Question: This an odd question, but why are there no smartphones or smartphone-like devices in the SW universe? These are reasonably advanced pieces of technology that would be appropriate for such a time period. A few situations would also have been easier with phone communication. Smartphones were still very new when "Revenge of the Sith" was being filmed, so I understand why the original trilogy and prequels don't show them - the creators were not thinking about them.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Would Zep have faced charges for his role in the game? If so, what charges would he be facing exactly?
Answer: If you can show that you were forced to commit the crime under duress, then you may be able to form a defensive strategy. Even if this cannot get you acquitted, you may be able to plea down to lesser charges and receive a lesser sentence. When you are arguing for the duress defense, you must show that: you had a reasonable fear of death or serious harm; you did not have any way to escape the situation; you could not have contacted the police about this; you did not force this situation to occur.
Answer: It's possible he could get off due to the extraordinary circumstances of what transpired. But given his sadistic pleasure in the game, I would assume he might face some charges. Among possible charges: kidnapping, assault, battery, weapons possession, criminal conspiracy, child endangerment, attempted murder, among many others.
As a lawyer, I believe the law is clear that you will not be charged for crimes you were forced to commit under immediate distress - that your life or a loved one's is in imminent danger.
To be clear the danger must be imminent - if John had told Zap to do it or he'd be poisoned next week wouldn't count, for example. But since the poison was already in his bloodstream his threat of death was indeed imminent, thus preventing any charges should he have lived.
Question: I don't understand why Kylo Ren killed Han in the previous movie, but now says that he didn't hate Han?
Answer: As he says, "let the past die. Kill it, if you have to." Han was his past - he didn't hate his father, but his existence was holding Kylo Ren back from reaching his full potential, or so he believes. The principle is demonstrated earlier in the movie when he can't bring himself to kill Leia, but has no issue with the other TIE pilots blasting the bridge and (he thinks) killing her. He wants to free himself from the shackles of his parents, who cause him such internal conflict. Remove the source of the conflict and he believes he can move on to greater things. Of course, arguably his position is a bit naive, and his actions will actually cause him greater problems down the line.
Answer: As we saw in Episode 3, with Anakin Skywalker, turning to the Dark Side profoundly changes one's loyalty to friends and family. Anakin murdered children and nearly murdered his pregnant wife and his lifelong mentor. Kylo Ren seemed to follow the same path on the Dark Side, murdering his father.
Just pointing out that in Episode III Anakin did kill Padme, just not immediately. She gave birth to Luke and Leia and then died.
Question: I recently saw this movie for the first time in decades, but didn't see something I know I saw when watching this on TV in the 80s. Back then I periodically saw a few seconds of a sunset over the ocean (or similar to that) with mellow music playing now and then between certain scenes. Now I can't find this in the movie anymore. Does anyone else remember this or are those sunsets from another movie (same timeframe - late 70s)?
Question: Just some questions about Charlie and Principal Newman: 1. So, just to double-check, Charlie defaces the school and gets into trouble because Principal Newman hates Christmas? 2. How does Charlie get over Principal Newman being his stepmom and do they get along in the end? 3. If the graffiti Charlie is trying to get rid of doesn't come off, how does he get it done or does he still have to do it after Principal Newman becomes Mrs. Claus? 4. In the end, is Charlie still on the naughty list?
Answer: 1. Yes. Charlie gets into trouble for defacing school property - his way of protesting Principal Newman's anti-Christmas policies. 2. That question was not addressed but it can be presumed Charlie accepted it and got over it. 3. Charlie tells his dad the graffiti won't come off, but he was just complaining how difficult the paint removal was. It can be surmised the paint was eventually removed (with difficulty and a lot of elbow grease). Yes, he still has to do it after Principal Newman becomes Mrs. Claus, as his dad would not allow the extreme vandalism Charlie did to slide. 4. Most likely Charlie was removed from the Naughty List because he repented, did a good deed by sacrificing a tooth to summon the Tooth Fairy to bring Principal Newman to the North Pole and was also cleaning up his vandalism against school property. After Christmas Day, he started with a clean slate and a new chance to be good for the next year.
