Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: A whole lot of questions are answered is this movie, but there's one thing not explained. What happened to Dr. Gordon?

Answer: After crawling out of the bathroom, Dr. Gordon cauterizes his leg on a hot steam pipe in the tunnels outside. He then passes out and Jigsaw finds him and nurses him back to health, giving him a new foot. Gordon then becomes Jigsaw's helper, helping him in many of his traps.

Question: Who is Jedidiah? Where did he come from and Why isn't he in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning?

Answer: Jebidiah was the grandson of the sheriff. Since TCM:TB was a prequel, telling about Leatherface's upbringing, he would not have been born yet.

Question: Just after Mystique takes the bullet for Magneto, he does acknowledge that she saved him, but walks away. It was very obvious that she did save him so the line wasn't put there for explanation, so why have Magneto say that she saved him if he didn't care?

Answer: As you said yourself, he's acknowledging to her that she saved him. Whether he now cares about her or not, an acknowledgement is hardly unreasonable.


Question: It's mentioned in a correction that Izzy is killed in the crash. Why is this said when he can be seen crawling away from the crash just before Double D has the showdown with the Creeper.

Answer: The car explodes a while after it crashed, too fast for Izzy to get away.

Answer: He was crawling away before the car exploded.

Answer: You can see him crawl away before it explodes.

Answer: He probably didn't get far enough.

Question: During the La Vie Boheme song Angel looks at Roger over the top of Mark and says something. Anyone know what it is?

Answer: Angel says "I can feel his balls".

Answer: He wants her assigned to a different job so he won't see her anymore.


Question: Where did Colossus and the other students go after they escaped from the school?

Answer: It's never shown in the movie. We only know they escape through the hidden tunnels. Since the students obviously knew about the tunnels, there was likely a predetermined location for them to meet at in an emergency.

Question: Why didn't they just shoot Mystique with the cure, rather then hold her in a cell like they did? Knowing how dangerous she is, and how she can shape-shift into anyone, why keep her incarcerated? Surely they knew that Magneto would try to rescue her, and how unstoppable he could be. It would have been in their best interest to just "cure" her.

Answer: Because they're not allowed to. You can't just beat a potentially violent prisoner unconscious. This is along the same lines. The legality of usage of "the cure" has not been fully clarified. So all personnel were given the order not to use it unless absolutely necessary.


Show generally

Question: Does anyone know what is the order of replacement for the captain on the Bridge? All I know is that Riker is the first, but is it the captain's choice after that?

Answer: According to rank and seniority, the chain of command is: Picard, Riker, Data, LaForge, Troi and Worf as of the series finale. Troi was added when she took command school, Tasha Yar would have been between Geordi and Worf, and Wesley or Ro Laren would have been after Worf had they not left the Enterprise.

Grumpy Scot

This has changed over the series but it all depends on who is available and rank has little to do with it. When Worf became the Security chief after Tasha died, he essentially became the fourth in Command (with some exceptions IE: Commander Shelby in The Best of Both Worlds) from then on. Even though Crusher, Geordi, and Troi all outrank him, Worf is a Bridge Officer, so that apparently elevates him in the chain of command over higher ranking Officers.

Answer: Judging by the French narrator, and the tropical atmosphere, I'd say they're meant to be in the Galapagos.


The Pacific Ocean is where the Bikini islands are located.


Question: When Magneto has kidnapped Rogue, she asks him if he is going to kill her to which he answers "Yes". I don't understand - Magneto wants to use Rogue as a vessel to transfer all his power into, not kill her.

Answer: As we saw earlier when Magneto used the machine on Senator Kelly, it severely drained his strength and had nearly died. Using the machine on the much grander scale on Ellis Island would certainly kill the person at the controls which is why Magneto needed someone to do it for him. Rogue would have been killed had Wolverine, Storm, Jean & Cyclops not rescued her at the last minute.


Answer: Dale is singing the classic Three Stooges song "Swinging the Alphabet" (composed by Septimus Winner) from the short film "Violent is the Word for Curly" (1938). A google search on either the song title or film title will provide you with a wealth of information on this hilarious episode.

Matty Blast

Show generally

Question: If "Whitelighters" are "technically" dead how is it Leo can do everything human? Eat, drink, feel, love, oh and father children. As well as when "Grams" and Patty came back they often came in human form at least some of the time?

Answer: They are given a new physical body that has the "triple helix" DNA like witches.


Question: According to Jerry Goldsmith composed the music for the film. But I ran across a copy of the soundtrack which names Danny Elfman as the composer. I have also seen him credited for the music in both "Gremlins" films on several occasions, both on TV and online. Why is Elfman getting credit if Goldsmith composed the music?

