Question: Does Sean really possess the spirit of Anna's dead husband, or does the little boy just read the letters he finds buried in the woods, become obsessed with Anna and pretend to be the reincarnation of her husband?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When John dives from the prison truck through the windshield of the Sheriff's truck, the windshield glass breaks (not shatters) as a flat, house window would break. I don't know when safety glass was first introduced, but can anyone confirm if the glass for this type of vehicle would actually break this way?
Answer: The windshield glass would have not broken this easily (like regular window pane glass in your home or such). I am going to guess that kind of glass hasn't been used on car windshields since at least the early 70's, if not before. The Sheriff's truck didn't appear to be that old, either.
Question: Is the song 'Into the West' by Annie Lennox, about Frodo leaving Middle Earth?
Answer: Essentially, yes, although much of it was actually inspired by the death of Cameron Duncan, a young filmmaker who was a friend of the cast and crew.
Question: In the film, at the theater house, everyone was watching "Faust or the Devil's Bargain." What was the deal that Faust made with the devil?
Answer: 1. To serve Dr. Faustus for as long as he should live, 2. To provide Dr. Faustus with whatever information he might request, 3. Never to utter an untruth to Dr. Faustus. The Devil agreed to these particulars, on the condition that Dr. Faustus would promise that after twenty-four years to surrender his body and soul to the Devil, to confirm the pact with a signature written in his own blood, and to renounce his Christian faith.
Question: I watched the show for a while when Sabrina was in high school, and then I stopped. I recently saw an episode, where Sabrina was living in her house and her aunts were gone, but she was living with two other girls. Who are those girls and where did her aunts go?
Answer: Those are her roomates. The first season Sabrina was in college, she moved out of the house that she shared with her aunts and she moved in with 2 girls plus another guy. I think her aunts went back to the other realm since the 2 actresses (Caroline Rhea and Beth Broderick) who played them left the show. The guy roommate also left the show the same time as Sabrina's Aunts. Then Sabrina and her roommates moved into the house.
Hilda got married and Zelda became 8 years old again so that Sabrina could have her live life back.
Question: I am curious what that round thing is during the Think of Me sequence. When the camera goes down through the grate to get to the phantom below the stage, It is on the floor right next to the grate. It looks like an ash tray but I am not sure.
Answer: The large gold round object is definately an ashtray, as you can see the cigarettes in it. The smaller black round object looks to me like an inkwell.
Question: Where does Bonnie get all her clothes from? From what we see she goes off with Clyde wearing the yellow dress and doesn't have any bags or anything with her. Are we supposed to think she steals them?
Answer: Bonnie and Clyde were bank robbers, remember - it's quite reasonable that Bonnie would buy herself some clothes with the proceeds.
Question: Does anyone know who is credited as Uncle Jerry's voice when Grace plays the cassette?
Answer: The director, James Burrows.
Answer: Jerry Van Dyke, brother of Dick and star of the old 60's TV series, "My Mother The Car".
Answer: The voice of Uncle Jerry is director, James Burrows.
Nature Pants / Opposite Day - S1-E9
Question: In "Opposite day", SpongeBob and Patrick starts talking, but nothing is understood. I think they're talking backwards. What are they saying?
Question: What is the name of the song that is played when we first see Francois Toulour? It's the scene where Danny Ocean is telling his crew which jobs he has done.
Answer: This song is listed in the credits (and is listed to be on the soundtrack). It's called Faust 72 performed by Dynastie Crisis. Here's a link to the audio on YouTube:
Question: What is Lynn's connection to the Nite Owl killings?
Answer: She doesn't really have one - not directly, anyway. The only link is that Susan Lefferts died at the Night Owl, and Bud saw Lynn with Lefferts when he was buying the alcohol for the party. Lefferts had the bandage on her nose at the time, which sparked Bud's curiosity and prompted him to seek out Lynn after Lefferts was murdered.
Question: In the prison, the priest has several books, a chair, table, etc. Where did he get these things? I assume he wasn't given them, as the prisoners are expected to live with absolutely no creature comforts. He could have made the chair and table, but out of what? He wouldn't have been given any materials. How would he make something out of nothing?
Answer: Priests, as men of God, tend to be considered differently from others - it's reasonable to think that the guards would have allowed him a few privileges denied the other prisoners.
Question: Where can I find some hand held fans like the ones used in Masquerade? I'm pretty sure they don't sell them in regular department stores, like Wal-Mart or something, but I can't think of where to look.
Answer: They have them at Party City. Try other party goods stores or costume shops.
Question: What is the music the music box plays (the tune is heard during the Jesse dream sequence mostly)? Was it written for the movie? If it was, what is it called and where can I find it, and if it isn't, is it possible it uses some of the same chords as another song and I am picking up on that one? If this is the case, what is the other song that it sounds like? I've heard of such things happening, for example one of the songs from Aladdin. I've searched and I can't find the answers to anything.
Answer: But what is the name of the instrument song of the DVD main menu? I can't find it any where on YouTube can someone help find it I want it for a ring tone fory cell.
Question: I've heard that the kidnappers names are Carl and Gaear. Where in the film is this fact established?
Answer: At the beginning of the movie when Jerry meets them both in the bar to discuss the kidnapping. Carl introduces himself and Gaear to Jerry.
Question: Probably it's for dramatic impact, but it seemed strange that Ryan Reynolds' character would rush out to the boathouse on seeing the red balloon. It would have made more sense to check her room first, but he leaves (and even dives into the icy lake) without telling anyone. If it was out and out panic, wouldn't he wake his wife? Apart from as a plot device, any ideas why?
Answer: He sees the balloon, and instantly assumes his step-daughter is inside the boat house, and hence is in danger of slipping and drowning (or perhaps already in such a situation). He rushes straight out to get there as quickly as possible. Checking her room, or telling his wife would take up time, not to mention he is probably running on adrenaline.
Question: After Brian and the others escape the Bangor airport and are on their way back to LA, before they get to the time rip, Brian says to Nick that he wanted kids and she didn't and he did "something that he never thought he'd do" and that he always wanted to tell her sorry. What was that thing he did that was so bad, there is no mention of what he did unless he is talking about the divorce. Could someone please clarify this?
Answer: In the book he slaps her across the face during a heated argument. I can only assume that is what he is talking about.
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Answer: I would say that he was "in love" with her before reading the letters. Once he read them, he kinda became convinced that he was the reincarnated spirit of her husband. He clearly is not, since the original Sean was not really in love with her.
I think it was a grey area between the two...I think in life, we are exposed to and vulnerable to, sin. In our rebirth, sin is erased. We don't remember it. I think we remember love. I interpreted the boy as being the reincarnation of Anna's Sean, but only remembering the love he originally had for her, before it was tainted with lust and temptation.