Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What was so important about the song lyrics in the letter Lindsay gave to Helen? What didn't Jenny get when she said that Helen's letter wasn't a letter and that it was just a bunch of nonsensical lyrics?

Answer: Helen's letter was actually the lyrics to the song "Whip It" by Devo. This is the same song that Helen gives to Lindsay for her birthday, along with the funny red hats from the music video. The song is obviously a shared memory between the two sisters, and one that Jenny never was a part of. The fact that Helen's letter was just song lyrics just shows how close the sisters really were.


Answer: It's the Billy Stewart version of "Summertime" from George Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess".


Question: What's the name of the music being played in the bar during Bruce Willis' story when Jessica Alba runs over and kisses him? I've heard it before in trailers and whatnot.

Answer: Absurd by Fluke. Its on the Sin City soundtrack.


Question: Anyone who's read 'Life, The Universe & Everything' will now why the bowl of petunias thought 'Oh no, not again' just before it plummeted towards Magrathea, but had Douglas Adams already conceived that backstory and just couldn't fit it in to the narrative at the time or was it something he only came up with when writing part 3?


Chosen answer: Because it was a radio show originally, Douglas Adams would write broadcasts from show to show. He did not know where something would lead, which let the plot become random and funny. So ultimately it was originally created to be funny, then he found a way to link it back in later.

Question: When Blake is pointing his shotgun at the couple in bed, why are there sounds of splashing water?

Answer: The only logical explanation that I can think of is that the couple is on a waterbed.

Cubs Fan

Question: Out of the hundreds of people on the plane, not a single passenger or flight crew saw Jodi Foster's character bring her daughter onto the plane? Was everyone supposed to be in on it? That would just be too weird and next to impossible.

Answer: Firstly, the flight wasn't full. Secondly, there were already several children on board. Thirdly, 2 people did see her bring the child on board - both the hijackers. Fourthly, Jodie and her daughter were the very first people on the plane and were greeted by the female hijacker. Then her daughter was seated until going to sleep. No one had a chance to see her. If a person is able to remember the face of every single passenger on a plane, then they should be onstage with a memory act. On many flights I've been on, I couldn't even recall the people sitting around me, let alone the rest of the plane.

Soylent Purple

"Then her daughter was seated until going to sleep" Kyle fell asleep the moment her daughter fell asleep which means the hijackers would have had to somehow take Julia out of her seat in order to kidnap without waking Kyle up, and that would have been extremely difficult to do, if it could be done at all.

Question: Does anyone know how long lions can survive without food?

Answer: According to one website, a lion can gorge for 2-3 days on a kill, rest for 24 hours, and show little interest in hunting again until the sixth day.


Question: How did Bruce Wayne determine that Stickley's suicide was a "computer-generated forgery" so quickly? Just because he discovered that Edward Nygma is the Riddler doesn't mean that Stickley was murdered. Is there perhaps something I missed?

Answer: It's a bit of a leap, but it's not entirely unreasonable. He knows that Nygma and Stickley were at odds over Nygma's experiments, and he was suspicious of Stickley's apparent suicide right from the beginning. As such, when it becomes apparent that Nygma's one of the bad guys, it's not much of a stretch to conclude that Nygma killed Stickley, then faked the tape to show a suicide.


Question: If Padmé is Queen Amidala's name, shouldn't all security forces know that it was her instead of the decoy? Wouldn't it be better to hide that name too?

Answer: It's safe to say that all her security staff will be aware of the decoy procedure - otherwise, they wouldn't know who to protect if things really went wrong. As for outsiders, Queen (later Senator) Amidala is her formal name and would be the one that everyone was familiar with; her birth name of Padme Naberrie is unlikely to be generally known.


Question: What was the deal with the spices that smelled fresh in Michael's house?

Answer: It proved that someone had been in the house after the last residents moved out, and quite recently, too. It is just another hint to the "contestants" that the show's producers have set up the whole thing.


