Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the end of the movie, why did Reaper grab the BFG? I could see the stock of the gun sticking out from behind him. It had no more ammo left, so what's the point?

Answer: From what I know, that gun is now basically a working prototype, it would a nice thing to have. Also, it could be adapted to the RRTS (Rapid Response Tactical Squad) needs. Or just as likely, the UAC wanted it back.

Todd Loewen

Answer: Christine recognises him as soon as he opens his mouth - you see her being slightly shocked. Raoul takes a bit more time, and it's not as obvious. I'd say when you see him getting half up, that's when it dawns on him, but that's open to interpretation.


Question: What's the song playing when Dewey escorts the band to the auditions?

Answer: "The Wait" by Metallica.


Question: What's the song playing at the dance when Kenyon and his girlfriend are arguing?

Answer: Alicia Keys "You Don't Know My Name."

Question: In the scene where Xavier goes to meet Jean Grey for the first time, it shows him walking. Yet it is never explained in the movie how he became crippled. I read that in the comics, he became crippled BEFORE meeting Jean Grey. So I'm confused how did he become crippled in the movies?

Answer: In the movie X-Men First Class, it shows Charles Xavier and Erik younger and allies. At the end of the movie it shows MacTaggert shooting at Magneto, he deflects the bullet and it hits Charles in the spine, which makes him paralyzed. The two allies realizes they have different interest between humans and mutants. Charles became paralyzed before opening the school and meeting Jean. How he is able to walk in X-Men 3 has not yet been explained, although he's lost and regained the ability at least a couple of times in the comics.

Question: Tom Hanks told Sophie that she was the heir of Christ and she was not the little girl in the accident which killed all four family members. Why did Sophie have memory of the accident which was shown when she was trying to help Tom Hanks relieve himself from his phobia inside the armored truck?

Answer: Tom Hanks NEVER said that Sophie wasn't in the car crash. What he said was that her last name was really "St Clair" (The same name as the family that died), and the press reported her dead as well. The man she called her grandfather wasn't really related to her, he just took care of her and gave her his name. That is why she could find no records of her family's death, she was looking for the wrong name.

Soylent Purple

Question: Apparently Jubilee is in the scene when the army attacks the mansion. Can anyone tell me where she is? Thanks.

Answer: Jubilee appears several times throughout the movie, although not seen using her powers, apart from in deleted scenes on the DVD. She is the Asian girl running around the mansion, she is in the holding cell in Alkali Lake (Storm shouts "Jubilee" to her), she is seen with a blanket wrapped around her when they find the helicopter is gone and she is seen in Xavier's office at the end.

Question: In the movie they say Lestat was created by Marius but in the books Lestat was created by Magnus. This really bothers me even though I know they did it on purpose. It doesn't seem necessary to the plot so why the change?

Answer: There are already way too many characters in this movie. Adding the character of Magnus who would only be mentioned in passing was probably just considered too confusing.


Question: When the IMF-team fake the DHL-van breaking down, some drivers from other cars join in on the shouting that ensues. Ethan looks at a man shouting something, and he responds by raising his arm at the man with his handpalm up. What exactly does it mean in Italy when you make that kind of gesture?

Answer: Pretty much what it looks like, enraged annoyance.

The Snowball Effect / One Krabs Trash - S3-E3

Question: In "One Krab's Trash", near the end Mr. Krab's tries to scare off the hat by using a ghost of a man's name he made up (Smitty Werben Jaegerman Jense.) At first, he pronounces Jaegerman as yay-grr, then just a few seconds later, starts pronouncing it as jayger. Is there a reason for this?

Answer: Mr. Krabs is making up a name on the spot...he wants Spongebob to think that the hat belongs to someone else, so he's just saying a random nonsense name. It's very probable that he could mess up parts of this name, since it's very long and complex.

Movie_Freak 1

Question: On the movie timeline it is stated that Harry was born in 1980 and started Hogwarts in 1991. Where are we told this in the book or movie?

Answer: In the book "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", It claims that Nearly Headless Nick has been dead for 500 years...and that he died in 1492. 1492 + 500 = 1992. Since this is the 2nd book in the series, this would mean Harry is 12, and therefore was born in 1980, and started attending Hogwarts in 1991, when he was 11.

Movie_Freak 1

Question: In the scene where Billy is looking up into the trees just before he finds the skinned bodies, is it just me or is the cloaked predator standing just to the left of those trees?

Answer: He is there. There are several scenes in the movie where the predator is in the shot but the other characters (and often the audience) are unaware of it.

I see him 99.9 percent of the time - that scene is the only one I have missed and I've been watching this film for over 30 years.

Answer: Nah he's not there. I see the part you think it is, but it's just your eyes tricking you. The long thin leaves give the impression it's the bending light, but it's not. If it was then the effect they are using is completely different to the rest of the cloaking effects, much too subtle.

Answer: No. Just checked, it's not there.

Question: By the buses, when Jenny's boyfriend apologizes for hitting her and mentions "that lying S.O.B. Johnson", who is the Johnson he is referring to?

Answer: Johnson refers to Lyndon Johnson, the US President.

William Bergquist

Answer: He's referring to president Lyndon Johnson AKA the guy Forrest shows his gunshot wound to.

Question: Why exactly does the radio in the movie (and the game) react with static when a monster approaches? I've never been able to figure this out.

Answer: It's either simply the same phenomenon explored in the film "White Noise," or it could be Dark Alessa warning them. She doesn't want the mother to be killed; but she does need to refine the mother's will, for the final conrontation with Christabella, with tests of emotional and physical endurance.


Question: How come only a select few people are supposed to be able to open the box (the ritual leader not being one of them) but it managed to open just by Amy throwing it across the room at the end? In the past movies also, anyone who gets their hands on the cube seem to have little or no trouble opening it.

Answer: There is no logical answer to this. This should just be added to the mistake section.

Question: What was it that Beast said in the jet when they looked upon Alcatraz in the air? He noticed the bridge, and the mutants facing off with the soldiers. Everybody in the theater was laughing, but it wasn't audible enough for me.

Answer: He says "Oh, my stars and garters" - it's one of Beast's stock phrases from the comics.


Question: In the danger room (the simulation place), is it a sentinel robot that Wolverine beheads?

Answer: Not specifically, it's an adversary created by the Danger Room, but it's certainly a nod towards the Sentinels, which, so far, don't appear to exist within the movie series.


Answer: To tease him. Kaylee is the only one who likes Simon at this point, so the others don't mind playing a rather mean-spirited joke on him.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Are open-throated Allison and the mutilated dark-haired guy near the end chasing Chelsey supposed to have become cenobites? Because they seem to be animated after death like the cenobites but they aren't wearing the usual leather gear and apart from their mutilations they look otherwise human.

Answer: No they are not. They are just a figment of Chelsey's imagination as Lance Henrickson's character points out he put all of everything they saw in their mind, including Pinhead.


Question: What is the juggernaut's actual power (in the film, not the comics)? It says he can't be stopped if he has built up momentum, but that would be based on mass and velocity, neither of which seemed to change when he approached Leech, yet he was knocked out by the wall.

Answer: Yeah, well, that's it - he's unstoppable once he gets underway. The mechanics behind this aren't clear, but it's clearly based on more than just his mass and velocity. It seems likely that it's a combination of something resembling super-strength (but tied directly into his movement) and something to protect him from the effects of the impact. Within range of Leech, both of these are disrupted, so he neither penetrates the wall nor is protected from the impact, and thus is rendered unconscious.


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