Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Philadelphia City Hall is a massive building with thick walls. Right after their arguments in the Kendall case Hanks and Washington are seen in the elevator using their cell phones. Cell phones didn't get great reception in 1993 anyway, so would they have worked at all in an elevator inside a massive building?

William Lanigan

Chosen answer: Probably not. But occasionally phones have worked in places they shouldn't. a signal gets through, somehow. In the movies, anything is possible as long as it moves the plot along.

Timeslides - S3-E5

Question: At The End of this episode we see Rimmer accidentally create a reality in which he is alive. He then kills himself by punching boxes full of explosives shortly after. So why, in future episodes, do the other guys still claim that Rimmer died in the explosion that killed all Red Dwarf staff? Wouldn't they remember it as Rimmer killing himself in this new way instead?


Chosen answer: Although Rimmer is dying a different way in this episode, the crew were not paying attention to his death. When Lister, the Cat and Kryten are brought back due to Rimmer changing the timeline, they are too puzzled to pay attention to anything that is going, so they did not notice that Rimmer was alive. After the explosion that kills Rimmer, the Cat asks Lister "What was he saying?" to which Lister shrugs his shoulders, implying that he did not know. Assumedly, Holly would have brought Rimmer back as a hologram once again shortly afterwards and the crew probably wouldn't have known that he was alive after changing the timeline.

Casual Person

Question: When the DeLorean travels through time, it arrives in the same place it leaves from, only in a different time (eg. In BTTF, Marty leaves Twin pines mall in 1985 to arrive on the farmland it was built on in 1955. In BTTF3, Marty leaves 1885 on the train tracks above the ravine and arrives on the completed bridge in 1985) So, at the end of BTTF2 where Doc and the DeLorean are struck by lightning and sent back to the past, the DeLorean would be arriving mid-air. The problem is, Doc states in the letter that the lightning destroyed the flying circuits. So, the DeLorean would have plummeted 50 feet to the ground when it arrived in 1885? Why was it not damaged when Marty found it in mines 70 years later?


Answer: With cars being known to break down, the company that fitted hover conversions probably knew a breakdown would happen at some point. Rather than just letting the car fall out there air, there is probably some sort of emergency backup that will let the car land safely and then shut the entire system down.

Chosen answer: Doc had spent several months in 1885 before Marty came to rescue him, which would have given him quite some time to fix the damage the DeLorean received from the assumed fall and repair it before he went to place the DeLorean in the mines. It could have been a controlled descent rather than a catastrophic plummet.

Casual Person

Answer: To be fair, we don't know if the DeLorean quit working altogether. We just know the time circuits were fried. I would assume he could still at least land it as the hover tech was unaffected.

Question: This question is more about the comic, but I didn't know where else to ask. At the end of vol. VII, "V" is stealing some sort of file about Valerie Page, what's the meaning of that? what did he needed it for? Also, right after that, the man in the entrance of the building holds the door open for him to escape. Is it because he knew about "V" and agreed whit his ideals, or is there another explanation?

Answer: Valerie was the woman in Room 4, so he wants to know more about her. The man at the entrance is simply caught off guard. He just saw someone coming and held the door. By the time he registered who it was, V was gone.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: There are 2 doctors who don't inform the twins that their mother is alive, but the first one remains a friend and the other is the bad guy. Why the difference?

John Henry Spencer

Chosen answer: Although I wouldn't call one a bad guy, Professor Werner is the the one who raised Julius, and would remain a friend because of this bond. Mary Ann (the twins' mother) however, was told that Julius died at birth and was never told about Vincent. She blames Professor Traven for this (probably since he's the only one around to yell at). Vincent on the other hand was never told his mother died during childbirth and he grew up thinking his mother abandoned him. Until Julius showed up, he never knew he was part of an experiment and he had no knowledge of either doctors and probably no feelings regarding either of them.


Question: What kind of car is the yellow one the two ladies drive after they ditch the Mercedes? The one where the top comes comes up to let people in.


Chosen answer: It's called a "Nova" (but not as in the Chevy Nova). It's a kit car, in the U.S. and for the film, it was made by the Sterling Sports Car company. Although the Nova kit car originated with the English company Automotive Design and Development Ltd.


Question: When Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Dooku, why doesn't Dooku just tell Anakin that Palpatine is really a Sith lord? He's just been betrayed by Palpatine, so what does he have to lose?

