Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: It is probably Sodium Thiopental, know by the trademarked name, Sodium Pentothal, or Truth Serum. Thiopental is still used in some places as a truth serum. The barbiturate drugs as a class decrease higher cortical brain functioning. Since lying is more complex than the truth, suppression of the higher cortical functions may lead to the divulgement of the "truth."


Question: What does Fowler signal when the truck full of marines pass a car with a woman with a veil in it?

Answer: Its a crude gesture meaning "I want to perform oral sex on you."

Grumpy Scot

Question: What would happen to Erin's interview if Darcy fires Nick, as it was Nick who arranged to meet her?

Answer: She would come in and explain it and they would either cancel it or interview her anyway.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What music is played in the scene of Norrington's promotion ceremony, where he receives the sword from governor Swann?

Answer: It's an instrumental version of the song Rule Britannia.


Show generally

Question: Is there any meaning behind the name of the street that the Hills live on, Rainey Street?

Answer: It's a real street in Austin, Texas, and was apparently where Johnny Hardwick (one of the show's writers and the voice of Dale Gribble) used to live.


Question: What is the class Anna is taking throughout the film?

Answer: She is taking Jewish classes - she is planning to convert.


Question: Is there any word that Felicia (the other girl that Peter dates in the TV series) will be in the movies?

Answer: There are no indications of Felicia Hardy showing up any time soon. However in Spider-Man 3 we will meet Gwen Stacy, another one of Peter's girlfriends from the comics.

Question: If the Buckets were very poor, then why do they even have TV? Why don't they use the extra money for food?

Answer: The Buckets weren't always dead broke. The TV may have been purchased before they became impoverished.


Answer: TV is kind of a necessity. Here in the UK debt collectors can't take a TV if it's the only one in the house. Also, they can't afford newspapers so how would they catch up on news? The TV will last for a while whereas it would only buy a few days worth of food, so the TV is a more sustainable option.

Answer: In addition to the other answer about TV basically being a necessity, there's also the very real chance that they got the TV for dirt-cheap or even free somewhere. It looks like a crummy old antenna TV anyways. They often get old TV's in things like thrift stores or flea markets, etc. I actually specifically look for things like old TV's and VCR's in thrift store and find them a lot since I enjoy collecting old analog media and devices. Plus, given that the grandfather used to work for Wonka, it's entirely possible that he bought it in the past before the family became so poor.


Answer: Don't they have to pay for a monthly subscription? Isn't cable paid for every month?

This was based on the book, not the timeframe of the movie. There was no cable for TVs when the book was written OR in the 1971 original film. Yes, cable was available in 2005 at this film's time but that's not the logic here.

Question: At the start of the film, where the stage light falls from the 'sky', it says Sirius on it. Are we meant to presume that this stage light lit up the place in the sky where the star Sirius would be in real life?

Answer: That would seem like a logical deduction, yes. The light was presumably on some sort of track to allow it to simulate the movement of the heavens caused by the rotation of the Earth.


Question: Does the vault number 713 (the philosopher's stone's Gringott vault number) have any symbolic meaning or is it just a random number?

Answer: If there is any symbolic meaning to it, only J.K. Rowling knows the answer. One possibility, seven is a lucky or "good" number; thirteen is considered unlucky or synonymous with evil. By being together, they may balance each other out.


Question: What's with Obi-Wan disappearing when he dies? I mean, I've never seen anyone else in the Star Wars 6-logy do it.

Answer: Yoda does it as well. This is linked to the bit at the end of Episode 3 when Yoda tells Obi-wan that his old mentor Qui-gon has managed to 'return' through the Force and instructs him to learn how this can be done. As such, when they die, both Yoda and Obi-wan are, in some unexplained manner, absorbed into the Force - this is what allowed Obi-wan to continue to communicate with Luke during the subsequent films.


Question: Why does Sue tell Reed that there "never was" a "her and Vince"? Weren't they together for two years?

Answer: She was working for him for 2 years but there was never an actual relationship. Victor wanted it to go further hence why he was going to propose. If you notice on the space station when he talks about their relationship Sue is talking is a strcitly business sense.

dgemba dgemba

Answer: Yes, it is a real condition, although debated by some. IMS is by this page considered the male equivalent of menopause for woman.


Show generally

Question: What is the episode and the season where Chandler and Monica get engaged? They share a bathtub together, and the other friends (sans Ross) do the "They don't know that we know that they don't know".

Answer: You are actually referring to three separate episodes from two different seasons. They share a bath in the season five episode "TOW all the Kissing" (2nd episode). The episode with the "they don't know that we know that they know" is "TOW Everybody Finds Out" (14th episode of season 5). They get engaged in the season six finale, a two-part episode titled "TOW the Proposal".

Show generally

Question: At the end of the last ever episode, when Claire is taking the family photo, Nate whispers in her ear 'You can't take a picture unless it's already gone.' What does he mean by that?

