Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the final shot of the film, is it really Matt Damon lying there on the floor, or a body double? Nobody else has noticed, but something just doesn't seem right. It looks like the hair is darker/cut differently, and the facial features don't feel right.

Answer: I've had a good look and, to be honest, it just looks like Matt Damon to me. He's got his face pressed against the floor, which is always going to make it look a little distorted - it's not a particularly natural way to lie. Hair colour looks right - if anything, it looks a little lighter than the shot immediately before he's killed, something readily explained by lighting. In the end, given that the face is visible, there's no way they'd use a body double, nor is there any reason to do so.


The Truth Is Out There... and It Hurts - S1-E8

Question: How come in this episode when Andy asks Pru if her kids will inherit powers she says "If they're girls, they will"? Why will only the girls inherit their powers? We know this is not true, both Wyatt and Chris have powers, Wyatt has them even before he is born.

Answer: Honestly that was Pru when she was inexperienced in the craft. she didn't understand that men could be witches too because "Grams" made her believe so. In the the episode 'Secrets and Guys' the sisters discover that "Grams" was wrong and that men could be witches too. Later in the series the sisters even acknowledge this fact and use the term male witch throughout, eg. the season three episode titled 'Blinded by the Whitelighter' when Phoebe has a premonition of a male witch being attacked by the evil warlock Ames, played by S. Valentine.

Answer: The "only female witches" rule only applied to the Warren line, Wyatt and Chris got their powers as they were the first males to be born from a witch and a white lighter, that changed history completely since it was forbidden for witches and white lighters to have intimacy before Piper and Leo Prue was not wrong.

Question: What is the song playing when Henry is trying to pick up Lucy on the road?

Answer: "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure. During this scene, they play the cover version from the lead singer of Alien Ant Farm.

Question: What purpose (if any) do those tiny blades that flip out near the hilt of the Kurgan's sword?

Answer: You can lock your opponent's blade in there. It's good for disabling, disarming, and if you've got the leverage, breaking their blade.


Question: What make and model are the cars featured in this movie?

Answer: A lot of the cars can be found here -

Answer: "March of the Swivel Heads" by The English Beat.

Question: What does Hank mean when he tells Nora (in the car) that he's sure paying for her family?

Answer: He is paying for her family in an emotional way. He wants to be with Nora but has to put up with the young kid's antics.

William Bergquist

Question: What is a "Panama" from the boat explosion scene?

Answer: "Panama" is their nickname for the escape tactic employed which caused the boat to explode. As they said in the movie, it is so named because the first time they tried this stunt they thought they were in Panama.


Question: There is a scene where Borat is queueing up to see Pamela Anderson, he gets to her, asks her to marry him and when she refuses he puts a large sack over her head to try and abduct her. Now I know Borat is a spoof character, and everyone he meets believes he is real, however that scene was quite dramatic and security would have been tight around her. That action could have got Sacha Baron Cohen in some serious trouble, or even worse, shot by one of her security guards. Was Pamela in the know on this scene, or was it genuinely as we see it?


Chosen answer: Pamela has been asked about this and has stated in interviews that she and Sacha had talked at length about what they were going to do. It was all planned out and rehearsed, unlike the majority of the rest of the movie.


Question: Heres something I never quite understood. Back in One-eyed Willie's day it seems they were Spanish speaking. What with the Spanish Armada and all. So why is it that the Treasure Map is written in Spanish, but rhymes in English?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Well, his ship is hidden in America where the people spoke english, so perhaps it was done for the benefit of those who were most likely to find the map. Must have been his idea of a joke.Actually though, I'm betting it was the result of the filmmakers not thinking that through.


Question: Does anybody know if a 'Juliet Class Torpedo' can out run a Seadoo? Because it seems that it could if a self propelled torpedo can maintain an average of 30 knots.

Good Job!

Chosen answer: Designs of torpedoes dating back to before World War Two were generally capable of exceeding thirty knots, with many current designs easily doubling that and, in certain cases, reaching well into three-figure territory. The Juliet-class torpedo appears to be fictional, but, given the performance figures for real life designs, a speed of thirty knots seems actually quite slow.


Question: If Matthew and his partner are paid so little, how does he afford the high-tech equipment in his apartment? I doubt that whoever made his sleeping-pod thing would have accepted sports equipment in payment.

Julie Wegner

Chosen answer: They accept whatever payment their poorer clients can offer. That doesn't mean they *don't* get clients who can pay the going rate for legal representation.


Question: Why doesn't the King enjoy seeing his nephew (the Prince's cousin) when he arrives near the beginning of the film to congratulate the Prince?

Answer: For the same reason everyone else is unhappy to see him: He's getting on their nerves!


Question: It's clear from the film that the Pittsburgh Conservatory of Dance is a ballet-only or ballet-heavy institution. So why would Alex, with no ballet training (sorry, but you can't "wing it" when dancing en pointe) and whose dance audition is nothing like ballet, even audition there? And why on earth would any dance company take someone whose dancing ability, great though it might be, doesn't match their style? Philadelphia and New York have plenty of dance institutions more suited to Alex's dancing style - why doesn't she go there to audition?

Answer: It states early in the film that Alex went to the ballet and was enchanted by it and started her love of dancing. Her girlhood dream was always to be a part of the conservatory and dance the ballet's one day. Her going to the conservatory was to LEARN that building on her knowledge. Besides, normally she wouldn't have gotten an audition with her lack of Point training, but for Nick's intervening.


Question: Is there such thing as "Baby Sign Language" in real life or was it made just for the film?

Answer: There is definitely such a thing. There is a theory that teaching babies and toddlers sign language, allows them to communicate their needs, which they cannot do verbally. This allows them to be less frustrated and, hopefully, less cranky.


Answer: The baby in this movie was selected because his parents had taught him to sign. Therefore it was useful to the movie.


Question: In the very last scene (I have only seen the original version, not the Director's cut), a crowd is gathered outside the Darko house and Gretchen comes along on a bike and talks to this little blond kid. When she asks him "What happened?", if you listen closely you will realize that the kid's response is not exactly standard English. It sounds, in fact, like complete gibberish, or just possibly something meaningful in a non-English language. What exactly is that kid saying, and what is its significance?

Answer: It is, in fact, English. He says "Got smushed by a jet engine".

Question: In the scene where Bridget tries to purchase a pregnancy test, the lady behind the counter holds up a box, and then a box of condoms. I was just wondering what the first box actually was?

Answer: Tablets for digestion problems.


Question: Tim Russ' (brief appearance) is listed on IMDB as "Enterprise-B Tactical Lieutenant". I'm not enough of a Trekkie to know - would it be feasible for him to be Tuvok? How long is it supposed to be in the Star Trek universe between this film and Voyager? Do Vulcans live that long?

Answer: Vulcans do live that long (300+ years), but it is not Tuvok. For one, his ears and eyebrows are human, not Vulcan, for another, Voyager tells us he left Starfleet for over 40 years shortly after the Khitomer conference, which was before Enterprise-B entered service.

Grumpy Scot

Question: At the beginning, when Lincoln and the others are in the elevator, the computer voice says the date. I remember it saying July 2019, but on what day exactly? I keep thinking it was the 18th, but I just want to be sure.

Answer: The date is July 18th, 2019.


Question: How did they film the scenes where real historical figures (President Clinton, for instance) made speeches and comments they didn't make in real life?

Answer: They used real footage and used careful editing to make it appear as if they were talking about the events of the film.


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