Question: In the book, it's revealed that Katie spent 6 months in hospital after the cursed opal necklace attacked her. How was it so harmful? It does seem fairly sharp, but there's no blood or cuts in her neck.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why exactly does the woman write "run" on Teddy's note pad?
Chosen answer: Because she knows that Teddy is really Andrew, who is an inmate/patient, and she knows that the whole FBI agent scenario is a farce. She is trying to warn him to get away while he has a chance during the charade of the "investigation" of the missing patient.
Question: The cast of full house use both staircases - downstairs one in the living room and one in the kitchen, but there is only one staircase upstairs, and it does not matter which staircase they use, because they always end up in the same place. How is that possible?
Answer: You only see one staircase upstairs because the living room stairs end at the hallway above the living room. The ones you see upstairs by the bedrooms are the ones from the kitchen.
Question: Does "pattycake" also mean something sexual? We were obviously at first supposed to think Jessica and Acme had sex, but if they were, why would she say "pattycake" and why does Maroon say "You're not the first guy whose wife went pattycake on him"? Am I missing out on something?
Chosen answer: According to the director, Pattycake is the toon equivalent to sex.
The One With Rachel's Assistant - S7-E4
Question: A guy sits in the chair by the couch in Central Perk and Chandler just says "no no no no" and asks him to leave. Is it just some random extra, or someone from the cast/crew/a fan? Seems like a part they'd get someone "special" to play. [I get the point of the joke, I'm wondering specifically about the casting of this part!]
Answer: It was just a random extra, who auditioned who the part.
Question: I heard that originally the character of Lt. Ripley was supposed to be male, is this true?
Answer: Lt. Ripley stands as one of the first strong female lead characters in American science-fiction. In an early version of the script, writers Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett had written all of the roles as generic male ones with a note in the script explicitly stating "The crew is unisex and all parts are interchangeable for men or women." It was left to director Ridley Scott and the casting agents to choose the cast of any gender composition they wished.
Day 6: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - S6-E23
Question: When VP Daniels and Tom are in the oval office talking about K Hayes and B Buchanan, as Tom leaves the room it cuts to a close up of VP Daniels. Just behind him is a photograph in a frame where the photo somehow moves? Was this intentional, as it caught my eye and I cannot explain it.
Question: Are there differences between the theatrical, DVD, Blu-Ray, and TV versions of the movie?
Chosen answer: No alternate versions of the movie have been released. The version you watch is the version everybody watches. It probably would be edited for free-to-air TV, but almost all movies are.
Question: I've seen this movie a million times and I still can't figure out the whole "Peter having one testicle because another guy had a pencil in his back pocket because he was a lawyer while they were playing basketball" thing. I got that they were playing basketball but still, can someone please explain to me how Peter lost a testicle while playing a game? Thank you.
Answer: Peter was being boxed out by the other guy, so the other guy was putting his back against Peter's front. With a pencil sticking out of his back pocket, you can imagine how some damage might be done.
Question: In the end it seems like they were going to end the series, saying bye to Rudy and them leaving, being all upset. Why did they try to end it, then start it back up with a different dojo?
Answer: This was intended to be the series finale but it was so popular at the time that a fourth season was added after this episode was filmed. Adjustments had to be made to film the new season including a new set and compensating for missing cast members.
Answer: I think they must've thought Rudy was leaving town for a few years. Either that or they were originally ending the series.
Question: In the beginning of the movie when the guy is shot while sipping coffee in that outdoor little cafe, the assassin fires two rounds. #1 hits the young mother in the forehead, #2 kills the guy sitting at the little table, then the spy is shot. He only fires twice, so how did he kill 3 people?
Answer: I've watched the scene several times - the people at the cafe are the British spy Prideaux, his contact, the young mother, an old man behind them and two men to the right side. When Prideaux walks away, the waiter runs out and fires wildly, hitting the mother in the head. He then fires again and hits Prideaux in the back. No one else appears to have been hit, the other men at the cafe are just moving to get out of the way.
Question: When Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan arrive on Tatooine they feel a disturbance in the force. Is this due to The Sith Lord or Anakin?
Answer: Most likely it was Anakin's presence, as Darth Maul arrived on Tatooine after Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.
Question: At one point in this episode, a photo of an Oklahoma driver's license is shown. Is Oklahoma misspelled?
Chosen answer: No, it's spelled correctly. It's written in cursive so it might just seem misspelled.
Question: Why did Jade break up with Beck?
Answer: Jade breaks up with Beck because he was hanging out with another girl, which she didn't like.
Question: How was Sara so sure that there was no engineer on the train, considering that she was not able to get to the front carriage to find out?
Chosen answer: Most likely from the speed at which the train was going, a train is like driving any large vehicle. You have to maintain a certain pace, to stop at an instant, for the unexpected.
My Day Off - S1-E9
Question: What is the song playing at the nightclub "The Free Clinic" when JD walks in to see Turk dancing with Jennifer?
Chosen answer: "Absolutely Wasted" by Sporting Riff Raff. Sample lyric: "I wanna get rinsed / get off my face / wanna have a party now in this place / get plastered, pasted, absolutely wasted."
Question: What is the significance of the wound and blood we see on the back of Ray Liotta when he takes off his coat for a minute? The camera focuses in, so it is important, but I have never figured that out. It almost seems just where the wound would be where he stabbed the cop who was driving his car.
Question: A nit-picky question, but why did Hermione tear out a book's page of information about the basilisk? I have read the novel and Professor McGonagall says that she was found *near* the library when petrified, not *in* it. So I am puzzled about why she would want to damage a book instead of borrowing it.
Answer: A number of books in the library were restricted - either they were off limits to students or they could be read but not checked out. This was probably such a book. Hermione loved books, and would not normally approve of damaging them, but this was too important to her, and she needed that specific information. Of course, it also serves the overall plot because Harry finds the page after she's been petrified, and he is able to glean clues from it.
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Chosen answer: She wasn't injured by the necklace. Simply touching it cursed her. It was the curse itself that hospitalized her, not physical damage done by the necklace.
Phixius ★