Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Maybe its my maths or I misheard something but the figures don't seem to add up for me. In Godfather 2, Vito Corleone is about 7 yrs old in 1901 and moves to New York after his family is killed. In Godfather 1, it is said the year was "almost 1942" (I think). So that makes Don Corleone about 50 ish when he died of a heart attack. Is this correct? He looked a lot older, plus head of a crime family in his early 40s doesn't seem right to me either. Am I missing something? I'm not listing this as a mistake as I'm unsure of the timings etc. so if anyone can shed any light on this for me it would be appreciated.


Chosen answer: Vito was born December 7, 1891, so he was 9 when he moved (Godfather II states: "In 1901, the family of nine-year-old Vito Andolini is killed"). However, it was by the early 1930's that Vito had established his criminal organization as the Corleone crime family, with him at the head. He died in July of 1955, making him 63 when he died. In real life, Marlon Brando, who played Don Corleone, was 47 at the time of filming.


Question: When Johanna is ranting about setting fire to Snow's backyard, you can hear what sounds like a cell phone ringing. Any explanation?

Patty Morado

Chosen answer: There is no explanation. They did have electrical devices, so this could be attributed to any number of things that make ringing or buzzing noises in the background.


Question: How long exactly has Belle been imprisoned in the Beast's castle? Asking because the first movie didn't look like Christmas was being celebrated by anyone.

Answer: It's unknown how long Belle was at the castle. This sequel, The Enchanted Christmas, was made as an afterthought to the original Beauty and the Beast film, and there was no consideration or explanation about how this would fit into the original timeline. This is a stand-alone film, and it is typical of how the more popular Disney animated films, such as The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, etc. have added-on stories that are usually released straight-to-video.


Question: At the beginning of the movie I counted 9 bad guys. We only see 1 die, then there are 6 - what happen to the others?

Answer: According to Wikipedia, the shootout at the ranch, both Devries brothers are killed by Jeff McCandles, before being shot himself. The rest die at the end of the movie.

You only see the older brother shot by Jeffrey before being shot himself. I only assumed young Billy stayed behind to help his brother.

Chosen answer: Hermione did not cry that often during the series. When she did, it was minimal. Actors can become so immersed in the scene that they feel the emotions they are portraying and produce real tears. Actors also use eye drops to simulate crying.


Question: At the end, when Gnomeo and Juliet emerge from the rubble, Juliet is in perfect condition. After her fountain got destroyed, shouldn't her feet have broken off because she was still glued and Gnomeo wasn't able to free her?

Roman Curiel

Answer: The pedal she was glued to was most likely destroyed from beneath her, which freed her.

Question: Near the beginning, in the new house, when Disgust, Fear, Anger, and Sadness mess with the panel, it turns into their colors including Sadness' color, then orbs came out with the colors of Disgust, Fear, and Anger, but why not of Sadness because she touched the panel too?

Roman Curiel

Chosen answer: If you mean the bit where the dad says the moving van won't be there until Thursday and they start pressing buttons, you see Sadness kind of tentatively reach for one of the buttons but then it cuts to the shelf, so you don't actually see her touch it.


Chosen answer: It is hinted that he died off screen.


How though, because he seemed to be in perfect condition in the first movie.

Chosen answer: They stayed behind the pumpkins until they were sure no one would see them. As for when they were running up the hill, they are kids and act on impulse when in a difficult situation. Most likely they were not thinking about what they would see or Hermione's reaction to it.


Question: Why is Anakin's prosthetic arm so low-quality compared to the hand that Luke gets in Episode V? It seems that Luke and the Rebellion would have less money to spend on doctors and a more realistic hand.

Answer: As far as the timeline of the Star Wars universe, 22 years pass between Attack of the Clones and Empire Strikes Back, and wars advance technology. So, by the time Luke loses his hand, prostheses may become cheaper and more realistic than in the Republic Era.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why did Gordon say he wanted Lau alive but The Joker either way? Shouldn't they try to take them both alive and only kill them if they resisted?


Chosen answer: Because Lau has information about the mob, the battle against which is still the first priority of the Gotham Police Department; the Joker is, as Harvey Dent later says, a mad dog let off the leash. Gordon isn't telling his officers to murder the Joker in cold blood, he's simply saying that Lau is more important to them, and he would rather have him for further questioning/testimony.

