Question: If Cristoff wanted to get rid of Lauren/Sylvia, then why does he continue to show flashback scenes of her?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Does anyone know if the new episodes of Family Guy will be on Cartoon Network or Fox?
Answer: FOX will air them first, but not until next year at the earliest. After that, I am sure Cartoon Network will reshow them in syndication shortly thereafter.
Question: How come in the first movie they don't want us to know Beatrix's name so they bleep it out, but in this movie they let us know it? Why couldn't they tell us in the first movie?
Answer: Q.T. stated the first movie had the questions while the second movie had the answers.
Question: Does anyone know if they are releasing a DVD of this film? It's been 6 months or so since the film was originally released, and usually, the film is on video 2 months or so after.
Answer: Yes! It is released on September the 6th.
Question: Several times throughout the movie, we see Lex refer to a digital compass on her wrist. I know that a normal compass, the kind with a suspended needle, will bottom out that close to the south pole, and even if you get it to work, it's useless because it says every direction is north. How does hers work?
Answer: It's a GPS. It gets its location and direction from an orbiting satellite.
Question: Han wants to leave the Rebel base on Hoth so he can pay Jabba and not have to worry anymore about all the bounty hunters that are after him. Seems like a reasonable thing to want to do. But why does everyone act like he's quitting the rebellion all together? What's to keep him from coming back after he gives Jabba the money? Even if they have to leave Hoth before he could make it back they could have told him where he could find them.
Answer: The Rebellion was in a pretty shaky situation at the time. They needed Han to be there full time, which is why he stayed with them so long even with bounty hunters coming after him. When he decides to leave, it's assumed they all feel they may never see him again, because the Rebellion may be wiped out, or Han could be meet some terrible fate at the hands of Jabba the Hutt, or even the Empire without the Rebellion to look after him.
Question: While Truman is performing the closing act in the film, we see him being watched all over the world by various people. Two security guys in a car park are watching when a guy taps on the window. The guard says something like "Just leave it in the car." What's he referring to?
Answer: Money to pay the fare for parking. They work in a car park.
Question: When Nightcrawler falls from the roof of the church and Jean "catches" him telepathically, why can't he teleport away from her? Can Jean's telepathic powers inhibit his natural mutant abilities?
Answer: Two reasons for this. Firstly, you are quite correct. Jean Grey can inhibit his natural mutant abilities, as we see at the end of the film when Nightcrawler is trying to save her from the water, but she keeps stopping him. Secondly, Nightcrawler probably didn't want to escape. He was set up to attack the president and most likely wanted to turn himself in.
Question: What's the name of that website that i was on that had a list of every episode of buffy. I can't find it. Please help me.
Answer: There are several different websites. is one that covers almost all television shows. Google will show many more results.
Question: When the man who was looking for the cat, before he was killed, there is water dripping from somewhere, where is it coming from?
Answer: The water is condensation coming from the cooling towers of the ship. The ship is seemingly powered by a nuclear reactor, and the towers above Brett are the ship's equivalent of the large hyperboloid towers seen in traditional power plants. Following this scene Ripley remarks about Brett's abduction "...then it disappeared into one of the cooling towers." This is furthered by the end sequence - Ripley shuts off the cooling system ("Mother; I turned the cooling unit back on!") - which coincides with her action of raising the 4 towers, which would presumably cut off access to the cooling water which serves to keep the core from melting down. This is also supported by her not being able to stop it after a certain point - when the imminent temperature for meltdown is reached coolant can not be returned, because it will flash boil from convective heat before reaching the core, which prevents the required conductive cooling.
Question: Why does Melvin, who looks about 15, live out there alone, in a shack, with no adult supervision?
Answer: In the original script Melvin has parents, but they constantly abandon him when they make trips into Las Vegas. This was reaffirmed by the directors.
Answer: It is never stated that Melvin lives in the shack. He just climbed onto the shack's roof because it was the nearest structure. In fact, earlier in the movie when Val and Earl are pumping the septic tank, Melvin is sitting on the porch of the house. Earl even says to Melvin, "Why don't you give us a hand? most of this **** is yours."
Question: How is that powerful telepath Professor Xavier can use Cerebro to find mutants on the other side of the world, yet he does not pick up on Mystique running all over his house in some guise or another? Or Jean Grey, for that matter? Surely they would sense the foreign brainwaves.
Answer: It's hard to find something that you're not looking for. They weren't keeping an eye on the school grounds.
Question: Do Nightcrawler and Storm have a crush on each other or something? They seem pretty close...
Answer: Not a crush, they just connect. Storm feels for him because of the pain and suffering he has been through, and Nightcrawler feels for her because she is angry at the world and he tries to comfort her. Besides that, he is closer to her because she was the first of the group to try and get to know him.
Question: How come Ming-Na Wen is only credited as Ming-Na?
Answer: Ming-Na made the decision to drop her last name, Wen, at the time she married actor/screenwriter Eric Michael Zee in 1995; apparently out of a desire to be like one-named headliners such as Cher and Ann-Margret.
Question: When Van Helsing was on the carriage on the way to Budapest and the horses were about to go over the broken bridge, how did the horses fly over a considerably huge gap like that and land on the other side of the bridge? Why didn't Van Helsing try to stop the horses?
Answer: Because having them jump the gap looked really cool. In reality, horses are not stupid. If they see a huge drop off like that, they will stop by themselves!
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Answer: For ratings. He took her off to keep her from telling the secret of Truman being in a fake world. Knowing that Truman has feelings for her, Cristoff uses this to make the audience connect more with Truman because everybody feels his pain of losing his first true love.
T Poston