Question: Why does Meyeing seem to only wear blue fluffy socks?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: I have 2 questions. 1) At the waterfall, why did Dre and Meyeing take their shoes off if they would put them right back on? And 2) I know Dre took off his socks as well, but did Meyeing?
Question: After Harry begins to pierce Tom Riddle's diary with the bloody tooth, how does it cause Tom to disappear and revive Ginny?
Answer: The diary is a Horcrux. Tom Riddle, as seen, is just a part of Lord Voldemort's soul. Basilisk venom is one of the few substances that can destroy a Horcrux. When Harry stabs the diary with the fang, the venom destroys the Horcrux and as such Tom Riddle disappears. Due to the strong magic in the item, it has taken control of Ginny as such when the diary is destroyed, Ginny gets her energy back.
Question: Couldn't Jed, the cowboy in the timeglass, just be walking around on top of the sand to avoid being buried in it?
Answer: Yes. But he obviously doesn't think to do so.
IChristmas - S2-E6
Question: Carly became disappointed when Spencer built a magnetic tree instead of getting a real tree. She later gets angry about the tree burning the presents she wrapped, but she later says the tree is her favorite ever. Did Carly no longer care about the burnt gifts?
Answer: No she did not, she learned that presents are not what Christmas is about.
Answer: It's when she wished Spencer was normal it made her realise the true meaning of Christmas.
Question: When the armies of Gondor and Rohan approached the black gate, why didn't the orcs who are in charge of opening the gate and watching it not fire at them?
Answer: They were probably ordered not to as it was a last suicidal attempt to challenge them and Sauron was amused by this. Therefore he sent the mouth of Sauron rather than attack them.
Question: How did Trebuchets work and how did the soldiers even move it for ammunition? They were pretty much firing something the size of a whole room.
Answer: Trebuchets are just elaborate catapults, but the additional rope at the end of the arm gives it extra leverage, and thus the ability to throw something extra far. As to maneuverability, that wasn't really a problem for the soldiers of Gondor, as they were fixed in place, solely to be used for defending the city when necessary.
Question: At the end on the bridge when Dom is about to be shot, Brian appears as if out of thin air, behind Dom, car and all, gun in hand, and shoots the bad guy who had to have been staring right at him for like a good minute while Brian drove to Dom, parked the car, got out and aimed his gun. What am I missing?
Answer: After all the gun fire, explosions and flipped in a car however many times, I'm sure you'd be lucky if you'd even hear ringing and it doesn't really show when Brian comes back. He may have been working his way towards them.
Answer: You aren't missing anything. That's pretty much exactly what happens. Zizi is determined to kill Dom at this point and he isn't paying attention to anything else around him. He never even notices Brian until it's too late.
Question: How come Harry Potter doesn't see the re-incarnation of the Cruciatus curse Voldermort used on a DeathEater that occured right after Cedric's death? Shouldn't it have came out of Voldermort's wand in some form?
Answer: He does hear them. The screams he hears are the screams of pain from the Cruciatus Curse.
Question: Why did Zuko get mad when Leo said "Pinks you punk! Pink slips! Ownership papers!"
Answer: Pink slips are ownership papers which means the winner gets the loser's car.
Answer: The ownership papers of cars use to be pink. Whomever won the race would win the other persons car. They were playing for pinks and he did not want to lose their car.
Answer: Because Zuko was being called a punk, and they other guy was from a rival gang and putting them down and being generally obnoxious. Plus, it's possible the word "pinks" was meant to be initially misunderstood as the "Pink Ladies."
Answer: Because Danny didn't understand right away what the guy meant by "pinks" and the guy tried to humiliate Danny by calling him a punk for not knowing the lingo - that he was too inexperienced and dumb to know what he was talking about.
Question: What is the significance (if any) of the symbol Paul drew on Connie's body?
Answer: If you remember it was a flower or a heart with an arrow pointing down. You can figure it out. I think it was just something Paul did for fun to Connie.
Answer: My only thought is for her husband to see the drawing.
Question: If his father was a monster, why didn't Britt make that clear to everyone at the funeral and let them know he didn't deserve that statue? Also, why couldn't Britt tell his co-workers that he cut the statue's head off?
Answer: While Britt held a childhood grudge against his dad, his father wasn't so much a "monster" as he was a hard-nosed, dedicated publisher (who was, in fact, trying to expose organized crime). Britt has a change of heart when his father dies unexpectedly, and Britt makes the decision to take more responsibility in his life. Britt's old grudge only re-emerges when he and Kato get intoxicated and vandalize the statue, which Britt later regrets doing when he is sober.
Question: So, just to make this clear, neither Britt nor Kato win Lenore's heart by the end?
Answer: Any romantic tangent between Lenore, Britt or Kato was derailed when she discovered their true identities. Lenore was furious with both of them. By the end of the film, we only get the impression that she is joining the Green Hornet team, presumably to return as a trio in any sequels. Which, due to low boxoffice and poor reviews, never happened.
Question: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the plot of this film is to show Michael's consolidation to power. My question is, what's with the thing with Hyman Roth and Cuba? Like what are they trying to invest in? Why did Roth want Michael killed?
Answer: They were investing in hotels and gambling in pre-Castro Cuba, trying to extend their empire to what was then a lucrative market for rich Americans. Michael, however, saw the revolution coming, and started to pull back from the deal as he realised that the Communists would win and nationalize all those businesses. Roth, oblivious to this, tried to have Michael killed because he was worried that Michael's reticence would influence the others involved in the deal and ruin the investment for him.
Answer: Roth wanted Michael killed because he had Moe Green killed.
Question: How exactly did Leslie initially intend on crossing the Bering or Chukchi Sea from Alaska into Russia? I know he and Professor Fate end up floating on a large mass of ice to do so, but that's not exactly something you can plan for.
Chosen answer: The cars and drivers were supposed to make the trip by ship from North America across the Bering Strait to a Russian port, where they would resume the race. As it happened, Leslie and Fate were stranded in a blizzard on the North American side before they reached the ship. The ice beneath their cars unexpectedly broke away and drifted across the Bering Strait, improbably arriving at the intended destination port in Russia. As they drift into port, we see Leslie's right-hand man, Hezekiah, waving at them from the Russian dock, which is only possible if Hezekiah made the journey by the very ship that Leslie and Fate missed.
Question: Would Victor have felt any pain by the time he was found, or would he be so insane that he wouldn't be able to feel anything? And if so, how long would it take for him to become that insane? Also, would he be aware of where he is and who's in the room once he went completely insane, even if he's not able to communicate? And if he's no longer aware of reality, would he still feel pain? I'm a bit confused in that regard, as well as how long it would take for his brain to become mush.
Chosen answer: The question presupposes that there is a "level" of insanity wherein one stops feeling pain, which there is not. If his body still has active nerve endings, he would continue to feel pain no matter what his state of mental deterioration. As to the second part of the question, the examining doctor describes his brain (read: mind) as "mush", suggesting that he is too far gone to be aware of reality anymore.
Question: When Scarlet Witch attempts to mind control Hawkeye, he turns it back on her and says something like "Already done the mind control thing...didn't enjoy it the first time." Was this supposed to be an in-joke reference to the fact that Jeremy Renner was publicly bitter about having to spend most of the first film being mind controlled by Loki (which almost got him fired)?
Answer: It's not an in-joke about real life. It's just a direct reference to Loki mind controlling him.
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Chosen answer: There's no reason given. It's just a personal preference.
raywest ★