Answer: Or Best Offer. Frequently seen in want ads to mean the price is not firm. I'll take $10 or the best other price of all the people who make a bid.


Question: When Mace Windu deflected the sith lightning, did Palpatine fake being weak or in agony? Was it a test to see if Anakin would save him? If so, what did he mean when he shouted unlimited power?

Answer: It may not have been entirely faked, although it does seem somewhat unlikely that a Sith Lord would be affected in any serious way by his own Force lightning, but Palpatine was certainly not remotely as endangered as he made out. It does seem that it was a test, designed to finally ensnare Anakin in the Sith web, by forcing him to turn on another Jedi. His shout of 'unlimited power' seems to have been a final taunt to the suddenly helpless Mace Windu.


Answer: At first they were just wrestling and horsing around. However, underlying tensions and frustrations over their impossible situation, and Ennis' reluctance to commit to Jack, causes their anger (particularly Jack's) to overtake them, and it erupts into a full-blown fight.


Question: Was Ian Holm using contact lenses, or did they do something with his eyes in post production? From the scene where Abberline asks about the Free Masons and onwards his eyes are considerably darker (a deliberate effect I take it).

Answer: His eyes are not just darker, his entire eyes are completely black. This was done by CGI effects to show that the murderous Ripper side to Gull's persona is taking over and is in control.


Question: When Bond saves Tracey in the beginning and she drives off he comments "This never happened to the other fellow". I know this is a joking reference to Sean Connery, but what is Bond supposed to mean within the context of the film? Connery references aside, why would he be saying this?

Answer: It's an entirely intentional aside to the audience, the one occasion in the entire Bond series where the so-called 'fourth wall' (i.e. the cinema screen itself) is broken. As such, within the context of the film itself, it doesn't really have much of a meaning.


Question: What does Teddy mean when he says to Vern "did your mother have any kids who lived?"

Answer: Teddy's making a joking but also insulting remark to Vern. He has a rather low opinion of his capabilities and intelligence.


Question: During the battle of Geonosis, how come the droidekas don't activate their shield generators, like they did in TPM and ROTS? Wouldn't it be better since they are noted to be feared by the Jedi?

Answer: Some of the droidekas have sheild generators and some don't. Recall that when Obi-wan and Qui-gon first encountered them in Ep. 1, Obi-wan said "Master! Destroyers!" A few seconds later he pointed out that they had shield generators, to emphasize that that was the type of droidekas they were.

Matty Blast

Question: I don't quite understand how Willy Wonka's father's house could have moved away from the rest of the block. Could anyone explain that to me?

Answer: It's a joke. It shows what great lengths Dr. Wonka went to to distance himself from his son, by making sure even his childhood home would be gone, but to ponder how this happened is useless. It's a simple joke, nothing more.


Question: I was watching Conan O'Brien the other day, and Bob Saget and Conan were talking about Face/Off. Bob Saget made a comment that Face/Off was about Siegfried and Roy and the entire crowd was shocked. I must be dense - is there something I'm not getting?

Ryan Andersen

Chosen answer: Roy Horn was mauled/attacked by one of his tigers in a show a few years ago. Although his face was not really messed up, the reference was to the attack.

Jason Feng

Question: There are a few shots where Merry and Pippin can be seen on a horse together with a human, both visible in the same shot. Merry's face can sometimes be seen on-screen at the same time as Éowyn's when they are riding and at Isengard the camera in one shot pans from Aragorn's face to Pippin sitting behind him on the horse. How were these shots done? Forced perspective can hardly be used on a horse, especially with Merry who sat in front of Éowyn.

Answer: Most of the time, they would use small actors playing the hobbits (usually in long shots), or specially-built enlarged models of Aragorn or Éowyn sitting next to the regular actor. In some cases, hobbit-sized puppets were also used. The WETA team would then impose Dominic Monaghan's and Billy Boyd's face over the faces of the scale doubles or puppets in post-production.


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