Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

The One With The Donor - S9-E22

Question: Chandler and Monica are told that aside from adoption there are two ways for them to have a baby, either using a surrogate or a sperm donor. But if Monica would be able to carry the child of the sperm donor, and a surrogate would be able to carry Monica and Chandler's child, wouldn't Monica be able to carry Chandler's child using the same process as used with a surrogate?

Answer: If (just) surrogacy is an option, that means that IVF using Chandler's sperm and Monica's egg must be possible. If (just) a sperm donor is an option, that means that Monica must be capable of carrying a child. So, yes, with the situation as presented by the doctor, Monica could have carried Chandler's child after IVF. The only rational explanation would be that the doctor misspoke, and should have said that they would need both a sperm donor -and- a surrogate (because Chandler's sperm couldn't be used in IVF and Monica couldn't carry a child at all). This was simply a mistake made by the writers.

Answer: The book is somewhat different than the movie. There are several subtle references to the main character's questionable sexual preferences and possible prostitution.


Question: Once when I watched this on TV the laser room scene was different. 1) Bond pulls out a mirror and reflects the beam to cut the straps holding him to the table. 2) Bond runs off to get away but gets shot by a tranquiliser gun. Has anybody else seen this version?

Answer: I have found no information about the existence of such a version and I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. But your description does sound an awful lot like an episode of The Simpsons called 'You Only Move Twice' (S08E02). In that episode Homer gets a new boss, Hank Scorpio, who happens to be a super villain. In one scene Scorpio has capture an agent called Bont and is about to kill him with a laser like in Goldfinger. Bont escapes by using a coin to deflect the laser and cut the straps holding him. Bont isn't stopped by a tranquilizer gun though, but by Homer tackling him.


Question: What was the black spot on Jacks hand all about? Was it the beginning of a mutation like Davy Jones's crew or was it something else? Also, why did Jack's crew do spins when they saw it?

Answer: The black spot means he is a marked man. It originated in the book Treasure Island. It is just showing that Davy Jones it after him. The reason Gibbs spins and spits is for luck, the reason Pintel and Regetti do it (according to the book) is because they saw Gibbs do it and so they do it just in case it will help them.


Question: In the trailer there is a scene where we see Will possibly on the island where he is reunited with Elizabeth and he says "Where's Jack, I can't leave without him. Never mind let's go." This scene does not occur in the movie but Will does say almost the same thing but he says, "time to go". Why is it different?

Answer: Trailers often use different takes to the finished film, as the film itself is rarely finalised at the point where they're publicising it. In this case, they ultimately decided to use a different take where Will uses different wording.


Question: Why does Story's hair color change from red to blonde? Does this signify something specific?

Answer: Only that she is running out of time to return to the Blue World.


Answer: From the picture of his parents. He knows where everything goes, and it's not too hard to work out how to put them on.

Answer: Also, he's been thoroughly educated on human customs and society by Jane, her father, and Clayton by that point. Possibly they taught him about dressing himself during their lessons, and he continued to go about wearing the loincloth out of personal preference.

Question: This has always confused me. In the scene with the guards, which one always lies and the other always speaks the truth, Sarah asks which door leads to the castle gate then she figures out the riddle and chooses a door. However, the door she chooses, the supposedly correct choice, doesn't lead her to the entrance instead it's a trap. So did she choose the wrong door, or just the wrong direction for the hands to take her?

Answer: To add to that, the other door was supposed to lead her to certain death, and technically the oubliette wasn't exactly certain death.

Answer: She did choose the right door...if she had chosen up, she would have very likely come out at the castle, but she chose down.

If you pay attention down was also the correct answer. The Goblin king was angry when he discovered she was down there "She never should have made it this far" or something similar upon finding this out. Had she chosen up she would have ended up back at the beginning.

Answer: Sarah did indeed select the right door and did ask a sensible, albeit confusing question. The reason she fell into the oubliette (and the helping hands) is because as she walked through the door she said "I think I'm getting smarter. This is a piece of cake" - saying "piece of cake" within the Labyrinth to say how easy something is brings bad luck upon those who say it. Sarah said it to Jareth and he upped the stakes (reducing her time). Hoggle said it later (in Goblin City) and then they got surrounded by Goblins.

Question: Why is trucking Coors beer south of Texas bootlegging?

Answer: It wasn't south of Texas - it was east of the Mississippi River. Coors was not licensed to be sold in the east at that time (it, of course, is different today). Anyone carrying more than what would be considered for personal consumption (about 24 beers) would be in violation of the registration and licensing law. During prohibition, bootlegging was applied to those that made their own alcohol for distribution or use. After prohibition, bootlegging has been used to describe those people violating the laws for registration and licensing of alcohol. So, in the vernacular of the time, carrying Coors beer east of the Mississippi River would be bootlegging. Coors (brewed in Colorado) could not be shipped East of the Mississippi because it was brewed without being pasteurized and with no added preservatives, so shipping it long distances was impossible due to spoilage.

Zwn Annwn

Question: What is it that Jack Sparrow wants more than the Dead Mans Chest, the thing that his compass is pointing to?

Answer: It points to Elizabeth.


Question: How did Superman get his powers back? I don't understand what that green crystal did.

Answer: In the theatrical cut, nobody really knows why the green crystal restored his powers. However if you watch the Richard Donner cut, it is explained that the green crystal is a communication device that helps Superman talks to the residual essence/spirit/ghost of his father Jor-El. Before he died, Jor-El gave the crystal to his son. Jor-El anticipated that Kal-El might give up his powers, and he also anticipated that Zod might eventually escape the Phantom Zone, so Jor-El lets his son absorb the leftover energy of his spirit, thus restoring all his Kryptonian powers.

