Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Jack and Max try to kill Mason's son Sonny? They have their masks on and there's no way that Sonny would have identified them.

Answer: He survived the first attempt of his family's murder. There's no telling what he saw or heard. As for the masks, the bad guys were taking no chances, security cameras, cell phones and the unexpected eyewitness.

Question: What is that green thing that Chuck tries to break open by throwing it against a rock wall, and then by hitting it with a rock? Is it really that difficult to break open?

Answer: They were coconuts. Coconuts come in a green shell which is their husk and they are hard to open up, especially when they get older. Most people use a machete or pick ax to get the husk off.


Is the shell as difficult to break open as shown in the movie?

The film does seem to accurately depict how hard it would be for someone who has never opened one before to get into a green coconut. I've never tried throwing one against a rock wall before though.


I was asking if the shell is as difficult to break open by hitting it with a rock as shown in the movie.

For someone who has never tried opening a green coconut, yes it would be.


The inner shell itself is not that difficult to open. Using a pointed rock, you can break through the round-shaped holes at the end to pour out of the liquid. By hitting the coconut's seam running lengthwise down the shell hard against a rock, it will completely split the shell in two around the circumference.


I'm talking about opening the outer shell, not the inner shell.

Answer: It sure is. You have to be gentle when you break it so all the water doesn't just go everywhere, like it would if you pounded it with say, a large rock.


Question: What was with the scene where John picks up and smells the grass after he's snuck out to help Melinda? And what did John mean when he said 'no matter how it happened, Del was the lucky one.' Did John somehow take all that pain so Del wouldn't? I never really got it.

Brandon York

Answer: He smelled the grass because he had missed it being locked up. As for the other thing, John was tired, he constantly felt the pain of others around him, he wanted it to stop. Del died, to John that's the way out, to get rid of the pain. Even though Del felt a lot of pain, for John it doesn't matter, as long as he gets out, so the pain stops. He didn't take Del's pain.


Watch John closely during Del's execution. His body reacts the same as Del's throughout. He said Del's the lucky one because he wouldn't know earthly pain any longer, something that John is longing for by the time of his own execution.


He didn't take his pain.


I believe that John himself had lived a long time because of his powers, maybe he couldn't die from old age, but could be killed like other people, he was tired of being alive, so the execution was his way out.

Answer: He smells the grass, because it's pure.

Question: At the end of the film when Marty sees Doc get shot at the mall the second time why is he crying when he runs over to check Doc? Couldn't he have just grabbed the plutonium that was sitting next to Doc's van, run back to the Delorean with it and travelled back much earlier to warn Doc?

Answer: Technically he could have done so, but that doesn't make it any less distressing to see his friend murdered.

Next to that he doesn't know how the DeLorean works, he doesn't know how to put the plutonium in (or doesn't want to risk using it wrongly, having only seen it loaded once) and he and Doc from 1955 have tampered with it to have it be powered by lightning so it probably wouldn't work properly anyway.


Not to mention that when he came back, the DeLorean conked out and wasn't working.

To add, Marty believed he was watching Doc being murdered again, unaware that he was now wearing a bullet proof vest. Seeing Doc lying there not moving made Marty to upset to do anything at that moment.

Question: Toward the beginning of the movie, when Sonny is being chastised by Miss McGee for dawdling in the hallway, he mutters something in Italian when she turns away. It's audible enough to cause her to turn back and suggest a session of "banging erasers." Does anyone know what he's muttering?

Michael Albert

Answer: Its not really Italian, but roughly he says something like "Fanabala Puttana" which means "You bitch whore." Again, not fully correctly spoken as the actor knows hardly any Italian.


Answer: Sonny says "un altra brutta putana" which translates to another dirty slut.

Answer: Translates to "another stupid b****".

Answer: In the comics Iron Fist is able to use the power on both hands. There is no reason why Danny shouldn't be able to. Presumably he chooses to only use the one fist at a time, focusing all his power into one hand rather than distributing it between 2.

Question: At the end, how were they supposed to rescue Katniss inside the dome? Because her shooting the wire at the dome just as the lightning struck couldn't have been their plan all along? It just seems like a lot of risk for them getting into the flying machine and waiting outside waiting for her to figure out how to incapacitate the dome and to actually manage it.

Answer: Whatever the plan to remove Katniss from the arena was, which was never revealed, it was circumvented by her shooting the dome ceiling with an arrow.


Question: At the end, Charley sees a set of glowing red eyes in the window. Could they be Evil's? The reason I think this is I wasn't to convinced he was really dead after Peter stabbed him. Or could they be Charley's mom's eyes, since we don't know if Evil was really telling the truth about her having to work nights, and attacked her. Or could Charley's eyes just be playing tricks on him?

Answer: There's really no way to answer this, because this scene was just intended as a stinger for the audience. Stingers like these are often added to the end of horror films. You could make an argument that it's supposed to be Evil Ed; the audio from earlier in the film is played with his laugh and the "You're so cool, Brewster!" line. But that wouldn't make sense because if Ed wasn't really dead he would have been freed from being a vampire when Jerry is killed just like Amy. Its definitely not Charley's mother, she is most certainly alive and well. The scene plays out like Charley's eyes may be playing tricks on him. In short, it's not really supposed to be anyone's eyes in particular. It's really just something added to the end of the film to get a rise out of the audience.


