Question: Why was Toad's color palette sometimes way different, primarily in the first couple of episodes? Why didn't they bother changing this with the final results? It's relatively inconsistent on what palette is used in each episode, despite the fact the more recognizable of the two (white mushroom with red spots along with a variety of coloring in clothes) is shown much more often than the other (red mushroom with white spots along with the majority of his clothes being red and white).
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why does Clark keep burning his "S" symbol on the sides of buildings after saving someone? I get him doing it under the influence of red kryptonite, but at this point it just seems like vandalism that Superman would never do. Clark even saw Chloe having to scrub his mark off the wall of Watchtower, which wasn't an easy task. And if it's meant to be a symbol of hope against crime for the people of Metropolis, why burn it into the side of the refinery in Smallville after putting out the fire?
Question: The Bond films have traditionally hired English directors to helm all the films (much to the annoyance of many American directors like Steven Spielberg who would love to direct a Bond film). So why with this film did they decide just once to break tradition and hire a New Zealand born director instead. I'm truly baffled.
Question: When did the Vinyards have to move into the apartment? Had Derek taken over the mortgage after his Dad died? So when he got locked up the payments stopped?
Answer: Bail, lawyers and court costs are very expensive, they most likely mortgaged, sold and borrowed what ever they could for his defense.
Question: In nearly every episode there are two bailiffs standing in the back of the courtroom, a blonde white guy and a black man with glasses. They also appear hanging out in the cafeteria, walking in the halls, etc. However, I don't think they ever had a single line during the entire series run, even in episodes that prominently featured the building's entire bailiff staff. Any reason they made an effort to keep these two extras for the entire run, but never had them say anything?
Answer: Most likely, they were stand-ins for members of the main cast. When lighting sets, rather than have the main actors stand around while they adjust the lights, they will get someone with similar physical characteristics to fill in. Since they are already on the set and have nothing to do during the actual shooting, it is more convenient, and probably cheaper, to also use them as extras.
Answer: Most likely it was about money. Actors who have speaking parts, even if it's only one word, are paid more than "extras", who do not have any dialogue. As the two characters played no part in any of the plots, there was no reason to have them speak lines. Therefore, they were paid less money.
So why hire an extra to play a messenger or bailiff from another courtroom when that pair was already on the set and could have easily said the lines?
What lines? Your question specified that they never spoke any lines and you wanted to know why.
Lines that other extras playing bailiffs said.
If an actor speaks any dialogue, they are billed as "co-stars" and paid at a higher rate than "extras" (also known as Background Actors), who are uncredited. The two you mentioned were regulars who were merely silent background characters used to "dress the set", making the courthouse look more realistically populated. Extras often have no acting ability and are unsuitable for speaking lines. Some people work exclusively as extras in various TV shows and movies and do not actually act or have dialogue.
Question: How many injections does Jekyll need to take to prevent himself from turning into Hyde? The first time Jekyll speaks with Nick, he feels himself about to transform but takes a serum to prevent it but, later, when Jekyll's talking to Nick again, he feels himself about to change again and tries to take another injection.
Answer: As many as needed, Mr. Hyde was asserting himself, trying to take over. Like "Blade," he needed to take more and more injections of the serum, because the vampire blood was getting stronger and stronger.
Question: I'm a bit confused by the end of the movie. When Jake takes off with Keri, where was he taking her? Was Jake going to start a new life with Kari somewhere else or, was he going back to heaven and decided to take her with him?
Answer: He said he came back for her, only in a new face. So, yes, like in the old westerns the hero rode off into the sunset with his lady love.
Question: Near the end of the movie, George and Lorraine say that if it hadn't been for Biff, they never would have fallen in love. Shouldn't they really be thanking "Calvin 'Marty' Kline" for getting them together?
Answer: I agree with you, but the idea is that, if George hadn't rescued Lorraine from Biff in the parking lot, they wouldn't have fallen in love. It's dark as hell to wax nostalgic about an attempted r*pe, but there you go.
Totally agree with your answer. Would add that Lorraine already knew who George was but was unimpressed and had mostly written him off as a goofy nerd. It was George saving her from Biff that totally changed Lorraine's perception. Otherwise, Marty's attempt to push them together probably would have failed.
Question: Now that Shadow the Hedgehog is confirmed for Sonic 3, who do you think could be a good match to voice him?
Answer: Keanu Reeves was announced as voicing Shadow.
Answer: Robert Pattinson or Jason Griffith.
