Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Darby rape and kill Clyde's wife and daughter? Seems pointless, given that Darby and Ames were only there to rob the house.


Chosen answer: Maybe Ames was only there for the robbery, but given how quickly Darby decided to commit rape, it may be something he has done before and decided to take advantage of once he saw that there was a woman home that he could have his way with.


Question: Clyde says to Darby, "Now, what we don't want is you swallowing your tongue, so bear with me" and then inserts some kind of mouthpiece into Darby's mouth. What does it do, and why does he not want Darby swallowing his tongue?


Chosen answer: The devices he places in Darby's mouth is to keep his tongue in place. He doesn't want Darby to swallow his tongue (i.e. choke) because he wants him to be awake and alert for the duration of his torture. This is also why he gives him an adrenaline IV to keep him from passing out as well as tourniquets for his severed limbs to prevent him from bleeding to death.


Chosen answer: This can be a little confusing, but here goes: Early in the film, Boris escapes from the lunar prison and returns to Earth, confronting both agents K and J and telling Agent K that he's "already dead" (Boris was implying that he was going back to 1969 to kill K at the Apollo launch site, thus preventing K from deploying the ArcNet). When Boris does kill K in 1969, it changes the timeline, so only Agent J can remember K's existence in 2012. When Agent J goes to MIB headquarters the next day, he is baffled that nobody remembers K, and Agent J has to convince Chief Agent O that K was alive just the day prior. It is Chief Agent O who deduces the timeline fracture, and J suddenly understands that Boris killed Agent K in 1969 at the Apollo launch, preventing K from deploying the ArcNet (which necessitates J going back in time to save Agent K). Although J tried to keep all of this a secret from 1969 Agent K, he eventually admits to K that Boris killed K at the Apollo launch.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: For 40 years I have wondered why there were two sets of slippers. In the scene after the ball and Edward is holding the lost slipper, the king remarks how small it is, he could have tried them, and they would have fitted. Later in the glass case we see the real small slipper.

Answer: It's the same slipper, after failing to find Cinderella, the Prince erects that monument to his lost love.

Answer: I have paused the movie several times and there are 2 different pairs of slippers. One pair is low cut, barely covering the foot. The other pair is higher up on the foot. The second pair was used for the screens of the slipper being tried on all the girls as well as in the case and when she finds it in the grass. But the close-ups are of the low cut shoes. You can't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because I've been picking apart movies since I was a kid and I'm 63 years old now.

Question: If John Connor and the resistance are so good at reprogramming Terminators (They have done it 3 times during the series), why don't they just use them to help fight the war? Continuously sending them back in time may have kept Connor alive, but has achieved little else.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: As long as Skynet kept sending other Terminators into the past to kill John Connor before he became the leader of the human resistance, it was necessary to keep sending reprogrammed Terminators into the past as well so that the timeline would not be altered, thus resulting in a Skynet victory. While it is possible that John and the resistance may have used reprogrammed Terminators to help them in the future, this was never depicted or otherwise mentioned within the film series.


Chosen answer: Ruby quartz. In the comics and various adaptations, ruby quartz is the only substance that can hold his eye beams at bay. There is a scene in "X-Men: Apocalypse" where Hank gives Scott some glasses made out of ruby quartz, along with an explanation of why they will work.


Answer: I believe they meant Freddie is only helping them as in not Sam and Flick.

Answer: No specific reason is given; it's most likely intended to highlight that her family are bad people (they are drug dealers after all) and to show in contrast that Mathilda and her little brother are not, so we feel badly for them.


Question: What did Harry ask Mary Jane to do when he kidnapped her just before she asked Peter out to meet her on the bridge? Did Harry asked Mary Jane to break up with Peter or else he will kill/harm Peter?

Answer: In a nutshell, yes. Harry wants revenge against Peter/Spider-Man because he incorrectly believes he killed Harry's father. He wants to make Peter suffer, and he knows making Mary Jane break up with him will be devastating.


Question: When the cop arrives at Luke's house and informs Helga of his parents' death, what was he holding in his hand?

Answer: It is the mother's scarf or shawl.

