Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why didn't Victor scream for help? He was held captive in a populated apartment. If he had screamed for help while John Doe was away, eventually someone would have called the police. None of the photos show him with a gag in his mouth, either - not even the first one, which was shown in the film.

Answer: It's reasonable to assume John kept him gagged until he was too weak to call out. He would've removed the gag for the pictures.

Yeah, the pictures we see obviously mean we're seeing Victor when John Doe is there.

Answer: Victor chewed off his own tongue, and the doctor states that they found a wide variety of drugs in his system. Perhaps before his tongue was gone, he was not coherent enough to cry out because of all the drugs in his system.

Question: Why didn't Zed (the rapist and apparent security guard) grab the handgun and shoot Marsellus Wallace after the latter shot Zed? The gun was still lying on the crate. Had he picked up the gun, he would have been able to either shoot Marsellus or get shot and killed by Marsellus. Either way he'd escape being tortured by Marsellus' crew.

Answer: After he was shot, he was kinda in a lot of pain and on the floor bleeding, not so surprising he didn't go for the gun anymore. He couldn't have reached it anymore anyway, certainly not with 2 people closer to it ready to kill him.


Chosen answer: He's a multimillionaire with unlimited resources. He probably had his AI do some digging - facial recognition on the picture/video he had?

Annabel Keeley

As evidenced in "Iron Man 3", Tony can easily access GPS, satellite imagery, files, etc. and be able to investigate events even better than the authorities. (Remember that he was able to create an accurate 3D map of the Chinese Theater bombing and work it out when nobody else could.) He very likely was able to use the information available to deduce Parker's identity by tracing his steps, noticing patterns, working out likely candidates, etc., even though nobody else could.


Question: Why does Luke agree to go confront his father right in front of his master? Even if he does win, he should know that either way, he ain't getting off that Death Star alive, still a Jedi.

Answer: He believes he can turn his father back to the light side, and together they can defeat the emperor.

Answer: Luke feels saving his father and defeating the Emperor are goals worth dying for.


Question: Ginny says that the last thing she remembered is Tom coming out of the diary, but we don't know where that actually occurred. Where is he coming out of his diary?

Jenny Smith

Chosen answer: In the Chamber of Secrets. That was when he revealed himself for the first time. Before that, he was merely a "presence" controlling Ginny through the diary.


Halloween - The Final Chapter - S8-E5

Question: Who is in the picture at the end of this episode? Roseanne is holding a baby, and there is a blonde guy in the picture. It's right after the dedication to Jerry Garcia, the 3 of them are wearing tie died shirts.

Answer: That was Roseanne and her then real-life husband, Ben Thomas, with their baby son, Buck. Barr's pregnancy during Season 8 was written into the show.


Question: Why did Voldemort go to all the trouble of having Barty Jr. transform into Mad Eye etc. when he could have simply made anything into a port-key and arranged for Harry to touch it?


Chosen answer: Voldemort's intention was to return via the same portkey in front of the assembled crowd and make his return immediately known in a very public fashion. In order to do so, he needed to wait for the crowd to be assembled. Crouch's job was to ensure Harry got to the portkey first.


Answer: Voldemort had no intention of returning using the portkey. He wanted to kill Harry and have only about a dozen Death Eaters know of his return. Getting the prophecy would be simple as the Order wouldn't have been reassembled. Getting the giants on his side would be done without interference. Breaking others out of Azkaban would be next. He could do so much more without interference from the Order. Harry wasn't supposed to survive and thus warn Dumbledore.

Question: Why is Lionel shown naked in his home at the end of the movie?

Answer: In the beginning of the movie, it's mentioned that Lionel is a nudist. But by the end, he says that he is not in a very harsh tone. In the end, it's shown that he actually, really is a nudist.

Question: What made Vincennes and Exley think Smith was Rollo Tomasi? Surely it wasn't just because he was a criminal.


Chosen answer: As he died, Vincennes mentioned the name "Rollo Tomasi" to Smith because he knew he would follow it up, which would reveal to Exley that he was with with Vincennes when he was killed. Exley did not really think Smith was Tomasi (the purse snatcher who shot his father), but when Smith asked him about the name, he knew he had killed Vincennes. The nickname also fit because Smith had been getting away with his crimes, as "Tomasi" had.


Question: Why was oddball stuck in the cake batter and why was she struggling to get free?

Answer: It appears that she somehow fell in and she was struggling to get out because Cruella was there and because the cake was about to be sliced to be baked.

Chosen answer: He wanted to send a message. Bond seeing Masterson's dead body was a way to tell Bond, and MI6 to stay away. Killing Bond would have had an immediate effect, sure, but MI6 would more than likely send out another 00 agent after him anyway. Goldfinger wanted to be assured that no one would come after him. (As a little side note, Goldfinger didn't actually attack Bond. As we never see who did, It may have been Oddjob or one of his goons).


You can see the silhouette of Odd Job in the room.

Answer: Not knowing who Bond was or what organization he was involved in, Goldfinger figured a warning was in order, to keep Bond and his business away, so he had Jill painted gold to scare them off. Jill was murdered for her betrayal to Goldfinger, who "hated to lose".


Question: While in interrogations Kujan is asking Verbal why Keaton told him to stay back while they were robbing the boat. After a back and forth conversation between them about it they come to the conclusion that it is because Keaton is Kaiser Sose and he wanted Verbal to be his will. However we come to find out this is not true, and Verbal is actually Kaiser Sose, so why did Keaton have Verbal stay back?

