Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Show generally

Question: In many episodes, Dick and Mary will go together to a destination, but not leave together. Did one of them walk?

Question: Who was the 4th person killed? In the when he confronts Toby, he says "Help me understand why 4 ppl died..." To my count, there were 3 ppl killed: 1. The customer in the bank in Post 2. Ranger Parker 3. Tanner (Ben Foster). (01:33:20)


Answer: The fourth person killed was the security guard in the bank at Post. He was killed just before the bank customer.

Question: Why do they keep saying Christmas is over if Scott isn't Santa anymore? Wouldn't there just be another Santa?

Answer: Becoming Santa was an accident for Scott, it was an emergency situation to put on the suit. It was the years on the job which made him the best Santa. Everyone said so at the Immortals meeting. If he was not up to the job, they would have got someone else. That would take time and effort, which they didn't have.

Question: Wouldn't Jack have blown up with TET? How is he alive to come back at the end? Is it a different version?

Answer: It's not the same Jack. The one who died in the TET explosion was the Jack 49 clone. The clone who shows up at the end is Jack 52, who Jack 49 had encountered in the desert. Both have the same memories. Look closely, and you can see the tech clone designation numbers embossed on their jackets.


Answer: Mrs Favor.

Answer: Children are often told that they can grow up to be anything. As Mr. Adler says "You may someday be doctors or lawyers or scientists." However, many children in an average school will have more common, "blue collar" jobs. These jobs matter, but society often views these workers as inferior. Mr. Adler is being realistic.

Answer: They were scared of him and probably had no other choice to follow the rules. It's kill or be killed.

Question: Using the motion tracker with the screen when Dallas is in the vent, is it top-down or side-view?

Answer: It actually appears to orient both ways, presumably Lambert is switching back and forth between orientations. When Dallas turns; it shows on the readout as a 90 degree turn. When Dallas goes down the ladder the first time the readout shows the dot travelling downwards on the screen. It can't do both unless Lambert is switching them. And it makes sense that she would, she knows where he is because he is calling out his location as he goes. Lambert likely knows the path Dallas intends to take and switches orientations when he does. This confusing set-up is purposefully meant to disorient the audience, so they, like Dallas, have no idea from which direction the alien is coming. Lambert seems to have also become disoriented (this seems an impossible task with no line of sight) and can't give Dallas a direction to escape. She has the screen oriented so "forward" is to the right, Dallas goes down towards the alien, so she says "No! Not that way! The other way! God!"


Question: What did Jane say to Barbara that upset her? The only thing I could make out was, "This place" and "family."

Answer: Jane says "the house is meant for a couple with a family" and is therefore too big for them. Meaning that Adam and Barbara have no children and thus aren't a family yet. It upset her to be reminded that they don't have any children.


Adam even suggests 'trying again on vacation,' implying they'd tried to have a child before. It's why they bonded with Lydia so well; they'd been hoping to be parents.

Brian Katcher

Question: How many years is Disenchanted set after the original Disney Enchanted movie? 15 or 10? Also, (connected to this), how old is Morgan now? 16 or 21?

Answer: Disenchanted is set 10 years after the original movie. Also, Morgan is 16 years old since it's set 10 years later and Morgan was six in Enchanted.

Question: Two questions about the song "Touch-a touch-a touch me." 1. Janet tells Rocky that she only kissed before. Columbia looks shocked and asks Magenta, "You mean she?" with Magenta confirming. What was the implication? 2. Janet tells Rocky that she wants to stay the distance. What did she mean by that? Shouldn't she really be saying that she wants to go the distance?

Answer: Janet has only gone as far as kissing. Columbia is saying "you mean she's a virgin?" Stay the distance means basically the same thing as go the distance. I don't know if the phrase was more popular in the 70's or the song writer just liked the flow of "stay" instead of "go."


Show generally

Question: What's the episode where they're all travelling on a train, and Phil and Cam see a writer whose books they admire?

Answer: It's S7xE21 Crazy Train.

Super Grover

Answer: It could simply be a case that he can no longer keep it to himself, and he has to tell someone before he gives a speech about how great Dan was.


Victim - S5-E4

Question: How was a police report filed for OA's mugging in the beginning of the show? OA wanted nothing to do with the police or to be seen as a victim. He ran away from the scene when he learned a passerby called 911.


Question: What happened to the 4th Somali pirate? When the Somalis take the ship, there are FOUR of them: Muse (captain), the young kid, the muscular psycho, and a 4th guy with a beard. He just disappears and doesn't make it into the lifeboat.


Answer: Actually there are four in the lifeboat, the guy with the beard is at the front in the driver's seat.

I realised after rewatching that he was there the whole time, he was driving the boat and just had a slightly smaller role than the other 3 did. Thanks for the reply.

Invasion - S4-E1

Question: Why in the episode of the unexploded bomb in a children's playground was the bomb referred to in weight using kilograms? Did they refer to bombs in the 1940s in kilograms or pounds? (01:14:34)

Answer: They are using the accepted names of the bombs. During World War 2 the Germans used the metric system and produced bombs ranging from 50kg to 2500kg. Referring to the weight of the bombs in pounds (or fractions of tons) risked confusing the situation and would require someone to understand how to convert from imperial measures to metric, not an easy thing to do when under stress.

Question: In the club scene where the Oakenfold track is playing...there are some either movies or music videos being played in the background. Does anyone know what they are?

Question: What kind of logic is behind Christoph's urge to keep Truman in the show now that he's realised what it's all about? Did Christoph suggest Truman (and all the viewers too) would start faking a happy life as all the other cast? Wouldn't it nullify all the idea of the show?

Answer: I think he wanted to explore the angle of "Now that he knows, what happens next?"


Well, he already witnessed what happens when Truman finds out.

Mart Känd

Question: When Trevor is flying over the berm onto the road, I hear a voice which sounds like Mandarin or other Chinese dialect. Can anyone tell what is said?

Question: Was there any physical indication of what killed the Maitlinds? The football players died in a bus crash and looked mangled. The girl who committed suicide had slashed wrists. I never noticed anything suggesting how the two of them died by their appearance.

Answer: They died by drowning. Jane's daughter even tells Lydia when she asks what happened. Although Adam and Barbara should have been completely wet for the whole movie, Tim Burton decided to keep Alec and Geena dry as he felt that keeping them wet the entire time would be an uncomfortable experience for both of them.

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