Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What does the "hurt locker" mean?

Answer: It's a term similar to "a world of hurt". It's both outside of you and within you. The outside definition is that a hurt locker is anywhere you go to find pain. In the film's case, war-torn Iraq is the hurt locker. Inside, your hurt locker is the place you bury your anguish.


Question: Was miss Ganush alive when she first attacked Christine, or was that the first manifestation and torment of the Lamia? The attack and it's effects seem highly consistent with what happens to Christine later on, and the frail old lady is just too powerful and durable for someone who dies a day or two later.

Answer: Christine didn't get cursed until the end of that fight, so it could not have been the first attack from the Lamia.


Question: What was Deebo in jail for? I know at the beginning of the movie it shows a flashback with the police showing up after the fight, but why would they arrest him?


Chosen answer: It's not stated, but most likely after everyone witnessed someone finally standing up to Deebo that people gained the courage to testify against him. Most likely breaking and entering charges (as he did at Stanley's house) and assault.

Carl Missouri

Answer: I believe that Deebo was arrested for assaulting Felicia. Debbie (her sister) would've been a witness. The previous answer is also plausible. Theft, assault, menacing.

Question: How come a high tech ship would be unable to start its engine merely with the reason that the gate is unable to close?


Chosen answer: Its a safety device so the ship doesn't put to sea and ends up flooding the ship. The passenger ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized in the port of Zebrugge in 1987, precisely because the doors were not shut properly.


Season 1 generally

Question: I know when the series first aired on TV I saw a opening sequence where the cast hums the theme song from The Odd Couple, but when I watched my DVDs I never saw it. Am I wrong, or was it edited out for some reason?

Answer: It's Season 1 Episode 12 - The One with the Dozen Lasagnas. If it's not on your DVD, there may have been copyright issues with the song. Broadcast rights and DVD rights are separate deals so music is sometimes switched from TV/theatrical releases and DVD releases.


Question: Does anyone know of any technical problems that happened during the shooting of the film, and how they were overcome? If so how do you know about these problems?


Chosen answer: I own a copy of a book, "Behind the Mask of Spider-Man" . It details nearly every aspect of the making of the movie. It'd probably be hard to find in stores now, but websites that sell books may still have it. I know Amazon does.


Question: After Jack and Barbossa see the corpse of the Kraken, Sao Feng's ship arrives next to the Pearl and so does Beckett's. During the scenes that follow, everyone double-crosses everyone else. It moves so fast, I just don't understand what exactly happens. Could someone please explain it to me?

Answer: It's very complicated. Will led Jack and the crew to this island because he had a secret deal with Sao Feng (Jack Sparrow for the Black Pearl). However, Feng has betrayed Will by making another deal with Cutler Beckett, who then double-crosses Sao Feng. Feng then makes a deal with Barbossa to attack Beckett, but he wants Elizabeth as part of the deal, mistakenly believing she is the sea goddess, Calypso. Elizabeth goes with Feng to protect the crew, and Will is thrown into the brig. Jack, who wants Davy Jones' heart so he can become immortal, is taken to Beckett's ship, where he negotiates his own deal with Beckett to lead him to Shipwreck Island and the Brethren Court.


Question: In the scenes leading up to the shoot-out in the bar, the German Major says that the Captain just gave himself away. I am assuming that he is referring to the fact that the Captain held up three fingers when asking for only three glasses. I don't see how this is a give-away. Can someone please explain?


Chosen answer: It is explained shortly afterwards that a real German would hold up his thumb, index and middle fingers to indicate three. Since, the major already suspects the Captain of being a spy, holding up his index, middle and ring fingers to indicate three confirms this.


Question: In the scene where Beckett, Will, and Jones meet with Elizabeth, Jack, and Barbossa on the island, Elizabeth decides to exchange Will for Jack. Back on the Black Pearl, she tells Barbossa that they need to give Jack a chance. What does she mean by this? Also, why was Barbossa so eager to free Calypso, while Elizabeth and Will were so against it?


Chosen answer: She means for Barbossa to give Jack a chance to locate and retrieve Jones' key and chest aboard the Flying Dutchman. Barbossa is eager to free Calypso because she brought him back from the dead, and he owes her for that; also because only Calypso can keep Beckett from destroying every last pirate in the Caribbean. Elizabeth and Will weren't especially interested in whether or not Calypso was freed. They didn't invest their efforts into the plan because they had plans of their own which working to free Calypso interfered with.


Question: Just after Annie jumps into the lake it cuts to the next day and the girls are having a conversation with Hallie. What are they saying exactly? I can't seem to understand. Thanks for the help.


Chosen answer: Friend: I swear I heard your/her evil clone sneezing all the way across the mess hall this morning! Hallie: I am so tired. I'm going back into bed and sleeping till lunch. Friend (seeing beds on the roof): That does not seem like a possibility, babe. Hallie: Why not? Friend (pointing): That's why not.

Question: In the scene from the wedding why did Luca Brasi "not expect to be invited", considering he is such a loyal comrade of Godfather?