Question: At the end of the film, there is a series of clips and news articles covering the aftermath of the shootout. Does anyone know if the clips in the film are genuine news clips from the aftermath of the event or if they are filmed for the purpose of this movie? One shot shows 3 LAPD officers getting a medal presented to them, one shows footage of people taking gifts to the LAPD etc.
Question: In the 90's TV version, there's an extra scene where Tyler gives Andy a knife and says "A good soldier is always prepared" at the beginning. Later, they trade the knife back and forth. I could swear at the end of the TV version, when Tyler hands Andy the knife and he cuts Chucky's hand off, Tyler screamed "A good soldier is always prepared!" But that isn't on the "Deleted TV Scenes" on the new Shout Factory Blu-Ray. Anyone else remember that extra bit of dialogue, or am I misremembering?
Question: When Dr Connor (Lizard Man) is planning to turn everyone in the city into lizards, what are people going to do when they're lizards? Are they still going to continue their lifestyle, still eat human food, and do other hobbies and activities that humans do?
Answer: Connors believes that humans are too weak and flawed, and that if he transforms them all, he'll create a better, smarter and more powerful species. Presumably, given his motivations are to "improve" humanity, he also believes that society itself will also evolve into something "better" (even possibly utopian) once everyone has transformed. As for all the minutiae like what people will eat, hobbies, etc.? I don't think Connors has really thought about that. His obsession is very surface level, and basically starts and ends at "If I turn people into powerful hybrid beings, everything will be better!" Realistically? There'd probably just be a lot of panic and chaos, a lot of people might hurt or kill themselves when they realise they've changed into another species, and society would probably collapse for a while before slowly rebuilding itself over the course of years.
Question: Why did Linda think Dave had anger issues? During the incident on the plane, he remained calm and never raised his voice.
Answer: It's been a few years since I've seen this film, but if I recall correctly, the entire movie is revealed to have been a setup to make Dave learn about how he has to stand up for himself, since he's too nervous ands bottles up his emotions. She doesn't necessarily think he has "anger issues." She's just in on the whole scheme to teach David his lesson since she loves him and wants to help him.
Question: Why did Lane Henderson (Louise's father) murder his wife?
Answer: In a flashback scene, it was shown that he had a violent temper, so it stands to reason that he finally killed her in a fit of rage.
Question: Why do Kelly and Peggy put tape on the back doors before the tornado?
Question: What was the motive behind the killing of Varga's son?
Answer: Felix Serrano was the biological son of Antonio Vargas, the leader of Durango Cartel. Miguel Rojas (has 2 priors in cocaine distribution, and he launders money), was a Lieutenant with the Durango Cartel, and he worked with Felix Serrano. As for the motive, Miguel shot Felix (his actual target) because they had a falling out, which was presumably drug related, and the four other men at the poker table were just collateral damage (Miguel attempted to make it look like robbery). Later, when Miguel was in Antonio's car wired up with the FBI body cam, Antonio states, "Felix said that things were not going well between the two of you." So Antonio knew Miguel murdered his son Felix. At the end of the episode, after Rina's press conference, note one of the reporters even asks, "What was the motive for the 5 murders?"
Question: When Joey and Melissa tried to catch Bianca cheating on camera, why did she suddenly refuse their advances after she already "made a pass" at each of them? She says that this is her wedding day, but then she has sex with her two stylists. So cheating on the day of her wedding is not an issue for her.
Answer: Apparently, she already planned the encounter with the stylists, so she doesn't have time to be with Joey and/or Melissa now.
Question: How was Michael Sheen able to get Solomon's family to London?
Answer: Bribery, false documents, smuggling. Take your pick.
Answer: Diplomatic immunity.
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Answer: I'm not sure about the idea that Bond films traditionally only hired English directors. Tamahori wasn't even the first New Zealander to direct a Bond film. Martin Campbell is a New Zealander who directed "GoldenEye" in 1995 (and "Casino Royale" in 2006). The first Eon Bond film, "Dr. No" was directed by Terence Young who was Irish, who directed 2 additional Bond films. Technically, Roger Spottiswoode is Canadian, but has dual citizenship. The first non-Eon Bond film, which had 5 directors credited, had 2 Americans, a German, and a Scottish director. And the 1983 film, "Never Say Never Again" was directed by Irvin Kershner who was American. And following Tamahori, there have been Swiss and American directors of Bond films (Marc Foster and Cary Joji Fukunaga).