Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: We learn that the Clone army was secretly being created, raised and trained on Kamino, without the Jedi's knowledge. What about all the Republican starships, cruisers and walkers we see at the end of the movie? Where were they built, and how did Sidious and Dooku manage to keep that a secret as well?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: The assault ship, gunships, walkers and tanks were built by Rothana Heavy Engineering (a subsidiary of Kuat Drive Yards) who were contracted to the Kamino cloners to secretly develop and build the war machines for the clone army. RHE had hidden shipyards over the planet Rothana, which is why the Republic was unaware of the project.


Chosen answer: It is most likely Michael screaming, but playing very slowly, so that it gives it a creepier effect. Also, these "howls" sound sort of similar to his grunt, thus, this seems more plausible.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know whether the coloured-in photos, which appear throughout the opening titles sequence, are real or made up for the show? If they ARE real, when George Wendt's name appears there's a shot of a man holding a newspaper with 'WE WIN' as the headline - does anybody know what this referred to?


Answer: Here is the source of the "WE WIN" photo: Brooklyn, of all places.

Chosen answer: The pictures in the opening sequences are real pictures of people enjoying alcohol (from various dates), and are not meant to represent or include any of the cast members. The "we win" sign (most likely not a newspaper headline) is referring to the end of prohibition (1933) A fitting tribute to a show about drinking alcohol.

The word "Nazi" appears in the caption to a story underneath the headline. Maybe the headline refers to the Nazi surrender.

Question: Why does Yoda seem so "childish" when Luke first meets him in the swamp? I mean in comparison to Episode III when he seemed much wiser. Is there any reason for this?

James Ollier

Chosen answer: Yoda was testing Luke. Luke was looking for a great Jedi warrior and expected to find this great man or creature, not a short, little, funny, "weak", creature. Yoda knew Luke must get past preconcieved ideas and conceptions of what it takes to be and become a Jedi. Luke failed this initial test.

Mark English

Answer: It's a trope popular with many of the Asian films (and some fantasy books) that inspired Lucas' original trilogy. The powerful master is often encountered first as a seemingly harmless (or meaningless) person only to unveil themselves later to the protagonist's surprise. In many respects, it's like Obi-wan's first appearance in A New Hope.

Question: Who was the guy that was always around shaking his head every time Happy did something stupid? He mentioned something about Grizzly Adams, having a beard?

Rollin Garcia Jr

Chosen answer: He's the legendary golfer Lee Trevino.


Question: What happened with the plot used in Predator I and II about they hunt only in places with a hot weather?

Answer: The pyramid was in a tropical climate at the time of its construction, but Yautja are sticklers for tradition so continued to use it as the climate changed.

Question: What does Aladdin mean when he says: "Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."?

Answer: Aladdin is referring to the person riding the horse as being a "horse's ass" in the way he is acting, thus the horse the person was riding on has two rear ends, his own and the rider.

Mark English

Question: In the opening Omaha beach scene, we see soldiers being mowed down as soon as they leave the LCVP's. Was this really the case in 1944? Were the bunkers really that close to to the shoreline?

Answer: Yes, this was the case unfortunately. Many soldiers lost there lives before exiting the boats. Several Normandy survivors say that the scene was the best interpretation of what actually happened on that day.


Question: What is the name of the soldier that's sketching while in the barracks (and which one is he during the raid?)? I never could catch the name, and it's not in the subtitles.

Answer: Master Sgt. Tim 'Griz' Martin, played by Canadian actor Kim Coates. He's also the Delta taping his blood type to his boot. During the raid, he's thrown from a Humvee by a RPG. He loses both his legs and bleeds to Death. His name in the movie is Chris Wex.

Why is his name Wex, tho? He plays Griz Martin.

Likely (though I have no proof) that his family chose not to participate by allowing his name/likeness?


Question: After Marie dies, why does Bourne burn the pictures of her as well as her possessions but keeps of picture of him and her?

Answer: It would be standard practice from his old career as an assassin - leave no evidence behind, don't carry anything with you that you don't have to, so he burns all the passports that were created for her and so on. It's only when he gets the photograph of the two of them together that he can't bring himself to burn it - after all, he loved her; she means too much to him to just discard it completely.


