Question: The answer to this might be a long shot, but I just have to ask would the passengers still on the ship when it is sinking really not notice two people (Rose and Jack) running from someone (Cal) who is shooting at them? Obviously they would have other things on their mind, but the scene wasn't as chaotic as other scenes during the sinking with the people other than the main characters.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When the friends gang can't get in or out of Monica's apartment because they have locked the keys in or out why couldn't the other gang members let them borrow theirs? In the last ever episode it shows them having a key each.
Chosen answer: That doesn't mean they all had keys before the final episode. The lockout incident happened earlier in the series when Rachel was still living with Monica. It could be that after they got locked out, the girls decided everyone should have a key to their apartment to avoid another similar dilemma.
Question: In Half-Blood Prince, Draco disarms Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy tower. He disarms the wand revealed to be the Elder Wand. Therefore Malfoy IS the new master of the wand. In Malfoy Manor in DH1 Harry disarms Draco's OWN wand, not the Elder Wand. Why then does Harry automatically become the new master of a wand he did not "win" from its previous owner? Is it because he is now the owner of Malfoy's wand, the wand that "won" Dumbledore's, and therefore the wand believes Harry disarmed Dumbledore?
Answer: The Elder Wand's master does not have to actually be holding the wand to lose its allegiance. If its owner is overpowered in some way, then he can lose possession of the wand. Wands are sentient, and the Elder Wand is the most powerful wand in the wizard world. When Harry disarmed Draco, even though the Elder Wand was never in Draco's physical possession, the wand sensed this and changed its allegiance to Harry.
Question: I'm just curious, but at Helm's Deep, when Legolas says to Gimli "Shall I get you a box to stand on?" or words to that effect, was that line improvised by Orlando Bloom or was it in the script?
Answer: There's nothing to indicate that it wasn't in the script. It seems in line with much of the humour displayed throughout the trilogy, so was likely there from the start.
Question: Since this movie is a sequel to An American Werewolf in London, how come none of the werewolves look like the one David Kessler turned into?
Answer: Because they're two different films made years apart (1981 and 1997) by two different directors. Not only had CGI effects made significant advances by the time "Werewolf in Paris" was made, but every filmmaker has their own vision and style for their movie. A new director often feels no obligation to make a sequel look exactly like its predecessor. Look at the Harry Potter series. There have been different directors, and each made changes to how characters and locations look from film-to-film. It's just a natural progression.
Question: How fast can the Hellcycle go?
Answer: It is never stated in the film, nor comic.
Question: When the boat first starts sinking, some nameless crew members are shown trying to sort things out. But I don't remember them appearing again, even when the DJs were being rescued. Did they drown?
Chosen answer: They can be seen in a couple of long shots of the ship's prow as the DJs shelter there. It's reasonable to assume, given that they were present when the rescue flotilla arrived, that they were picked up as well, just off-screen while the film focused on the main characters.
Question: Is there a fish visible in the "Where's the fish?" segment, or is it just a joke?
Answer: There is no fish in the scene.
Question: In the scene where the crew exits the ship via the retractable doorway and gets seen by the garbage men, they had enough power to beam out but decided to walk out regardless, and risk being seen. Yet every other time they beamed in and out of the ship, so why not that particular time? Furthermore, why would the garbage men dismiss it so easily and not report it or return again later.
Chosen answer: There's no reason given, but it might have something to do with the fact that all of them are leaving the ship at the same time. It may be necessary for someone to remain on board to beam them in and out, as opposed to manually opening and closing the hatch from the outside. Being as this is a Klingon ship, the technology does not exactly work the same as their own. As to the garbage collectors, they did not report seeing anything for fear of no one believing them, being ridiculed, and possibly losing their jobs. They may also simply not believe what they are seeing.
Question: When the survivors run into the T-Rex, it is eating a dinosaur. Does anyone know what species it was?
Chosen answer: According to the DVD commentary, the Tyrannosaurus is eating a Parasaurolophus.
Question: In the movie when Harry, Ron and Hermione are sitting in the Great Hall and discussing how Ron and Lavender broke up, Hermione asks Ron if he remembered something from that night in the Hospital Wing. Ron says, "I did remember something, but no, it can't be". What was it that Ron remembered?
