Question: When the main characters are using the subway to move through the city, shouldn't they be electrocuted by the tracks? I thought subway tracks were electrified.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Lando mentions that he is made a general due to what he did at the battle of Tanaab. Does anyone know anything more about this battle, or more specifically, what Lando did that was so outstanding?
Chosen answer: The Battle of Taanab occured about five months after the destruction of the first Death Star when a group of pirates attacked the relatively undefended agricultural world of Taanab. With the planet's small defence fleet massively outnumbered, Calrissian, who was on-planet visiting a casino, bet his fellow patrons that he could defeat the pirates and took his freighter into the fight. Hiding his ship in an ice ring surrounding Taanab's moon, he waited until the pirate fleet was in range, then ejected his cargo, a large number of Conner nets, large electrified nets designed by the military to immobilise ships. With much of the pirate fleet incapacitated, Lando rallied the Taanab defence fleet and eliminated the remaining pirate ships with very few losses. The impressed Taanab government offered him a commission in their armed forces, which he turned down, but he became a hero to the population, a reputation which apparently led to his commission as a General by the Rebel Alliance.
Question: In the trailer for Radio (, at the 1:23 point, some very distinctive music begins. This same music was used in one of the trailers for Forrest Gump. Is there a connection between the two?
Chosen answer: Probably not. Many trailers re-use distinctive music from older trailers they are not related to.
Question: In the first episode of the second series, there is a mix of "Everybody's Free" by Rozalla. I have 4 mixes of this track, and it's not one of those. What is the name of this mix? Was it made especially for the show?
Chosen answer: It is a remix by Aquagen. Team Venture!
Question: What happens to the people when they get bit? Do they explode or what?
Chosen answer: We never know. Based on what happened to the girl behind the white screen, it looks like it. But we are just left to assume so. It is never clarified.
Question: In Australia, where I live, the episodes Blue Harvest Part 1 and Part 2 are being released as a movie. Does anyone know if these episodes are going to be released on the Region 4 Season 7 DVD, (our seasons are numbered differently than the American ones)? I don't want to buy Blue Harvest as a movie if it's going to be released as two episodes on the DVD.
Chosen answer: I would say its almost certain that Blue Harvest will not be on the upcoming Region 4 release. Volume 6 in the US is being released without the Blue Harvest episodes and I would doubt it would be any different here in Australia. The Stewie Griffin movie that was released a while ago was released as a stand alone DVD and not included on the season DVD despite it also being screened on television.
Question: After the 10 years is up and Will can stay on land, what happens to his heart? Does it somehow go back into his chest, does he not need it anymore, or is there some other explanation?
Question: How much time has passed between the ending of the first movie to the ending of the third?
Answer: About a year passes between the first two films, with a gap of a few weeks between the second and third. So no more than about fifteen months total , unless you include the after-the-credits scene in World's End, in which case add on another ten years.
Question: In the scene in which we see Hurley being interviewed when he bought the restaurant in one of his flashbacks, a meteoroid crashes on it. Why was there no big commotion about that, and also why was only the building destroyed,not even leaving a crater?
Answer: It's most likely there was a commotion about it which wasn't shown in flashbacks. Also, since the probability of a meteoroid destroying a single restaurant is very, VERY small, and the reasons for this and other abnormal events' occurrences are as yet unknown, it is also unknown as to why said occurrences do not leave 'normal' side-effects (in this case, a crater).
Question: In the final scene of the film Richard Gere and Diane Lane have their SUV stopped at a traffic light, and I've noticed that there's a police station directly to their right. This could have very well been a coincidence, but maybe it's not? Does anyone know if it signifies anything pertaining to the plot, for example, the dilemma of Richard Gere turning himself in vs. their decision to flee the country?
Answer: That's exactly what it is meant to portray. If I remember correctly, the SUV's left turn signal is on as well, which only reinforces that idea that they have a choice to make. Right, turn himself in, left, flee the country.
Nope, just watched it and there is no left turn signal.
Answer: The light stays green for a while, but the car never moves. Then it turns red. To me, that suggests that Edward realises he has to stop the insane world of commandment-breaking that he and Connie are living in. One of my favorite movie endings.
Question: In Bourne Supremacy, when Bourne confronted Nicky Parsons about his first mission in Berlin (Neski's assassination), Nicky explained to him that his first mission was not in Berlin, but Geneva instead. Eventually the movie showed through Bourne's flashbacks that the assassination of Neski in Berlin was an off-the-record mission arranged by Abbott and thus not documented by the CIA. In Bourne Ultimatum, when Landy reviewed the archives of the Operation Treadstone, there was a scene where Landy was reading the details of Neski's assassination and there was a CIA stamp of approval on Neski's picture as if this is an official mission from the CIA. Isn't this somewhat contradictory?