Question: Who was doing the killings before Norman finally snapped?

Chosen answer: The murderer is Emma Spool, Norman's biological mother. She was killing people because she didn't want anybody harming Norman.

Emma was not Norman's biological mother. She was the sister of Norma (and Norman's aunt) and jealous that Mr. Bates chose Norma over her and thought Norman should have been the son she and Mr. Bates were suppose to have. Later, while still mentally ill, she believed Norman was her son and told Norman this.


Emma Spool was, in fact, Norman's biological mother. It was revealed at the end of the movie that she is his real mother and Norma Bates is her sister who adopted Norman and raised him While Emma was institutionalized.


Again, that was just Emma being delusional and/or lying. Tracy Venable tells Norman the truth in Psycho III. Emma was never his mother.


I never knew Emma Spool was Norman's biological mother. In fact, I never heard of Emma Spool. Thanks.

Question: Is it the same facehugger for Ripley and the dog/ox, or were there two different ones?

Answer: It was a special type of facehugger known as a "Royal facehugger", which carries two embryos. One is a queen embryo, the other is a drone to protect the queen.

Answer: Two different facehuggers. They die after implanting the xenomorph embryo in the host.


There was only one egg on the ship.

One egg but not necessarily one Facehugger. One already emerged from an egg could have attached to the Queen on the planet (and flattened against her body making it practically invisible) then scurried away out of sight during the fight with the PowerLoader. Dislodged as a result then hidden away, ready to strike later.

We only SEE one, doesn't mean another one wasn't on board somewhere.

Answer: I would say she is roughly around for a year as the first scenes of the movie during the song Belle show a scenary of France in Spring. They they then spend winter in the castle and it is Spring again when the curse breaks.

Answer: It wasn't specified how long she was there.


Answer: He appears to be about 5 years old.


Question: How can the villagers forget about the Prince and his castle after they were cursed?

Answer: No explanation was given. It may have been that part of the curse affected those peoples' memories. The villagers may also have simply chosen to forget out fear, they believed the castle had been abandoned or was haunted, or possibly enough time had passed that it simply was ignored.


Answer: The Narrator said, "A spell was cast so that the villagers and anyone who knew of the Prince and the Castle would forget about it." When the spell was broken, the villagers could be heard saying, "there you are", "where have you been", "I remember you."

Season 4 generally

Question: Scarlet Spider says 'the last time I had a family, I almost destroyed them. Won't be making that mistake again' but how could he destroy them again? Also, why didn't he come back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?


Chosen answer: Scarlet Spider considers Spider-Man and the team his new family and he won't make the same mistake of getting his new family almost destroyed. He wasn't talking about his last family. SPOILER ALERT: After it is revealed Scarlet Spider worked for Doc Ock as a spy and he unmasks Spider-Man, he goes into hiding. He also attempts to figure out the truth of his origin, which he can't do very well while working for S.H.I.E.L.D., or if they lock him up. However, at the end of Season 4, Scarlet Spider does come back and becomes a S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy teacher.


Answer: In the prologue, the narrator states "...and as punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell upon the castle - and all who lived there..." Long story short, it was guilt by association. After that, perhaps the Enchantress wanted him to learn how his moral ugliness affects all of those around him.

Question: Phil is unable to leave Punxsutawney after his broadcast because of the blizzard. Has there ever been any explanation as to why he doesn't try to leave Punxsutawney as soon as he wakes up? I'm sure the time loop would have still been in effect, but unless I'm mistaken, the movie never addresses whether or not Phil ever tried to leave town before the roads were closed.


Chosen answer: As you stated, it's never addressed as to whether or not he attempted to leave town. Phil lived through many more days than is shown in the film, so it's possible he left at some point, though there's little reason for him to do so because he wouldn't get far, and, when he wakes up the next morning, he'll be right back in the town.


Question: In the turkey dinner scene the cranberry sauce is called beets several times. Are they beets?

Answer: Beets are served with the dinner, as a side dish to the turkey and dumplings. Dolly tries repeatedly to serve them to Horace ("you salt your beets, I'll salt mine"), who repeatedly proclaims his distaste for them. There is no specific mention of cranberry sauce. But they'd be easy to confuse, as both are red and have a consistency not too dissimilar from one another.

Michael Albert

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