Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: If Lucy's father was the one that gave Henry the Beach Boys CD, how could Henry take that as a sign that Lucy remembers him?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Lucy's father previously told Henry that she only sings on days that she meets him - then you see a flash of her painting in the garage, singing a Beach Boys song. Right before he hands Henry the Beach Boys CD, he tells him that she's even singing again. Henry realized as he listened to CD - maybe if she is singing again, she is thinking of him, hence, remembering him. (It happens to be the same song that she was singing in the garage that's playing on the boat when Henry turns around to go back. It's called 'Wouldn't It Be Nice').

Why wouldn't the father just tell him directly "hey she's been painting and singing again, so she probably might remember you"

Question: Does Magneto understand that his special radiation machine kills normal humans or not? He ignores Storm when she tells him she saw Sen. Kelly die. Is his plan to make the world leaders mutants so they'll become sympathetic to the mutant cause, or is it to just kill everybody?

Answer: No, he doesn't realise that it ultimately kills them. His entire aim is to turn the world's leaders into mutants, thus getting them onto his side. If he killed them, he'd simply put new leaders into office who now had even more of a reason to hate mutants, which really isn't going to help matters. When Storm tells him that Kelly died, he simply asks her if she really saw what she thinks she saw - a certain degree of denial, but one that's understandable. After all, he wouldn't want to think that all his planning was for naught.


Answer: Magento didn't care if the Senator died. They either become mutants or they die. Either way he considers it a win win situation.

Question: In the scene where Fannie is having trouble giving birth as the baby is breeched, how does Azeem deliver Fannie's baby?

Answer: While it is never explicitly shown, it is implied that Azeem performed a Cesarean Section.


Question: What are the title/artist of the two dance songs played in Alexi's Miami Club straight after the chopper flies past it carrying Mike and Marcus to the hospital. I have searched for the two songs everywhere and can't find them (as they're not on the official soundtrack it is harder to try and track).

Answer: One of the songs is by Deepsky, Cosmic Dancer.

Question: Is there any significance to the piano keys that are played in order to get into the bat cave?

Answer: It's just a random sequence - presumably it's deliberately not like any existing tune to prevent it being played accidentally.


Question: Does anyone know where I can get the script for the "table scene" or a listing of the dialogue?

T Poston

Chosen answer: A dialogue transcript can be found here, though cast names are not included: Nutty Professor Script Transcript.

Super Grover

Question: I was wondering what the name of the song is that plays as Max and Vincent drive off after the first killing. It plays through for a while, until the cop calls for backup.

Answer: You mean the one where Fanning is looking for Ramon in his apartment? It's called "Rollin' Crumblin'" by Tom Rothrock.

Question: Does the color blue have any symbolic significance in this film? I've noticed that blue flowers are pretty prominent throughout the film as well as Annie's blue dress and Chris' blue suit in the last few scenes. It seems like the cinematographers took special care to make all the blues really stand out.


Chosen answer: Taken from Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. The presence of this color in your dream, may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind. Depending on the context of your dream, the color blue may also be a metaphor of "being blue" and feeling sad.

Question: Can someone please explain to me who those men were that Jodie Foster saw out of her daughter's window in the beginning of the movie if they were not the individuals on the flight?

Answer: It was the men seen early in the film who murdered Foster's husband. When her daughter disappeared on the plane, Foster suspected the Muslim passengers were the kidnappers, believing they looked similar to the men she saw when her husband died. However, they were never involved in the plot. Because Foster was under extreme duress and somewhat irrational, she jumped to a politically incorrect assumption based on their ethnicity.


What do you mean by it was the men seen early in the film who murdered? Are you saying it was Carson, and Stephanie wearing masks, or were they people hired by the hijackers to murder Kyle's husband?

There were people hired to kill Kyle's husband-wheels within wheels, it's a convoluted plan.

Erik M.

Answer: No, despite more than enough clues and close calls. Peggy and John Redcorn are the only ones who have come close to telling Dale that Joseph is not his real son but both Dale and Joseph have never found it out.


Question: When David is starting to turn into a werewolf, he sees his entire body starting to change. So why is it that when he is talking to Alex the next morning he can't remember it happening and the last thing he remembers is reading a book?

Answer: Traumatic events have a tendency to disrupt the memory - people who have been involved in a car accident, for example, often have no memory of the events leading up to the accident, even though they would obviously have perceived those events at the time. The physical and mental stresses of the werewolf transformation have clearly disrupted David's memories in a similar fashion.


Question: This is a very strange question but I cannot think of anywhere else to put it. In the UK, a poster-advert for this film that is stuck on phone boxes has me confused. The bottom half of the window has Danny (Jet Li) lying down with his face to the camera, looking up slightly (as he is seen during the film sometimes), but the top half has an arm/fist with what looks like a Christmas pudding (on fire and all) on top of it. What is the thing on his fist, and what's its relevance to the film? I've seen the film but I can't remember anything like it.

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: If I am thinking of the same poster, it is someone's foot standing on his wrist. The shoe is really shiny.

James Storck

Question: Does anyone know anything about the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?" Who made it up, how they came about to making it up etc.


Chosen answer: For a good explanation, go to The Straight Dope: It will give you pretty much everything that is known about this odd word.

Richard Welty

Answer: A generic spell that's supposed to keep spirits/demons from crossing the threshold, similar to the script on the glass walls in Thirteen Ghosts.

Question: On the third disc, apparently there are some alternate endings hidden in an easter egg. Can anyone tell me how to get to them?

Answer: The are no alternative endings for this film, all that is on the third disk is the movie played in chronologial order so you can see how things really panned out.

Question: When Stiller is trying to flirt with the one lady at her house he says "Freakinare" or something. Whatever it is, what does it mean?

Answer: I think you may be mishearing "freaky naughty", which is pretty self-explanatory.

Nick N.

Question: When the Brian and Roman are telling each other to shut up, in the scene by Verone's pool, Monica comes over and as she sits down, she mouths something to Brian. What does she say?

Answer: It looks like she says "Hi" but she says it so quietly it is not picked up by a microphone. Also, if you turn the volume up, you can sort of make out, "Hi" as her lips move.

Thomas Ryder

Question: Can someone please explain what a snuff film actually is? I've heard that they don't exist, and they are just a rumor, but can someone clarify all this?

Answer: A snuff film is a movie where someone is actually killed on film, where the intention is to sell the movie afterwards. There are several other instanses where people are shown murdered on film (news reports, the Zapruder film, dictatorships documenting executions, etc.), but if the purpose of making the movie is not commercial, it is not a geniune "snuff" film. FBI experts and other law agencies state that they have never seen a genuine "snuff", and that it is most likely just a rumor, especially since the concept of someone willingly selling evidence of their own crimes to strangers and remaining undetected for 30 years, is highly unlikely. See for more details.


Question: After seeing 'Gladiator' I looked up a few pictures of Tommy Flanagan (Cicero, Maximus' friend) and in all of them he has a noticeable mark on the side of his face. Is this a scar or a birth mark or something? Could someone please tell me?

Answer: He received that scar when he was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant outside a pub.


Question: Does anybody know why Zaphod has two faces and not two heads? In the book there are two separate heads and he never gets one cut off. Was this a deliberate choice by the filmmakers for a reason? Thanks.

Answer: It was a choice by Douglas Adams prior to his demise, largely to avoid the large amount of effects required to continuously portray a character with two heads. It was also probably prompted, at least in part, by his dissatisfaction with the second head used in the 1980's TV version, causing him to think of other ways that Zaphod could be portrayed.


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