Question: Was the scene of a naked Wolverine arriving at the elderly couple's farmhouse supposed to be some kind of a reference to Superman? The couple seemed to resemble Ma and Pa Kent, the house and farm looked identical to the ones in the Superman films and Logan turning up naked seemed to mirror the fact that baby Clark was naked when he first arrived. So was it intentional?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What causes the explosion near the start which causes John Connor's helicopter to crash? I may be missing something, but they never seem to address it.
Chosen answer: It was a strike by Skynet on the attacked facility to try and deny the resistance information and anything useful.
Question: When Marcus goes to Skynet he is "analyzed" by the large machine, that recognizes him as being a machine as well, and then he is granted access. So why did the Terminator not recognize him as being a machine and try to shoot him earlier in the movie when he first reaches the city?
Answer: Couple of possibilities. The older model Terminator may simply not have had the sensors necessary to determine that Wright is a machine. Or, as the unwitting Wright is actually an infiltration unit, designed to work his way into the resistance, it may well be that the Terminator does recognise him as one of them, but has been programmed to attack anyway - after all, if he's not attacked by Skynet forces, despite standing in full view, it would look extremely suspicious and compromise his mission.
Question: Where exactly does Wolverine's Adamantium procedure take place? is it the same place we see in the second X-Men movie? because they both seem a little different.
Chosen answer: Its supposed to be the same place. Namely Alkili Lake, British Columbia, Canada. It's Stryker's base of operations for his Weapon X Program until Wolverine escapes and he is forced to shut down. He then moves to 3 mile Island to complete Weapon XI, where he keeps the rest of his captured Mutants. He obviously continues to use the Lake base off the record, likely changing and adapting the interior as time goes on, which would account for differences between Origins and X-Men 2.
Question: Was Bryce Dallas Howard actually pregnant when this film was made, or was she just wearing some kind of a cushion under her shirt? Just asking cause no one in the film seems to mention it.
Chosen answer: She wasn't pregnant, no. Her pregnancy, while unremarked upon in this film, will presumably assume greater significance in subsequent films.
Question: Could someone please explain to me exactly how the Millennium Falcon is being flown. It appears to swoop in such a way like someone is steering it, but no one on board seems to be doing much more than pressing the odd button here or there. And it can't be autopilot because it seems to be doing exactly what those on board want. So does anyone know?
Chosen answer: Han has the control board in front of him - he has everything he needs to fly the ship to hand. We never get a particularly good look at the console, so we don't know precisely what format the controls are presented in, but that's what he's using.
When You Hit Upon a Star - S4-E17
Question: In this episode, when Will (Will Smith) is in the limo with Michelle Michaels (Stacey Dash) there a bunch of people drinking champagne, so the question is: is the woman sitting next to Will's left Whoopi Goldberg doing an uncredited cameo? And if not, who's the actress?
Answer: No, it's not Whoopi Goldberg herself, just like that's not Prince or Ray Charles. The limo is filled with celebrity impersonators, but they're all uncredited and I could find out who played them.
Question: Doesn't anybody think that when the Star Wars movies were released, that the name of the enemy, Darth Vader, would get George McFly a little suspicious? After all, he had to have remembered the name of the spirit that "came down to him from planet Vulcan" since it is on the cover of his book at the end.
Answer: Suspicious of what? He never finds out Doc Brown has a time machine or that Marty affected his past. It might make him believe in some sort of "The truth is hiding in plain sight" conspiracy theory. Oh and BTW, he'd see Star Trek in 1966 (with the Vulcan reference) before he sees Star Wars.
Marty says that he is "Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan", and unless George doesn't remember "meeting him", he might think back to it and be like "wait a minute..." Regardless of when Star Trek and Star Wars would come out, a nerd like him would be able to put two-and-two together and see that they don't add up, unless he thinks that it's just a coincidence.
Answer: I think it was mostly as a shock to him waking up like that with loud noises right in his ear. Disoriented and confused and already being kind of a jittery and craven person he just did what he was told. Doesn't matter at that point how unalien the encounter actually was. I mean the music was guitars, Vulcan is a common word, the "alien" spoke plain english and i'll bet people from the 50's have seen an environmental suit before (basically a diving suit with a gasmask).
Answer: In a special "front page wrap" of USA Today for October 22, 2015, written by Michael Klastorin. The name of the alien is "Garth D'Vade." Obviously done as a joke, it does show that George may have not remembered the name and didn't associate it with Darth Vader, so there's nothing for him to be suspicious about. It's also possible he believes Darth Vader to be real and thinks Vader must have visited George Lucas.
Answer: Vulcan had long been used as the name of fictitious planets (when 19th century astronomers thought they'd discovered a planet closer to the sun than Mercury, they were going to name it 'Vulcan'). As for Vader, George wouldn't have heard the name again until more than 20 years after his 'dream, ' and either chalked it up to coincidence or misremembering what he heard.
Question: What was the point of this episode? The two main characters were bit parts in the episode prior at the swan station (I think it was the swan under the plane) and were never mentioned again. It seems like this episode was merely to make up the numbers.