Matt Van Gogh

Question: Was any explanation given as to why Anna Maria (Zoe Saldana) was eliminated from the Black Pearl's crew and also from the movie series? Female pirates weren't uncommon. I'd like to know why Disney deleted this interesting character.


Chosen answer: Without asking Disney directly, we may not know, but Zoe Saldana has made many films since the first Pirates movie, generally playing one of the lead roles - the most likely explanation is that she chose to focus on those projects and thus was unable to find a gap in her schedule to play a relatively minor character in Dead Man's Chest.


Question: Aside from puzzling the heck out of aliens who never invented the wheel, was the bicycle in the cellar bit perhaps a little directorial homage to ET?

Jean G

Chosen answer: This is probably a bit of a stretch. I have two old bicycles in my basement.


Answer: I assumed that these were alien "toddlers", and were just "playing" and "exploring."

Question: Why wasn't Anne Hathaway used in the beginning scenes of the movies when we see Princess Mia at her graduation but only the back of her, a headless shot on the airplane and only her cat gets out of the limo when they arrive at the castle? We don't actually see her until she appears on the balcony in the red strapless gown for her 21st birthday celebration ball.

Sheri Hartman

Chosen answer: This makes it more dramatic when they finally show her face and the audience sees how much Mia has grown up since the last movie.


Answer: I wonder about this too. It could be for dramatic purposes before the balcony scene. But graduation scene is definitely not Anne. The girl's hair looked thicker than of Anne's.

Answer: I had the very same question it wasn't until the third scene that they show her face.

Answer: You actually DO see her face at the college graduation. After the ceremony, she is holding her diploma and talking to her two friends. She tells one "Thank your mom for all the cookies", and then Joe tells her that they need to leave to get on the plane.

Answer: But they never show her face until she is on the plane.

Question: Why did Bootstrap Bill join the dice game that Will played with Davy Jones? Will knew that Jones had the key to the chest on him, so just how did Bootstrap help him by also playing?


Chosen answer: Bootstrap did not want his son to lose and have to become an undead. By joining the game, he made it possible to save Will if it looked like Will was losing, by placing a ridiculously high bet himself. And as we can see, this is what happened. When Will was losing, and Davy Jones was about to call him a liar, Bootstrap makes his absurdly high claim, thereby sacrificing himself, but getting Will out of the game debt-free.


Answer: The jar was to put Davy Jones heart in. He can't touch dirt ever again since he failed to keep up his duties which means he wouldn't be able to get his heart back.

Chosen answer: Davy Jones cannot set foot on land for ten more years. The jar of dirt is to represent land. Jack carries it with him so that he always has land with him so Davy Jones won't be able to get near him, or so Jack is supposed to believe.


Question: Is is ever explained why Rose kept the Heart of the Ocean all those years? It doesn't seem probable that she assumed she would have the opportunity to travel to the site of the sinking and throw it back into the water.

Kimberly Klaus

Chosen answer: It is explained in the alternate ending. It basically goes something like this: Brock Lovett and Lizzy find Rose on the stern of the ship with the diamond in her hand and asks her why she kept it all those years. Rose then says that she often thought about selling the diamond, but then it reminded her of Cal and that she could make it without his money.


Answer: I like to think she kept it because in a strange way, although it was a gift from Cal and a reminder of his possessiveness, it was also her last physical link with Jack, the drawing having gone down with the ship, and whilst nobody but her knew about Jack she needed that reminder that he really existed and really loved her and was gunning for her in life. She likely brought it along to the wreck site opportunistically, since she knew she would never get another chance to return it to there in person. Returning it to the symbolised several things: one, that was where the constricts of her former life and of that era all died, thus freeing her - in other words, it belonged to the same world as the Titanic, and not to the modern world; two, it symbolised that she had found closure with regards to Jack's death, and that she didn't need trinkets anymore to hold onto him in her heart; and three, it was a physical symbolisation of her letting go of a huge emotional millstone that had been on her shoulders for years, as you can see from her face and demeanour immediately after having dropped it in. She couldn't have let that load go if she hadn't finally had a chance and an ear to tell her story. Probably nobody ever realised she'd been on the Titanic after the disaster, as her post-sinking name was never associated with it.

Question: What are the torches in the tunnels under Trinity church made out of that they light instantly after how many tens or hundreds of years?

Sheri Hartman

Chosen answer: Oil soaked linens, like most torches in such environments, I would suppose.


Question: With all the talk about whether or not the book/movie is about the editor of Vogue, was the fact that Madonna's song "VOGUE" is heard in the film done on purpose or did the producers just pick the song because it sounded good?

Jason Feng

Chosen answer: In the director's commentary they say that they picked Madonna because she is the "real sound of fashion" and "so inside of fashion. Vogue is obviously one of Madonna's greatest songs about fashion. The song's title was influenced by the magazine's name, but its use in the movie had more to do with Madonna than with the magazine.

Question: Here's something I've wanted to know. I know that Gotham is a fictional city, as is Metropolis, but both are within the same universe (DC). So how is it that The Statue of Liberty resides in both Metropolis and Gotham? The Statue is in Metropolis Harbor in the Superman movies, but Two-face's chopper crashes into it in Gotham in Batman Forever.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Mainly because the filmmakers, who operated totally separately, weren't too worried about being consistent, either with each other or with the comic universe. In the comics, New York exists alongside Gotham and Metropolis, so the Statue of Liberty is found there. The filmmakers presumably decided that they wanted to have something recognisable appearing, so decided that the statue would be located in the city that they were dealing with.


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