The Mad Scientist - S1-E1

Question: So I have seen several places where people have been claiming that The Mad Scientist in this first episode was based on Nikola Tesla, and have seen many people complaining about him being portrayed as a bad guy in this. However, IMDb trivia states that "Boris Karloff' engineer Poelzig in Edgar G. Ulmer's The Black Cat (1934) was the inspiration for The Mad Scientist..." I've tried looking into it a little bit, but I can't seem to determine which is the correct person that The Mad Scientist was based on... Maybe both?

Quantom X

Show generally

Question: Can someone explain to me what a red shirt means? I know in one episode when someone broke Bill's high school touchdown record that Hank mentioned that Bill was red shirted because Bill went into the army before he graduated thus compelled Bill to go back to high school and try and break the record again.

Answer: A redshirt refers to a student athlete that is allowed to practice with a team while attending school, but otherwise does not play in games.


Answer: The main point of being red-shirted is that a student athlete only has 4-years of eligibility to play. By red-shirting as a freshman, a student is allowed to practice, to get better, bigger, etc and then still be able to play for 4 years (seasons).


Question: What did Sarah and Enrique say to each other in Spanish, before greeting each other?


Answer: Sarah also calls Enrique "sneaky like a snake."

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: All I hear is Sarah saying, "Enrique? You here?" And Enrique says, "Good to see you, Connor. Always knew you'd come back" or something like that.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Also, a key point: 34 years have gone by in the story from the first film until this first episode here. In all those years, anything could have happened that we don't see in the film.

Answer: The first episode really only shows that Johnny still hates Daniel. Daniel is shown being friendly with Johnny when Johnny visited the car shop. Johnny was down and out and he was most likely jealous of Daniel's success. Only when Johnny was still giving Daniel a hard time did Daniel start feeling the hate again.

Answer: Actually, at the end of the first film (and by extension the beginning of the second), the only interaction they have is when Johnny presents Daniel with the trophy and compliments him on the match. Daniel never intervenes in the parking lot confrontation, and there is no indication that Johnny and Daniel have become friendly to any degree. This does not necessarily mean they've patched things up. Also, the previous answer that points out Daniel's initial friendliness and Johnny's hostility is correct.


Question: If you have the film on iTunes, or Blu ray, it has descriptive audio. Turn on the descriptive audio, and go to the beginning of the credits. It says" this has been described by miles [somebody]." How do you spell his last name?

Answer: It's Miles Neff.

Question: Why is it that when Selene was bitten by Viktor she didn't receive his memories, which would tell her he was the one who killed her family, but when Michael was bitten by Lucian he got his memories which told him about Sonia?

Answer: Firstly, Vampire Elders like Viktor have control over the memories they pass on. Secondly, Selene was not an immortal when bitten so she would not have seen any blood memory visions. Thirdly, it seems generally only the blood drinker sees the memories. So why did Michael see Lucian's memories? Could be because he was a descendent of Corvinus and had this latent ability, or he did ingest some Lycan blood (as Lucian had just been shot by Selene).


Question: After the monsters brutally assaulted the toon squad, including Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck during the great game, why are Bugs and Daffy still in good condition while the other members, except Lola, are injured?

Roman Curiel

Answer: Because Bugs and Daffy are the great stars and have to be seen to still be ready and able. Same goes for Lola the sporty girl, the image of girl power. The rest look that way because its comical. They are toons.


Question: How did the symbiote become so big? In the beginning it was tiny, and at the end it was huge. And why didn't Peter do something when the symbiote took over Eddie? He could problably hear him scream downstairs.

Answer: The symbiote feeds on emotion and possibly the environment around it. It latched onto Peter while he was having an emotional nightmare and that fueled it as it bonded with him. It had plenty of time to grown on him and Eddie by the end of the film. And as far as Peter hearing Eddie, Peter was ringing a large church bell while practicality standing inside it. It was loud and huge. It would have still been giving off noise while Peter was up there recovering in the time it too for Venom to fall down onto Eddie. Also with a huge bell ringing that loudly right by Peter's head undoubtedly would have messed with his hearing for a few minutes. He probably had a headache and his own ears ringing from it for a good while, preventing him from hearing Eddie even if the bell was quiet after.

Quantom X

Question: How does CRS simulate the gunshots when they're "shooting" at them? They're supposed to be using blanks, but how did they get the bullet holes in the building, or in the car when they're driving away?

Answer: Presumably they're doing the same thing that movies do... using devices called "squibs." They are essentially small, relatively harmless explosive devices that can be used to simulate bullet impacts.


Show generally

Question: At beginning of Peep Show, Mark and Jez approach one another. They look into a TV in shop. They are the wrong way around in the TV image. Is this a continuity error or a subtle joke I've missed?

Answer: There's no mistake or joke. The camera simply doesn't create a mirror image (otherwise the writing on the truck would be reversed). When we see Mark, he has a newspaper under his right arm (the viewer's left) and then Jeremy is to his left (the opposite side of the newspaper). In the TV, the newspaper is still under Mark's right arm (the viewer's left). If they were looking in a mirror or reflection, then Mark would be on the other side.


Question: When RoboCop is being stripped, what is that thing Hob squirts him with before the scene cuts? And how many crazy directives does OCP give RoboCop after he's reprogrammed?

Brandon York

Answer: To answer the first question, it's some sort of tubing and fluid from inside of Robocop... so something like oil or something along those lines. Something that Robocop's robotic body uses to function. As for the second question, I do not believe it's ever mentioned specifically, but online searches say it's over 300 new directives. (Though we never see all of them).


Question: A few years ago, the original film was finally released on Blu-Ray. Are there any current plans for the sequels to be given a similar treatment? The only editions it seems are available are the old 2004 DVD's, and rather shoddy unofficial import Blu-Rays that are just upscales of the DVD.


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