Chosen answer: Because Brasi was such a vicious killer that he terrified everyone. Even Don Corleone became nervous in Brasi's presence, although the Godfather was the only person who could control him. In the book, Brasi was so monstrous and inhumane that he killed a prostitute immediately after she bore his child, then forced the mid-wife who delivered the infant to throw it into a burning furnace while it was still alive. Terrified for her life, the woman went to Don Corleone for protection. He intervened, and kept Brasi out of prison, earning him Brasi's undying loyalty and service. Don Corleone invited Brasi to the wedding only as a courtesy, although he would have preferred not having him there. The Don is also a diplomatic person (eg, always preferring to reason first), so he would have seen inviting Brasi as a good diplomatic move - showing Brasi that the Don truly values him as a "friend" (you invite friends to weddings).


Show generally

Question: When Mick is narrating at one point, he says that having to feed off Beth would make his life unbearable. But later he was able to drink her blood without killing her or turning her into a vampire. If he was able to do that, what was so unbearable about having to feed off her?

Answer: I don't think he actually meant his life would be unbearable. I just think he meant that he wouldn't be able to live with himself, figuratively speaking, if he was to feed off the woman he loved. Expecially after spending 22 years protecting her from danger, he would be the one to cause her pain.


Chosen answer: (Extreme spoilers here.) They hear it because they're either Cylons or their destiny has been influenced by the Cylons. The notes are the coordinates to Earth.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Hawaii (a chain of islands consisting entirely of volcanoes) and Yellowstone (biggest caldera on earth) both erupt, thus throwing phenomenal amounts of ash etc. into the atmosphere creating what used to be described as a 'nuclear winter' effect. Large areas of the Earth's crust subside and or tilt and flip over, and what is left is scoured by countless tsunamis spreading in all and every direction. So here is both my question and observation. How come 27 days later, when the ships opened their sides, there were virtually clear skies and what appeared to be quite balmly temperatures? Furthermore as the world wide fires and volcanic activity would have eaten a considerable amount of the oxygen and the monstrous tidal waves would have scoured the land and washed away the rainforests, what exactly was producing the oxygen in the 'fresh air' they were being encouraged to breathe?

Answer: Even with large amounts of ash, the sky wouldn't necessarily be very dark. In 1816, there were five large eruptions. It caused a severe temperature drop and people didn't know why. the sky was the same. Even large fires wouldn't necessarily burn off large enough amounts of oxygen to make the atmosphere not breathable. Besides, 80% of all oxygen producing plant life is oceanic.


Answer: 1 year and 27 days later, not 27 days later, at least, that's what I assumed when rewatching it.

Answer: I just rewatched the movie after 10 years. And I think the last part was a symbol. A symbol that it was Africa rising. Also, as far as what was producing the oxygen, scientists tell us the biggest chunk of oxygen comes from, guest what, the oceans. Algae. When waves tumble, they release trapped oxygen into the atmosphere.

Question: I didn't quite get what happened at the end of the movie. Why exactly did Africa get pushed up so it would be safe from the tsunamis?

Answer: The continent of Africa was pushed up by the shifting tectonic plates.


Question: When Abbot is walking down the aisle at the wedding, everyone says "Good morrow Abbot", but one guys says "Hey Abbot!" and Abbot says "I hate that guy!" Is this a reference to something? I never got the joke.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The scene is an homage to the late, great comedy team, Abbott and Costello. Bud Abbott was the straight man and Lou Costello was the goofy laugh-getter. Part of their act was Costello getting frustrated trying to understand Abbott and yelling "hey Abbott" at him.


Question: While Dr. Spooner was driving alone in the tunnel, he requested access to restricted files between Dr. Lanning and Lawrence Robertson. When Robertson was informed of this he seemed appalled. Shortly, two NS-5 trucks came and boxed Spooner in. Did Lawerence activate those trucks?


Chosen answer: No, VIKI did. Robertson is merely annoyed that Spooner is continuing to delve into company business. VIKI is the one who's actually behind the whole plot and is concerned enough about Spooner's meddling to try to take him out.


Question: During the scene when the blue alien is singing at the opera, Leeloo begins her fight scene with the big aliens. She fights them one by one. Why don't the aliens simply shoot Leeloo? They all simply stand around as if they don't know what to do. One finally takes a couple shots at her and he quickly runs out of ammo. Three or more turn up and they too simply stand there as Leeloo winds up a punch for like five seconds while one big alien is standing right behind her watching the whole thing. This enitre scene never made any sense to me.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: As demonstrated several times throughout the movie, that particular species isn't particularly intelligent, that they didn't do the obvious thing that you mentioned further enhances their status as being quite stupid. They are also planting a bomb and need to remain quiet or risk alerting security.

Plus it's just a well sequenced and choreographed fight scene highlighting the uniquely artist and fun vibe of this movie. And maybe a small reference to the typical sitcom type shows from that era. Where it's always a group of enemies that seem to wait to take turns to fight the hero, or only in small groups, when they could easily swarm the them. This allows for a show casing of different knock out moves, which we all enjoy when done right.

Nikita Moon

Question: Exactly how plausible was the jump from the skyscraper that Terry and Lara did with their suits? With those very small "wings" or whatever the proper name for those yellow extensions is that were attached to their suits, in reality wouldn't they have plummeted to the ground instead of gliding away?

Answer: Very plausible. The suits exist - they are called glide suits or wingsuits and lots more info can be found with a quick Google search.


Chosen answer: Candace Cameron, the actress portraying DJ, was visiting family the week the episode was filmed.

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