Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Because his age is finally starting to show. He is after all the oldest member of the group.


Chosen answer: Because although Quicksilver is a mutant, most of his history, as well as his sister Scarlet Witch, was developed in the Avengers comics. So both are in a middle ground area for both studios to use. Marvel just can't call them Mutants or reference Magneto as their father.

Question: When Manolo is killed by Xibalba's snake, he is at the entrance of the Land of the Remembered. When the deceased captain is giving Manolo a ride toward his deceased family, they are already in the land of the remembered just before the captain's wife, who has just died, shows up in front of them. Manolo's father is killed by the bandit at the same place where Manolo dies. But he is transported to the bull fighting ring where Manolo is fighting the bull skeletons. Manolo's grandmother also shows up at the bull fighting ring as soon as she dies. Why doesn't Manolo's father or grandmother get transported to the entrance of the Land of the Dead upon their deaths like Manolo does?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Most likely because his closest family was supposed to watch and they were the last to really close ones.

Question: When Mike gets a postcard about the Dolphin and room 1408, he writes on the back for a moment as he figures something in his head and circles a (=13). He then says cute. How exactly did he figure 13 from 1408? I am confused by that part.

Quantom X

Chosen answer: He sums up the individual numbers: 1+4+0+8 = 13.


Question: When Patrick talks to Carnes, he confesses that he murdered Paul Owen. Why doesn't Carnes believe him, and how could Carnes have had dinner with Paul?

Answer: There are two possible answers. First, Carnes doesn't recognize Christian Bale as Bateman, instead thinking he is someone named Davis. He insults Bateman and thinks "Davis" left the message as a joke. Realize also that someone claims to have seen Owen/Allen in London, but mistook Herbert Ainsworth for him. Second, Bateman is delusional and only thinks he killed Owen/Allen, who is in fact alive and in London.

Greg Dwyer

Question: In the first movie does Mr. Myagi have a trabant car in his front yard?

Answer: No, the closest thing to looking like a Trabant is a 1959 Metropolitan 1500.


Question: I understand why the killer was after the 4 teenagers that were responsible for Robin's death. But there's something I can't figure out. The girl that was with Slick and having sex with him in his van, she wasn't one of the 4 teens. Neither was Slick. First he killed the pigtails girl, she was there. And then he went after the girl and Slick in the van, but neither of them had connection to Robin's death that I could figure out. He then went after the girl in the red dress who was one of the kids, and then went after the other two, the guy and the main girl. But Slick and the girl he was having sex with in his van, I can't figure out why the killer left the school to go after them. Why?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The girl in the van was Jude. She was involved in Robin's death. You see her flashback as young Jude when she receives her prank phone call then she meets Slick walking on her way to school.

Question: What is the song that Violet is always listening to on her Walkman? (We hear the beat 3 or 4 times throughout the movie).

Orlando Rocha

Answer: This is taken from IMDb: His Eyes by Pseudo Echo.

Alan Keddie

His Eyes is the song she was dancing to in her room, but she was listening to a different song earlier on her Walkman.

Question: When Gordon (the dog) went through the window, did he voluntarily jump through it because he was startled, or did Jason throw him out?

Answer: You can see from the inside of the house Gordon jumping through the window by himself. It shows him jumping on the table then through the window.


Question: What's going on with Tommy in the final scene when he's hugging Trish in the hospital? Is he possessed or what?

Orlando Rocha

Chosen answer: He's not possessed. Dealing with Jason made him go crazy. In part 5, we find out he was in a mental hospital for a while, then gets sent to a home for troubled kids.

Question: When Manolo and Joaquin start fighting the wild boar, General Posada only sees Joaquin confronting the boar before he is knocked unconscious. Thus, he never sees Manolo fighting the boar like a matador. When the general recovers, he believes Joaquin defeated the boar and not Manolo. Despite the townsfolk being impressed by Manolo's action, why does no one, including the nun who thanks Manolo for saving her life, speak up and tell the general what actually happened? Why don't they confirm to the general that Manolo fought and defeated the boar?