Question: This may seem morbid, but does anyone know how Kurt put those scars on himself?

Answer: Kurt explained to Storm that he put the scars on himself every time he committed a sin which is quite capable with long sharp nails.

Answer: Since he has sharp nails he could have easily done it to himself. I would think that he would have used his tail to do the ones that are located on his back and so forth. But to me his scars resemble that of a burn scar as if untreated it will "bubble" slightly if the burn is bad enough. Say for instance a cow being branded.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Question: What's the ending in the UK version of the film? Is it different from the US version?

Answer: The boy/mouse goes back to England with his Grandmother and he tells her that he managed to get all the Grand High Witch's money and book of witches. Then a witch comes along and changes him back to a boy.

cameron davies

Question: How did Ellie get hurt running from the raptor in the powerhouse?

Answer: After confronting a Raptor in the power shed, Ellie, amongst other things, Tries to climb a fence, falls over and kicks a fence with a Raptor on the other side. Ellie could have injured her leg/ankle/foot during any one of these physical activities. In my opinion, a scene where she is specifically seen injuring part of her left leg has been left out.

Question: What is the song the woman sings during the trailer?

Answer: 'Caramel' by Suzanne Vega.

Jane Doe

Question: One of the mistakes says there's a newspaper that Tom Cruise reads that has the same sentence written over and over. Is this a reference to the Shining by the production?

Answer: No. They needed to have an article for Cruise to read and, on the assumption that it wouldn't be readable by the viewers, they simply filled up the space required by repeating the same sentence over and over again. Another commonly used tactic is to steal text from a real article, leading to situations where the text of a newspaper article can be seen to have nothing to do with the actual headline.


Question: At Minas Tirith when the Witch-King destroyed Gandalf's staff and was then distracted by the Rohan army. Why didn't he just quickly kill Gandalf before going off.

Answer: Even without his staff, Gandalf is not going to be a pushover - the Witch-King isn't going to be able to simply take Gandalf out by snapping his fingers. Better to simply inconvenience Gandalf by taking his staff out, then return to the battle, rather than taking on the risk of a serious one-on-one fight while the main battle below is still undecided, particularly as his opponents have just had some substantial reinforcements show up.


Question: I heard that the penguin from Wallace and Gromit appears in the opening scene. Is this true? Could anyone point it out to me?

Answer: Yes, he is in the opening scene.

Question: I need some translation help here. Firstly when Marion is having the drinking contest and has drunken her final drink, she lowers the glass slowly making everyone think that she has lost. Then she shouts a word twice (Bistoti or something like that) and wins. What does that word mean? Also when Indy is mourning over Marion's "death", two guys in suits come over to him and tell him something in a foreign language. While I have a vague idea of what they said, I was wondering if anyone knew for sure.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: It's Russian, погоди or pogodi. In Russian meaning hold it.

Chosen answer: The two men say to Indy "Der Herr in der Bar mochte immer ihnen sprechen". This is translated as "The man in the bar wants to talk to you". The word in the bar that Marion says is "Pistole", which translated means "Hold it! or "Wait a minute!"

Question: Five ships survive the destruction of the Death Star: Vader in his custom TIE, Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon, Luke and Wedge in their X-Wings, and a Y-Wing. Who's in the Y-Wing?


Chosen answer: The "X-Wing" computer game implies that the pilot of the surviving Y-Wing is the game's lead character, Keyan Farlander.


Question: In this movie we see a shot of a mechanical arm placing Darth Vader's helmet onto his head. But in ROTJ, removing Vader's helmet & mask made him die according to Luke. Is this because in ROTJ it was his helmet *and* his mask being removed, while in ESB it was just his helmet?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Removing the mask alone would not make Darth Vader die. He stil had breathing help built into his suit. Vader was already dying when Luke took his mask and helment off in ROTJ, due to injuries sustained by Luke and the Emperor's force lightning. Anakin (Vader) just wanted to see his son Luke with his own eyes, before he died.

Mark English

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