Chosen answer: Ron remembers calling Hermione's name when he was in bed sick. Hermione asks if he remembered anything, which he lies about and says his mind was completely "boggled." He remembers, but he does not want to admit it since he likes Hermione and does not want her to know.
Question: There was a deleted scene with the Ingen hunters running off a cliff and hang gliding that get attacked by pteranodons. Does anyone know where I can find that scene? I've looked on YouTube and almost everywhere and I can't find it.
Chosen answer: It was never filmed. The 'deleted scene' you are referring to was actually a series of sketches to be used as pre-vis.
Question: Shouldn't Anakin be angry when, after he finally converts to the Dark Side and kills Mace, Palpatine/Sidious reveals that he really doesn't know how to save someone from death, but if they work really really really hard, maybe they can figure it out? Shouldn't Anakin fly into a rage at this? He has no reaction, just kneels and says he will pledge himself to the Emperor's teaching.
Chosen answer: He probably is, but he's out of options at that point. Having acted directly against the Jedi by participating in Windu's death, he can no longer turn to them for help. If he wants to save Padme, he has no choice but to sign up with Sidious and hope that they can figure it out, no matter what his feelings on the matter might be.
Question: Why couldn't Nicholas get his briefcase open when he was at Ansen Bear Publishing? I understand that CRS is capable of doing pretty much anything to him including his house, phone,and car, but it seems like it would be quite difficult to change the lock on the briefcase that he is almost always carrying with him.
Chosen answer: They wouldn't have to change the lock, all they'd need to do is switch the briefcase for an identical looking one.
Answer: All they have to do is replace the key, haha. No need to replace a briefcase.
Question: In the epilogue, whose trolley is Harrys daughter riding on before they go through the 9 3/4 passage?
Question: Can someone explain to me what exactly was the explanation for the Superman logo projectile that he throws off his chest towards the end? that just seemed like an incredible plot hole and totally unexplainable as Superman's suit is never shown to have any powers in this film series.
Chosen answer: It's not a plot hole. It's just a power we've never seen before or since. However, in the history of Superman (like in the old TV show and such) it's a common thing for Superman to suddenly have a power we'd never been told about then never see again. It's weak story telling, but it's not a plot hole.
Answer: The cellophane S is not a power of Superman's. It was created by the technology in the fortress of solitude. The same goes for the holograms.
Question: Does anyone know why Gabriel murdered Dracula 400 years ago? Why would the right hand of God kill a human?
Answer: In Van Helsing: The video game, the backstory goes like this. Dracula and Van Helsing were both friends and knights of the Holy Order dedicated to eradicating evil. They only had to follow two rules. One. The Order did not exist. Two. They had to live a life of celibacy. Dracula, however, fell in love with a young woman. When the Order found out, they decided to banish the young woman from the city. A struggle occurred and the woman was killed. Turning on the Order, Dracula recovered her body and chose to use dark magic to bring her back to life. Van Helsing was sent to stop the ritual. Though he succeeded, a fight between Dracula and Van Helsing ensued and Van Helsing was left with no choice but to kill his former comrade. As Dracula lay dying he made a deal with the devil for eternal life. Van Helsing, wracked by guilt for what he had done, prayed to God to have the pain and suffering of what he did taken away. To spare him the torment, God answered his prayer and removed his memories.
Question: This just interests me, but when Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of Fire, and he has to go and join the champions, why is Dumbledore angry with him? There's no way Harry could have submitted his own name because he's not of age yet, and he is not educated enough to over-ride Dumbledore's Age-Line spell or fool the Goblet into accepting him, and there's no way Hermione would have helped him because she's too moral about using magic for the wrong reasons; Dumbledore should know both these things already if he is such an intelligent and knowledgeable wizard.
Answer: Quite simply, the first assumption anyone would have would be that, however the name got in there, it was because Harry wanted to circumvent the restriction. That's why, when Dumbledore comes back to see him a minute later, the first thing he did was grill Harry about how the name got in there. Harry hardly has a flawless record where school rules are concerned, and even Ron assumed he'd done it somehow.
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Answer: There's no definitive answer to this. Even though it may have seemed less chaotic than the later scenes, considering the extreme crisis and terror that was unfolding at that moment, and knowing their their lives are at stake, it is conceivable that others would not take much notice of what people were doing, or even if they did, would not be inclined to intervene.
raywest ★