John Ohman

Answer: General Posada assumed that Joaquin saved them because he saw Joaquin not killed by the bull. He completely missed Manolo's bulfighting. He also probably assuming that because Joaquin's father was a great General, he must be like his father and a brave future soldier. - JMS.

Chosen answer: There was probably too much panic from the rampaging animals.

Question: Would Phoenix have been capable of destroying all the sentinels in the future timeline?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes. But she was already dead in this film.


Question: When Xibalba first gives Joaquin the Medal of Eternal Life, he is disguised as an old man. Yet, at the end of the film, Joaquin returns Xibalba his medal. How did Joaquin know the medal belongs to Xibalba? Is there a statement by a character or some indication that the medal belongs to Xibalba which I missed?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Well, the Medal of Eternal Life and Xibalba do share colors, so it's likely Joaquin connected the two and knew it belonged to Xibalba. This is what I just think though,.

Question: How did Will Smith hook up the radio? Did he use electricity? He can't have used a generator, that would have created too much noise. Also why is he on a dock? Wouldn't a higher place be more suitable? Is it just for effect?

Sarah Hicks

Chosen answer: He's been in New York for a few years now since the break out, ample time to scavenge any radio broadcast stations for equipment and probably cannibalize them at his home. That or just set up a power source at a radio station and set it to broadcast. The details are not shown in the movie. And the dock is the most logical place for people to come to given the safety of the sea, as well as many ships were loaded with survivors that were to stay out for a while and then return. Likely to come to the docks. Or anybody else that was traveling across the nation might avoid a land route as it's safer to go by boat on water. And don't forget this is New York, most of the city is surrounded by water anyway.

Quantom X

Question: Why does the phone call Topher Grace makes after the killing of the "brother" of the prostitute seems to lead him to believe that Richard Gere is Cassius? Whose number is he calling?


Question: Is the whole thing with truckers seeing "a black dog" when they have been on the road too long true, or made up purely for the film?


Chosen answer: It's an old trucker's myth that has been around for a long time. There's no known origin for the story, but supposedly when truckers become drowsy, they can see a demon-like black canine of some sort running along the side of the road. This legend was incorporated into the movie.


Question: Jafar apparently knows that genies can grant only three wishes, since he refers to his wish for Jasmine to fall in love with him as his "final wish." He appears to be tricked into thinking that this wish has been granted because of how Jasmine acts seconds later. Later on, Jafar makes a wish to become a genie. I've never understood it, if Jafar thinks his original final wish has been granted, why would he make a second final wish?

Answer: Because he realizes a very short time later that Jasmine was faking, therefore that wish was not actually granted. Jafar isn't an idiot, he figures things out pretty quickly.


Chosen answer: Bourne arranged to meet Conklin at Pont Neuf, then planted a tracking device on the surveillance van, which he followed back to the Treadstone safehouse.


Episode #1.4 - S1-E4

Question: Why does Daisy "take a turn" in Lady Mary's room? She never saw them take Pamook's body from Mary's room. She only saw them putting him back in his room, which is said to be "miles" away.

Answer: Word gets around. The staff are gossips amongst themselves, but those loyal to the family know who to keep secrets from and who they can trust to share in the knowledge.


Answer: Lady Mary was one of the three women Daisy saw carrying Pamuk's body. Daisy realised he could not have died in Cora's (Lady Grantham) room, as she sleeps with husband Robert, nor would Cora and Mary ever help carry Pamuk from Anna's bedroom in the upstairs servants' quarters. Lady Sylvia and Lady Edith were completely unaware of what happened and Edith later quizzed Daisy for information. That left Mary, who everyone noticed was particularly distraught. Daisy could have overheard Thomas later telling O'Brien that he had shown Pamuk where Mary's bedroom was located (though he never saw Pamuk go inside).


Question: In gate 1, Wade power cycles the TRS-80 after loading the cassette program - all of the units I used (I'm old) required the operator to boot, load the program from audio cassette, then run - not reboot and autostart as an Atari or Nintendo did - was there a trick from 30+ yrs ago I'm forgetting?

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