Question: Anya believes she has family in Paris, according to her necklace. However, if she had never met Dimitri and Vladimir and gotten there herself, how would she have been able to find her "family" if she did not remember their names, her real name, and last name?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Was there any particular reason as to why the taxi cab in 2015 was built upon a Citroën DS? It would've been 60 years old in 2015, so it doesn't scream "futuristic car".
Answer: In real life, it was because the DS looked similar to a drawing one of the artists had come up with. But it does have a unique and futuristic look to it since it wasn't really a popular car or seen that often in the 80s in the UK. Since it wasn't meant to be the star of the show, they built off a working, existing car rather than design and build a working, unique car. If you're talking about in the Back to the Future universe, the taxi was meant to be a brand new model. It's even possible the taxi company retrofitted 60-year-old cars the same way people build hot rods out of old cars. Here's an inside look at the taxi.
Question: How did Captain Poison get out of prison?
Question: Whatever happened to Miss Hannigan? (04:59:34 - 04:59:59)
Answer: In the original play, she went to jail. At the end of the movie, she was riding an elephant. Mostly likely because she wanted to stop her brother Rooster from hurting Annie, she was given a light sentence: probation with community service.
Question: Why didn't Jason possess Steven?
Answer: Maybe because Steven wouldn't allow Jason to possess him so easily.
Question: When Dale is being hooked up to the electric chair, shouldn't he have been able to tell if the sponge was wet or not? If so, why did he not speak up?
Answer: He may not have been aware it was supposed to be wet. They probably hadn't told him all the details of what was going to happen. That, or in those terrifying final moments, knowing he was about to die, he simply forgot.
Question: What happened to Kevin?
Answer: Kevin tries to tell his mom that he didn't smoke the cigar and she doesn't believe him. Kevin argues with his family, and he only had a friend named Horseman, the imaginary friend. Kevin's dad said, "you're extremely bad, Kevin!" Kevin might be in military school or somewhere.
Answer: I think I found the quotes on Kevin's family got angry, and they don't believe him about the cigar that Michael has. Kevin's only friend is his imaginary friend named Horseman, and Alfred said, "You're extremely bad, Kevin." Kevin might be in military school or something.
Question: Why, when KC's visiting her mother, daughter, and son, won't her son talk to nor hug her?
Answer: Because she's a working mother who travels the road, she probably missed birthdays, holidays, and family get-togethers. She wasn't there to see his accomplishments, nor tuck him in at night.
Question: Why did they have three different designs for Mr Freeze?
Answer: There were three well-known actors who played Mr. Freeze, each one a different height, weight, and physique. As these were notable guest stars, the costume designers would adapt the costume to best fit each actor who likely would want to avoid comparisons to the other Mr. Freezes, incorporate their preferences, as well as refresh the look, rework whatever didn't work in previous versions, and so on.
Question: At the start, she was to drive the truck to get gas. She never got there, and yet was able to drive all over. How?
Answer: Furiosa was not getting gas for the war rig; it is presumably fully fuelled. Furiosa was to fill the tank with gas to bring it back to be used for other vehicles.
If you're going to get gas, why have a full tank in the war rig? Put enough in it to be able to get to Gas town, pulling the attached round tank. Fill the round tank and fill up the war rig. Return with lots of gas in a full round tank and a full war rig.
I believe there is some confusion here with how the gas tank system works on the war rig. The truck itself has its own gas tank; the tank that is being towed is completely separate. It's exactly the same as real-life gas trucks.
Why does that question even need to be answered? You're going to use gas going there and coming back. It doesn't matter if the war rig was full or not when it left. Assuming they're going to be gassing the war rig up once they get there to collect the gas, it's going to come back with the exact same amount of gas no matter what. So it really makes no difference whatsoever. Also, what happens if they get delayed along the way? If they only have enough gas to get to Gas Town, but something happens, they'll just get stuck.
I agree, it's not very smart to fill the war rig with just enough gas to get to town. But it sounds like they're saying take whatever you can out of the war rig, and you'd have that much extra gas when they get back. For example, if the rig held 25 gallons and only needed 5 gallons to get to town, you can take out 20 gallons. The rig then arrives in town empty, fills up, and comes back with 20 gallons in the tank. So now you have 40 gallons instead of just 20 (plus whatever the tank holds).
I think the big point is what Furiosa was planning. She filled the gas tank of the truck up to be able to go further with it; she wasn't planning on getting the gas anyway.
Ok, I can understand that... but I still don't see why it's a question that needs to be answered, hahaha. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see why every tiny detail needs an explanation or answer, especially when it doesn't really matter for the story.
Answer: What she did most likely took months of planning. Who she could trust to help her. How exactly she could smuggle the girls out, and most importantly, gaining the trust of the boss to the point where he believed she was his obedient slave who could never betray him.