Question: When the U-boat is at 200 meters depth, and even deeper, it is attacked with depth charges. We can see the charges explode close to the hull. Was it really possible to set charges to explode at this depth? In 1943 the US developed depth charges that could be set to 180 meters.

Dan Agardh

Answer: The Royal Navy Depth Charge Mark VII could be detonated as deep as 270 meters, this is after 1940 but before 1943. This is below the crushing depth of the Type viic U-boat from the movie.


Question: Why did the scourging of the Shire never take place in the film?


Chosen answer: The film was already quite long and the plot was complicated with many characters. Adding the Shire scourge would be nearly impossible to incorporate without completely bogging down the story and the pacing. It was implied in one scene as a shadowy premonition that this could happen to the Shire if Sauron wasn't defeated.


Question: Who is the 2nd in command of Sauron? Is it the Witch King or the Mouth of Sauron?


Chosen answer: The Witch-king of Angmar is Sauron's second in command. The Mouth of Sauron serves more as an ambassador and messenger to Sauron.

Casual Person

Question: Is there a reason why Tom Hagen "can't give a straight answer anymore," in all of his conversations with Michael?

Answer: Michael only wants people to tell him what he wants to hear, rather than giving truthful advice, which sometimes makes him angry. Tom often has to skirt around issues to get his point across, otherwise Michael will react negatively, or even retaliate in some way. Michael expects Tom's complete loyalty even though he had demoted Tom from being Consigliori. An element of trust and understanding was lost between them.


Answer: The Matrix trilogy. John Wick focuses much more an gunplay vs hand-to-hand combat than The Matrix did, though both series featured both elements.


Question: At the start of the movie, Connie hates Michael. Was it just the death of their mother that made her change her feelings towards Michael? Or were there other factors?

Answer: Connie always hated Michael for ordering the death of Carlo (unaware that he was responsible for Sonny's murder) however she puts away her hatred to get Michael and Fredo to make up.

Connie didn't hate Michael. In the book, she was initially upset and angry that he had Carlo killed and confronted him, but within a few days, she apologized, telling Kay, Michael's wife, that it was all a mistake. Carlo was a physically abusive husband who never loved Connie and only married her because she was Don Corleone's daughter. Connie quickly realised she was far happier and much better off without Carlo.


Answer: Connie never hated Michael. Their relationship became strained because he disapproved of her jet-set, life-style, she was neglecting her children, and he dislikes the men she has relationships with. She is dependent on her brother for money and resents having to beg for more. She changes somewhat towards the end of the movie, partially because of her mother's death and Fredo being killed, and after Michael so cruelly cut Kay out of his life. Gradually, Connie starts to become more like Michael and by the third film, takes a more active role in the family business.


Answer: In the movie Connie says to Michael when she wants to come back that she hated him when Carlo died, and she did things to hurt Michael and herself, but she had come to realise that Michael is only doing what he has to do for the family, being strong for the family. She wanted to come back and take care of Michael and the children.

Answer: I wasn't counting every single one, but I'd say around 100-140.

Question: When Harry returns with Cedric's body, and the students are in the stands, shocked and saddened, who is the girl standing to Neville's right? Pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and bangs. My husband thinks it's Susan Bones.

Answer: The girl is not identified. If it is Susan Bones, it's a different actress playing her. Eleanor Columbus, daughter of director/producer Chris Columbus, played Susan Bones in the first two Harry Potter films. The Susan Bones character is not in the cast listing on IMDB for HP and the Goblet of Fire. This looks like Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, who was played by Charlotte Skeoch.


Question: When the baby pulls Manny's nose hairs out, there were white things at the ends. Not to sound gross but I've done it in my nostrils and my armpits, and I wanted to ask what those white ends are?

Answer: The roots, most likely. In hair follicles, it's where one's DNA coding is stored.

Cubs Fan

Question: Where were the Wally World scenes shot?

Answer: The Wally World scenes were shot in two locations. At Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California and Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. The parking lot scene was filmed in Santa Anita Park's large parking lot, whilst the scenes taking place inside Wally World were shot at Six Flags Magic Mountain.

Casual Person

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