Question: Can anyone translate the lyrics of the song that the woman in club Selensio is singing? Or at least the meaning of the lyrics.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Can anyone translate what Adam and his dad are saying when Adam is a teenager and they are in the classroom?
Answer: Adam: Tempus fugit (Latin) = Time flies. Dad: Que les bons temps roulent! (French) = How good times roll! Adam: Geradeaus, dann links (German) = Straightforward, then left. Dad: Sorgen Sie bitte dafür, dass die [das] Gepäck sorgfältig behandelt werden [wird] (German) = Please make sure that this luggage will be treated carefully. Adam: Haben Sie etwas Nettes in Leder? (German) = Do you have something nice in leather?
Alone Again Natura-Diddly - S11-E14
Question: In the scene that shows Maude's funeral they show tombstones of previous Simpsons characters that have been killed. I had seen the episodes that had featured the deaths of Bleeding Gums Murphy, Grandpa's girlfriend and Frank Grimes but not Dr. Marvin Monroe. Is there an actual episode where they show the death of Dr. Marvin Monroe? It would be very helpful if you can show all the necessary information (episode name, season, storyline etc.)
Answer: They don't actually have an episode that shows Dr. Monroe's death. Besides the tombstone, the only mentions of his death are in Who Shot Mr. Burns (Part II), when they have the Marvin Monroe Memorial Hospital, and a brief mention in the The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular. This link gives the explanation:
Question: In the scene where she is walking home in the rain after visiting her prostitute friend, in the background you can see 3 huge "tank" like structures. They are made twice as high by open girder and cable contraptions. The same things can be seen in the movie, "Spider", starring Ralph Fiennes. What are they?
Answer: Gas storage tanks.
Question: Can anybody tell me the name of the song that it played right at the opening? It's not on the soundtrack and I can't find it anywhere else. Plus, I'd also be really happy to know the song that is played when Rome and Brian get into the bar, because it's not on the soundtrack either, but still rocks.
Answer: If you are talking about the one that is played while the Universal logo is still on, it is 'Like A Pimp' by David Banner. As far as the other one, try and search for this movie. When you get there, go to 'soundtrack listing' and it will display a list of every song played in the movie, whether it was on the soundtrack or not.
Question: I'm looking for the title and performer of one of the songs from "Lost and delirious"; it's played when Paulie is going to visit the bird for the first time, and then the same song is played again when the credits roll. I've tried most of the songs listed in the credits but I haven't found the one I'm looking for. Can anyone help me?
Answer: It is apparently an original work called 'Ensemble vocal d'Outremont' by Foley artist Jérome Décarire. Foley is the sound effects used in film and television production. For example, a foley library consists of a data bank of available sounds. A foley technician will create sounds that do not exist in the library.
Question: Does anyone know what the killer joke (German version anyway) translates to in English? I tried running it through BabelFish, but it still made no sense.
Chosen answer: Fortunately for the entire English speaking world, there is no translation. It is not real German.
Question: When Frodo and Sam are on the side of Mount Doom and Frodo can't walk anymore, Sam says something like, "I can't carry the ring, but I can carry you," and then picks Frodo up and starts carrying him. But really, why can't Sam just grab the ring and run into the mountain with it? It's only a short distance at that point. I understand about how Frodo was meant to be the ring bearer and all that, but Sam was the ring bearer while Frodo was captured, so why not again?
Question: I know there are several websites devoted to the "count" of the number of men that each character has slept with. Does anyone know where one of these would be?
Chosen answer: Try, which has these (and other) statistics for the entire series, except for the last eight episodes (scroll down to 'SEX' by the numbers).
Question: How was Samara able to see her mother jump off of the cliff and secure that image on the tape if she was killed before her mom committed suicide?
Chosen answer: One may as well ask, how did she manage to secure any of the odd images on the tape? Her spirit lived on, up to and beyond her mother's suicide, even though she had died. It was the power of her evil/angry spirit that created the tape and all its imagery.
Question: Can someone explain why the show makes jokes about Major League Baseball and how they control us?
Chosen answer: Major League Baseball is very protective of their copyrights and trademarks, and likely to take legal action if they are used without permission. I think that is what the jokes refer to.
Question: Is there really a punch line to the "naked lady walks into a bar" joke while Bender is crawling through the ceiling?
Chosen answer: The joke goes like this: A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a salami under the other. She slams the poodle down on the table and the bartender says "so you won't be needing a drink?" The blonde replies "I will after what just happened! I was about to make love when my boyfriend said 'I'm gonna pound my favourite bitch with my giant sausage' so I grabbed them both and ran out".
Question: Why does the air traffic controller call Maverick "Ghostrider"? Surely that isn't his call sign?
Chosen answer: The term "Ghostrider" refers to the squadron name. There used to be a Tomcat squadron called the Ghostriders. Usually in a radio call, the squadron name is followed by a number. For instance, in the first fight where we see Cougar get into a spot of trouble with the Mig on his tail, he radios "This is Ghostrider 117 this bogey's all over me, he's got missile lock on me, do I have permission to fire?" That is normally the correct term as to who is on the radio.
Question: I'm doing horror movies in my Media Studies course and we're looking at this film in great depth. There were many themes that came up a lot in the film, mainly mirrors, birds and eyes. I've had loads of interpretations of all of these, but does anyone know what they symbolise?
Chosen answer: Birds are just a favourite choice of spooky animal that Alfred Hitchcock seems to use hence the film "The Birds". Eyes show the window to our soul where our deepest fears originate and who isn't scared of getting knifed in the shower. The mirrors i can't explain but I can suggest that it just looks creepy.
Question: I know that the images in the tape represent things that happened to or around Samara, but what is the point of the nail going through someone's finger? I know they can't show every second of Samara's life so we might not see a connection, but that part of the tape really grossed me out and so I want to know if someone knows why it was put there, or was it just the gross-out factor?
Chosen answer: Samara broke her finger nail clawing at the walls of the well... I guess that's why it's on the tape also.
Answer: In the movie Rings, the main girl gets her finger nail stabbed by a nail.
Question: I hear that elves live forever - if this is true how do they actually AGE? For example, Elrond is obviously older than legolas, but if they live forever how do they get older?
Answer: Elves do not live forever - it's a misconception that they're immortal. To quote Tolkien, "The Elves were sufficiently longeval to be called by Man 'immortal'. But they were not unageing or unwearying" (taken from his Letters, dated 1963). They do age, just extremely slowly, hence the appearance of older Elves, like Elrond, or the oldest Elf seen on screen, Cirdan the Shipwright, who appears receiving a ring in the Fellowship prologue, and leaves on the ship with the other Ringbearers.
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Answer: The song is Roy Orbison's "Crying". Lyrics can be found at ""