Question: In the back seat of De Winter's car, at lunch from the inquest, I can't get all of what Favell says: As he throws a chicken bone out of the car window, he says, "By the way, what do you do with old bones..." and then I lose it. At the end, he says, "however, for the time being."
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: The dress Claire is wearing when Doug goes back to rescue her is not the same dress she is wearing at the autopsy. I don't understand this. Also when the terrorist calls Claire about her car, the truck he was using for the bomb had not yet been shot by Minudi. So he called her before he knew he would need her Bronco?
Answer: The second part of your question: the bad guy needed a truck. He called Claire but they can't deal. SO he bought another truck. That truck shot by the policeman. Because he don't have enough time he must call Claire again to buy her truck.
Answer: When Doug went back previously, he managed to save Claire and took her home. However he left her there instead of taking her with him to the ferry. The bomber would have suspected Claire had survived the explosion at the cabin and would have gone back to Claire's house in case she showed up there. Doug would have left her there thinking she would be safe. But after he left the bomber would show up, discover she had survived and killed her the exact way he was originally planning to. Only this time she would be killed in her dress. When Doug went back for the last time, he remembered seeing Claire at the morgue in her dress and knew then that she would only survive if he took her with him to the ferry, which he does. That one act is what saves everyone in the end because Claire ends up distracting the bomber long enough for Doug to kill him. That decision to take her with him finally closes the loop. Mission accomplished.
Nice answer. But then why is Claire's body ever discovered with a red dress and her fingers cut off? There is a weak argument that the first time Doug goes back he happens to make the trip a few seconds too late. Even then, with cut off fingers, you'd drop her off at the hospital, not at home, thus she wouldn't be killed and dumped in the river.
Question: When the Count rides in, what does he leave sitting on the seat in the carriage?
Answer: It is the family crest.
Question: What is the pink thing Danny is holding in his right hand in the dance scene at the end of the movie? He and Sandy jump into the scene singing and the next time you see them, they are in the car flying off. Is it a pink slip?
Answer: At the beginning of the thunder road scene, the leader of the rival gang, Leo, explains that they are "racing for pinks." When questioned, he clarifies "pinks man: ownership papers" (meaning the winner of the race at thunder road will win ownership of the losers car). Since Danny won the thunder road race, he won Leo's car. I understood the car at the end of the movie to be that car (repainted). The pink thing he was holding on that scene may have been his new ownership papers for Leo's car.
Question: When Dean and Annie are at the restaurant/bar, they go outside and with plastic wine type glasses Dean pours some champagne in their glasses. When Annie picks up her glass, the bottom comes off. She says, Oh I lost my bottom! Was that in the script or was it a blooper? I've always felt it was a blooper and if it was Annie covered it so well. Thanks.
Answer: Goldie Hawn mentioned in an interview that it was a blooper. She explained that she and Kurt Russell are so comfortable with one another that it wasn't really like acting, and she reacted naturally.
Question: Why was this movie released in the UK through Warner Bros (at least on DVD), and not Paramount? I'm getting the Paramount information from a corrected entry about how the Paramount logo changes into the South Park Mountain.
Chosen answer: Viacom and Time Warner jointly owned Comedy Central, and Comedy Central owned the rights to South Park. Paramount is the parent company of Viacom and Warner Bros is the parent company of Time Warner. So essentially they agreed to split distribution, in what has been described as a "jump ball", with Paramount taking the US and WB taking the international markets.
Question: What was the reasoning behind Derek specifically being targeted for abduction?
Chosen answer: Back in Target Rich, a hitman named Giuseppe Montolo dies whilst being interrogated by Derek. The men who abducted Derek were hired by his father, Chazz, who seems to blame Derek for his son's death. It's explained further in A Beautiful Disaster.
Question: When Brutus and Nero capture Penny trying to run away, Brutus holds her by the straps on her dress. but when returning to the riverboat, Brutus holds Penny upside by her underwear. If it were possible, how would Brutus have managed to turn Penny upside down like that without releasing her and letting her run off again?
Chosen answer: It could be she got loose again when they were heading back and Brutus grabbed her again but this time by her underwear.
Question: At the fashion show that's not in Paris, Miranda tells Herb, "no business tonight" then she is in his hotel room in Paris. Are they seeing each other?
