Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: It is just a parody of Cher going out with much younger men. Muniz plays her boyfriend in the movie.

T Poston

Question: In the garage, Beaupre yells something to Alex in a foreign lanuage after ripping the toy car apart. Does anybody know what he says?


Chosen answer: Where is the chip?

Question: How was the underwater shark attack scene done? Things I want to know are : How come the shark didn't attack the actor? And how did all the make up stay on the actor UNDERWATER? Does anyone (also) know how long filming this scene took?


Chosen answer: After the original zombie extra fell ill, the shark handler was made up to play the underwater zombie. The shark was tame, or at least enough to not attack the handler. The makeup would have been latex/oil based, so it would not have been affected by the water. I remember from the commentary that the filming took 1 or 2 days.

Question: Anyone know the significance of the 'R', in March, blinking red when the Walrus is speaking with the Oysters?

Answer: Oysters are seasonal (depending on where you go), often only available on months with an R in them (ie. September - April). The "R" theory just developed by coincidence as that 6ish month period happens to only contain months with an R in (in English, anyway).

Question: One of the corrections says that there is a scene where Obi-Wan talks about duck with Luke. Where is this scene? I can't seem to find it.

Answer: There's no version of the film that this appears in, and I've checked the original, the special edition and the DVD release. I believe that it was in the original novelisation, but that the scene was either cut before release, or the author simply added it to flesh things out. In any event, it shouldn't be considered a canonical scene, so the correction in question should probably be considered invalid.


Answer: In hair terms, a fringe, the piece that hangs in front of your eyes. Seems to be just a US term.


Question: In the scene where Lyle returns, he tells his missionaries to subdue George. I think one of them is a young Colin Farrell, but I didn't see his name in the credits. Did he have an uncredited role? Can someone help, as I don't have the DVD to check up on it?

Answer: There's certainly no listing for him on the IMDb, which is generally good with uncredited appearances. Farrell was still working in the UK and Ireland at the time of the film, which was entirely US shot, and didn't become involved in Hollywood productions until about the year 2000, three years after GOTJ came out, which would seem to make it extremely unlikely that he appeared in it.


Answer: So frustrating that only three of the mercenaries are credited when there are 5 of them! I agree that one looks exactly like Colin Farrell.

Answer: No Collin Farrell was not in the movie.

Question: Why is Violet's hair black when her parents have brown and blond hair? None of them obviously dyed their hair, Dash and Jack Jack have blond and brown hair respectively.

Answer: Violet could dye her hair; I don't think it ever said she didn't. Come to think of it, either one or both of the parents could conceivably dye their hair, too.


Answer: My sister has natural blond hair, while the rest of us have dark brown hair.

Answer: Would Violet be able to turn her hair invisible if it's dyed?

That would depend on the nature of her ability. If she is generating a skin-tight field of invisibility around herself (including her hair), then yes, that would effectively cause her hair dye to become invisible. If she is somehow only changing her own molecules to be invisible, then no. However, if this were the case, her hair wouldn't become invisible either, since it's dead material.

I'm in love with this question. This would mean that one of the parents has to dye his/her hair, Helen probably. Or, Helen cheated on Bob (probably with Gazerbeam).


My guess is that Violet's powers work like those of the Invisible Girl/Woman of the Fantastic Four by bending light in her immediate vicinity in such a manner that she appears invisible to the naked eye; this would explain why her clothing becomes invisible as well despite not being part of her body. If this is the case, then there's no reason her hair wouldn't turn invisible as well, dyed or otherwise.


Answer: Judging by the slight blue tint of Violet's hair, it's probable that she dyed it.

Question: I know that Chris Columbus didn't direct this movie, but was his daughter an extra like she was in the past 2 movies?

Answer: According to IMDB, Violet Columbus was "Girl With Flowers."


Question: When the shark has deflated Doug's boat, Andy exclaims, "Hey Bligh, someone popped your balloon?" Why does he call him Bligh?

Answer: He is referring to Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty. Its an insult as Captain Bligh was a real jerk.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Dash's dad said that he was graduating to the 5th grade so he must be around 9 or 10. I'm guessing that Violet's most likely around 13 or 14 years old considering she is in middle school.

Isn't Violet in high school? That would be between 14 and 18. And 5th graders are age 10 to 11, I would say more likely to be 10.

Question: Near the beginning, Buzz says something about drinking hot smores. What are smores?

Answer: Buzz tries to reassure Woody by telling him that soon he and Andy will be sitting at a campfire "making delicious hot shmoes," then Woody corrects him and says, "They're called s'mores." Well, these campfire s'mores are made of marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker. Toast marshmallow over campfire flame, place it with chocolate sandwiched between graham crackers, so the hot gooey marshmallow heats the chocolate. It's said to have originated in the 1920s by the Girl Scouts, and received its name when kids asked for "Some more!"

Super Grover

Question: What did the Chinese guy mean when he did a thumbs up towards Harry on the oil rig?

Answer: Thumbs up in America means "good job" or "Yes. ok" something along those lines. The Chinese guy has no idea what Liv Tyler and Harry Stamper are talking about in English and just gives the "thumbs up" to him as a way of saying "good job on the oil rig, everything looks great!"


Question: What ever happened to the pilot that was captured by the Somalians (who had the picture of his wife and child), did he get rescued or killed?

Answer: Mike Durant was released 11 days after his capture. He retired from the Army a few years later and published a book about his time in the 160th.

Question: What kind of power did each of the four friends have? Pete can locate things, but what about the other besides reading people's minds?

Answer: Each of the 4 main characters; Jonsie, Pete, Beaver and Henry could communicate with one another telepathically. In addition to this power, Jonie also possessed a photographic memory. Pete could find or locate things. Henry could read other people's minds. Beaver had premonitions or some sort of sixth sense. He made a phonecall to Jonsie, knowing something was wrong and wrote ssdd on the phone booth.

Question: When monster-things start to attack Bugs and co. in area 52, Bugs put a packet of microwave popcorn into one of them, causing popcorn to shoot up into his face. Who is the monster and where's he from?

Answer: It's the alien from "The Man from Planet X".

Question: I noticed that Ed's description of Snakehips (surrounded by women) turned out to be pretty accurate and I was wondering if his descriptions of the other two people at the Winchester turned out to be of significance, I didn't spot it myself.

Answer: I don't know if those two descriptions have any significance, but on the DVD commentary Pegg and Wright point some other instances where descriptions come true. For instance, (grumpy flatmate) Pete tells Ed to 'go and live in the shed' which he ends up doing, and after the 'electro' argument, Ed says of Pete 'the next time I see him, he's dead', which of course he is.

Question: What really happened to Ashley Judd's parents and why did Samuel L Jackson do what he did? Also, why did he start killing again? Was he planning on killing Ashley Judd as well?

Answer: He killed the parents because the mother was sleeping around and it was driving the father insane. He began killing Ashley Judd's lovers because he could see she was becoming like her mother.

Question: How does Elliot get out of the lighthouse after he lights the lamp? He looks really stuck in there.

Answer: Elliot was too big to fit inside the lighthouse. He had trouble going forward to light the wick because he couldn't fit up the stairwell. Once he had lit it, all he had to do was back out.

Question: There's something I don't understand: To lift the curse, the pirates need the blood of every person who took the gold. In the end they had the blood of every pirate and of Jack. But what about Will who had to make the blood sacrifice instead of his father? He never cut himself.

Answer: Yes he did - the cut is visible on the palm of his hand as he drops the last medallions into the chest.


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