Question: When Mav meets Charlie in the bar, she makes a joke about his name and then he informs her it's his call sign. And she says "Oh, you're a pilot!" Considering the fact that she is an "important" civilian adviser at Top Gun and Mav is wearing his wings, wouldn't that have been obvious?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why is everybody mean to Clopin?
Chosen answer: No one is mean to Clopin in the movie. But he is a gypsy and the people in Paris don't like the gypsies.
Question: Why did Stuart continue trusting the Canary when she lied to him and the whole family?
Answer: Probably because he could see that she was hurt at what she did and also because earlier in the movie, he said "When you're friends with Stuart Little, you're friends for life". Also if you wanna look at it another way, him helping her could be payback for her saving him from the sink. It's just a long term friendship they have.
Answer: Because she wanted to be safe from the evil Falcon.
Question: During the number "I've Got A Dream," the thugs ask Flynn to share his dream, but Flynn refuses to tell them with the excuse "I don't sing." Is that line a reference to Flynn's voice actor or is that just an excuse Flynn is making?
Question: Did the first lady compliment Gerard Butler's earring suggestion to wear the small classy ones for a classy lady but then wear the long dangling earrings as shown in the car scene?
Answer: Mike suggested the small classy ones, but the first lady opted for the long ones instead.
Question: How old is King Caspian meant to be in this movie?
Answer: He's suppose to be the same age as in the novels, so about 16. "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" takes place 3 years after "Prince Caspian", so 2306 (Narnia year). He was born 2290 (NY). However, since Caspian is around Peter's age, they chose an older actor to play Caspian to match William Moseley's age.
Question: Why is Professor McGonagall so shocked that Harry would accuse Draco of cursing the necklace? She knows that Draco's father is a Death Eater, as well as some of his friends' fathers. Professor Snape is there, but they are both in the Order of the Phoenix (and she has no reason to not trust Snape yet).
Answer: She's likely incredulous at the idea that Draco could perform a curse that well.
Question: What I cannot understand about this movie, having watched it 3 times, is why there is no response to Crouch senior's death by anyone. Having read the book, I assumed it would be made clear at some point that he had been killed by his son, but in fact it's left hanging as a huge loose end. Is it conceivable that the tournament would just continue when the referee and judge has been found dead close to the castle?
Answer: You're right, and there is no real answer to this. The way Crouch Sr.'s death was handled did not make much sense and it is yet another example of how the movies glossed over many plot details that were explained in the books. It would be completely unrealistic that an important official's murder during the event would be overlooked. It's unfortunate that the overall story arc of the series has so many gaping holes in it and the filmmakers expected the audience to "fill in the blanks." That is why there are so many questions about the HP films on this site.
Actually it wasn't overlooked. In the next scene, just after Crouch's body was discovered, Dumbledore, Fudge and fake Moody are discussing the matter and are unsure what they should do about it. Moreover, in one of deleted scenes Harry, Ron and Hermione talk about Crouch's death.
Answer: But his death is explained in the book. Barty Crouch Jr. explains having killed him, transfiguring him into a bone and burying him in Hagrid's garden. As for why there was no announcement, Barty Crouch Sr. Was believed to be ill and had been out of sight for some time now. Percy Weasley, his assistant still had continuous messages from him via owl. At the end of the Tournament however and upon revelation, Fudge might've been acting out of fear and kept the entire incident low. Not to mention how he had limited proof considering he had Barty Crouch Jr. immediately kissed by a dementor. The movie plot for this is definitely flawed but the book, admittedly, allows proper assumption of the aftermath of his death.
Not quite flawed. After Crouch's body is discovered in the forest by Harry, there is a scene where Dumbledore, Fudge and fake Moody debate what actions should be taken due to this incident. Fudge, being afraid of losing his position of Minister Of Magic, refuses to cancel the Tournament because he doesn't want to be perceived as a coward.
Answer: It actually makes some sense. Fudge refused to cancel the Tournament because he was afraid of losing his position of Minister Of Magic.
Question: After reading what really happened, I am still not understanding why they killed her husband. Did he know something that he should not have known? I do understand the need for his coffin to hide the why did they need to take her daughter as a 'hostage' for the sake of the $50 million dollars?
Answer: If there's no dead husband, there's no coffin to hide a bomb in. Without the daughter's disappearance, Kyle won't have reason to unlock the coffin (only she knew the code; the terrorists didn't). When the captain initially refuses to have the hold searched, the marshal suggests it would be a good idea for him to take Kyle down there and look. This would be for the purpose of having her open the coffin, and allowing him to access the bomb.
Question: Juggernaut was supposed to appear in the movie, helping Magneto escape from the Pentagon, but was replaced by Quicksilver. Is there any reason for this role being replaced?
Answer: Bryan Singer didn't like the idea of using Juggernaut again, since Brett Ratner used him in The Last Stand. He felt it wasn't original enough. He was inspired by watching high speed videos online and did a re-shoot using Quicksilver.
Question: When Cedric makes the $10,000 bet, shouldn't he still have won the money even though Zeke moved the chips since not only was he not the person who placed the bet, but he also moved them after the host of the table surely called out no more bets?
Answer: The money was actually removed before the host said "no more bets". Verbal bets aren't taken in American roulette, so even though he said $10,000 on Black 15, since only one chip was there when he said no more bets, that was the final bet. In real life though, there were various other issues that most high end casinos wouldn't have allowed in the first place, so the scene is just a plot device to make them become strippers. Plus, it would make for a boring movie if they showed the pit boss coming in and reviewing the situation.
Question: Two kids were drawing pictures on the steps when Mia goes out with her baby, Leah. Who are the children?
Answer: We are never told who the children are they are probably just some children who live in the apartment.
Chosen answer: It is believed that they are the child selves of the two Satanists that died earlier in the film.
Question: What is the title of the black-and-white movie that Mia was watching while knitting on the bed?
Chosen answer: It is actually an episode from the show General Hospital.
Question: Riley runs away from home in the morning, not going to school, but the bus only leaves San Francisco in the evening. Where was Riley all day?
Chosen answer: We don't see Riley's day after she leaves home. One can only assume that she wandered around the city all day long until it was time to go to the bus station.
Answer: It's never explicitly stated in the film. All we know is, he buried it after he escaped and before Red found it.
Question: The part where Hank, Bessie, Lee and Charlie were in the living room and Hank gets a chip, why did Lee asked him to put back the chip because she said that "Bessie hasn't offered him the chip yet and he has to wait to be asked" and when Bessie offered him the chip and Hank refuses, why did Lee forced him to get one? I'm so confused.
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Answer: Charlie is playing dumb because she knows Maverick is trying to chat her up - he has no idea who she is and as she says later she sees a lot of pilots in there come and go.