Chosen answer: In an interview/podcast the writers admitted that they originally had grand plans for the two characters but decided against moving forward with them. This episode was to allow them to be "written out" of the show instead of just being ignored.
Question: When Edward, Rosalie and Carlisle are running in the forest to spread Bella's scent, when James decides to change course, how does Edward know? He says he can read the mind only at a certain distance, and Alice is in Phoenix. How then was Edward able to know the tracker's change of mind? It seemed as if he had been able to read his mind.
Question: Is Anne really a trouble maker?
Chosen answer: No more than any other adolescent. Anne Frank experienced a typical teen rebellious stage. She was close to her father, but her relationship with her mother, as with many girls, was strained, resulting in friction among the entire group. Also, being confined in such a small space with adults you are unrelated to and have little in common with while everyone's life is in constant danger created additional problems, causing her to, at times, to act out in frustration.
Question: Is it possible for someone to tell me, what was the music playing in the trailer? The one on this site I mean, from Trailier Addict. The song starts at :33 and I would really like to know what it is and if it's possible to get it somewhere.
Answer: The only listing of trailer music that I know of doesn't provide direct timecodes for when each track is used, but, looking at it, it seems likely to either be an unnamed piece composed specifically for the trailer by a group called "Brand X Music", in which case there's likely no chance of finding it, or a track entitled "Terms of Enchantment" by James Dooley. Dooley tends to write incidental pieces for use in trailers and so forth, which would probably make it very difficult to track down, although there have been collected albums of such tracks in the past. It may also be called "The World Waits" by Edmund Choi, from the soundtrack to the movie "The Dish".
Question: I am very curious as to how Ben, i.e. Tim, is able to donate his heart to Emily, who had a very rare blood type. I just find it unusual that Tim would have the same blood type as Emily. Also, how would Tim have known Emily's blood type?
Answer: In the course of the film it's revealed that Ben has done extensive homework and taken drastic steps to find the right person, i.e. a "righteous good person" to give them what he has left to offer. Therefore, he would have to find someone with his own rare blood type AND needed a heart...which he eventually did.
Question: Why isn't Darth Vader's and Obi-Wan Kenobi's duel aboard the Death Star as good as the lightsaber duels in Episodes 1, 2, & 3? Is there any reason?
Chosen answer: In reality terms, fight choreography was simply not as advanced in those days. From the story point of view, neither man is exactly at their prime any more. Vader is more machine than man and Kenobi is simply getting old and has not been practicing the Force regularly for nearly two decades. When the prequel trilogy was being put together, it was recognised that the story would be dealing with Jedi at the height of their abilities and thus the filmmakers developed a much more complex and detailed combat form for the Jedi characters to use.
Answer: They had to hold their lightsaber props at a certain angle for the specific effect. Because of this, they couldn't move their props like in later movies.
Question: Where on North America does Wall-e live? I can only tell from the shot of Earth zooming in that it is somewhere around the Virginia or North Carolina region.
Answer: We are never told for sure, but the city resembles the Manhattan island of New York City.
Question: Throughout the first season, Sylar has been shown to survive a number of deadly situations, from being shot at in "One Giant Leap" and "Distractions" to falling from a great height in "Homecoming." My question is, how could he survive all of these incidences when he hadn't yet absorbed Claire's ability of regeneration?
Chosen answer: Telekinesis. Stop or deflect the bullets, slow his fall so that he'll survive. Very useful power.
Both times he was shot, he didn't know it was coming so he couldn't have used telekinesis to stop the bullets.
Question: This goes along with the question someone submitted about Jedi reproducing. Isn't it also very likely that in a whole galaxy, there would be at least a few people born every year who are Force-sensitive, but aren't ever discovered by the Jedi? Couldn't the trait sometimes be passed down for a couple of generations before someone in the family is discovered by the Jedi? For example, it seems unlikely that either of Dooku's parents or Palpatine's parents were Jedi, since they both came from wealthy backgrounds.
Answer: Yes, extremely likely, particularly out on the Rim. There will always be people who either escape notice completely or, while recognised as being Force-sensitive, do not have the power level required to become a Jedi and thus would not be brought into the Order. In such cases, the Jedi would likely keep an eye on them, in case the trait manifested more strongly in any children who could then become Jedi.
Question: If you were on your seventh day and there was no TV in sight, would Samara still be able to kill you?
Answer: 2 of the 4 teens in the beginning died in a car crash, so it seems Samara can kill you without a TV present.
Answer: Most likely. We have no idea how far away she can be from the TV she spawns from, or if anybody who hasn't been cursed can even see her. Chances are, she would come out of the nearest TV, and stalk you over a great distance. As we see when she kills Naomi Watson's boyfriend, she can practically teleport, and who knows if her power is limited only to TVs.
Answer: Yes, she'd find a way. In some of the original "Ring" franchise media, Sadako (the inspiration for Samara in the remake) can come out of other surfaces, so it'd be logical to assume that Samara would be able to do the same thing. (Or have another method of getting people who have been cursed).
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Chosen answer: There is nothing that the filmakers have said to indicate that this is a reference to Superman. In addition, since this is a Marvel comic, and Superman was was/is a DC comic, it's unlikely.
wizard_of_gore ★