was able to activate doors because she was in the monster world and her screams and laughs triggered the devices on top of the doors, activating them automatically. This was the first time ever a human entered the monster world.
Question: Mr. Vernon knew that Brian, John, Claire and Andrew had detention for what they did, so when Alison shows up as well, why did he let her have detention? Why didn't he tell her to go back home?
Answer: It's pretty clear he doesn't much care to be there, and has little more than contempt for the students. Given that clerical errors are a daily part of life in most schools, he likely just assumed she was supposed to be there but the paperwork was wrong.
Question: When Marietta denied that there had been any other meetings, was that just to let her friends off? I don't see why she rats them out one minute and then tries to protect them the next.
Answer: Because her memory was charmed by Kingsley Shacklebolt before she could.
Question: Is Billy's car supposed to be the same car that Mel Gibson is driving in the Mad Max movies? It looks a lot like the same car. If so, was this done on purpose?
Answer: They're both muscle cars, but that's about the extent of the similarities. But the 70's were filled with a lot of muscle cars, so some car models may look a bit like another's. Billy's car is a late 70's Chevy Camaro (probably a ‘79). Mad Max's car is a 1973 Ford Falcon XB GT. Incidentally, the Ford Falcon was produced by Ford Australia and wasn't an American car, or even sold in America (as in not sold at dealerships).
According to the experts its a Camaro '78 with added vented side fenders.
A Jolting Switcheroo! - S17-E16
Question: Lyn mistakenly takes Bonnie's identical satchel containing Dedenne, but shouldn't Lyn's satchel be a different color so the mix-up doesn't happen?
Answer: The girls each had the same bags the only thing that made them different was that they had different buttons sewn onto them.
Answer: It just happened because the girls each had the same colored bag.
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Answer: As part of the alien takeover, they're suppressing any resistance and discussion of the plot. They know there's a group, led by the preacher, who are onto the conspiracy and that they're somewhere in the camp. They destroy the camp to disburse them and prevent word from getting out.