Question: Why did Prentiss sleep with Doyle? Was it for the profile? Because Morgan didn't seem convinced that it would've been much help for the profile.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why was Harry annoyed with Marv cause he took money from the Santa? Stealing is what they do.
Chosen answer: Harry wasn't annoyed because Marv stole from Santa Claus, he was annoyed that Marv was thinking "small", stealing coins that would help them live day-to-day while Harry wanted to plan really big heists that would set them for life.
Question: When they are leaving the shrieking shack, why does Hermione keep looking back?
Chosen answer: She could have been looking at Remus and Pettigrew, who exited from the tunnel behind her, Ron, Harry, and Sirius. She probably also heard Snape making his way through the tunnel shortly after that. He was the last to exit from the Shrieking Shack after being knocked out by Harry's spell.
Question: Are the foreign movies dubbed or subbed?
Chosen answer: Dubbed.
There might have been a technical reason they did not use subtitled movies, because the superimposed row of chairs and actors at the bottom of the frame would have covered up the subtitles.
Question: Did Darth Tyranus know that Sidious was going to betray him?
Chosen answer: Nope, you can see the surprise on his face when Palpatine orders Anakin to kill him. He then realises Anakin is Sidious' new apprentice. He fully expected to defeat Anakin.
I read that Palpatine/Sidious had given Dooku/Tyrannus a fake plan: Tyrannus thought they would kill Obi-wan, then convince Anakin to join the two of them.
I think that is partially right. Though I would sooner think the plan was to incapacitate Obi-Wan, which Dooku did and then focus on Anakin to get him to the dark side. Dooku had a chance to kill Obi-Wan but didn't. Besides, if Dooku did kill Obi-Wan it is almost sure Anakin will kill Dooku for it.
If I remember correctly, at the moment, the plan was described in the book "Labyrinth of Evil" by James Luceno. Although, I don't know how many books are canon now.
Question: What is the whole conversation in the first French class between Chris' friend, the teacher and Sarah?
Answer: Translation on the board: "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" Teacher: "I hope you had a good weekend" " (Calls to the students name) Your weekend went good?" Student: "Very good" Teacher: "What did you do during the weekend? Did you go to the beach, or did you find a elegant woman?" "Search for a woman?" Student: "oh did you mean did I get laid" (now you see why he says that) Teacher: "In french, in french! (says students name) " Student: "a lot of... a lot of lay" Girl (sorry I forgot her name): "What a idiot, moron" Teacher: "Well, our new student m'am your french is very good!" (Conversation goes on in English) Teacher: (says what the board says) "if you would have done your homework, you would understand" By the way what they're learning in this French class is L'imparfait tense.
Question: The scene where Angier and Cutter capture Fallon is the one scene in the movie I still don't understand. Why does Borden decide to walk after the show, why does Fallon follow Angier, and how did Angier know that Fallon was going to follow him in the back alley so that they could trap him?
Answer: Borden decided to walk simply because he felt like it; Fallon noticed Angier start to follow him (Borden), and was worried he might do something (remember, earlier Angier shot Borden's fingers off), and so tailed him; Angier knew that Fallon and Borden were inseparable, and that Fallon would follow him, and so broke off from Borden and trusted that Fallon's curiosity would lead him to fall into the trap.
Question: What do you reckon Rose would have done had the Titanic not sunk? Since they wouldn't have had to go back to her stateroom due to the seriousness of the collision, Jack may not have been arrested, so do you reckon Cal would make sure she was in sight of him, Lovejoy or Ruth at all times and then force her into the arranged marriage or do you think she would've found a way to be with Jack?
Answer: 1. The fact that Jack and Rose appear together as a couple to inform her mother and Cal about the impending danger of the shipwreck, shows that they were ready to disclose their relationship to the world, without worrying about others. 2. ‎Rose tells Jack that she will stay with him in New York when the ship docks. So if they made it all the way to New York, there are possibilities that the two lovers outwit Cal and his prying men, and could've eloped and got married. Note: Cal couldn't have sued Jack of kidnapping Rose, because she would testify against Cal and Jack would be proved innocent:-).
Answer: There is no reasonable way that Rose and Jack could have remained together if they'd all made it to New York safely. Rose had too many eyes on her, and her marriage to Cal had already been arranged, so she could not have gotten out of it. It would have been a fairly easy matter for Cal to keep Rose under essentially house arrest until they were wed.
Question: Did Darth Vader know that the Emperor intended to replace him?
Chosen answer: Yes, the Sith Rule of Two requires that the master kill the apprentice and claim a new one, or the apprentice kill the master and become master himself.
Then why didn't Vader do anything about it?
He quite famously threw the Emperor down a shaft. :-) Presumably he was still benefiting from the relationship. The Emperor knows how it goes too - they would have stayed in partnership until the deciding moment came, both thinking they'd be the one to triumph, but ultimately one of them would be wrong.
I mean prior when Palpatine is torturing Luke.
While Anakin without the suit could have been more powerful than the Emperor, as Darth Vader, he is definitely not more powerful and would easily be defeated if he attempted anything. The Emperor's force lightning would damage his suit easily.
Do you mean during the timeline in the Original trilogy that Darth Vader knows that his master is going to replace him? Just like what happened to Dooku, whom Anakin killed in front of Sidious.
The rule of two is a Sith philosophy, so yes he knew. According to the rule the master will always be seeking a stronger apprentice, while the apprentice will seek to become the master.
Answer: The reason why Vader didn't do anything is a character decision. Likely Palpatine being a master of manipulation beat into Vader's head that Vader need him in order to function as a leader.
Chosen answer: That's one way to look at it. The Sith sought to grow stronger, and when a potentially stronger apprentice comes around, the "upgrade" is too tempting to pass on.
Answer: I think Palpatine/Sidious had always plans, along with some alternate plans. He needed to be prepared in case things didn't happen as he wished. Maybe he intended for Darth Maul to be a placeholder for Anakin. After Maul was killed, Dooku was the new placeholder. However, there was also a chance that Anakin could be killed - maybe in a Clone Wars battle - or he might refuse to turn against the Jedi. Palpatine probably had something in mind for those situations.
Question: When Angelo Palazzi is gassing the jet crew, there is a voice mixed into the crew's gasps saying "Answer the question." Has anyone else ever heard this?
Answer: I just watched this movie, and in this scene, while I didn't hear that particular phrase, there is constant talking by the air traffic controller over the radio requesting routine information from the crew about their flight status. The conversation became more urgent when the stricken crew were no longer responding. In that event, a logical comment from the controller would be, "Answer the question."
The Vacation Solution - S5-E16
Question: Why did Penny lie to Leonard by saying Bernadette wants a prenup when it's her dad who wants a prenup, and why is she gossiping about it in the first place?
Chosen answer: She is simplifying the situation. Bernadette may not be the one insisting on the Pren, but she is going to ask Howard to sign one. She's gossiping because she likes to gossip.
Question: I don't get why Bernadette got mad at Howard just because he didn't tell her about a couple of women he used to date. I don't also get why she started getting upset and running to her room just because of what Penny said. Can someone please explain them to me?
Chosen answer: She is upset at Howard not because he didn't tell her, but because he lied to her. He claimed to have told her about all the women he slept with but didn't mention many of them. She is mad at Penny because she thinks Penny betrayed her by setting her up with someone she didn't respect and expected them to fail.
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Answer: She tried to role play as Lauren when she was very uncomfortable with it.