Andrew Barber

Chosen answer: It was a combination of him being (1) shocked at the betrayal, and (2) trapped. Anakin trusts the man who he believes Palpatine is, and Dooku knows this. After everything that Dooku has done during the Clone Wars, it's highly unlikely that he could suddenly convince Anakin of the truth.

Chosen answer: Presumably, it must have been much easier for him to use the left hand to do the Vulcan salute over his right hand. Though most people in Star Trek do the Vulcan salute with their right hand, there is no rule saying which hand someone has to use in order to do the Vulcan salute with.

Casual Person

Question: After Jerry shuts off No Vaseline, MC Ren asks Eazy E "who work for who?" What did he mean by this?

Answer: The song is mostly about how Jerry and Eazy screwed the band over, with Jerry taking the lead. Ren is asking "Do we work for Jerry or does he work for us?"

Question: Lisbeth uses a taser on Niedermann, who is suffering from congenital analgesia. Should the shock make him collapse?

Rizzo Gallop

Answer: Yes, even without feeling pain the muscles still contract from the electric current and then give out, unable to hold the body up.


Question: Why do Nic Cage and Peter Stormare have metal chains for their dog tags while others all seem to be leather?

Answer: Because Dooku's status as a Sith was secret and his Dooku identity was still useful. Same as how Darth Sidious continued to use his Palpatine identity until he was publicly revealed as a Sith Lord.


Even Darth Sidious still goes by Emperor Palpatine. I took them considering Anakin to be dead as Anakin, the Jedi. Whereas Dooku had already left the order and Sidious never was a Jedi.

Question: Why would Arthur Case keep incriminating documents? Why didn't he destroy them after the war?

Answer: Possibly out of the guilt he always carried with him. After WWII, Arthur worked to secretly redeem himself by using his wealth for charitable acts. The documents, which he never intended for anyone to see, may have been to remind him of his past war crimes.


Answer: Illogical...he only kept them because the writer of the movie needed him to do so...anyone with half a brain would've burned any incriminating evidence linking himself to the holocaust.

People don't always act logically. Some people do keep incriminating evidence.

Peter Harrison

Answer: Jimmy's father was knocking on the door because his girlfriend had arrived and he was telling him this. He wondered if he was masturbating because he was taking a suspiciously long time to answer his door (when in actuality he was disposing of his steroids).

Casual Person

Question: When they are in the hospital wing why did Madame Pomfrey take off Ron's sock? it was his leg that was broken, not his foot. Besides why did Ron need a cast on his leg if Hermione cleaned up all the blood on Ron's leg?


Chosen answer: It was never stated that Ron's leg was broken. Sirius, in his dog form, grabbed him by the lower part and pulled him into the Shrieking Shack, injuring him. Hermione did only minor treatment on Ron's leg until they could get him to the infirmary. Madam Promfrey would naturally remove a dirty sock to more thoroughly treat and clean his wounds.


Answer: In the book it confirms his leg broke. Removing the dirty sock is just something people do to work on a broken leg. If they add a cast and it needs to cover part of the foot, better to not have a sock stay under the cast.

Question: Why do Lucy's brother and dad have to fix every thing after she goes to sleep, even up to the right amount of soap she used?

Answer: Lucy remembers everything up to the day before she was in the auto accident that caused her brain to have the memory loss. Her brother and dad realised that if everything up to the day of her accident is not perfect (according to her memory), eg. a difference in the amount of soap, then she would begin questioning why things were out of place, and she could possibly become hysterical, causing more mental damage to her. Her brother and dad would then have to futilely explain to her what is going on daily, and they did not want that. They wanted everyone to have as peaceful and tranquil lives as possible.


Question: Can someone please tell me why Mary Jane was apologising to Aunt May and nobody else, and felt bad about leaving only Aunt May?


Chosen answer: Aunt May likely prepared most if not all of the food. Mary Jane felt bad about running out on the dinner knowing all the effort Aunt May put into it.


Question: 1955 Doc doesn't believe there is going to be rain and neither does the weatherman as a matter of fact. Why then do we see everything wet long before the big storm?

Answer: One of the running gags in the BTTF movies is the dependability of weather forecasts. Obviously, in the first movie, the 1955 weather predictions were completely wrong, and it had already showered even before the big storm. In the second movie, weather forecasts of the future had advanced so much that storms were accurately predicted down to the second.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: That's known as a "wet down" and has become a running gag of itself. It can be seen in many movies, even if there's no rain involved. A movie set can be wet down to improve the visual appearance and help the lighting, the dull grey concrete will turn dark so anything else will stand out, especially at night, and it also disguises shadows of booms, cranes and the likes.

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