Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After being asked to go to periscope depth, why would Mancuso bring the Dallas along side of the Red October rather than remain behind him and keep his advantage?

Answer: Everything both captains are doing is a gesture to the other. Ramius keeps his torpedo tube doors closed to show he doesn't want to fight. Mancuso moves along side him as a gesture of trust.

Question: For someone stranded on Mars for several months, Mantee's hair and sideburns seem remarkably well-groomed, even, and trimmed! (He could have cut his hair with his knife, but wouldn't it have looked more shaggy and uneven than it does)?

Answer: In the movie before he discovers his water supply and watches the survival video, he is shown grooming himself and shaving.

Question: When Beetlejuice is trying to talk Lydia into marrying him, he says something like "You can say you're hitched if a bachelor from Valentino comes over". What does he mean?

Answer: He says, "Think of it as a marriage of inconvenience. We both get something. I get out. You get the most eligible bachelor since Valentino." Rudolph Valentino was a famous movie heart-throb who died in 1926 at the age of 31.


Question: The trivia for Toy Story 2 said that Andrew Stanton has a voice in every computer animated film. Who does he voice in this movie?

Answer: IMDb just says additional voices, nothing specific.

Shannon Jackson

Answer: He voices Fred, the incredibly rusty car that appears at both races, in both cases being very happy that somebody famous knows his name (having in fact read it from his licence plate).


Question: When Al is talking to the Japanese man on the phone, he ends the phone call with "Don't touch my mustache." What does he mean by this? Is this a Japanese term that sounds like don't touch my mustache? (Similar to when everybody yells "have a paper bag!" at Harryhausen's in Monster's Inc?)

Answer: "Douitashimashite" is the Japanese word for You're welcome. Phonetically, it sounds like "Don't touch my mustache." It's how we were taught to say it while living in Japan in the military. If you say it fast enough, you can sound like you are pronouncing the word decently enough (although clearly not THAT accurately.)

Shannon Jackson

Question: Someone else submitted a question about a falling cow being put in one scene, and they were told that someone was probably just joking with them. I've also heard that rumor, before ever finding this site, so I'm wondering if anyone else knows whether a cow was really put in the background of any scene.

Answer: No. It is not true. There is an urban myth surrounding a falling cow sinking a Japanese trawler, but is complete non-sense. I think you have been misinformed by someone getting the stories mixed up. Check out more info about the falling cow.


Answer: In one of the sinking scenes you see a person falling from the ship into the water in the foreground. It happens very quickly and right in front of the camera but it's definitely a person.

Question: At the end of the movie while the gang is pulling out the guts of the spider, the camera zooms to the wall showing a shadow of all of them ripping out what looks to be the shape of a human. What exactly is this that they ripped out of the spider?


Chosen answer: According to the book, it is IT's Heart. Although this could be wrong due to the common transition between books and films where the director decides to change the odd thing. It would make sense that it is IT's heart though, as they are punching through the chest of the spider.


Question: When Cain and Coop are talking about changing the rules, Cain says that every owner has to vote yes in order for the rules to change. But as Coop does not want the rules to change, if every owner, but Coop, voted yes to change the rules, wouldn't the rules stay the same since Coop has the controlling vote because he is in charge of the league?

Answer: That's the joke. As Coop states to him,"If you want unanimous consent, you're gonna have to get it from one of the other owners."


Chosen answer: Because he was offered a lot of money. $100 million is a lot of money to turn down for someone on a policeman's salary.


Question: One thing that's been slightly puzzling me since I read the book (and watched the film): Does Rorschach know that he's entering The Comedian's apartment when he breaks in? or does he just go around randomly entering crime scenes?


Chosen answer: He does, in fact, go around snooping around crime scenes. In the comic, he says "Investigated routine homicide. Found costume in Blake's wardrobe. Seems he was the Comedian."


Question: Whatever happened to the 2 cops from the beginning that were in the March hare pursuit vehicle? We never see them again after the beginning. Did they die when their car overturned or what?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, they died. One of the other MFP officers says after the crash that "they're wasted".

Question: There are usually references to the next Pixar film in the film (Nemo in Monsters, Inc, Mr. Incredible in Nemo, Toy Story 3 bear in Up). Is there anything from Wall-e in Ratatouille?

Answer: When Remy is sneaking through a house, he gets barked at by a dog. You only see the dog's shadow, but it is Dug from Up. Have a look on YouTube, many people have posted it.


Answer: Not in the Ratatouille movie itself, however on the DVD/Blu-ray there is a short about how rats are our friends and there is a sequence about how rats will follow us into space, the driver of one of the shuttles is Wall-E himself.


Question: Was there any proof other than Jenny's word that her child was Forrest's child?

Answer: It is implied in many ways, such as the manner in which they sit in front of the TV when they first meet and they way they physically resemble each other. Beyond that, Jenny had never lied to Forrest before and there was no reason to doubt her.


Question: John Ratzenburger is known as Pixar's lucky charm, appearing in every Pixar movie. (Ham in all the Toy Stories, Underminer in The Incredibles, Mac in Cars). Who does he voice in Ratatouille?

Answer: He voices Mustafa the waiter.


Question: What is the name of the song during the teaser trailer, during the race?

Answer: The song I think you're referring to is Westbound Sign by Green Day.

Question: Something I have always wondered. At the end of the movie, Remy has hundreds of rats cooking the food with him. However, Remy is the rat in the whole flock with a real ability to know how to cook. How did all of the rats cook the food with great ability if they have no cooking experience at all? Remy couldn't have taught them all how to cook or what to do for the recipes.

Answer: He doesn't need to teach them every recipe, just give each one specific tasks to do, like assembly-line workers.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: He taped the door edges so they wouldn't leave fingerprints on the car.

Chosen answer: He is taping up the car window that he broke in order to keep some of the winter weather out.


That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: Talking with stripper Candy Doyle, Potter remarks that he still remembers how she used to spin her tassels and that he is reminded of this every time he sees a C 42 revving up. On the net I do find references to a C40A, a C47 and others, but no reference to an aircraft of the time called a C 42. What would he have been referring to?

Answer: The C-42 was a military variant of the Douglas DC-2. Very few C-42's were built, so it's questionable that Potter would specifically have seen that particular model, but, given his military background, it's not entirely unreasonable that he might use the military designation even when the aircraft in question is actually a civilian DC-2.


Answer: The role has been taken over by Blake Clark.


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