Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why did the characters Elmer Fudd, Snagglepuss, Natasha Fatale and Charlie Brown have their faces covered but the characters Pac-Man, Speedy Gonzales, Wilma Flintstone and Scooby-Doo have their faces show to the viewer?

Answer: You might think it has something to do with licensing rights for the characters. But that's doubtful as several of the characters, both seen and unseen, are from the same animation company, Hanna-Barbera. Actually, it's a play on the real-life reality TV show convention of blurring/obstructing the faces of people who haven't legally consented to having their image shown, because their appearance on camera would put them in a compromising position. This happens often in shows like "The Real World, " "Cheaters, " and "COPS." In "Drawn Together, " Snagglepuss and Elmer Fudd, for example, were jokingly portrayed as not giving consent to their image on TV because it would out them as gay in the context of that episode. Of course, to the viewer, it's obvious who they are, and the humor lies in our memory of them as possessing a lot of stereotypically "gay" characteristics. Charlie Brown's face was obstructed by a leather BDSM mask, part of his "costume, " in a scene where Foxxy was his dominatrix. In the same scene, Natasha Fatale has Captain Hero in a similarly submissive role wearing a spiked collar and leash. Her eyes have a black bar across them, again, so as to "conceal" her identity, the way they do in the fashion magazines, even though we the audience know exactly who she is. The other characters you mention apparently "gave their consent" to their image being shown.

Michael Albert

Question: During Beatrix's fight scene with Pai Mei, she reaches for his throat. He shows something silver from his mouth. What is in his mouth and what is it an homage to?

Chris Buentello

Answer: It's a piece of white lotus blossom. The wuxia film "Fist of the White Lotus" is the one where Pai Mei acquires his skills and power.


Answer: Anyone? The last 4 times I've seen this movie it's bugged the hell out of me. I can't find a good answer anywhere online.

Question: When they are singing under a tree full of doves, it looks like they were tied to the tree branches. Is this true?

Answer: Yes it is true. They did this to prevent the birds from flying into the backdrops and becoming injured or killed.

Question: I know Mr. B left the girls 1 million much did he leave Manly? Or did he leave Manly the mansion? And did the lawyer say he left the nephew nothing or zero?

Answer: Mr. B left the girls 100 million dollars. Manly was left with everything at the mansion including the mansion itself. The nephew got nothing.

Nephew got 2 cents.

I've always wondered what she said, because nothing, and zip, never matched up. 2 cents totally does.

It's many moons later but I'm glad you answered what Manly received. I was trying to read the lawyers lips but I didn't get Manly. I knew the nephew got zero; good.

He left the girls $100 billion. He was in the fabric industry. Worth well over $100 million. Manly the mansion and everything in it. 2 cents to the nephew.

Answer: Girls got 100 million dollars.

Did they get a million a piece.

They had 50 million a piece.

Answer: Nephew was left with zip.

Answer: Mr B told the lawyer to say, "I love you too," as a message to say he was on to him the whole time.

Question: What makes the Argentinean pass out and fall backwards into the hole so Christian can take his place in the final scenes? Did someone slip him a drug at some point?

DJ Vander Schaaf

Chosen answer: It is mentioned earlier in the film that the Argentinian suffers from narcolepsy, and tends to pass out/fall asleep at random moments, which is what he does when Christian returns to the theatre.


Question: Can somebody tell me why the elders don't allow people to leave the village at the start of the film?


Chosen answer: They left modern civilization to escape violence. They have been living a lie and do not want their children to know about the real world, fearing they will want go there and might never return. That is why they concocted the story about the monsters in the wood to frighten them from leaving the village.


Question: Why does Dumbledore purposely hit Ron's injured leg?

Answer: This didn't happen in the book. It appears to be done purely for comic effect in the movie, showing Dumbledore's eccentric and quirky nature. He's seemingly oblivious to what he's doing and how it affects Ron.


Answer: Ron had previously bragged to Hermione about how bad his leg was injured, and had lied and said his leg might be chopped off. When Dumbledore later hits Ron's leg, he is saying that a child's voice no matter how honest and true. He is giving Ron a little payback for exaggerating.

Highly unlikely Dumbledore knew what Ron told Hermione at the Whomping Willow. Ron's leg was seriously hurt, so he wasn't "bragging" about it, nor did he lie. Ron, who is a bit of a hypochondriac, was simply embellishing to be more dramatic and to gain Hermione's sympathy. Hardly anything Dumbledore would consider worth giving him "payback" by inflicting pain.


Answer: It is the lapel pin worn by members of the NYPD Honor Legion.

The lapel pin is on Danny but not Biaz, why? Also, Baker, Sid, Frank &Garrett wear one. Significance? Are they all the same?

Is the P.C.'s pin different than a legion pin? What are the symbols and their meaning?

I think it may be Masonic?

But why would the mayor wear one?

Answer: It is an NYPD Detective Bureau lapel pin. If you zoom in on a pic of "Danny Reagan," you will see that the pin has the letters DB on it.

Question: I saw the deleted scene that has Professor Trelawney eating during the start-of-term feast. What is the significance of her eating? Why make a scene about it?

Answer: It's to show her odd character traits and how she's rather out-of-sync with everyone else. She begins eating, almost completely unaware of what is going on around her when everyone else knows they should be paying attention to the proceedings. She basically lives in her own world and doesn't function well when she's around others.


