Question: I still don't fully understand why W.C.K.D would entrap the kids in the maze. Is it because they were testing them for survival or something? And why was the girl the 'last one ever'?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: When Simms tells the 3 thugs they are dead, he screams at them "This ain't no funeral home. It ain't the terra dome neither." What is the terra dome? When I look it up online I only find a mention of an underground home, but I don't see what that has to do with Satan and Hell.
Chosen answer: The word he says is "terror dome". He is just referencing a Public Enemy song, "Welcome to the Terrordome".
Question: On Fred's first day of his new promotion, he says "I'm only one man, Barney." To which Barney responds."Not from the back" and they both laugh. Could someone please explain this gag to me. I have tried for years to understand it, with no luck.
Question: Where is Sam and why is he not in this movie?
Chosen answer: It's not explained where he is. The most likely assumption is that he is probably married to Carly living somewhere. He is not in the movie because it is mainly the choice of the writers to not have him in the movie.
Question: Although the seasons have been split over 6-7 years real time, how much time passed from first episode to last?
Chosen answer: Roughly 5 years. Abel is suppose to be 5 in season 7 and was born during the pilot. Most season cover just a few months with the the next season picking up where they left off, for example; season 1 covers 68 days and at the start of season 2, three weeks has past and it covers no more than 2 months, then season 3 picks up one day later. The big gap happens during the break between season 3 and 4. Season 4 starts 14 months later (when they finish their prison sentence). In season 7, each episode covers one day.
Question: In the scene where Jessica Rabbit performs, when she's interacting with different objects in the room, such as the cloth napkin on Mr. Acme's table (to polish his bald head) and Eddie Valliant's tie and coat, how did they accomplish that if Jessica was drawn on the film later (so I've been led to believe is the process with cartoon/reality movies). Did they actually have a stand-in/actress that they drew over?
Answer: According to the Disney Wiki ( : "During production, one of the biggest challenges faced by the makers of the film was how to get the cartoon characters to realistically interact with real on-set props. This was ultimately accomplished in two different ways. Certain props (such as Baby Herman's cigar or the plates Roger smashes over his head) were moved on-set via motion control machines hooked up to operator who would move the objects in exactly the desired manner. Then, in post, the character was simply drawn 'over' the machine. The other way of doing it was by using puppeteers. This is most seen in the scene in the Ink & Paint club. The glasses held by the octopus bartender were in fact being controlled by puppeteers from above, whilst the trays carried by the penguin waiters were on sticks being controlled from below - both the wires and the sticks were simply removed in post and the cartoons added in." While Jessica's performance model is credited as Betsy Brantley, it appears she was the basis for the animation, rather than actually being present on-set.
Question: This is more for the book than the movie, but how was Rue able to enter the arena with a "homemade" sling shot if no weapons could be taken in there?
Chosen answer: The tributes could not take anything in with them, but the arena is filled with different types of weapons and tools, if they can get them. Rue was clever and agile, and she could have found or stolen the slingshot or the tools with which to make one. Also, anyone, for a price, can send "gifts" into the arena to sponsor a favorite tribute.
Answer: In the book Rue never received any gifts she only grabbed a few things from the cornucopia so the slingshot must have been one of them.
Question: I'm surprised no one has asked this question. The whole tense moment during the final battle is someone making it safely down the trench to shoot the exhaust holes and destroy the death star. Besides dramatic effect why would they all start from so far away?
Answer: It's explicitly stated that the targeting computers will have difficulty targeting the small exhaust port. The long approach was to give the computers time to make their calculations as accurate as possible.
Chosen answer: The trench near the exhaust port is protected by laser cannon batteries. To come in below them, the trench run has to be started from a long distance away.
Question: Can't remember which episode, but when Celeste is put back into her body, she has a French accent and speaks French, but in previous episodes in the flashbacks she had a normal accent. Am I missing something?
Answer: She was in a different body.
Question: How is August 5th the day to take out the trash when July 5th was also?
Answer: The city may have fluctuating trash days. Or more likely, the July 5th schedule wasn't the regular pick up day due to the July 4th holiday.
