Question: Not being a gambler, the terms they use has always confused me. For example at the end the Black Widows tell Beekman that he still owed them $0.70 on the dollar. What does this mean? How much does this add up to?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Just wondering why we don't see exactly how Prue dies and how Cole and Phoebe make it back from the underworld at the end of Season 3. Is it because Shannon Doherty left the show and they had to try to fill in the gaps?
Answer: Prue's death was never shown because the show wasn't sure it would continue after Season 3. The cliff hanger left the audience believing all three sisters would die (Prue and Piper at the hands of Shax, and Phoebe by the Source). The show was picked back up for 5 more seasons, but Shannen left. Rose was hired on to be half sister, Paige, so as not to recast Prue, and once they began filming, they didn't have Shannen to film an explanation (they also couldn't use her in later seasons as she owned her image, and it was illegal for Charmed to use it without her permission. This is also why you don't see pictures of Prue in the series finale, and why the shot shot of her from the back in "Cat House" was a body double). So instead what we received was Piper angry at Leo for healing "the wrong sister" as he healed Piper first (from the damage we saw inflicted in the last episode of season 3) and it must have been too late to heal Prue - unfortunately we just weren't able to see the immediate after effects of Shax's attack.
Question: After Jar-Jar talks about giving emergency powers to Palpatine, who is the bald-headed person that is standing with Palpatine and Mas Amedda?
Answer: That would be Sly Moore, an Umbaran who serves as Palpatine's senior administrator. According to Expanded Universe materials, she was one of very few who knew that Palpatine was a Sith Lord and received some Dark Side training to enhance her species' natural ability to influence the wills of other sentients.
Question: Does the scene where Anakin arrives late to the meeting (when Obi-Wan tells him he has to spy on Chancellor Palpatine) take place right after Anakin talked to Yoda about his dreams? I'm wondering if there was a small time span because it seems like Yoda should have been there if the Jedi Council was discussing the assignment. However, if Anakin arrived right after talking to Yoda, Yoda should have also been late getting there.
Question: Can anyone explain exactly the orange juice prank that happened between Will Moseley and Ben Barnes? I can never understand what they're saying in the interviews. I know it involved Will sneezing or something. Thanks.
Answer: I think Ben was in his armour and Will came over, sneezed and his orange juice went all over Ben. Will ran to his car and hid from the director.
Question: In the scene where the shark enters the pond, Brody's son and some friends are trying to tie a knot in a rope, a man in a small boat paddles up to them and says something right before he asks if they are ok. It sounds like he is saying "fellas make it thin, fold it in sheets". I've watched Jaws a 100 times and I still can't quite make out what he says. Any idea?
Question: Is Matt LeBlanc one of the dancing football players at the costume party?
Answer: No. He was not.
Question: When this episode was written, did the writers know it would be the very last show? I ask because, apart from the Grim Reaper scene at The End, it doesn't seem to be particularly 'big' or 'climatic' as you would expect the last episode of a long running series to be.
Answer: No, the intent was not that it would be the final episode. At the time, the aim was to follow the eighth series with a full-length movie, before returning to television. Unfortunately, despite many attempts, there have always been problems with obtaining the necessary financing, so the series has never been continued. While the possibility of a ninth series has been discussed on many occasions, no progress has ever been made.
Question: At the end of the movie, Wonka tells Charlie and his grandfather that they do not get the lifetime supply of chocolate because they drank the bubble juice and floated to the ceiling, thus breaking the rules. Charley then places his share of the everlasting gobstopper next to Wonka and all of a sudden, Wonka is very friendly and gives Charlie the entire factory. Did I miss something?
Chosen answer: It was a test. Even though Wonka was being a jerk to Charlie, Charlie gave the Everlasting Gobstopper back. By refusing to sell its secret to Slugworth, even though the Buckets were very poor and Wonka was rude, Charlie proved himself an honorable, honest person and a worthy heir to the business. Wonka was happy for Charlie.
Question: What does D.O.C stand for?
Answer: The tattooed DOC on gang members' arms means Disciples of Christ - the gang that they belong to in the movie.
Question: A part of this film's critical acclaim was caused by an unfocused shot, which the critics called brilliant - even though the lack of focus was an accident. What is that shot and where exactly in the movie does it appear?