Question: At the end of the movie, Emily is greeted by the Virgin Mary who gives Emily a choice. She can either ascend to heaven or remain on earth and become a martyr to prove that God and demons are real. Emily chooses to become a martyr and shortly after dies. How is her death supposed to prove that God and demons exist when Ethan came up with so many logical explanations for her demonic attacks? For that matter, how would she be able to tell people that God and demons are real if she isn't even alive?
Answer: You seem to have missed the point. It boils down to what Emily believed, not anything Ethan manages to explain away. In her written letter the priest reads in court she explains that she believes people would have to believe in God if she showed them the Devil. The logic goes like this: if someone sees or experiences something so horrible that they have to believe the Devil exists, then there has to be a God as well. It's about getting people to embrace faith, which was her ultimate goal. She wasn't concerned with anyone potentially finding evidence to the contrary. She believed that she had to suffer greatly and die in order to achieve the goal, which is the essence of martyrdom. Whether she suffered from mental illness or demonic possession is irrelevant in the end. Emily believed that she did her part to prove God exists when she died and that was all that mattered to her. As for her telling anyone despite her being dead, well, there were witnesses to the attacks and her story was national news. Her story would live on after her death, so in a way she'd be telling anyone that looks into her story.
Question: I have a few questions: 1. Did Bruce propose his joint venture just to see if Lau was dirty and have him arrested? 2. Why did Fox come to Hong Kong in person instead of simply calling? 3. Did Fox plan to have his cell phone go off while talking to Lau (and if so, for what reason)?
Answer: 1) Yes, Bruce wanted his people to get a look at Lau's books to see if he was in fact dirty. 2) Fox comes to Hong Kong simply as a ruse to place the EMP device (the fake cell phone). 3) Fox would have no reason to have his real cell phone go off during the meeting. It just happened. This was done to show the audience that the phone he turned in to security was indeed a fake.
Answer: The venture was a ruse to get Fox to meet with Lau. Fox came to Hong Kong in order to plant the phone. The phone he planted allowed Batman to locate Lau in the building so he could kidnap him.
Question: I'm asking this because I don't really know a lot about volcanoes but, at the beginning of the movie, Harry was in the middle of a volcano eruption with: rain; rocks falling etc. When the volcano in Dante's Peak erupted, it was different from before, meaning that there was no rain (but ash), rivers strong enough to break a dam, burning water, dead wildlife etc. Even at the end of the movie, the volcano still had one more eruption before it finally died down. My question is, are all volcano eruptions not the same or are they just unpredictable when they explode? It just seems kind of odd that Harry was experiencing different things in nature after the volcano exploded. I hope I explained this enough; I'm just curious is all.
Answer: Volcanic eruptions can range from ash eruption to hot gas eruption to lava eruption to explosive eruption. Movies tend to inaccurately lump all of these eruptions together.
Answer: Volcanoes can differ because of type of volcano, type of eruption, and region. The Pacific Northwest has a history of volcanoes that erupt not lava, but rock, gas, and ash. Other regions (like Hawaii and Central Africa) erupt primarily lava. Age of the volcano is also a factor.
Question: Who is the porn star in the video Mich's wife is watching?
Answer: Julie Meadows.
Question: Why was Alison in detention? The others had a valid reason but throughout the whole movie, never once did it look like she should have been there. No one just simply walks into detention, so what would her reason be, seeing as how she didn't do anything wrong like the others?
Answer: No, she did not do anything wrong. She did explain to everyone there later in the film that she had nothing better to do on a Saturday, as she had no friends in school, nor did it seem her parents had any interest in her welfare or care what she did.
Question: Why does Reigart take orders from Piquet? He would have the right to not take orders from him, even in NATO since they are both from different navies.
Answer: If the task force is joint and under certain conditions then the command structure is set. Overruling an order would require removing the senior officer from the task force and replacing them with another who would be reissued the order. For many situations this is too cumbersome and political.
Answer: It doesn't matter if they're in different navies. If their military are officially allied in some way, as in NATO then Piquet is the ranking officer and Reigart is obligated to obey.