Question: Twice in the film, Bumblebee is shown turning around and a close up of his license plate is show, reading 900 STRA. Is this a reference to anything?
Chosen answer: There is no reference. 900 STRA was just the number plate of the car he adapted from.
Question: When Prime leads the Dino bots into battle with the prototypes, how do the Dinobots know not to attack the Autobots or how to distinguish between them and the prototypes?
Chosen answer: Easy answer, the prototypes are shooting at them. It's easy to tell who the bad guys are.
Question: How exactly did Optimus wind up in a beat down theater in Texas? Didn't they say the ambush that he escaped from was in Chicago? If he was hit by the missile there, or wherever it was that he was hit, how did he get to that theater in the middle of Texas and some how wind up inside. It seemed by how he reacted when he was revived that he was still in the heat of it when he went unconscious from the attack, and didn't get to the theater after the fact to just fade away. So how?
Chosen answer: The battle that lead the government to hunting all transformers was in Chicago, but the incident that took Optimus out of commission was not. He'd been on the run for however long, even changing his appearance to avoid detection, when he was ambushed. Wounded, he snuck into the theater to hide before transforming one last time into vehicle form at which point he basically passed out, lost consciousness, or whatever it is robots call it when they involuntarily shut down (stasis). His aggressive reaction upon waking is simply down to his instinctive warrior reflexes immediately kicking in. All humans are a potential threat to him now, so he reacted accordingly in an instant.
Question: At one point Rita says she "had it and then lost it." How does she know she became mortal again? The only way Cage knows he's immortal is by dying and then waking up again.
Question: If Binx could talk the moment he became a cat, why didn't he talk to his dad?
Answer: Notice that Max, Dani and Allison can only understand Binx after Max lights the black flame candle. Max is fulfilling a centuries-old prophecy and therefore is becoming part of the same magic that was used to curse Binx. Binx does try to talk to his father right after the Sanderson sisters are hung, but it only comes out as meows.
Answer: Back in the 1600s in Salem, cats were considered to be servants of witches and were killed if caught. If Binx tried to talk to his dad, his dad would most likely believe that the cat was possessed by a demon and would have definitely killed him, not knowing that he had killed his own son.
But his dad couldn't have killed him because of the immortality curse.
Answer: It's never really explained and most likely a missing plot hole. Binx might have felt guilty for nor being able to rescue his sister.
Question: When the movie first came out, there was a whole different song playing near the end when Mark and Stacy see each other in the mall. In more recent years, "So In Love" is the song playing whenever this scene is shown. Why did the music change over the years? (I believe the song is different now in the swimming pool scene when Mike and Mark go into the pool from what I remember too). Anyone agree with this or have an explanation?
Answer: From what I can gather, "So Much in Love" by Timothy B. Schmit was in the original release of the film, but due to licensing rights issues, home video and cable TV versions of the film replaced this and two or three other tracks. For the 1999 DVD release, the rights seem to have been renewed and the soundtrack matches the original theatrical release.
Question: Why can't Jedi get married or have children?
Chosen answer: Because this leads to them being attached to someone. A Jedi is supposed to be selfless, put others before themselves, and act on the behalf of maintaining the order and balance of things. A Jedi must be willing to throw themselves in harm's way for the betterment of the galaxy and must act in a way not thinking of him or herself. If a Jedi is married and or has children, they suddenly will have other priorities. He or she may be reluctant to act in a dangerous situation in fear of death, and leaving behind loved ones. Or as is very likely the case, enemies of the Jedi getting a hold of the Jedi's family and using them against them.
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Chosen answer: Because the film is based on the book series, the exact purpose of why the boys were kept in the maze has not been fully explained yet other than it is an experiment. There has been a pandemic viral outbreak that the boys appeared to have somehow survived and now are being tested. Why the girl was the "last one" has also not been explained, though she and Thomas are somehow connected to those who are responsible for running the experiment. At the end, the woman scientist says that the experiment has been a success and Phase 2 is about to begin, so more answers will be revealed in the second film. To avoid giving away the entire plot, I suggest reading the book series synopsis on Wikipedia.
raywest ★