Answer: It's hard to get a definite answer to this, as I've found conflicting answers online. However, by 1984 Danny Elfman hadn't done much composing, with his musical work largely restricted to songs as part of his band. As such I'd think it was unlikely he composed the Gremlins score. No music from the Gremlins films are on either of his compilation CDs either. The closest thing to a reason I can find for the mis-crediting is that on the Gremlins 2 DVD one of the deleted scenes apparently has some music from "Beetljuice" (which Elfman scored) used over it, which may have led to the confusion.

Jon Sandys

Goldsmith also had a cameo in the film (as did Steven Spielberg) as the man at the phone, while Spielberg rolls around on some sort of bicycle-type vehicle.


Answer: I purchased the Gremlins theme on my iPhone, listed under Danny Elfman, and it's the original theme. I'm guessing Danny bought the rights.

Any Gremlin theme song you bought with Elfman's name attached was mislabeled. He didn't buy the rights to any of the songs Goldsmith created.


Question: What are the ages of all the Bennet sisters?

Answer: According to the book, at the beginning, Jane 22, Elizabeth 20, Mary between Elizabeth and Kitty so 18 or 19, Kitty 17, Lydia 15.


Question: The architect mentions a "mother" of the Matrix. Who is she? When Neo asks if it's the Oracle, the Architect says "Please." Does he mean please how can you think that, or please don't interrupt, I'm speaking?

Answer: It's the Oracle. The Architect says "please" because Neo called her an oracle. To the Architect, she's just another program. He is scoffing at Neo for using that term, not for coming to that conclusion.


Question: I don't really get it. Why doesn't he just rewind and start over when things start going bad? Did I miss something?

Answer: He can't start over, all he can do with rewind is view the past. The remote was a learning remote. The choices Michael made were his and they were permanent. Morty goes over this when he explains the virtues of the remote to Michael.


Answer: It is never stated.

Answer: As the other response says, the number of years is never stated. Physically, I think he is supposed to look about twenty years old. Bill wants him to start a proper business. None of the adults seem to think that he should be in school.

Question: In the policewoman's apartment, the recording she is watching of the puppet goes to live. How did that happen with a recording?

Answer: The camera was plugged into the VCR, so when the tape finished, and the Officer stopped it, it switched to the live feed.

Question: Does anyone know where I can get a hi-res pic of Filmore's bumper? I want to see if I can read all the funny in-joke bumper stickers and the pic I have can't zoom in that far without going to pixel boxes. Thanks.

Answer: This is a list of the Bumper stickers: "Recycle Your Oil", Three "Flo's V-8 Café" stickers, "Free Mother Road", "Groovy and Love", "Portland Concrete on My Mind", "Please Recycle", "No Interstate", "Go Natural, Drink Organic Fuels", "Certified Organic Oil", "Home Sweet Road", "I'm an Eco-Bus", Six "Peace"signs, "Stop the Superslab", "Your Mother Road Loves You", A flower, A heart with 66 in it, Oval RS, "Ornament Valley", "Open Road U.", A rainbow, "Peace on the Open Road", A rainbow butterfly, Recycling emblem, A Route 66 shield, "Turn On to Recycling", "Life Begins at the Offramp", "My Inner Car is Electric", A sticker that has a 66 shield on it with a tire track over that says "Tread on Me", "Recycling: It's a Gas", "Save Mother Road", "Flower Power", "I (heart) Recycled Oil", "Drink Organic Oil", "Free Mother Road", "Question Interstate", Recycling symbol with "Take a Drive on the Wild Side", "100% Organic Fool", "Fillmore Organic Fuels", Recycling emblem, "Pardon My Backfire, I Eat Veggie Fuels", "Save 2-D Animation", "One Way"(recycling symbol), "Interstate"inside a stop sign, "I Brake for Jackalopes", "Support Organic Refiners", "I (heart) 2 Recycle", "Recycle Your Oil"with a yin-yang symbol, An oil derrick with a slash through it, "It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Road", "100% Organic", A bigger 66 shield and a heart, "Got Solar?", "Oil"with a recycling symbol in the "O", "Born to Recycle", "I (heart) Recycled Oil", "Certified Organic Oil", "Go Natural - Drink Organic Fuels", A sun with a recycling symbol in the center, A flower, "Drink Organic Oil"with flower in it, "100 Percent Organic Oil", "Interstate"with a slash through it, 66 shield with a rainbow, 51237 is the license plate, which is George Carlin's date of birth.


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