Even so ranking officers in NATO who are not from the US only have limited authority over admirals who are from the US navy. For example, in NATO a foreign three star admiral can give orders to a two star American admiral but a three star American admiral can overrule those orders.
In NATO, Reigart is not required by law to obey Piquet If Piquet is from another navy. In order for Reigart required by law to obey, Piquet has to be a member of the US navy, and he's not.
Question: How did Ronnie do what he did to the guy who was about to sack him during the Groveton game? Is that even possible?
Question: After reading the book there's still two things I don't understand. 1. Why were so many students afraid of the Vigils? They weren't intimidating at all. The only thing they did was have students do childish pranks. 2. If they were such pranksters, why didn't they do the pranks themselves instead of having other students do them?
Question: Why does Scott want to be Santa?
Answer: Seeing as he has been Santa for quite some time now - he doesn't want to stop being Santa, he likes it, and is happy with the way things are.
Answer: Scott wants to keep being Santa because he realised that being Santa helped him be a better person and that it's quite enjoyable, being able to to give gifts to all the children of the world.
Answer: Scott wanted to be Santa so that children would believe in him, otherwise the elves and the whole North Pole world would cease to exist.
Question: Hancock and Mary are fighting in the street and the tornados are swirling. When it shows Hancock, just before they pounce each other, there is a transformer like thing running across the street from left to right behind cars. What is that? (01:07:00)
Answer: The scene takes place on Hollywood Blvd, which is known for having people dress in costumes (and tourists take pictures with them, usually for money). There are also people who, as part of their costume, wear stilts. There was a guy who wore stilts as part of his seaweed monster costume who claims that's him, although in the film, the creature seems more robotic than seaweed covered. It seems the film makers were going to use this mystery extra for a more iconic establishing shot, but forewent it and so this is all we see of him.
Answer: I don't remember the guy's name, but he's a Hollywood Blvd street performer who wears a really well done, Transformers, Bumblebee costume.
Answer: Well my best guess after watching it and freezing the frame is that it's supposed to be someone in a costume. The street they are at has a theater, so there could be a premiere and someone is doing PR or advertisement dressed as a character. It's definitely someone on stilts wearing a cowboy hat and some kind of body armour.
Question: Why couldn't the fuel cells be opened again once they were closed?
Answer: The reactant valves to the fuel cells could not be re-opened once they were closed (except by ground servicing) because they are very delicate and must be precisely calibrated. Although CAPCOM tells Lovell to manually close the valves for cells 1 and 3, they had already failed and closed so this had no effect.
Did they really try closing fuel cells 1 and 3 like in the movie?
Answer: Yes they did. And as in the movie, it was futile since the reac valves had failed anyway.
Question: How did Cole know about "Stuttering Stanley"?
Answer: The most likely scenario is that a ghost at the school told him.
Answer: Near the end, it is revealed that Cole has seen the ghosts of teachers that died in the fire at the school when "Stuttering Stanley" was a student, so it would make sense that one of them told him.
Question: Why is Carmen listening to Juni about her feet stinking and wasting time instead of just ignoring him and moving on to find the transmooker?
James Bond Special: Part 1 - S6-E1
Question: The three magnets Adam brought are same diameter, three times as thick as the other ten magnets. Are they also stronger than the other ten magnets?
Answer: They were all rare earth magnets, but yes, the bigger ones were stronger. With that addition, strong enough to deflect steel bullets.
Answer: Without going back to rewatch the episode to be certain, I believe the second batch were Rare Earth magnets, so yes.
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Answer: You basically answered your own question. The Star Wars universe is in the future and its a future without any smart phones. It would be kind of weird if out of nowhere smart phones would pop up everywhere in the universe as if its a new invention, whilst its supposed to be an old invention. They simply have different ways to communicate with each other, more advanced ways are needed. For example distances between people is a lot larger, across the galaxy, so you'd need a lot more that just a smartphone to communicate with people, they use other devices on board starships and bases so the smartphone disappears as having both feels like overdoing it.
It is not set in the future, hence the very first words on the screen of each movie. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. Now as far as the cell phones go, they do just fine with their communication. Making interplanetary calls on cell phones is not needed.
ctown28 ★
You're right, I always forget that part.