Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Since when do Dementors fly? Gliding is different than flying.

Answer: I think any glider pilot would take issue with that last statement. This is a choice by the filmmakers in their portrayal of the Dementors - the books never state, as far as I can remember, that the Dementors aren't capable of leaving the ground, so it's not necessarily an incorrect interpretation. J.K. Rowling is consulted during the making of these films, so she presumably has no problem with this.


Chosen answer: Actors, on occasions, choose not to be credited - generally if they're appearing in a relatively small role, one smaller than you'd generally expect that person to play.


Question: In the book Tolkien intended for Minas Tirith and Osgiliath to be 15-20 miles apart. Faramir and his men seemed to make two journeys (to and fro) within a couple of minutes screen time. Did Peter Jackson intend for the two cities to be closer in the film?

Answer: No, they're still the same distance apart - it's a standard film technique to compress time for travelling and so forth. It's intercut with Pippin singing for dramatic effect, not to imply that it only takes the length of the song to travel the distance.


Question: In the trailer, there is a theme playing at the last part that really interest me. Can anybody tell me the name of the theme?

Answer: "I'm Not Driving Anymore" (Instrumental) - Rob Dougan.

Question: Does White shoot Orange at the end?

Answer: Yes, you can hear his gunshot, which causes the police to then shoot him.

Nick N.

Show generally

Question: My friend made a comment the other day that Catherine is a tramp because every time you see her she's with a new guy. However, aside from Eddie, I thought the only guy you ever see her with is the construction guy from the episode where the house collapses (sorry I'm not more specific...) Can anyone resolve our dispute?

Answer: I have watched this show from the very first episode so I think I can figure out Catherine's relationship time line. She met her husband while she was a stripper as a young woman. They had a very rocky relationship which produced a daughter. The ex-husband died, I believe, last season. Catherine also has a rather estranged relationship with her father who is a casino owner and a bit of a criminal. He had seduced Catherine's mother and fathered Catherine. Later he dumped Catherine's mother for a younger woman. Catherine was romantically involved with the City/County safety inspector you mentioned but I don't think it went past casual dating and flirting as he kind of disappeared. This season she became involved with the club manager whose partner died in last season's finale. If you recall, her new beau and her father met recently in an episode and they didn't exactly hit if off. I'm sure this will make for some story material in future episodes. (Interesting point, her new beau is played by the actor who played the rogue FBI agent Kricheck on the X-Files). So I don't think Catherine is a tramp by any of today's standards. I think she's a single mom just trying to find love outside her morbid job.

Question: I know they never really make this clear in the movie,but if anyone has heard an interview from Ridley Scott as to about how far in the future this movie takes place,I'd love to know.

Answer: An easter egg on the Alien Legacy DVD states that the year of their arrival on Acheron is 2122. It's logical, since in Aliens, 57 years later, Ripley mentions the order given by Burke to investigate the derelict, which was dated '79.

Question: Could someone please tell me what happened to all the remaining members of the fellowship after the film ends?

Answer: Aragorn rules until 210 FA, then passes away, leaving the kingdom to his son, Eldarion. Sam becomes Mayor of the Shire, seven times, and has thirteen children with Rose. After her death in 61 FA, he leaves the Shire and takes a ship into the West to be reunited with Frodo - allowed to do so because he too was a Ringbearer. Merry and Pippin become the heads of their respective families. In old age, they leave the Shire together and travel back to Rohan, then on to Gondor. They live out the remainder of their lives there and are buried in the tomb that will eventually house Aragorn's body as well. Legolas settles in Ithilien with other elves from his realm. After Aragorn's death, Legolas builds a ship and sails into the West. Gimli sets up a dwarven colony in the caves behind Helm's Deep. He stays in close contact with Aragorn and Legolas. After the death of the former, he accompanies Legolas in the West, the only dwarf ever to be allowed to do so. Precisely why he's allowed is unclear - it's most likely to do with his unprecedented friendship with Legolas, but another theory is that Galadriel remembered his pure love for her and obtained permission for him.


Question: Did Eowyn and Farimir end up together at the end of the film?

Answer: Tolkien had both Eowyn and Faramir affected by their contact with Sauron's evil. Aragorn healed both, and while recovering, they fell in love. They married eventually and were second only to Aragorn in Gondor.


Answer: "I'm taking you home" by Don Henley.

Tobin OReilly

Question: I've heard that the short film that Sean Astin directed in Wellington would be included on the Two Towers DVD. I know it's on the regular version, but I have the extended edition and I haven't been able to find it. Is it an easter egg, or did they just not include it?

Answer: It's only on the theatrical version.


Question: When Sauron spots Frodo on the plains of Gorgoroth, Sam screams 'Frodo. Get down.' and Frodo falls limp on the ground. Then Sauron just turns his eye away to the north (the black gate attack). Seeing as he knows the Ring is in the hands of a hobbit, and he has just seen two hobbits in his land, why doesn't he stop them (for example, call for the winged Nazgul)?

Answer: One of the reasons that Aragorn decided to charge the Black Gate (which is not really mentioned in the movie but is in the book) is because he intended Sauron to believe that he had the ring. Sauron would undoubtedly assume that nobody would attack Mordor with such a small army unless they had the ring themselves.


Question: How on earth did Peter create his Spider-man costumes?

Answer: He makes them himself in every other version. Its not outside the realms of possibility he made them in this one too. In the comics it says Aunt May taught him to sew.


Hot Dog - S5-E7

Question: This goes where Red give the puppy to Kitty. In real life whose dog is that?

Answer: It's Ashton Kutcher's dog.

Question: Can you really tell that someone has torn a tendon in their leg just by looking at the foot print they leave or is it just making fun of the TV show CSI?

Answer: It is making fun of the show CSI. Even still, there are ways of telling if someone had a knee problem by the way they walk and put pressure on the foot. Being able to tell if it was a torn tendon, I don't think so. Check out the way people run and you can tell if they have hurt something in the past because of which leg they favor.

Question: When the Nazgúl first arrives in Osgiliath, Frodo cannot hear anything. Can anyone tell me what Sam says while it goes all quiet?

Answer: I think it's something like "Hang on Mr. Frodo" or "Hold on Mr. Frodo".

Question: Whats the name of the theme when the trailer shows the tagline 'before they were soldiers, they were family'?

Answer: I think the one you want is 'Unseen' - By Craig Armstrong which is track 2 on the Plunkett and Macleane soundtrack.

Answer: Sean Bean does show up, for about a second, in a flashback - this was enough to give him a credit.


Question: The first time Sarah goes out clubbing with Chenille, they run into some other girls from their school. One of them is Nikki, who gets mean and says that she's 'not walking on eggshells just because someone brought the Brady Bunch to the N*gro club'. Chenille gets offended and yells "Nikki, you did not just call me a N*gro." How is the term N*gro offensive? Or were they just not allowed to say ni**err in this movie? (Perhaps to preserve the rating?) Someone please help - this has been driving me nuts.

Answer: "N*gro" was the PC term in the 60's. While by no means vulgar, it has mostly fallen out of use and some people are offended by it.

Grumpy Scot

Question: I know this film was made before "Temple of Doom", which was a prequel. Thus the character of Shorty did not exist when this film was made. I'm wondering however if Spielberg or Lucas have ever said anything about where they assume Short Round is during the events of "Raiders..."

Answer: In all my years of watching interviews and behind the scenes footage of the 3 Indy films, I don't think this has never been addressed. Perhaps they might tie up this loose end in the new Indy movie...

Lynette Carrington

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