Question: I have two questions about Robert and Caroline. First, why are there two separate beds in their bedroom? I know that Colin and Mary's hotel room might have had two single beds by default, but was it common practice for Italian homes to still contain separate beds in the 1990s? Also, why did Robert and Caroline murder Colin?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why does Le Chiffre torture Bond for the code when the Swiss banker would obviously only allow Bond himself to punch in the code in the banking briefcase?
Answer: If Le Chiffre is willing to torture Bond to get the code, he's certainly willing to torture the banker into letting him use it.
Answer: It's reasonable that the Swiss banker would have dispensed the money to anyone with the account number and code, just like how Swiss bank accounts can be accessed with just the number and why you keep it safe. Their "different" security is what makes them so useful to some.
Question: At the end of the film, King Candy as a bug is seen being hypnotised by the "beacon" and he flies into the light... Does he die? You'd think that he would since he's not originally from Sugar Rush, but he recoded the game so that he existed as his alter ego, King Candy. Would he respawn or is it as Sonic says at the start, game over for Turbo?
Answer: He does die, because that's how the Cy-Bugs end their games - they all die. Turbo is a Cy-bug after being eaten. And it's not his game, so he would not respawn.
Question: The bullies think there is a real high school reunion going on. Yet having sat outside the boarded up and abandoned school for 3 hours, they do not seem in the least surprised and begin to doubt a reunion is taking place. They are not suspicious even when they have to break a window to get in to the school.Surely they would be suspicious by then and not go in?
Question: Draco said in the previous book/movie that Voldemort would kill him if he didn't kill Dumbledore, so why didn't Voldemort kill him after he refused and Severus had to do it instead?
Answer: Draco didn't refuse outright, though he did not want to kill Dumbledore. Voldemort threatened to kill Draco's family if he failed. Draco did make attempts, but they were half-hearted ones that failed. Snape stepped in before Draco was forced into killing Dumbledore. Voldemort would have killed Draco eventually, but keeping him alive was useful in his controlling both Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (Draco's parents) and also Bellatrix Lestrange (Draco's aunt). Killing Draco early on would have turned them against him.
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Question: Is there something wrong with Sweet (Hinton Battle)'s left eye? He seems to keep it closed or half-lidded during his introductory song, the camera and lighting keeps it out of sight most of the time, and when he does open it, such as at 29:58, it's looking ahead in comparison to his right, which is focused on something else.
Chosen answer: He could have a lazy eye, (aka Amblyopia) but doesn't in other work and interviews, so it's probably just selective camera/lighting work.
Question: Why did Exley appear so traumatised after killing the man in the elevator? He is, after all, a police officer in homicide, and he killed people before that. Also, did he kill him intentionally?
Chosen answer: A 12g shotgun blast at that range would cause an incredibly bloody death, especially as there is a good chance it hit the man in the face. Exley has killed a person in the line of duty before this, but not in such a spectacular way. And while he may not have meant to kill him he chose to shoot over letting the man escape.
Question: Why would Falcone's assassin kill Chill in front of many cops? Why would she choose to go to jail just to protect one person who was already in jail? And if she was so intent on protecting him, why would she say "Falcone says hi"? That would just make Falcone even more indictable.
Chosen answer: Falcone has the entire justice system of Gotham in his pocket. He'd believe he could beat any charge and probably convinced the assassin that he'd do the same for her.
Question: When the man was hanged on the fan, what exactly happened? It seems like he was cut by the fan, but then there's no blood or anything. How exactly did he die? And why did the fan suddenly stop when he hit it?
Chosen answer: His neck was snapped by the whip getting caught in the fan. There isn't always blood with a hanging. Since the fan wasn't designed to hold a man's weight, the motor in it would have stopped or given out.
Question: Queen Victoria made Phileas realize that he won the wager because it was still day 79. If she knew that Phileas arrived a day early, how come everybody else in London, including Lord Kelvin, thought it was actually day 80 and that he lost the wager when the tower bells began to ring?
Answer: In reality, it would be impossible that so many people would make this mistake. However, it serves the movie's plot for the error to be discovered by one person at the last moment because it provides an unexpected upset to a perceived outcome. In this case, it was by Queen Victoria, which added an additional twist.
Question: At the end of the movie the town clock that was removed from the train station is shown stored in a basement just as the basement floods. The clock is seen to still be working, but how, given that there was no one there to wind it? As the clock was made during the first world war it would be mechanical, not battery powered.
Answer: It is symbolic, showing that time never stops. Everyone will be swept up by the tsunami eventually. No force of nature can compare to time itself. Nothing at all.
Question: Why did McGonagall send all the Slytherins to the dungeon? It was only one Slytherin who wanted them to turn in Harry, and many times in the series people say not all Slytherins are bad.
Chosen answer: Not all Slytherins were bad, but many were and they would fight against Harry. McGonagall did not have time to pick out which ones were allies or enemies. It was simply more efficient to lock them all up at once. Also, even though there were good Slytherins, they would know that taking sides against Voldemort and failing to fully support him could result in later retaliation against them or their families.