Answer: The shot in question occurs when Sinatra's character, Marco, holds up a deck full of queens while trying to deprogram Raymond. On the DVD commentary track, the director, Frankenheimer, acknowleges that the scene was out of focus, and that though Sinatra supplied several other takes of the scene, the other takes weren't nearly as good, so he went with the flawed one. Later, Frankenheimer was praised by critics for the unfocused shot showing Raymond's disturbed perceptions.
Question: I don't understand why the people kill themselves. I mean I understand that the neurotoxin removes their self-preservation instincts, but wouldn't that just make them not care if they live or die and take unnecessary risks, not actively seek out ways to kill themselves?
Answer: If such an event were to actually occur in the real world, that would be the most likely scenario. The mass suicide is just how M. Night Shamylan chose to portray the event in his film.
Answer: I just thought, that because of the toxin's way of making your thoughts and actions move backwards, it might mean that it also switched the human way of wanting to survive. The opposite of surviving is, of course, dying.
Question: If Tim Roth is on loan from the SAS and is British, why does he wear US uniforms including the US flag (visible on the helicopter before they land in New York for the final battle)?
Answer: Likely it is because he is meant to blend in with his US counterparts. Wearing a British uniform might be misconstrued as representing the British armed forces, which he is not. It may not be exactly with the rules of the military, but the army might not have wanted to attract notice that they had to get outside help.
Question: I know this show is from the time period when a lot of couples had two beds in their room. Just out of curiosity, when did it become acceptable to show a couple's bedroom with a single bed on TV?
Answer: According to, there is no definitive answer, but the mid-1960s is the most verifiable date with "The Munsters" being cited as the first, although others claim "The Brady Bunch" showed the first couple seen in a double bed. An early TV show from the late 1940s titled, "Mary Kay and Johnny" is also thought to have shown the married couple's bedroom as having a double bed, although probably not with them in it. However, this was when TV was aired live, and there are no surviving episodes, only anecdotal accounts.
Something that is funny is that in the movie "A Christmas Story," they show the parents having two twin beds in their bedroom. In a real situation, they should have shown them having a double bed. Lucy and Ricky had twin beds pushed together in an early episode, which would have been pushing television boundaries in that time.
Question: When Marty is in the bar on the morning of the showdown, Seamus shows up saying something told him that he should be there, as if his future depended on it. Was he right? Did what happened that morning affect Seamus' future?
Chosen answer: Seeing as how Seamus is one of Marty's ancestors and something significant to Seamus' future DID happen that day (Marty didn't get killed), Seamus was definitely right.
Question: Does anyone know the approximate timeline of the movie? I noticed shortly after Tony kills Frank (I think it was the scene when he meets with his lawyer), he and Manny walk near a billboard advertising the "all-new 1984 Corvette". The '84 Corvette went into production in March 1983, so I don't want to call it a mistake in case it is factually correct.
Question: Why aren't the effects of Post-Runaway Bride historical episodes like "The Shakespeare Code", "Daleks in Manhatten" and "The Fires of Pompeii" shown?
Answer: They only have 45 minutes in any given episode, so they chose to limit the storyline to those events that the Doctor was directly involved in in the present day. We see that many of the events still unfold as before, just with less pleasant consequences - the Sontarans are still defeated, albeit at the cost of the Torchwood team, the hospital where Martha worked is still returned to Earth, but after everybody dies this time, after Sarah Jane Smith intervenes. Events shown in the historical episodes were presumably also resolved in some less effective manner, but well enough not to affect the present-day timeline to any great degree.
Question: Anybody think that Tim Roth's character aping his way up the inside of the stairwell may have been inspired from his appearance as a chimpanzee in the Tim Roth version of "Planet of the Apes?"
Answer: Very likely, as Roth trained with the same trainer as he did for Planet of the Apes.
Question: This pertains to the special 2-disk dvd that has the alternate ending. In the alternate ending, Neville and Anna are driving on a bridge in his SUV. Didn't all the bridges get destroyed 3 years ago? Seems like a mistake to me.
Answer: Since the scene was deleted from the film, it can't be considered a mistake. It's an extra feature on the DVD, not part of the film itself.
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Chosen answer: This means 70%, ie. for every dollar they are owed they will only recieve 70 cents.