Answer: Nate actually say "You can't take a picture of this, it's already gone." It's kinda hard to explain, but he's referring to the fact that the moment Claire wants to take a picture of is over already, and she can't take a photo of it, just a different, lesser moment.

Mistaken Identity - S1-E6

Question: Carlton and Will are in the holding cell at the police station, singing a song about Moses letting his people go, when all of a sudden their burly cellmate starts singing the rest of the song in a very operatic manner. There is only one lyric I could pick up: "Tell the Pharaoh/Let my people GO.", but unfortunately the rest of the lyrics (or its title) are nowhere to be found on the Internet. What is the name of this song, and where could I possibly find the words to it?

Answer: This is very old and well-known African-American spiritual of unknown provenance. Louis Armstrong did a famous version "Go Down Moses". There is not an "offical" name but it is usually referenced as "Let my People Go" or from the first line "When Israel was in Egypt's land". If you search the web with either of these phrases and the word "lyrics" you will have hundreds of sites showing the full lyrics.

Luna Negra

Show generally

Question: How does the ranking actually work? Winters seems to be promoted but keep the same title, is this right?

Answer: Winters was promoted from 2nd Lieutenant to 1st Lieutenant during training (at Toccoa). He was promoted to Captain and Major during the war. 2nd and 1st Lieutenants are usually just called Lieutenant but, other than that, he was always referred to appropriately.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the scene where Bruce finds the body of Jimmy Hoffa and the other news stations' van has marijuana in it, you can see small trees inside the van. Does marijuana even grow into trees?

Answer: If you trim it right and bind the stalks it could easily resemble a tree.


Question: When Hanks sings "Every once in a while." he has a guitar with him but he hardly uses it while he sings. He strikes it once or twice but soft enough for the sound to be virtually non-existent. Is that a mistake, or was that meant to happen for comedic purposes, or doesn't the song require that much effort with a guitar?

Answer: He's not really a musician. He is just messing around.

William Bergquist

Question: At the end when Dr. Gordon cuts his foot off, he tells Adam he'll go and get help when he escapes. So wouldn't Adam be able to escape as well once Dr. Gordon gets help? Or would Jigsaw catch up with Dr. Gordon and kill him?

Answer: Dr. Gordon is in Saw 7. Adam is killed by Amanda Young.

I also want to know why Dr Gordon never sent help back for Adam. They were fellow sufferers and even though Dr Gordon joined with jigsaw, he could have called 911 and sent help back for Adam.

I assume that Amanda came along and killed Adam before Dr. Gordon could do anything.

Answer: There's still a lot about Dr. Gordon that's not clear. Knowing what we know by Saw 3D, the dialogue between Adam and Dr. Gordon in Saw I almost makes it seem that Dr. Gordon could have been in on the game. Then again, if he was, Jigsaw wouldn't have let Dr. Gordon saw off his own foot.

Answer: It's because the actor didn't want to come back. There are several ways Adam could have returned at this point. Several clues that could have brought him back. It was probably originally intended for both Adam and Dr Gordon to return at some point, even if there were no plans for a sequel.

It is also way too late to have Leigh Whannell come back as Adam in 2023, as the last time he was physically filming new footage was in Saw III back in 2006 - which was 17 years ago - and he's aged a lot since then. Especially considering Saw X will be post-Saw/pre-Saw II, it wouldn't make sense if Adam comes back and ages 17 years in the space of a couple of months, unless they de-aged him. If Adam appears in Saw X, it will most likely be a new recast actor or through archive footage.

Also, when you take into account that "Saw" was filmed in September/October 2003, meaning Leigh Whannell would have been 26 when the film was being made, and he is 47 years old now.

Answer: I assume that Amanda came along and killed Adam before Dr. Gordon could do anything.

Answer: He might have tried to, because we don't know how long Lawrence was in John's care before he got released. By the time he was fully healed, Amanda already probably killed him.

As stated in another answer, the nerve gas house and bathroom underneath it is the one place Dr Gordon is never shown by Jigsaw until the events of Saw 3D. Dr Gordon is in the care of Jigsaw and simply cannot get help to Adam.


Exactly. Also, with all that transpired, despite his "promise," Gordon had a lot of other stuff to worry about physically and mentally that he probably wasn't considering when he said he'd come back.

Answer: It's not until Saw 3D that Jigsaw tells Dr Gordon the location of the bathroom (assuming Lawrence passed out after cauterizing his leg after leaving the bathroom and never truly knew where it was)... (from SAW 3D) Hello Dr. Gordon. You are perhaps my greatest asset. Without you, my work over the last few years would not have been possible. That having been said I have a request. Watch over Jill, and should anything happen to her, I want you to act immediately on my behalf. In return for that, I will keep no more secrets from you. I've shown you a lot of places, but there is one that will be perhaps the most meaningful to you.

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