Answer: Nobody knew the war rig was full of gas. They thought she was going to fill the tanker and come back, not smuggle out the girls.
Sorry, can't believe that. The boss guy controlled everything. He would know where and how much gas there was. Also, lowering the truck empty would be a lot different than lowering it fully loaded.
The truck was supposed to be empty when it left. She was taking an empty tank to be filled, but smuggled the wives inside. It weighed probably 300 pounds more than it was supposed to, but that would be imperceptible to the people operating the elevator. The war rig likely weighs several tons.
It's not empty, it is filled with water. The wives were hiding in the tractor.
Question: There are scenes in the movie where Dick Best's gunner, Murray, is facing forward in their aircraft, particularly when the aircraft is on the Enterprise. The only time he appears to be facing the rear of the aircraft is when they are under attack. How is that possible?
Answer: Good eye! The gunner's seat in the Douglas SBD was on a swivel. The military rating was actually radioman/gunner, and when facing forward, he had access to a suite of radio equipment and a set of basic flight controls! He could actually fly the SBD from the rear seat, although this is never reported to have been necessary in combat.
Question: Did it cost the network too much to use the team names of the Bears and Browns for the championship game when the actors are dressed like those two teams?
Question: There are 3 obvious movie spoofs...when General Olov dies on the train tracks à la Von Ryan's Express, when a bad guy gets an octopus in the face à la Alien, and when Q floats in the compound at the end vis Wizard Of Oz...did anyone spot any more? I'm sure there are some.
Question: How does David get one job after another without having a résumé or any references?
Answer: Even today, it's totally possible to get hired for random temporary jobs without a résumé or references, especially if you're getting paid under the table. Most of my early jobs were like that. Local businesses I'm familiar with needed a hand for a few weeks, and I needed a little extra money. Boom! I got a temporary under-the-table job where I got a couple hundred bucks a week in cash to just come in and help out. Technically not legal, but lots of places do it. And from what I've read, back in the 70s a lot of these types of gigs were more widespread, hence it was easy to find them.
Question: When Mary asks Dick what he expected for not paying his taxes when he learns he owes thousands to the IRS, he responds with, "I certainly didn't expect my girlfriend to wear my ass as a snowshoe!" I'm not sure I have ever understood this joke. What is the meaning behind it?
Answer: The writers often have Dick respond to Mary with a retort that he thinks is in the common vernacular but makes a mistake in wording that is often funny. Dick seems to be imputing a criticism from Mary and responds with a corruption of the more common "I'm going to wear your ass like a hat!" I doubt it has anything to do with owing taxes. Probably just one of the writers assuming a common regional phrase would be universally recognized.
Question: Why aren't Katana, Deadshot, and Killer Croc in this?
Answer: It's a combination of various reasons. Will Smith wasn't available to reprise his Deadshot role, so there was a shift in the story. King Shark was intended to be in the first film, but the CGI was too extensive, so they went with Killer Croc. In this film, they took the opportunity to bring in King Shark as the "monster" character. But, this film isn't really a sequel or reboot. Basically, this is a new storyline with new characters, and many of the previous characters are just not in the film, with no exposition on what happened to them, and they may not even be part of this film's "universe." The fact that some of the actors play the same character in both films only serves to muddle the concept of this film not really being a part of the previous film's continuity.
Question: Who is Chalmers? He seems to have a lot of power, but his position is never identified. The plot synopsis says he's the District Attorney. But Bullitt's Captain says, "He's grooming himself for public office." Isn't the D.A. already a public office?
Answer: He's the district attorney. "Public office" in this context means "politician." The Captain is saying the D.A. is grooming himself to enter politics as a senator or mayor, or what have you.
A Nice Place to Visit - S1-E28
Question: Rocky and Pip are leaving the flat. Rocky has already told the "girls" to wait in the other room. Right before they leave, Rocky goes back to the room the girls are in, pushes the door open, says he'll be back in a few minutes, and then gets a strange, quizzical look on his face, as if he's confused about something. A moment later, when he and Pip leave, as he reaches the door, he still has the same quizzical look on his face. Any idea why he gives this look? I thought it might be an editing error.
Answer: Pip had basically told Rocky that they were the only two real people in the place, and the girls were like props in a movie (as Rocky put it). I took his look of confusion as "What does Pip mean? These girls aren't real?" And as he was leaving, he couldn't shake the thought and was confused again. But there's also a part of me that thinks since the girls weren't involved in Rocky's story at the time, they were just sitting there doing nothing, just waiting, and Rocky found their lack of movement weird. And when leaving, he thinks "Did I see what I think I saw?" But that is just my thought, knowing what the twist is.
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Answer: Anya was desperate to locate her family and may have been willing to search for additional leads in Paris. Thousands of Russian refugees had settled in Paris after escaping the revolution, and they could have helped her, someone might have recognized her, and so on. Also, Anya's memory was slowly returning.
raywest ★