Answer: They were not seeing each romantically. At the fashion event, Miranda had made a vague reference to Herb about the deal she'd made with him to have Jacqueline take the creative director position that Nigel was supposed to have with James Holt's new company. Herb had quickly changed the subject, which was when Miranda made that comment. Herb had been planning to oust Miranda from Runway and replace her with Jacqueline. Miranda had basically strong-armed Herb into the other deal by threatening to take the majority of Runway's writers, designers, models, photographers, etc. with her if she was forced out as editor.
Question: When Gordon faked his death, many people think he faked getting shot, but if you look closely you'll see he really was shot. So how did he fake his death? He would've needed to go to hospital.
Chosen answer: Gordon is a smart man. He knew for sure that someone was going to try to kill the mayor so he hatched a plan just in case that went down. Since we see blood, it could be assumed that he was wearing a bulletproof vest with a fake blood pouch to make it seem more realistic. Some other officers knew about this plan, so they were more than likely the ones that transported him away quickly before anyone could see that he was faking.
Question: When Bond goes with Sharkey to the warehouse at night (after Bond met with Krest during the day), did Bond know that Killifer was in league with Sanchez and something to do with Felix's injuries before Killifer showed up with the gun and suitcase holding the $2 million Sanchez paid him to help him escape? Also when Killifer is hanging over the shark tank, he attempts to bribe Bond into helping him by saying that he'll split the $2 million with him, to which Bond declines and throws the case at him instead causing him to fall into the tank. But couldn't Bond have just kept the money and used it later on to frame Krest with?
Answer: Although Bond was suspicious of Kilifer (hence the look he gives him at the wedding party), he didn't know for sure until they met at the warehouse. So Bond probably did suspect him. As for the money, Bond was not only angry that Killifer betrayed Leiter over it, but had the audacity to offer him half after trying to kill him. So as far as he was concerned, if it meant so much to him...he can die with it. Bond simply had no interest in using the money which nearly got his friend killed.
Question: Why were Hesher and Nicole having sex? Had they become close enough to want each other or was Nicole really a prostitute like TJ accused her of being and needed the money? Or did Hesher just go around there and force the issue telling her he wanted her and forcing himself onto her?
Answer: She wasn't a prostitute...the broken mess in her and the broken mess in him needed sexual release. This was not a transaction or emotions...they were never going to be together, this was just sex.
Question: What is the meaning of the flashing lights at the end of the movie (after the camera pans from Alex reading the book at the park)?
Chosen answer: The flashing lights are to create a sense of uneasiness again. Gaspar Noe uses low frequency sound to create nausea, headaches, and disorientation in the beginning and uses it again here to make the viewer feel sick after the mood changes dramatically. Also it symbolizes the chaos that occurs in the universe & how life can easily spiral out of control as it does in the movie.
Question: When the Chinook is shot down the pilot pulls a lever and it seems to activate an explosive and detach the forward section. Is this a real life procedure on Chinooks?
Answer: No it doesn't detach anything it was the explosion that blew the chinook into two parts.
Question: At the opening of the movie, when it shows the wagon in the river, what is the white thing in the water toward the right of the screen near the bank? At first it looks like rapids, but looking closer it looks more like something rolling in the water.
Answer: A barrel.
Question: Why did Cal help Jack and Rose but then try to kill them?
Chosen answer: Even though Rose repeatedly spurned Cal's affections in favor of Jack, Cal still maintained feelings of love and devotion for her. Cal did, with Jack's help, encourage Rose into a lifeboat in order that she might be saved. In the process, he told her that he had an arrangement with a ship's officer for another boat in another part of the ship which he and Jack could board. But that was a lie. He never had any intention of helping Jack. Jack had already surmised that Cal was lying, but played along in order to help convince Rose to save herself. Cal revealed the truth to Jack as the boat was being lowered. It seems Cal believed (or hoped) that once Jack was out of the picture, Rose would become the kind of wife he desired. However, after Rose abandons the lifeboat, and returns to the Titanic, Jack runs after her so they can live or die together. At that point, it finally becomes obvious to Cal that he will never have her. In his rage and jealousy, he lays chase, and unsuccessfully attempts to shoot them with his manservant's gun as they disappear into the flooding dining room.
Answer: I believe the chase was also an ingenious way for Cameron to show flooding in various parts of the luxury areas that had previously been shown in its opulence, a good juxtaposition.
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Chosen answer: From the screenplay of "Rebecca" which I found on-line, and verified by looking at two different versions, the entirety of the line is: "By the way, what do you do with old bones? Bury them, eh what? However, for the time being - you know, Max, I'm getting awfully fed up with my job as a motor-car salesman."
Michael Albert