Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: Bond was carrying a distinctive steel briefcase belonging to Slate, the geologist/hitman he had just killed. Camille had presumably been told to look out for the briefcase when picking up the geologist (who was supposed to kill her).


Show generally

Question: In the movie, Mr. Krabs opens "The Krusty Krab 2" and looks like it's succeeding. But the episodes premiered after the movie came out don't show the restaurant. Did it go out of business?

Answer: SpongeBob creator Stephen Hillenburg said that the movie is set after all episodes of the TV series, even the ones that were made after the film was released, so Krusty Krab 2 hasn't opened in the TV show timeline.


Answer: Even if it did open during the TV series, we know that Mr. Krabs is extremely cheap and might have not wanted to pay taxes.

Question: I am having trouble finding this online. Although the 3 main characters are from the 4th movie with the same names, the main guy is upset that his uncle died, even though he tried to kill him and his friends in the prior movie. They all act like this is all new to them. My question is, does this follow the events from the prior movie and they are aware of those events, or is this just paying homage to the 1st and 2nd movie where Frank and Freddy were killed off but returned as different, although similar, characters?


Answer: This movie is actually off task like the fourth film. Both 4 and Rave to the grave feature zombies that are supposed to be indestructible like in the first three films, but are not indestructible and the only people aware of the chemical's nature are the main characters, police, and military from the first film and the main characters and military from the second and third films. So although the fourth and fifth installments in the franchise are sequels to the previous films, they aren't really connected with the three installments as the fourth installment takes place in the future and the fifth installment takes time somewhere between the third and fourth film and the chemical's effects are shown to have changed after the third film.


Question: How could Damien's mother be a jackal? That has always thrown me for a loop and I could never understand why they'd do that unless it was for entertainment purposes. I mean, I know it's Hollywood and all but that's just too far-fetched.


Chosen answer: The idea wasn't entirely Hollywood's. The antichrist is sometimes said to be "born of a jackal. " Jackals are mentioned in the Bible, and some interpretations consider them a symbol of something that is "not of God." In the movie, it means that the kid was scary as hell, literally.


Answer: It's Satan's twisted and macabre mockery of Jesus' virgin mother.


Question: What is the significance of Glenn Close and the color white? I noticed that her apartment is white and with the exception of one scene when she's wearing the black leather coat, she is always wearing white. Any thoughts on this?


Chosen answer: With questions such as this, one can either speculate, or one can go directly to the source. So, using IMDb, I looked up the names of the crew on "Fatal Attraction." The costume designer is listed as Ellen Mirojnick. The set decoration was the responsibility of George DeTittas, Sr. I found Ellen Mirojnick on Facebook (¬if_t=feed_comment), and posed the question to her. This was the reply she gave: " (I)n our process there is always a purpose for a palette to tell a story dramatically. I chose white for her character because white is powerful and although not essentially a "color" it reflects all other colors, which would in turn reflect where we were in the story. I thought through her silhouettes and use of shades of whites, it would reflect her mood and not give away the demon she kept hidden. WHITE is powerful... As she was!" I have not yet been able to track down Mr. DeTittas for comment. But I have posed the additional question to Ms. Mirojnick regarding whether the color palette motif was a decision shared by different departments on the film. Ms. Mironjnick added the following comments: "she wears white to discuise (sic) her darkness, that somehow is revealed in certain places.. white is all things combined .. it radiatesits (sic) the confusion as if she was in an asylum, but her own."

Michael Albert

Question: Why does Harvey Keitel hold up his hand as he is chasing after Thelma and Louise at the end of the movie? I always felt he did it to keep the officers from shooting at them, but a friend of mine was saying he simply did it to try to get their attention so they wouldn't drive off the cliff. Any other opinions?


Chosen answer: It's just as you said; he was telling the others to hold their fire. He had no idea that they were going to drive off the cliff; his reaction was evidence of this.


Question: Where exactly is Bilbo from? In the novels he's mentioned as coming from Hobbiton, Overhill and Underhill, Bag-end and the Shire.

Answer: Hobbiton is the village where Bilbo was born. Overhill is on the northern edge of Hobbiton and Underhill is at the bottom of said hill. Built into the hill itself is Bag End, the Baggins estate. The Shire is the name of the Hobbit lands overall. So, he's from the village of Hobbiton in The Shire, and his home is Bag End, which is in the midst of the hill that forms both Overhill and Underhill.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Other than serving the plot, why were so many elements of his former life left in the now-vacant home? All evidence of the former family would have been removed before showing it to prospective buyers.

Movie Nut

Answer: I'm watching it on the computer right now and it says "for sale" not sold, who says everything must be removed prior to selling? I'm not American so it may differ from country to country, but I've been to houses for sale during "inspection dates" and some houses STILL have items not removed probably because they are still living in them or still in the midst of alternate living options, some might need the money of the sale JUST so they can move remember his wife is a widow now and probably can't afford living there no more, where is she gonna get the money to move? Also not all houses I've seen had stuff removed (some did) during my house tours p.s Her husband was gunned down so she can't bare to remove anything yet, but her life is destroyed so she might as well put the house up for sale.