Answer: He never did. How they got on the boat and took out the Argentinians could have actually happened in a million different ways. For all we know, verbal went on the boat with them, and then killed them, which is more likely as it is an extra gun. The point of the film is to show how much of a mystery Keyser Soze is, that even after all of that, no one knows who he is. For example, he tells the story as if Soze is Hungarian and killed his wife and kids, but we know this isn't true, because Kint is Soze and he's American. The point is, he's telling so many lies and making up all these stories, so it's got to a point that they don't even know his real nationality. The only reason we though he was Hungarian throughout the film is because Kint told us, but we know his story was a hoax.

Answer: You're missing the point: Verbal is making much of the story up. He's changing facts and events to lead Kujan to think Keaton is Sose.

Answer: Kaiser had manipulated Keaton so much to the point where he thinks Verbal is innocent and wants to let him live.

Answer: Verbal doesn't even know about some of the relevant facts of the story. He acts upset when Kujon asks about so and so when he in fact likely didn't even know about them so he continues to build on his epic tale of fabrications. The entire story is a lie of magnificent proportions.

Question: How could Anthony Hopkins be arrested for turning off his wife's life support? He was acquitted of shooting her, so he's legally considered innocent of that, and he was completely legally entitled to turn off her life support.


Chosen answer: Once Crawford (Anthony Hopkins) took his wife off life support, it resulted in her dying. Crawford was arrested for murder, not because of taking her off life support but because his shooting of her resulted in her death ultimately. Crawford was only tried (and acquitted) for attempted murder. Since this is a new charge, double jeopardy did not apply.

He did not materially pull the plug, though, did he? He went through the proper procedure, and it was within his rights to do so. Not to mention there would be issue preclusion, and the facts established in the previous trial couldn't be relitigated.


Question: In the movie the Ethiopian official is killed with a bullet that had been previously fired through Swaggart's sniper rifle, wrapped in paper to protect the rifling marks, then re-fired through another gun. Where did they get the bullet? The only round fired through the gun is the one Swaggart fired at the soup can. No way they could have found that bullet in the mountainous terrain. A needle in a haystack would have been easier. Even if they did find the bullet it would have been too deformed to be accurate at any distance let alone the extreme distance in question. Why not just use Swaggart's gun to make the shot, or at least produce a pristine round without deformation? Of course then they would have found it lacked a firing pin. What if they had replaced the firing pin and made the shot? Could you imagine Swaggart's embarrassment when he pulled the trigger on Michael Pena to demonstrate the lack of a firing pin? And the expression on Pena's face. Priceless.

jt brady

Answer: After Swaggart left his home, NO bullets could have been fired from his rifle (altered firing pin). What might have been done is to have fired the killing shot with paper-patching so it couldn't be matched to ANY rifle and then just "claimed" it matched Swaggart's barrel.

Answer: Why would you assume that the only bullet fired from the gun is the one at the soup can?

Because he attests that this is the only bullet fired from this gun in the AG's office.

Answer: Another way that works is to have rammed (by rod) a bullet down the barrel of Swaggart's rifle and then used that bullet (with the paper-patching) to load a cartridge used in the assassination. THAT would have Swaggart's barrel markings on it.

Chosen answer: He was an NYPD Detective. Police Detectives, while high-ranking, typically dress in more discreet civilian clothing when on duty.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Why did Castor shoot Dietrich? They were on the same side.


Chosen answer: Although they were on the same side, Troy is currently posing as Archer, which means he would have to do everything that the FBI would expect Archer to be doing. The whole point of the raid was to take out Archer, as well as Troy's gang. He would have rather risked killing part of his own gang than risk exposing his identity to anyone else.

Casual Person

That doesn't really make sense. In the scene, he goes out of his way to shoot him and smiles while doing so, carefully and slowly. Was not a collateral damage situation. The question is why he deliberately goes out of his way to kill him.

Answer: If you watch closely, he saw Archer, went out of his way not to shoot him, instead was aiming for his own son that he didn't know was his, to further traumatize Archer.

Question: If Ultron was so advanced to lift a piece of land / island with thrusters, why didn't he build a remote detonator to drop it?

Answer: He wants the Avengers to try and fail to stop him, and he wants to make a big show of his plan to draw their attention because of that.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Harry delivered his famous "do you feel lucky" monologue at the start, did he know his gun was empty? And when he repeated it at the end, did he know the gun was loaded?


Answer: He certainly knew at the start, which is why he felt confident in pointing the gun at the (disarmed) robber and pulling the trigger. Harry knew he was bluffing, but passed it off so well the robber wasn't sure. At the end of the film, again, he knew he had one bullet left and wanted to bait Scorpio into attacking him, giving him an excuse to fire.

Chosen answer: That question is the entire point of the first scene. You're meant to wonder whether he knew or not. At the end of the film, you're given the impression he does know, and is hoping the killer will attack him, giving him an excuse to fire.

The way I see the scene, he knows that he still has one round, and he is giving Scorpio a chance to live. He will only fire if he has to.


Question: When Gary Oldman detonated the C4, did he die? If so, assuming it wasn't intentional, how did he make that mistake?


Chosen answer: Yes, he did die when he detonated the C4. Also, he made no mistake, detonating the C4 was intentional. He saw the apes as a threat and detonated the C4 as an attempt to kill them all, even if it meant giving up his own life in the process.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The electricity was flickering was because Boo was crying. After Mike trips on the lamp, Boo stops crying and her attention is drawn to Mike, stopping the electricity from flickering.

Casual Person

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