Answer: No. The Neski assassination was indeed "on-the-record." As much so as anything Treadstone did, anyway. It wasn't listed as Bourne's "first assignment" though because it was a training exercise. Bourne's last training exercise, in fact. After that, Bourne's first mission as a Treadstone agent (agent, not trainee) was in Geneva.
Question: If Davey Jones had already gone against his agreement to ferry souls to the afterlife, why couldn't he walk on shore more often too?
Question: In what episode does the line, "All this makes me wonder why the Hell I should care", come from and who says it?
Answer: The exact line is "Just the thought of all that raw power makes me wonder why the hell I should care.". It is said by Sideshow Bob in the episode "Brother From Another Series", which is the episode where Sideshow Bob's brother Cecil moves to Springfield and builds a hydroelectricity dam.
Question: Does anyone know if the monster world is daytime when the human world has nighttime? When the monsters are scaring Sulley says after getting a lot of scream "slumber party" which I assume means it is nighttime in the human world. But at the end of the movie when Sulley re-visits Boo there is sunlight on the door implying it is daytime. I'm confused.
Answer: At every moment it is night time somewhere in the world. The factory presumably operates on all three shifts, so they simply work on whichever timezone currently has citizens turning in for the night. Sully just visited Boo when it was daytime wherever she lives, we don't know what time of day it was in Monstropolis.
Also, at the beginning of the scare floor sequence in the movie, the guy that counts down says, "East and Seaborne, we've got scarers combing out!" The "East and Seaborne" line evokes the idea that that's the time zone they are scaring in.
Question: Does anyone know the latest news on a possible Goonies sequel? After researching on the internet, the latest I can find is a Youtube interview in November 2007 with Josh Brolin, confirming that it was going into production - however, the same source suggests that he was only joking.
Answer: While most of those involved in the original have shown great interest in the possibility of a sequel, at this particular point in time, Warner Bros, who hold the rights to the original film and any possible sequels have not given any indication that they like the idea of doing one. It's possible that this might change at some point; DVD sales of the original movie have been very good, which could obviously catch the eye of an executive or two, but at the moment there's been no apparent movement towards a possible production.
Question: Can anyone tell me the approximate year(s) during which the trilogy is supposed to take place?
Answer: According to the producers, the films are set somewhere between 1720 and 1750, although, as it's a fantasy, they didn't bother with precise historical accuracy. A tune played in the first film at Norrington's promotion ceremony was written in 1740, so you could consider that as an indication that the trilogy takes place in the 1740's.
Question: Can anyone explain why Calypso caused the maelstrom to appear? Other than provide really cool visual effects for the movie, it didn't serve a purpose. I would have thought she'd do something against Davy Jones and/or his ship in particular for betraying her in the first place.
Answer: It's suggested that, as she's pretty much equally annoyed at the pirates (for originally imprisoning her, even if it wasn't specifically those pirates) and at Davy Jones (for showing them how to do it), that she creates the maelstrom to make it an even fight - effectively telling them that she no longer cares for either side. The conditions within the maelstrom hamper the Black Pearl, the turbulence making it difficult to bring her superior speed into play, but the angle and extremely damp conditions also make it harder for the Flying Dutchman to bring her superior firepower to bear.
Wrong. As the Black Pearl was meant for speed, she would have a lighter weight than the Dutchman, and would require a pushing force to stay even. Furthermore, she was not hampered by the wind-she was aided, as Gibbs stated, "The wind's on our side, boys!"
Don't think weight had anything to do with it. The Pearl was heavier than the Interceptor, but had no issue catching up with it. The maelstrom took the Pearl's superior speed out of play because they were forced to circle one another. There was no advantage to be gained by outspeeding the Dutchman around the whirlpool, and coming up on its rear. Remember, the Pearl had no forward cannons.
The other side thought they had a favorable wind as well. All the air was being pulled toward the maelstrom in the middle so both sides thought it was at their back allowing them to control the engagement.
Both sides did have favourable winds but for a different reason. It's mentioned in Dead Man's Chest that against the wind the Dutchman is faster but with the wind the Pearl is faster. The Pearl had a favourable wind because it was blowing her sails from the back whilst the Dutchman had a favourable wind because she is faster against it.
The Dutchman is faster against wind because it uses oars to row. They menton to go deeper into the maelstrom to get into faster waters. Thats how they outran the Dutchman and got broadside. It's got nothing to do with the wind.
No, the Dutchman doesn't use any oars, you are thinking back to the first film when the Pearl is chasing the Interceptor and they use oars to go faster. Neither ship is fitted with a diesel engine so it has EVERYTHING to do with the wind.
Oh, you're right. I got confused in the 2. Not sure about the diesel engine though. May have one hidden in the back.
Question: During the mutant attack on the house Will Smith enters an upstairs room and we see what appears to be part of an arm dripping blood. What is this or who owns it? It doesn't appear to be the mutant who attacks straight afterward as he appears uninjured and free of any blood.
Answer: It's not an arm, it a part of the metal plate covering the window.
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Answer: If the power is out, the 3rd rail would not be working either.