Question: How does Christof talk to the actors? They don't look like they have earpieces, and if they do, why didn't that make Truman suspicious earlier?
Answer: They do have earpieces, just minuscule ones that can't be seen unless you are looking directly into a persons ear. As shown in the scene with Marlon on the beach, he is being fed his lines by such an earpiece. They are also present when Truman is in his car and he picks up the signal they are using to show where he is at the given time. Also, even though you can hear what someone is saying, you can't talk back to them which is why Meryl and Marlon had to talk to a camera when requesting help/confirming Truman wasn't there.
Yep, that's it. Also, the earpieces might not even be that small but Truman isn't looking for them and thus doesn't see them.
Chosen answer: It appears that Christof and the control team in the moon did not, in fact, have contact with the actors very often. It is more likely he had contact with people on the ground who could make things happen per his instructions. But there were inconsistencies. For example, how could he create instantaneous traffic jams at a moment's notice, and set up a hazardous spill scene on the outskirts of town to prevent Truman from leaving Seahaven, but he couldn't get anyone to interrupt or vary the cycle of movements by extras that Truman watched in his rear view mirror when he was trying to convince his wife something in their town was amiss - even when he was talking aloud, anticipating the next extra's move before it happened? Christof could arrange for a road race to happen by and to have people almost instantaneously hustle Truman's father onto a bus when he showed up in town as a homeless man, but it took quite some time to get Sylvia's father onto the beach to whisk her away to Fiji, even though Christof knew exactly where they were headed. And when Truman and Meryl were having their major argument in their kitchen, Christof could engineer Marlon to show up with a six pack of beer, but he couldn't communicate with Meryl to provide her advice on how to handle the situation, and she ended up screaming for help into a camera. I think Christof did place some sort of communication/listening device on some actors at critical times. We saw that in a couple of instances (e.g. When Marlon went into Truman's basement looking for an already disappeared Truman, Christof was feeding him direct instructions). But I don't think it was routinely done. And when it was, Christof's surely would have had the technical know-how to create a supremely inconspicuous piece of equipment.
Question: Did Dick Warlock play Michael Myers in every scene he's in, even stunts? I was curious considering that Warlock was a stuntman and could have done the balcony fall and Michael burning scenes as well.
Answer: From what I have read: yes.
Question: The Secret Service Agents rush up the mansion stairs to the bedroom grabbing the stair banister multiple times without gloves. Why didn't the police pick up their fingerprints? And where did they get the crowbar? Is that standard issue for agents?
Answer: The female detective states the carpet is spotlessly clean, indicating they had performed an intense cleanup not shown on camera so they would no doubt cover the staircase as well and wipe it clean of prints. As for the crowbar, it is more than likely part of a "kit" in the boot (trunk) of secret service vehicles.
Question: Why aren't there any more Monk reruns on TV after the 5 day marathon last Dec? I can't find a show anywhere.
Answer: There are so many TV shows in syndication now, that not all old series can be regularly shown. It also depends on ratings. A TV channel will not continue running a show if it does not garner enough viewers for them to charge higher prices for advertising time. Often channels show different series in cycles, so it may well be that Monk will be on again in the future.
The entire series is available on Amazon Video. That's where I discovered it and am now a major fan.
I am on season 6 started from 1st on Apple.
Monk is currently airing weekday afternoons on Cozi TV.
Answer: It's on Heroes and Icons channel every day at 3 and 4.
Answer: It is available to stream on Peacock now.
Answer: You can watch it on the air channel Heroes and Icons, H&I. It's on Thursdays 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Question: At the end of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry gives Lucius Malfoy the diary, showing him that he knows it was him. In the Half Blood Prince we see Dumbledore at his desk mulling over Tom Riddle's destroyed diary - is this an error, or have I missed something? Was it not given back to Malfoy at the end of Chamber of Secrets?
Chosen answer: After Harry hands it to Lucius, Lucius hands it to Dobby to carry. After Dobby is freed by the hidden sock and protects Harry from Lucius, Lucius leaves it behind.
Question: Why type of propulsion system does the Endurance use? It took 2 years for them to reach Saturn from Earth. Once they're in the other galaxy, the ship appears to travel between planets in mere hours/days. Also, it appears that the smaller shuttle craft was launched from Earth on a Saturn V type rocket, but later when leaving the surface of other planets, they have no such system.
Answer: I am not exactly sure what kind of propulsion system is used, however; you must consider that although in our galaxy even the closest planets to Earth take years to travel to, in this alternate universe, the planets may be arranged in a closer formation.
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Answer: While it's possible that they slept in separate beds because of Caroline's chronic back pain, and Robert could accidentally hurt her in the night by moving, it's more likely that it's a sexual kink of sorts, a way to 'deprive' them both of each other. They murdered Colin because Robert was highly unstable (Caroline was utterly dependent on him and was also unstable as a result) and since they enjoyed pain during sex, it's implied that they thought it would be a great sexual thrill to seriously hurt someone else, which would explain why they appeared amorous with each other as soon as Robert cut Colin's throat.