Question: Can someone please explain the photos in the yearbook? It seems like it was the gang in 1999, but they never posed for those photos in the first American Pie.


Chosen answer: They have been friends for a long time. They had plenty of time to take pictures. We only see them on screen for a few hours of their lives spread over a short while.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why did Tony have a wedding ring, when it turned out he was never married? The movie even did a close up of his ring to emphasise this.

Answer: Tony is secretly investigating Sarah while engaging in an affair with her. Pretending to be married would be a convenient cover that allows him to be vague about where he lives, arranging to see her at odd times and in out-of-the way places.


Chosen answer: In a nutshell, tax evasion. He's running the prison like a company doing building work with, as its described by the builder in the movie, a pool of slave labour to allow him undercut other contractors. He is skimming profit for his own pockets, along with taking bribes, etc. that Andy's creative book keeping is hiding from the IRS.

Question: Was the police force in the 50s really that corrupt and brutal?


Chosen answer: Yes.

Answer: Yes indeed. Example: "Bloody Christmas," which takes place in the beginning of the film, was based on a real incident, when on Christmas Day, 1951, some 50 officers, many of them drunk (in violation of the LAPD's alcohol policy), beat six prisoners to a bloody pulp in revenge for an assault on a fellow officer. At least 100 people knew about or witnessed the beatings.

Question: Why does Biff travel through the outskirts of Hill Valley to get from his home to Hill Valley High school? Biff travels through what looks to be the countryside through the River Road tunnel to the school and he is travelling through the countryside when he heads home from the dance as well. It almost suggests that Hill Valley High is in another town. One could say the road Biff took in 1955 may be a populated area in 1985 but it doesn't really make sense to have the school so far away from the town center, the movie gives the illusion Hill Valley high school is in another town. The only logical answer I could think would be that Biff actually lived in another unnamed town in 1955 and drove into Hill Valley to attend high school, perhaps he was kicked out of the neighbouring town high school. Although that doesn't work that well, as we watch Marty follow Biff from his home to the town square.

Blair Howden

Chosen answer: Hill Valley is in a valley with hills to the west and east. The main street/Courthouse Square are against the western hill, the school is to the north of the square, Biff's and most of the other houses are on the eastern hill or to the south. To get to the school Biff drives through the tunnel (presumably under the railway line through the valley). Note the town square seems to be closer to Biff's house than the school as Doc leaves the house on his bike after Biff and Marty drive away, yet he reaches the courthouse while they are still in the tunnel. Biff only drives for a few minutes so it's not too far, and there are likely to be trees by the side of the road near the tunnel.


Question: I might be mistaken, but I think I saw the bullies at Arlene's house at the end. Were they there, and if so, why?


Chosen answer: The one who stabbed him was not. The others were there because they did not mean for Trevor to get stabbed and killed so now they feel guilty. They were showing Arlene they were sorry.

They were sorry for killing him.

Only one of the bullies killed him. The others were bullying, but didn't think the other would kill him. However, they still had remorse and were showing that remorse to the mother.

The one who stabbed him was probably arrested offscreen.

Question: Why doesn't Snape just apparate away when Voldemort is about to kill him?

Answer: Snape was taken by surprise and he was confused. He was Voldemort's right-hand man, and wouldn't have expected the Dark Lord to kill him, at least not then or in that way. Appararating also takes some deliberate thought and physical action, and Snape simply didn't have enough time to react.


Question: When Bruce Willis is shot, how come there's lots of blood on the exit wound but absolutely no blood on the entrance wound?

Answer: The exit wound of a bullet is always much bigger than the entrance wound. Because as the bullet goes through the body, it pushes more and more flesh and body with it tearing a larger and larger hole as it passes through. So a bullet goes in, but bullet and lots of flesh and other bodily parts come out making a large exit wound. As of such blood more readily flows from the larger hole that the tighter entrance wound. Plus it could also be from where the bullet hit. The exit wound may be close to an artery that pushes blood out faster and maybe the entrance wound was not close to any large veins.

Quantom X

Kind of. It was a hollow point bullet. When those enter the body, they flatten out and make a large wound channel and exit hole.

Question: Since Ralph made the bonus level for all the characters who got their games shut down and if the characters die outside of their game they are dead forever, wouldn't the characters who got their game shut down be dead forever if they died in the bonus level?

Answer: Possibly. But it's also possible that in putting them in the bonus level, it became their game too.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What was the point of the ending? What message was it trying to send? We have a whole movie sending an anti-racist message, but then a black guy kills Danny for blowing smoke in his face. I'm sure this wasn't the movie's intention, but it kinda seems like we're supposed to believe Derek was originally right and shouldn't have changed.


Chosen answer: No, the message is absolutely not that Derek was originally right. The last part just shows there is evil on both sides and not only the neo-nazis need change. Danny changed, but too late to be saved from being murdered for racist reasons. Its a classic Shakespearean tragedy.


Answer: In the original unaired ending of the movie, it shows Derek staring in the mirror at his home. He takes his shirt off exposing his swastika, then you see hair falling into the sink as he shaves his head.

Anywhere to find that alternate ending?


Question: In the "My name is Jeff" videos where they actually show the video from the movie as well as the voices, sometimes they show a close-up of his face, but sometimes it's from more of a distance. Which one do they use in the movie, and where's the other one used?


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