Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Dear Dad - S1-E12

Question: Is Margaret not wearing underwear when she falls on the bed with Frank in her tent?

Answer: Loretta Swit usually wore flesh-colored pantyhose in scenes where she was supposedly 'nude'. You can see it e.g. in the scene where she runs out of the shower.


Question: Wouldn't Kharlamov have been penalized for knocking the USA goalie Jim Craig down?

Answer: Not necessarily. Hockey was a much more physically bruising game in 1980, and this kind of aggression (intentional or not) was rarely cause for a penalty. And, since he wasn't penalized in real life, he is not penalized in the film, either.

That doesn't mean knocking goalies was legal. Players can only knock players besides the goalie down. Knocking a goalie down is a goaltender interference penalty. This kind of aggression was rarely a cause for a penalty because it rarely happened.

Question: If Mr Orange was a cop, why was he so scared when he saw the cops in the bathroom?


Answer: He's not actually in the bathroom. He's telling a story from the perspective of a criminal with bags of drugs on his presence who walks into a bathroom full of cops and this is how he feels in his story.


Answer: Orange is telling a story to convince the other characters he is a criminal. In that story he is hiding drugs which the police dog can smell. As he tells it he is afraid of getting caught but the police ignore him. Orange has made all this up based on an anecdote from his police buddy but he is trying to make it realistic and entertaining to the rest of the crew.

Answer: A colonial named James Wilkins who was loyal to the American Colonies defected to join the British Army. When Benjamin Martin's guerrilla campaign against the British starts to have a disastrous effect on their supply lines, Colonel Tavington goes to speak to Captain Wilkins and asks about Martin. He says "where would he hid his family?" Wilkins responds with "his wife's sister owns a plantation." While it is not mentioned, Martin was probably tipped off that Tavington was looking for his family. Also, it could be that given the success of the guerrilla campaign against the British, he knew his family would be in danger and went to move them to a safer location as seen later in the film.

Answer: A cause of death was never revealed in the movie versions. In the Grimm fairy tale, the father left on a long business trip, but took ill and died during the journey.


Question: What happened to the daughter?

Answer: She is killed, and its implied from what he was trying to do with the wife that he may have raped her before killing her.

Question: When the jug was hit, how did the bullet not hit the horse behind it?

Answer: In reality, the bullet probably would have hit the horse, injuring it. Movies tend to gloss over details like that to serve and simplify the plot. Older movies particularly fudged reality, assuming audiences would not notice or care. It is also possible that the bullet was somehow deflected or broke up upon impact.


Question: During practice, why couldn't Bateman tackle anybody who wore red?

Answer: Traditionally, in football practices, the quarterback is the only one who wears a red shirt/jersey. This is so he is easy to spot. You aren't supposed to tackle the quarterback in practice because it's very bad if he gets hurt.


Question: Why would Sam and his friends go to the library?

Answer: Possibly because it was the closest building with height to it as they are about to be hit by a gigantic wave of water. There was no snow yet, so I don't believe burning books or snow was on anybody's mind yet. It turned out to be a great idea as snow soon starts to fall and those books were literally a life saver.

Susan D. Santos

Answer: It was the closest building they could access. While the smarter move would have been to just go back to JD's apartment (which Brian and Laura suggest) it may have been too far a walk to get out of the flooding streets.

Answer: Big building with lots of space and lots of books to burn for heat.


Why did they burn the books and not the wooden shelves that the books were on?

As for burning books rather than shelves, it was just easier. They would have had to expend more energy to break down the shelves into manageable size.

They burn books instead of the wooden shelves because burning books is a quicker and more efficient way to generate heat in a desperate situation, as the paper readily catches fire and produces a substantial amount of heat compared to solid wood, which might take longer to burn properly.

Season 2 generally

Question: This season has added the odd effect of a large puff of red smoke/dust whenever someone is shot. It is unrealistic and distracting. Wondering if anyone knows the reason for this change.

Answer: Depending on caliber the body does spray blood from .308 and up.

Answer: Only because it looks cool on screen.

Question: Why was CGI used when Omi told her family about her first seeing Krampus when she was young. Why not use real actors and actresses?

Answer: It's just a filmmaking style decision and also likely a financial decision. They wanted to show the backstory without having to find locations, build sets, hire actors, and all the other expenses that would have come with it.


Question: What is the song when ambassador Standish is burning?

Answer: She didn't want to interrupt the match.

I meant while Robby was in the other room with Daniel.

Miguel didn't imply he was gonna fight illegally to beat him and he never did, the only illegal thing he did was pull on his arm. I don't believe Sam got that implication from Miguel that he was going to use illegal moves to beat Robby.

Question: Why don't they just abandon the place and go to somewhere safer?

Answer: It's a world-wide invasion. There really isn't much of a safer place. And being close to where civilization was is how they are able to keep resources and supplies for their needs. The more remote they go, the harder it will be for them to survive, much less quietly.

Quantom X

Answer: Such as where? They live in what is presumably their house, with all their belongings. Uprooting and walking silently to a new location to set up a new home would be more dangerous than staying where they are.

Question: Thomas, Newt and Minho jump out the window. Failing to catch them, Janson tells his man to drop the net. What does he mean by that? (01:29:55)

Bunch Son

Question: Does anyone know which scenes Nick Castle is playing Michael Myers? I know he is Myers when Laurie tries to shoot him through the window and the after credits breathing was his. But is it him any other times?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: You didn't mention the opening scene; I'm sure you know it's him up till he gets his mask back, right?

No, it's not. That's James Jude Courtney playing Michael in the unmasked scenes.


Answer: Based on multiple things that I've heard, those are the only two times Nick Castle is on screen. He was mostly just there to help James Jude Courtney get the mannerisms down.


I had read in and other Michael Myers Instagram accounts that I follow, that was Nick Castle in the closet when the baby sitter Vicky opened the door.

Question: Was only Deckard pardoned at the end of the film and not Owen? Or was it just not necessary for Owen to accompany his brother in returning baby Brian to Dom?

Answer: Since Deckard helped in saving the world, he may have been given one or the government keeps him on a short leash. Work for us or go back to jail.

Question: Where does Hans get the Post-it note at the end to put on the tape recorder?

Answer: Billy brought an odd selection of items with him, including labels for the guns. It wouldn't be surprising for him to have also brought Post-It notes. Hans could have easily taken one so he could leave the tape for Marty.

Answer: Ali and her family are very well off and are from a nicer part of town. Reseda is a lower income area. It's a typical "wrong side of the tracks" situation. Ali's parents would be happier if their daughter dated someone more well off. The theme of "never judge a book by the cover" permeates throughout the film and this is one of several examples. Daniel is a kind, caring, honorable young man and where he lives has nothing at all to do with his character. Johnny, who Ali's parents are more approving of because of his social status, is controlling, manipulative, petulant, and violent.


Answer: Ali's family is well off living in an affluent neighborhood, while Reseda is a lower income level section of town. Her parents are judging Daniel based on where he lives, and don't want their daughter going out with a person they feel is socially "under them."


Question: Who was the hooded person who shot at the women with the shotgun?

Answer: Florentino, the Mexican member of the Cowboys played by Paul Ben-Victor. Earlier a brief close up of him is seen as he is stalking the Earps and, though only seen briefly as he shoots at the women, his mustache is quite easily recognizable if you pause the movie.


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