Chosen answer: There is no reason except that it is to serve the plot. Normally everything would have been removed by the time the house was put up for sale, but there needs to be some means for Murphy to connect to his past. This is achieved by showing physical objects from his former life to trigger his memory, creating sympathy for the character. This can be considered suspension of disbelief where the audience just accepts something is out of the ordinary for the sake of the story being told.


Question: When Robocop is resting, and dreaming of Boddicker, the monitoring needles, as well as Robocop violently jerking, create a lot of attention-getting noise. Other than possibly serving the plot, why do the techs on duty not notice any of this? Are they possibly that deaf or stupid?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: Some people who work at offices or labs and have little to no work to keep them busy will pretty much lose themselves in thought or conversation. So they would hear very little of anything outside of thought or conversation.

Question: I find it interesting that part of the final chase is against a modified truck on a set of rails. I saw no rails in the wide shots of Bartertown, and no exits for the the truck. So, where was the exit, why use a modified truck for power when it was never cranked, and how did the kid know to be prepared for the truck, or any rail traffic, at all?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The train tracks would have been covered by dirt for not being used for years. The truck was already cranked, as the engine was source for the generating power and lights. The exit was boarded up and the truck ripped through it. The kids were not prepared, but did observe what the adults were doing and could have been given instructions on what to do.

Show generally

Question: Not long after first meeting angels, it is established that they do not have genitals, or "junk" as Dean puts it. But in S06E10 Castiel gets an erection while watching porn and in S08E22, Castiel is required to kill a nephilim, the offspring of an angel and a human. If angels do not have genitals how are these two things possible?

Answer: Angels themselves may not have genitalia, but their vessels do. Nephilim occur when an angel in a vessel reproduces.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What happens to Pain and Panic after Hades is punched into the River Styx by Hercules?

Answer: They went on with their lives without Hades' abuse.


Question: What breed is the dog that pulls the woman villain through the bushes?

Answer: It appears to be a mixed breed of dog.

Answer: Leonberger.

Question: Does John not care about everyone's safety? I mean, he didn't even ask if Ian was OK and earlier, a guy was saying how John hated inspections because it slowed everything down so, was safety nothing to him? Yeah there was the fences and stuff, but it seems that the only thing he cares about is the attraction and its visitors.

Answer: Yes he cared deeply about safety but he was just so excited and wrapped up in getting the park online and making it as visitor friendly as possible that he lost track of it a bit. Plus he felt the park was already perfectly safe, and the inspections were stopping him letting visitors in.


Answer: A real-world example is Stockton Rush and the Titan submersible. He also shunned meticulous testing and inspections and was more excited about giving people the opportunity to visit the Titanic.

Question: In Godfather II, during the attempted murder of Pentagelli in the bar. One of the hit men tells Pentagelli "Michael Corleone says hello" as they begin to strangle him. Why? Mike didn't OK the hit on Pentagelli, did he? Roth and Mike's other enemies could not have known or timed the cop coming into the closed bar, resulting in Pentagelli surviving the attack and thinking Mike wanted him dead. So turning to the FBI and testifying and against Michael.


Answer: That hit was ordered by Roth, purposely designed to fail, and to leave Pentangelli believing that Michael double-crossed him. That way, Pentangelli would testify against Michael. The nerdy cop that "accidentally" interrupted the hit was part of the plot.

Chosen answer: The Rosato brothers hated Pentagelli, so why NOT lie to him? The revenge becomes all the sweeter if he dies thinking he's been betrayed.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Megatron was brought back through the body of Galvatron because his head was recovered, although Optimus Prime previously stated that Transformers' memories are stored in their Spark in their chest. Wouldn't this mean Megatron would not have any of his memories from before?

Answer: Optimus was being dramatic when he said it contained their memories. Transformers don't carry their memories in their spark any more than humans carry theirs in their soul.


Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

Question: Regarding that move Hawks does where he lifts his fingers and adjusts then in a different position in order to get the advantage and win, a) what is the significance of doing this (what exactly is he doing) and b) is this even legal in a real arm wrestling tournament?


Answer: It's a regrip to get leverage. Yes it's legal. The best arm wrestler in the world Devon Larratt does it with perfection. Usually works only in a strap match.

Question: Two people kiss Michael's ring in the final scene. Clemenza is one, who is the other?

Answer: First, Clemenza kisses Michael's ring, then Rocco Lampone. Al Neri is the one who closes the door, but he is not shown kissing the ring.


Question: Why couldn't the victims just gotten a few antidotes, or maybe even the one in the safe, and shared it to possibly last the full 3 hours until the doors opened before the gas killed them?

Answer: They had no idea how long they would last. They had to rely on Jigsaw's reputation and Amanda's directions as the only one to survive him.

Greg Dwyer

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